Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-06T18:49:42-04:00
That makes sense, I looked at a questionnaire for people interested in opening a franchise (boo, only markets available in 5 states right now!), and one of the options for something was "[something] Oil Partner" or something like that.
And dang it, I don't have a few million on-hand to open one up here, and even if I did, I don't live in like one of 5 northeastern areas they're placing them in. Think I'm charismatic enough to convince them to open just one in the heart of the country? It could be just off campus, so a good college crowd, and we could work with the university to partner with a Canadian study-abroad program and have extra funding from them!
Man, this whole plan is falling into place! Other than my total lack of funds and nobody here probably even having heard of Tim's, it can't fail! ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-07T09:11:52-04:00
Morning Kittens! (5 more work days!)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-07T09:12:50-04:00
@Zem, Canadians love an underdog! You should see if you can raise the funds, I'm sure Timmies would work with you! ;)
Lord Zombitten 2017-07-07T11:02:51-04:00
Morning, all! The scans were great yesterday. The doc agrees that I'm allergic to Temodar (the chemo pills), and to keep that in mind if I ever have to take it again. He said that it's unusual for it to take this long for the allergy to manifest, but pointed out that the good news is I'm done until I relapse. So, NO MORE CHEMO!!! WOOOOHOOOOO!!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-07T11:13:30-04:00
@LZ, that is such great news! I can't tell you how happy I am for you! Show that sumbiatch cancer who's boss! Also glad that they figured out it was the chemo pills, the more you know! I hope that you can have some stability now for a long time, you deserve it bro! You and the fam should totally be celebrating tonight!
Lord Zombitten 2017-07-07T11:18:02-04:00
We will be. I can't tell you how relieved I am right now.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-07T11:23:32-04:00
@LZ, I can only imagine. You've been through my worst nightmare, and come out like a champ! My father's mom died when he was five from brain cancer. When my father passed away they found a brain tumor in him too. So the odds of it happening to me are pretty high. I applaud your courage and your fortitude! You are an inspiration, and I couldn't be prouder of how you've dealt with all of this! Again, good sir, kudos!
Lord Zombitten 2017-07-07T15:08:55-04:00
Thanks, BaKhan. I hope you don't have to endure this. If you're concerned about the possibility and have migraines, it could be worth it to get an MRI. Early detection is best with any kind of neoplasm.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-07T16:02:19-04:00
@LZ, thanks man, I actually don't suffer from migraines (once in a blue moon, but not even once a year), so I'm just playing it cool. My doctor (and my wife) are both aware of my family history so I'm sure that if I was experiencing something concerning they would both be all over me to get it looked into. I hope you have a great weekend!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-07T17:20:04-04:00
LZ, that's the best news I've heard all day! The only other news I've heard being that I start detasseling sunday, which is sort of mixed because it's so hard, but pays so well, so you didn't have much competition, I guess.
Either way, it's so great that the allergy didn't appear/manifest until the very end! Just think of it as one more thing to be relieved about getting rid of now! No more reaction, chemo, or cancer in the near or even hopefully far future! We all knew you'd make it through no problem! I think you scared it off for a good long time now.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-08T23:19:08-04:00
And so it begins. The whole next month is waking up at midnight, going up there at 4, working until noon-4pm, then coming back and going to sleep. Woohoo. Everyone else's lives just got cooler and way less stressful, and then I start this. ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-10T06:29:18-04:00
Morning kittens.
@BaKhan: It's now 2 and a half months until Halloween which falls on a Tuesday this year. What day are you having the Halloween party? I'm going to try to purchase my airline ticket earlier this year so that I can get a good deal.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-10T09:19:31-04:00
Morning Kittens! Thusly begins the end of my tenure at this job! Last monday yo! ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-10T09:21:37-04:00
@Geist, squeee! I'm so excited that you're coming back this year! Misty is going to be super stoked as well! We are having the party on the 28th of October, we always like to have it the Saturday before if we can. Good luck with the tickets! Did I mention that I'm super excited!?!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-10T09:44:55-04:00
@BaKhan: Congrats dude! You must be so excited. I hope they throw you a good bye party.
How about I arrive on the 26th and leave the 30th? I have plenty of vacation time and I could help with the food and decorating.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-10T09:56:02-04:00
@Geist, those dates sound great, and I could certainly use the help! I've done it all by myself a couple of times, and been so burnt out I couldn't even enjoy the party! Plus getting to hang with you is always pretty awesome! ;)
As per work throwing me a party, I highly doubt it. Just found out the boss of my dept decided to take today off, as he wants another day off while I'm still here to cover for him. I get it, but damn, I didn't want this hard today! :(
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-10T10:10:19-04:00
Wow BaKhan. That wasn't very nice of him. Kinda petty IMO. Like he was trying to get you back for leaving the company. Ah well, reality will hit him when you are finally gone from there. May he be saddled with 3 times the amount of work.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-10T10:26:40-04:00
@Geist, thanks! ;) He's a funny little man, meh, won't be my problem for much longer. I actually wish them all well, most of my co-workers are pretty good people.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-10T10:31:01-04:00
@BaKhan: I also wanted to ask you, would we have time to go to the other city? Drumheller, I think it was called?
I'll also be shopping around for some treats to put in the goodie bags this year. This should help you guys out if you get more kiddies than normal stopping by.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-10T10:40:07-04:00
@Geist, we'll make some time! Drumheller is definitely worth the drive. Its about and hour and a half away, and there are lots of things to see. It isn't as cool in the fall, but seeing the hoodoos and the Tyrell Museum is well worth it!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-10T11:08:11-04:00
Woohoo! I can't wait to see Pumpkin again. And eat some Bacon Maple Brittle. >.> Not that I'm putting in a request, mind you.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-10T11:42:57-04:00
@Geist lol! Well Pumpkin is still hanging in there, crabby as ever, in fact she recently had a name change to Crabby Pants McGee... ;) From me anyways... ;) MBB is definitely on the menu! I'll make an extra batch for you take home with you as well. Still have to find more maple sugar actually... Most of the stuff I can find for cheap is from Vermont of all places... Really? Really? ;) But I'll get it sorted!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-10T11:54:56-04:00
Haha, I know a maple-sugar farmer from Vermont! Hey, we can't let you neighbors-to-the-north get too powerful on a monopoly, can we? ;)
Man, though, you guys are really making me want to go up there! I really wish it'd worked out for me last year, but I think it's even less likely this year. Oh well, looks like you're just going to have to have enough fun for all of us again, Geist!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-10T12:15:36-04:00
@Zem, yeah, America letting Canada having a monopoly on anything? ;) I think the only thing we're leading you guys in is clubbing baby seals... (which isn't a thing by the way!). ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-10T12:16:21-04:00
@Zem, also, I'd love to have you up sometime! Too bad it doesn't look good for you this year, but hey, we're not going anywhere! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-10T12:34:01-04:00
@BaKhan: are you and Misty still planning on coming to the U.S. visit the California Disney? I still wanna tag along with you guys when you do.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-10T12:52:29-04:00
@Geist, we sure are! We were going to go next year, but our friend Mike who would be coming with as well, can't make it, so more likely it will be in 2019 mid/end of September ish. We are probably going to go to Walt Disney World next year though... we haven't fully decided yet. I'll keep you appraised! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-10T13:16:26-04:00
@BaKhan: Awwww. I was looking forward to having fun in California with you guys.
Next year, I hope to celebrate my half century birthday in Romania. Specifically, Transylvania. I even got a expat Romanian who will give me tips on where to stay, eat and what to look out for. I'm sooooo looking forward to that.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-10T14:08:54-04:00
@Geist, that sounds amazing! My wife family originates from there somewhere (amongst many other places...). Are you going by yourself? That sounds crazy, but if I know anyone up for that kind of thing, it would be you! Did you see that a couple of years ago Vlad's castle was actually up for sale? I think they only wanted around 17 mil if I remember correctly.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-10T14:21:35-04:00
@BaKhan: I knew there was a reason why I liked Misty! She has vampire blood running through her veins!
Yep, I'll be going all by my little self. No one else I know wants to go and (truth be told) I'd rather do it alone. Don't get me wrong, I plan on meeting new people and starting new friendships but I don't want to be weighed down by someone tagging along with me. This way I can sight see at my leisure.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-10T14:39:42-04:00
Quitting time! I'm off to get my feet and hands nice & pretty. See you guys tomorrow!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-10T15:01:17-04:00
@Geist, good for you! Go be pampered and have some fun! ;)
Lord Zombitten 2017-07-10T16:43:22-04:00
Holy crap! It's already almost 2:45! Where has the day gone?!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-10T17:34:53-04:00
@LZ, not fast enough for me... ;) Hope you had a great weekend brother!
Lord Zombitten 2017-07-10T18:18:39-04:00
I did. The ceiling in my bedroom is nearly complete (it caved in when the hose bib sprang a leak earlier this year). I also enjoyed an old-fashioned LAN party on Saturday.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-11T07:10:57-04:00
Morning kittens.
@BaKhan: I found a flight that would put in in Calagary at 11:30 in the morning. It's on Air Canada and it's a really good deal. The sale ends today so I'm thinking of buying the ticket.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-11T08:03:09-04:00
BaKhan: I found a flight deal but the flight coming back is at midnight. Would dropping me off at the airport at 8 pm be too late for you?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-11T09:14:39-04:00
Morning kittens! Last Tuesday at my current job! Whoot!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-11T09:16:09-04:00
@LZ, sounds good! Does it actually get cold enough to freeze in Utah? I didn't realize that... its the most common reason for a hose bib to fail. What the heck is a LAN party?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-11T09:19:17-04:00
@Geist, both of those times sound very doable! No worries on either one! It'll be here before we know it! ;) And I've got so much to do before then! Misty's bday celebration is next weekend, so I'll be needing to make some treats for that, my sister in laws wedding is in August and I'm doing their wedding cake and dj'ing their reception (that last parts easy, as I have all the music!). ;) Theres not enough time! ;) or maybe I just volunteer for too much stuff?
Lord Zombitten 2017-07-11T09:43:07-04:00
BaKhan, it does, indeed. This last winter, we had days when the high was about 20 degrees Fahrenheit.
LAN stands for Local Area Network. A bunch of us got together to play multiplayer computer games on my network at home.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-11T09:56:46-04:00
@BaKhan: Yippiee! I will purchase the tickets today then. I can't wait to see you all again.
I think you should take a two hour martini lunch since this is your last day. Make sure all of your customers know that you won't be there after today. Maybe some of them will take you out to dinner to celebrate.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-11T10:01:41-04:00
@Geist, we can't wait either! Oh, and its my last tuesday, not my last day, last day is Friday... but its getting closer!!! ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-11T11:07:58-04:00
@LZ, oh duh, I guess I should have known that... ;) We used to play Starcraft that way pretty regularly back in the day. ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-11T11:41:11-04:00
@BaKhan: Tell Misty I said "Happy Birthday!"
Btw, do you need for me to look for food coloring here in the states? I seem to remember you wanted to paint the cookies a certain color but some of those colors are hard to find. I could look for them and bring them with me to Calgary.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-11T12:29:26-04:00
@Geist, the hardest to find for me is red and black food color paste, not liquid. Its made by Wilton. But any other brand of color paste would work as well. The main reason I have problems finding it, is I wait too late and its sold out... ;) That would be super awesome, thank you!!! And I'll pass the b-day wishes along to my wife.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-11T12:59:39-04:00
@BaKhan: I can usually find Wilton products in the craft stores around my area. I'll be on the look out and send them to you. :-)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-11T14:55:53-04:00
@Geist, have I ever told you that you are the best? If not, I should have, and You're the best!!!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-11T15:18:51-04:00
@BaKhan: Awwww. Thank you. I can't thank you and your wife enough for hosting me when I visit. Meeting your friends, enjoying good food, kitty alarm clocks (lol), I have so much fun when I visit.
We need to play that Zombie game when I'm there next time. I'll bring some games I have like Fluxx and Secret Hitler.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-11T15:23:38-04:00
@Geist, We can definitely play some Zombicide, I've actually finished painting everything for that game now, including the doors! ;) I put the eyes on all the heros a couple of weeks ago when I got my magnifying glasses, now they look proper! ;) I've always wanted to try Fluxx and I I'd like to see what all the hype about secret Hitler is about as well!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-11T15:51:37-04:00
Airplane ticket purchased. Kitty Con 2 is officially ON!
I'll be coming in on Air Canada and my plane will land around 11:30 am. It will probably take me 20 to 30 minutes to get through customs though.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-11T16:13:21-04:00
Woo! So exciting, Geist!
Man, I love some LAN games. Actually, my brothers and I still sometimes play the original Age of Empires together! Though I couldn't get them all to do it this time we were all together somehow, unfortunately.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-11T16:51:40-04:00
@Geist, one of the things that I found this year, is that they've streamlined the processes at the airports, much much faster now! You still have to walk a hundred million miles to get to customs... but when you get there you just scan your decleration card, have a two second chat with the offical, and you're off to get your luggage! We'll be waiting for you! ;)
Lord Zombitten 2017-07-11T17:42:37-04:00
Zombicide, Secret Hitler, and Fluxx are all great games! Even my dad likes Secret Hitler, and he hates games because they're "too complicated." He would not do well with Zombicide.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-12T03:05:31-04:00
I keep hearing Fluxx is amazing, but I've never played it because whenever I'm around the game, we don't have a group large enough to play it. Secret Hitler has always looked really fun, though. Dang, if I were coming, I could bring my The Contender! Now THAT'S a party game!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-12T06:40:07-04:00
Morning kittens!
@BaKhan: I can also bring some candy so that you don't have to shoulder that all by yourselves. I'll also start hunting around the dollar stores to see if I can get little toys to put in the goodie bags too.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-12T09:10:57-04:00
Morning kittens! Last Wednesday!!! Two more days! Two more days!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-12T09:13:17-04:00
@Geist, anything you would like to do to help, would be greatly appreciated, but please don't feel obligated. You know how Misty is, she probably already has a ton of stuff! ;p Honestly, just bring your awesome self and don't worry too much about other stuff, unless of course you want to, and in that case, feel free! ;) We're just excited you're coming back!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-12T09:32:09-04:00
@BaKhan: I'm so happy for you. You know what you should do? On your very last day, take a 3 hour lunch. What are they going to do? Fire you?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-12T09:44:40-04:00
@Geist, my plan is, come back from lunch, pack up what I'm taking, and pretty much go. If they don't like it, they can pretty much eat a whole bag of stinky donkey genitalia... ;p
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-12T09:52:59-04:00
Good for you! Your last day really should be spent tying up lose ends, saying good bye and taking it easy. If they try to dump some work on you, tell them to piss off.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-12T12:35:18-04:00
@Geist yep, thats about the size of it. ;) Funny thing just happened. My boss came in and told me he didn't want me starting any new projects (like I planned on that anyways) and then in the same breath, said he had one more for me, if I had time. Funny thing, I don't think I'll have anytime for it... >.>
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-12T12:44:15-04:00
@BaKhan: Even if you did have time, tell him "no". Let him give it to someone else. Take it easy these last few days and think about the new adventure you are going into. Man, I wish I were entering into a new job. At least one that I like and that pays more.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-12T14:33:45-04:00
@Geist, yeah, its not looking good, I doubt I'll have any "extra" time... ;)
Well...that has been a...week. Still two days to go, but oh so close to the weekend.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-13T04:55:55-04:00
Is it not going as well as for you as for BaKhan, GM? I mean, that's expected, but also too bad. Just two more days then!
For me, at least my first week of detasseling isn't actually sizing up to be so terrible. Unfortunately, though, I don't get weekends, and my free time is normally midnight-4am, so I'm alone the whole time. But, we get today off!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-13T07:32:47-04:00
Morning kittens. It's almost the weekend and we are currently suffering nearly 100 degree heat and humidity that makes breathing seem like a fish in water.
It's probably only 40 degrees in Canada. ;-)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-13T08:57:19-04:00
Now imagine doing that for 6+ hours while walking through cornfields with deep ruts in the rows and water only at the end of every round. That's my life for a few weeks, but it's not so bad once you get used to it. You get used to it after only... oh, 6 or 7 years. ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-13T09:18:13-04:00
Morning kittens! Last Thursday!!! One more day, get up, one more day, get up!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-13T09:24:52-04:00
@Zem, well I hope you find a rythym that works for you! When I was your age, I was staying up till 4am on the regular, and sleeping till noon... ah the good old days! ;) As much fun as I had back in the hoodrat days, I'm not sad about where I am now. I remember thinking, how the heck did I get to be 25? Now here I am, almost 43... the times they sure do move on. As much as the conditions are less than ideal, I guarantee that you'll look back on these times, simpler times, with fondness. ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-13T09:27:33-04:00
@Geist, we are getting up to 86 today here, and because of how dry it is, they are actually issuing heat warnings. Most homes in Calgary don't have A/C because, quite frankly we don't really need it, so the old and the young are at risk on days like today. Fortunately we do have A/C as my wife has a very low heat tollerance. I swear I was born in the wrong country. I should have been born in the Caribbean! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-13T09:37:46-04:00
I probably will, BaKhan. And laugh. Laugh at myself for having to have gone through it, but hey, it does pay well!
Also, if it weren't for this, I"d also be up till about 4 am and sleeping till at least noon as well. I think that's what makes this the best time of life, really. ;)
Wait, because it's dry, you have a heat warning? There's no difference in the heat index, then, which makes it perfectly liveable. Dry heat, like in deserts, is so comfortable to me, even up to over 120 degrees! (we were in Nevada in 126, and it felt nicer than here in 96!)
I also looked at your weather and saw you'll be getting up to 90 degrees soon! That's exciting! But, that's with like 20% humidity. Next week, right when I'll be getting really busy and be doing way more, it'll be up to 97 or so, with up to 40% humidity. That's about when it starts getting dangerous, not to mention the fields hold on to humidity, so it's even worse in them! Can't wait! Trade you?
I swear one time we worked in a heat index of about 115 and they didn't tell us to go home even though they say they do at 110 index!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-13T10:04:56-04:00
@Zem, Its not because its dry that we have the warning, its just because its hot. Remember this is Canada, home of the frozen tush... ;) Most folks here start whining when it gets into the mid 70's. The way I see it, you should only complain about one extreme, either hot or cold, but not both. Complaining about both makes one a douche... ;) Honestly humidity has never bothered me. When I was 13 we moved to Ontario, which is very humid with the lake effect and whatnot. It didn't bother me in the slightest. It actually was quite nice, I have very dry skin, and when I visit humid places, it actually heals, and I breath better, etc. The dry isn't all its cracked up to be... ;) Maybe its just another case of wanting what we can't have... ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-13T10:20:02-04:00
I was going to say you mentioned the other day that most people there hate the cold. If you hate the cold, you can't worry when it's just warm. I guess everyone everywhere complains about both, making most people douches when it comes to weather preferences. At least you and I know we could switch places and both be perfectly happy! ;)
Well, except that Nebraska gets cold sometimes, but after Canada, you'd be perfectly happy 2/3 the year here. Or, maybe you and my dad could retire to some island together, he's the same way, so it doesn't always work with my mom and I here both wanting ACs to be on full-blast.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-13T10:22:24-04:00
Actually, I'm pretty sure my dad is going to be one of those old folks who, instead of a retirement home, will spend his latter years on cruises. They have the same services and actually cost about the same, but if you ask someone whether they'd like to spend years on cruises or in an old folk's home, I think you can be sure which one they'll say.
@Zem: It's always a week from hell when there is holiday pay involved because NOBODY asks if they are unsure of something, and just submit it however they think it should be. And due to how late a lot of paperwork/files/changes get to me, I don't normally look at the load files until close to 5pm when all the admins have already gone home for the night. I end up fixing them(as best as I can) and loading them. Then guys hand in time late, and people try to submit that, people constantly ask for reports and things, people don't take on what they said they would so I could focus on the payroll itself...all things compound into me being burnt out by the end of Monday.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-13T11:11:37-04:00
Oh yeah, I forgot you do contract work for hell. At least you can be sure you taught all of us how to properly deal with payroll and how to help anyone working on it!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-13T12:07:44-04:00
@BaKhan: then I'll have to be that douche because I can't deal with extreme weather. Winter is easier because I can layer on clothes but summer heat is a whole 'nother animal. Your clothes get all sticky and as a woman who has to wear a bra, it's like being wrapped in a straight jacket.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-13T12:58:10-04:00
Lol, I should have known that you guys would call me out on my "douche" comment... ;p Its all good, everyone experiences things differently for sure. ;) I just hate when its the first warm day of the year hear people whining "its too damn hot!" or the first day of winter same people, "its too damn cold!"... you guys know what I mean, right? Right? ;)
@BaKhan: I definitely know what you're talking about. I don't complain about it most of the time, even when it's really hot and I'm wearing my heavier jacket(the same leather one I wore to Banff when Geist was here last year).
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-13T13:30:21-04:00
@GM, yeah, I'm the same way. On tuesday I was wearing my heavy sweater because it was only getting up to 18 (66). I find its always easy to cool off, not so easy to warm up again. ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-13T13:38:16-04:00
I don't complain until the weather starts getting really icky. And even then, only in my hometown. When I went to Disney last year, it was 96 every day. I didn't complain a lick because I expect Florida to be this hot. Just gave me more of an excuse to hop into the stores to go window shopping.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-13T16:05:24-04:00
Hey, I wasn't calling you out, I find complaining about all weather to be really annoying. If the weather bothers people that much, I don't know why they don't move or something. Most people don't even have to deal with it much (except maybe icy roads) because they're inside buildings all day. Heck, I don't even really complain about summer heat from here until it's dangerously hot. Like 100 degrees and humid forecasted for next wednesday. I bet we'll go home early that day detasseling.
The most annoying thing is when those same people keep a room in the mid-80s. If you don't like it so warm, then why keep the room that same temperature? I hate sweating indoors, but apparently I'm alone in that.
Lord Zombitten 2017-07-13T16:52:35-04:00
I don't complain about the weather as much now as I did when I was a kid, but I can afford to keep my house in the low 70's year-round. When I was younger, though, and my parents were trying to raise five kids on about $40k/year, that luxury didn't exist. When your yearly temperature fluctuations are from a low of about -20 to a high of about 105, people get cranky. It didn't help that my brother insisted on keeping the bedroom window open in the middle of winter, either!
Lord Zombitten 2017-07-13T16:55:13-04:00
Ugh! I hate it when people drag me into IT-related conference calls and meetings. I mean, I understand that they're working on resolving ordering/resulting issues between us and a reference lab, but it really has nothing to do with me.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-13T16:57:06-04:00
I like your brother's style! Also, I know the pain of a super hot bedroom. When I moved to the attic, with very little insulation, it could sometimes even get hotter than outside! Trying to sleep in the upper 90s is a huge pain. Hopefully this new AC unit up there will help bigtime, and I'm trying to block the giant window which doesn't have a curtain so the sun doesn't help heat everything up too.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-14T07:38:39-04:00
Morning kittens. It's Friday. 'nuf said.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-14T09:19:10-04:00
Morning kittens! Last Friday, last day! Just over 17 years with this company, and now mere hours away from never being here another day. Feels very sureal. I've never worked at any job for anywhere near this kind of time. Its almost been like a dysfunctional second home! I'll miss some of the people, but I'll not miss all the bs and drama, thats for sure!
Lord Zombitten 2017-07-14T09:45:30-04:00
Happy last day to you!
Happy last day to you!
Happy lasy day, dear BaKhan!
Happy last day to you!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-14T10:10:09-04:00
@BaKhan: Wow. 17 years is a looooong time. The most I've worked at a company is 9 years back in 2000 and before that, I was at a law firm for 5 years. I'm so happy you are moving on to something better.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-14T10:23:36-04:00
Thanks guys! I've got all my stuff packed up. Drawers are empty. Passed along all my collected research and notes that I've taken over the last 12 years in this department to our junior guy. I told him, with this, even if I'm not here, I'm still here. Its been great, been getting lots of hugs! ;) I am so super excited to move on to the next thing, but I'll enjoy today for what it is. One last hurrah, and then I'm out!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-14T10:33:38-04:00
@BaKhan: about that 3 hour lunch you should be taking since it's your last day.....
@Geist, lol, I don't know about a three hour lunch, but I am going for lunch with some of my co-workers, and when I get back, saying my goodbyes. I've got a lot to do in a short amount of time. I have to bake a cake, come up with a dinner idea, and some other sundry baking cookies, etc. for Misty's b-day party tomorrow! There is never enough time! ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-14T10:46:42-04:00
@GM, thanks bro!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-07-14T12:45:58-04:00
In a sign that the end is near, McDonald's has a Kale and Sriracha sauce burger now.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-07-14T16:25:26-04:00
So I'm home now. That was bitter sweet. I'll spend the rest of today mentally saying good bye, then tomorrow I can move on / back to being excited for the new job. The closest thing I could compare this to is a break up.
Have a great weekend kittens! I'll report back in on Monday when I get the chance!
Have a good weekend BaKhan. Hopefully I'm not stuck here dealing with people not bothering to hand their timesheets in on time for much longer. -.-
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-07-14T17:12:17-04:00
Wow, it's friday already? Dang, you really don't keep track of the days sometimes.
Confreakingrats, BaKhan!!! This is a huge step, and hopefully it'll land you so far forward in life... dang, I ran out of analogy. You get the point. Happy last day to you!
Also, today was kind of funny. Halfway through the field on one round, something started biting my leg. I turn around, and there's this medium-sized, adorable brown dog! I pet it for awhile (man, it really liked playful biting!) and then ran with it out of the field. There were two of them and they caused some excitement today!
Lord Zombitten 2017-07-14T17:50:15-04:00
Why don't people understand boundaries and professionalism anymore?
That makes sense, I looked at a questionnaire for people interested in opening a franchise (boo, only markets available in 5 states right now!), and one of the options for something was "[something] Oil Partner" or something like that.
And dang it, I don't have a few million on-hand to open one up here, and even if I did, I don't live in like one of 5 northeastern areas they're placing them in. Think I'm charismatic enough to convince them to open just one in the heart of the country? It could be just off campus, so a good college crowd, and we could work with the university to partner with a Canadian study-abroad program and have extra funding from them!
Man, this whole plan is falling into place! Other than my total lack of funds and nobody here probably even having heard of Tim's, it can't fail! ;)
Morning Kittens! (5 more work days!)
@Zem, Canadians love an underdog! You should see if you can raise the funds, I'm sure Timmies would work with you! ;)
Morning, all! The scans were great yesterday. The doc agrees that I'm allergic to Temodar (the chemo pills), and to keep that in mind if I ever have to take it again. He said that it's unusual for it to take this long for the allergy to manifest, but pointed out that the good news is I'm done until I relapse. So, NO MORE CHEMO!!! WOOOOHOOOOO!!
@LZ, that is such great news! I can't tell you how happy I am for you! Show that sumbiatch cancer who's boss! Also glad that they figured out it was the chemo pills, the more you know! I hope that you can have some stability now for a long time, you deserve it bro! You and the fam should totally be celebrating tonight!
We will be. I can't tell you how relieved I am right now.
@LZ, I can only imagine. You've been through my worst nightmare, and come out like a champ! My father's mom died when he was five from brain cancer. When my father passed away they found a brain tumor in him too. So the odds of it happening to me are pretty high. I applaud your courage and your fortitude! You are an inspiration, and I couldn't be prouder of how you've dealt with all of this! Again, good sir, kudos!
Thanks, BaKhan. I hope you don't have to endure this. If you're concerned about the possibility and have migraines, it could be worth it to get an MRI. Early detection is best with any kind of neoplasm.
@LZ, thanks man, I actually don't suffer from migraines (once in a blue moon, but not even once a year), so I'm just playing it cool. My doctor (and my wife) are both aware of my family history so I'm sure that if I was experiencing something concerning they would both be all over me to get it looked into. I hope you have a great weekend!
LZ, that's the best news I've heard all day! The only other news I've heard being that I start detasseling sunday, which is sort of mixed because it's so hard, but pays so well, so you didn't have much competition, I guess.
Either way, it's so great that the allergy didn't appear/manifest until the very end! Just think of it as one more thing to be relieved about getting rid of now! No more reaction, chemo, or cancer in the near or even hopefully far future! We all knew you'd make it through no problem! I think you scared it off for a good long time now.
And so it begins. The whole next month is waking up at midnight, going up there at 4, working until noon-4pm, then coming back and going to sleep. Woohoo. Everyone else's lives just got cooler and way less stressful, and then I start this. ;)
Morning kittens.
@BaKhan: It's now 2 and a half months until Halloween which falls on a Tuesday this year. What day are you having the Halloween party? I'm going to try to purchase my airline ticket earlier this year so that I can get a good deal.
Morning Kittens! Thusly begins the end of my tenure at this job! Last monday yo! ;)
@Geist, squeee! I'm so excited that you're coming back this year! Misty is going to be super stoked as well! We are having the party on the 28th of October, we always like to have it the Saturday before if we can. Good luck with the tickets! Did I mention that I'm super excited!?!
@BaKhan: Congrats dude! You must be so excited. I hope they throw you a good bye party.
How about I arrive on the 26th and leave the 30th? I have plenty of vacation time and I could help with the food and decorating.
@Geist, those dates sound great, and I could certainly use the help! I've done it all by myself a couple of times, and been so burnt out I couldn't even enjoy the party! Plus getting to hang with you is always pretty awesome! ;)
As per work throwing me a party, I highly doubt it. Just found out the boss of my dept decided to take today off, as he wants another day off while I'm still here to cover for him. I get it, but damn, I didn't want this hard today! :(
Wow BaKhan. That wasn't very nice of him. Kinda petty IMO. Like he was trying to get you back for leaving the company. Ah well, reality will hit him when you are finally gone from there. May he be saddled with 3 times the amount of work.
@Geist, thanks! ;) He's a funny little man, meh, won't be my problem for much longer. I actually wish them all well, most of my co-workers are pretty good people.
@BaKhan: I also wanted to ask you, would we have time to go to the other city? Drumheller, I think it was called?
I'll also be shopping around for some treats to put in the goodie bags this year. This should help you guys out if you get more kiddies than normal stopping by.
@Geist, we'll make some time! Drumheller is definitely worth the drive. Its about and hour and a half away, and there are lots of things to see. It isn't as cool in the fall, but seeing the hoodoos and the Tyrell Museum is well worth it!
Woohoo! I can't wait to see Pumpkin again. And eat some Bacon Maple Brittle. >.> Not that I'm putting in a request, mind you.
@Geist lol! Well Pumpkin is still hanging in there, crabby as ever, in fact she recently had a name change to Crabby Pants McGee... ;) From me anyways... ;) MBB is definitely on the menu! I'll make an extra batch for you take home with you as well. Still have to find more maple sugar actually... Most of the stuff I can find for cheap is from Vermont of all places... Really? Really? ;) But I'll get it sorted!
Haha, I know a maple-sugar farmer from Vermont! Hey, we can't let you neighbors-to-the-north get too powerful on a monopoly, can we? ;)
Man, though, you guys are really making me want to go up there! I really wish it'd worked out for me last year, but I think it's even less likely this year. Oh well, looks like you're just going to have to have enough fun for all of us again, Geist!
@Zem, yeah, America letting Canada having a monopoly on anything? ;) I think the only thing we're leading you guys in is clubbing baby seals... (which isn't a thing by the way!). ;)
@Zem, also, I'd love to have you up sometime! Too bad it doesn't look good for you this year, but hey, we're not going anywhere! ;)
@BaKhan: are you and Misty still planning on coming to the U.S. visit the California Disney? I still wanna tag along with you guys when you do.
@Geist, we sure are! We were going to go next year, but our friend Mike who would be coming with as well, can't make it, so more likely it will be in 2019 mid/end of September ish. We are probably going to go to Walt Disney World next year though... we haven't fully decided yet. I'll keep you appraised! ;)
@BaKhan: Awwww. I was looking forward to having fun in California with you guys.
Next year, I hope to celebrate my half century birthday in Romania. Specifically, Transylvania. I even got a expat Romanian who will give me tips on where to stay, eat and what to look out for. I'm sooooo looking forward to that.
@Geist, that sounds amazing! My wife family originates from there somewhere (amongst many other places...). Are you going by yourself? That sounds crazy, but if I know anyone up for that kind of thing, it would be you! Did you see that a couple of years ago Vlad's castle was actually up for sale? I think they only wanted around 17 mil if I remember correctly.
@BaKhan: I knew there was a reason why I liked Misty! She has vampire blood running through her veins!
Yep, I'll be going all by my little self. No one else I know wants to go and (truth be told) I'd rather do it alone. Don't get me wrong, I plan on meeting new people and starting new friendships but I don't want to be weighed down by someone tagging along with me. This way I can sight see at my leisure.
Quitting time! I'm off to get my feet and hands nice & pretty. See you guys tomorrow!
@Geist, good for you! Go be pampered and have some fun! ;)
Holy crap! It's already almost 2:45! Where has the day gone?!
@LZ, not fast enough for me... ;) Hope you had a great weekend brother!
I did. The ceiling in my bedroom is nearly complete (it caved in when the hose bib sprang a leak earlier this year). I also enjoyed an old-fashioned LAN party on Saturday.
Morning kittens.
@BaKhan: I found a flight that would put in in Calagary at 11:30 in the morning. It's on Air Canada and it's a really good deal. The sale ends today so I'm thinking of buying the ticket.
BaKhan: I found a flight deal but the flight coming back is at midnight. Would dropping me off at the airport at 8 pm be too late for you?
Morning kittens! Last Tuesday at my current job! Whoot!
@LZ, sounds good! Does it actually get cold enough to freeze in Utah? I didn't realize that... its the most common reason for a hose bib to fail. What the heck is a LAN party?
@Geist, both of those times sound very doable! No worries on either one! It'll be here before we know it! ;) And I've got so much to do before then! Misty's bday celebration is next weekend, so I'll be needing to make some treats for that, my sister in laws wedding is in August and I'm doing their wedding cake and dj'ing their reception (that last parts easy, as I have all the music!). ;) Theres not enough time! ;) or maybe I just volunteer for too much stuff?
BaKhan, it does, indeed. This last winter, we had days when the high was about 20 degrees Fahrenheit.
LAN stands for Local Area Network. A bunch of us got together to play multiplayer computer games on my network at home.
@BaKhan: Yippiee! I will purchase the tickets today then. I can't wait to see you all again.
I think you should take a two hour martini lunch since this is your last day. Make sure all of your customers know that you won't be there after today. Maybe some of them will take you out to dinner to celebrate.
@Geist, we can't wait either! Oh, and its my last tuesday, not my last day, last day is Friday... but its getting closer!!! ;)
@LZ, oh duh, I guess I should have known that... ;) We used to play Starcraft that way pretty regularly back in the day. ;)
@BaKhan: Tell Misty I said "Happy Birthday!"
Btw, do you need for me to look for food coloring here in the states? I seem to remember you wanted to paint the cookies a certain color but some of those colors are hard to find. I could look for them and bring them with me to Calgary.
@Geist, the hardest to find for me is red and black food color paste, not liquid. Its made by Wilton. But any other brand of color paste would work as well. The main reason I have problems finding it, is I wait too late and its sold out... ;) That would be super awesome, thank you!!! And I'll pass the b-day wishes along to my wife.
@BaKhan: I can usually find Wilton products in the craft stores around my area. I'll be on the look out and send them to you. :-)
@Geist, have I ever told you that you are the best? If not, I should have, and You're the best!!!
@BaKhan: Awwww. Thank you. I can't thank you and your wife enough for hosting me when I visit. Meeting your friends, enjoying good food, kitty alarm clocks (lol), I have so much fun when I visit.
We need to play that Zombie game when I'm there next time. I'll bring some games I have like Fluxx and Secret Hitler.
@Geist, We can definitely play some Zombicide, I've actually finished painting everything for that game now, including the doors! ;) I put the eyes on all the heros a couple of weeks ago when I got my magnifying glasses, now they look proper! ;) I've always wanted to try Fluxx and I I'd like to see what all the hype about secret Hitler is about as well!
Airplane ticket purchased. Kitty Con 2 is officially ON!
I'll be coming in on Air Canada and my plane will land around 11:30 am. It will probably take me 20 to 30 minutes to get through customs though.
Woo! So exciting, Geist!
Man, I love some LAN games. Actually, my brothers and I still sometimes play the original Age of Empires together! Though I couldn't get them all to do it this time we were all together somehow, unfortunately.
@Geist, one of the things that I found this year, is that they've streamlined the processes at the airports, much much faster now! You still have to walk a hundred million miles to get to customs... but when you get there you just scan your decleration card, have a two second chat with the offical, and you're off to get your luggage! We'll be waiting for you! ;)
Zombicide, Secret Hitler, and Fluxx are all great games! Even my dad likes Secret Hitler, and he hates games because they're "too complicated." He would not do well with Zombicide.
I keep hearing Fluxx is amazing, but I've never played it because whenever I'm around the game, we don't have a group large enough to play it. Secret Hitler has always looked really fun, though. Dang, if I were coming, I could bring my The Contender! Now THAT'S a party game!
Morning kittens!
@BaKhan: I can also bring some candy so that you don't have to shoulder that all by yourselves. I'll also start hunting around the dollar stores to see if I can get little toys to put in the goodie bags too.
Morning kittens! Last Wednesday!!! Two more days! Two more days!
@Geist, anything you would like to do to help, would be greatly appreciated, but please don't feel obligated. You know how Misty is, she probably already has a ton of stuff! ;p Honestly, just bring your awesome self and don't worry too much about other stuff, unless of course you want to, and in that case, feel free! ;) We're just excited you're coming back!
@BaKhan: I'm so happy for you. You know what you should do? On your very last day, take a 3 hour lunch. What are they going to do? Fire you?
@Geist, my plan is, come back from lunch, pack up what I'm taking, and pretty much go. If they don't like it, they can pretty much eat a whole bag of stinky donkey genitalia... ;p
Good for you! Your last day really should be spent tying up lose ends, saying good bye and taking it easy. If they try to dump some work on you, tell them to piss off.
@Geist yep, thats about the size of it. ;) Funny thing just happened. My boss came in and told me he didn't want me starting any new projects (like I planned on that anyways) and then in the same breath, said he had one more for me, if I had time. Funny thing, I don't think I'll have anytime for it... >.>
@BaKhan: Even if you did have time, tell him "no". Let him give it to someone else. Take it easy these last few days and think about the new adventure you are going into. Man, I wish I were entering into a new job. At least one that I like and that pays more.
@Geist, yeah, its not looking good, I doubt I'll have any "extra" time... ;)
Well...that has been a...week. Still two days to go, but oh so close to the weekend.
Is it not going as well as for you as for BaKhan, GM? I mean, that's expected, but also too bad. Just two more days then!
For me, at least my first week of detasseling isn't actually sizing up to be so terrible. Unfortunately, though, I don't get weekends, and my free time is normally midnight-4am, so I'm alone the whole time. But, we get today off!
Morning kittens. It's almost the weekend and we are currently suffering nearly 100 degree heat and humidity that makes breathing seem like a fish in water.
It's probably only 40 degrees in Canada. ;-)
Now imagine doing that for 6+ hours while walking through cornfields with deep ruts in the rows and water only at the end of every round. That's my life for a few weeks, but it's not so bad once you get used to it. You get used to it after only... oh, 6 or 7 years. ;)
Morning kittens! Last Thursday!!! One more day, get up, one more day, get up!
@Zem, well I hope you find a rythym that works for you! When I was your age, I was staying up till 4am on the regular, and sleeping till noon... ah the good old days! ;) As much fun as I had back in the hoodrat days, I'm not sad about where I am now. I remember thinking, how the heck did I get to be 25? Now here I am, almost 43... the times they sure do move on. As much as the conditions are less than ideal, I guarantee that you'll look back on these times, simpler times, with fondness. ;)
@Geist, we are getting up to 86 today here, and because of how dry it is, they are actually issuing heat warnings. Most homes in Calgary don't have A/C because, quite frankly we don't really need it, so the old and the young are at risk on days like today. Fortunately we do have A/C as my wife has a very low heat tollerance. I swear I was born in the wrong country. I should have been born in the Caribbean! ;)
I probably will, BaKhan. And laugh. Laugh at myself for having to have gone through it, but hey, it does pay well!
Also, if it weren't for this, I"d also be up till about 4 am and sleeping till at least noon as well. I think that's what makes this the best time of life, really. ;)
Wait, because it's dry, you have a heat warning? There's no difference in the heat index, then, which makes it perfectly liveable. Dry heat, like in deserts, is so comfortable to me, even up to over 120 degrees! (we were in Nevada in 126, and it felt nicer than here in 96!)
I also looked at your weather and saw you'll be getting up to 90 degrees soon! That's exciting! But, that's with like 20% humidity. Next week, right when I'll be getting really busy and be doing way more, it'll be up to 97 or so, with up to 40% humidity. That's about when it starts getting dangerous, not to mention the fields hold on to humidity, so it's even worse in them! Can't wait! Trade you?
I swear one time we worked in a heat index of about 115 and they didn't tell us to go home even though they say they do at 110 index!
@Zem, Its not because its dry that we have the warning, its just because its hot. Remember this is Canada, home of the frozen tush... ;) Most folks here start whining when it gets into the mid 70's. The way I see it, you should only complain about one extreme, either hot or cold, but not both. Complaining about both makes one a douche... ;) Honestly humidity has never bothered me. When I was 13 we moved to Ontario, which is very humid with the lake effect and whatnot. It didn't bother me in the slightest. It actually was quite nice, I have very dry skin, and when I visit humid places, it actually heals, and I breath better, etc. The dry isn't all its cracked up to be... ;) Maybe its just another case of wanting what we can't have... ;)
I was going to say you mentioned the other day that most people there hate the cold. If you hate the cold, you can't worry when it's just warm. I guess everyone everywhere complains about both, making most people douches when it comes to weather preferences. At least you and I know we could switch places and both be perfectly happy! ;)
Well, except that Nebraska gets cold sometimes, but after Canada, you'd be perfectly happy 2/3 the year here. Or, maybe you and my dad could retire to some island together, he's the same way, so it doesn't always work with my mom and I here both wanting ACs to be on full-blast.
Actually, I'm pretty sure my dad is going to be one of those old folks who, instead of a retirement home, will spend his latter years on cruises. They have the same services and actually cost about the same, but if you ask someone whether they'd like to spend years on cruises or in an old folk's home, I think you can be sure which one they'll say.
Morning kittens.
@Zem: It's always a week from hell when there is holiday pay involved because NOBODY asks if they are unsure of something, and just submit it however they think it should be. And due to how late a lot of paperwork/files/changes get to me, I don't normally look at the load files until close to 5pm when all the admins have already gone home for the night. I end up fixing them(as best as I can) and loading them. Then guys hand in time late, and people try to submit that, people constantly ask for reports and things, people don't take on what they said they would so I could focus on the payroll itself...all things compound into me being burnt out by the end of Monday.
Oh yeah, I forgot you do contract work for hell. At least you can be sure you taught all of us how to properly deal with payroll and how to help anyone working on it!
@BaKhan: then I'll have to be that douche because I can't deal with extreme weather. Winter is easier because I can layer on clothes but summer heat is a whole 'nother animal. Your clothes get all sticky and as a woman who has to wear a bra, it's like being wrapped in a straight jacket.
Lol, I should have known that you guys would call me out on my "douche" comment... ;p Its all good, everyone experiences things differently for sure. ;) I just hate when its the first warm day of the year hear people whining "its too damn hot!" or the first day of winter same people, "its too damn cold!"... you guys know what I mean, right? Right? ;)
@BaKhan: I definitely know what you're talking about. I don't complain about it most of the time, even when it's really hot and I'm wearing my heavier jacket(the same leather one I wore to Banff when Geist was here last year).
@GM, yeah, I'm the same way. On tuesday I was wearing my heavy sweater because it was only getting up to 18 (66). I find its always easy to cool off, not so easy to warm up again. ;)
I don't complain until the weather starts getting really icky. And even then, only in my hometown. When I went to Disney last year, it was 96 every day. I didn't complain a lick because I expect Florida to be this hot. Just gave me more of an excuse to hop into the stores to go window shopping.
Hey, I wasn't calling you out, I find complaining about all weather to be really annoying. If the weather bothers people that much, I don't know why they don't move or something. Most people don't even have to deal with it much (except maybe icy roads) because they're inside buildings all day. Heck, I don't even really complain about summer heat from here until it's dangerously hot. Like 100 degrees and humid forecasted for next wednesday. I bet we'll go home early that day detasseling.
The most annoying thing is when those same people keep a room in the mid-80s. If you don't like it so warm, then why keep the room that same temperature? I hate sweating indoors, but apparently I'm alone in that.
I don't complain about the weather as much now as I did when I was a kid, but I can afford to keep my house in the low 70's year-round. When I was younger, though, and my parents were trying to raise five kids on about $40k/year, that luxury didn't exist. When your yearly temperature fluctuations are from a low of about -20 to a high of about 105, people get cranky. It didn't help that my brother insisted on keeping the bedroom window open in the middle of winter, either!
Ugh! I hate it when people drag me into IT-related conference calls and meetings. I mean, I understand that they're working on resolving ordering/resulting issues between us and a reference lab, but it really has nothing to do with me.
I like your brother's style! Also, I know the pain of a super hot bedroom. When I moved to the attic, with very little insulation, it could sometimes even get hotter than outside! Trying to sleep in the upper 90s is a huge pain. Hopefully this new AC unit up there will help bigtime, and I'm trying to block the giant window which doesn't have a curtain so the sun doesn't help heat everything up too.
Morning kittens. It's Friday. 'nuf said.
Morning kittens! Last Friday, last day! Just over 17 years with this company, and now mere hours away from never being here another day. Feels very sureal. I've never worked at any job for anywhere near this kind of time. Its almost been like a dysfunctional second home! I'll miss some of the people, but I'll not miss all the bs and drama, thats for sure!
Happy last day to you!
Happy last day to you!
Happy lasy day, dear BaKhan!
Happy last day to you!
@BaKhan: Wow. 17 years is a looooong time. The most I've worked at a company is 9 years back in 2000 and before that, I was at a law firm for 5 years. I'm so happy you are moving on to something better.
Thanks guys! I've got all my stuff packed up. Drawers are empty. Passed along all my collected research and notes that I've taken over the last 12 years in this department to our junior guy. I told him, with this, even if I'm not here, I'm still here. Its been great, been getting lots of hugs! ;) I am so super excited to move on to the next thing, but I'll enjoy today for what it is. One last hurrah, and then I'm out!
@BaKhan: about that 3 hour lunch you should be taking since it's your last day.....
Morning kittens.
@BaKhan: Congrats on the last day.
@Geist, lol, I don't know about a three hour lunch, but I am going for lunch with some of my co-workers, and when I get back, saying my goodbyes. I've got a lot to do in a short amount of time. I have to bake a cake, come up with a dinner idea, and some other sundry baking cookies, etc. for Misty's b-day party tomorrow! There is never enough time! ;)
@GM, thanks bro!
In a sign that the end is near, McDonald's has a Kale and Sriracha sauce burger now.
So I'm home now. That was bitter sweet. I'll spend the rest of today mentally saying good bye, then tomorrow I can move on / back to being excited for the new job. The closest thing I could compare this to is a break up.
Have a great weekend kittens! I'll report back in on Monday when I get the chance!
Have a good weekend BaKhan. Hopefully I'm not stuck here dealing with people not bothering to hand their timesheets in on time for much longer. -.-
Wow, it's friday already? Dang, you really don't keep track of the days sometimes.
Confreakingrats, BaKhan!!! This is a huge step, and hopefully it'll land you so far forward in life... dang, I ran out of analogy. You get the point. Happy last day to you!
Also, today was kind of funny. Halfway through the field on one round, something started biting my leg. I turn around, and there's this medium-sized, adorable brown dog! I pet it for awhile (man, it really liked playful biting!) and then ran with it out of the field. There were two of them and they caused some excitement today!
Why don't people understand boundaries and professionalism anymore?