Sadly, I had an absolutely horrible cake disaster. The red velvet cake died before it even made it into my inlaws house. I had one hand on the handle. And one hand on the edge / bottom. Then I got two steps from my SUV, and splat the bottom on the other side let go. I was / am so sad kittens! So much work splat on the driveway. And no time to replace it. Soul crushing.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-19T07:29:30-04:00
Nooo! Man, I actually thought something like that might happen, but I didn't want to jinx it by saying it, but I guess thinking it did the job. That's so sad!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-20T13:41:32-04:00
@BaKhan: I am so sorry kitten. You worked so hard to make it special. How did it happen? What did the couple do for a wedding cake?
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-20T13:44:04-04:00
I finally got the solar eclipse glasses. In fact, I got two pair. It only took me getting up early on a Sunday morning, taking a cab because I didn't wake up early enough and getting in line only to discover that there were at least 240 people ahead of me. Still, I managed to get a pair and will be leaving early to stake out a spot where I can observe this miracle. Hopefully this will bring me luck.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-20T17:24:34-04:00
Great, Geist! I feel so sorry for anyone who can't find glasses, especially the inevitable ones stupid enough to think they don't really need them or trying to use something insufficient and ending up temporarily damaging their eyes.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-21T05:46:16-04:00
Morning kittens.
It was bound to happen and I'm only surprised more of this ilk hasn't popped up. You'd think Satan would take a day off now that Trump is in the WH.
So the cake saga is over. Even without one of the cakes, there was still enough for all the guests with only a tiny little bit left over. So at least that worked out. With only two cakes to decorate, I was able to use more decorations on the two, and I think that they turned out quite beautiful, and was given many compliments. I was asked several times why I don't do it for a living, I responded because I like myself too much! Thats way too much pressure! When I dropped that cake, it felt like my heart was ripping apart, I put so much time and effort into that. I figure that I had almost 100 hours into those cakes by the time I was done. So many hours making roses and other decorations, sourcing materials, baking cakes, etc. So at the end of the decorating, I had a special stand with three different of set pedestals, I put the 8" one on top, it was all white with pearl beaded string work, coming down from the top to around the middle of the cake. A white boarder around the bottom of the cake with gum paste and royal icing roses in 8 bunches around the perimeter of the cake, and on top I had one long stemmed red rose with a little off shoot bud, and another long stemmed red rose crossing of the top. The first rose represented my sister in law, the little bud represented my nephew and the last rose represented my sister in law's soon to be husband. I was really pretty if I say so my self. The biggest cake (12" round) was decorated with with and purple accents. So, white icing and a purple trim around the bottom. Silver beaded string work in a a pattern the was spaced in between each set of white/purple roses that went around the out side bottom of the cake. On the top were six white gum paste roses interspaced between purple ones. It was also pretty nice when it was done. Thank goodness I don't need to do anymore cake baking for a couple of months, because I'm pretty burnt out, tbh! ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-21T10:14:07-04:00
Oh, and on the pedestal that should have held the third cake, I got a picture of the bride and groom with their little boy, and put it there to act as balance. The people that didn't know that I had dropped on of them, thought it was a really nice display. Those that did know tormented me mercilessly about it, like it was a joke, they don't know me very well, but I kept up a brave face, because thats all I know how to do. ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-21T12:26:13-04:00
Welp, I just found out that I can't come into the office as early as I use to. So now my hours are 6 am to 2:30 pm. Not bad I guess. It still means I can leave work early enough so that I can go to the gym when most people are going back to work and still make it home before night fall.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-21T14:25:39-04:00
The eclipse has started! So glad I made the effort to get the shades. Seeing this out in the open with other people is so worth it.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-21T17:34:41-04:00
Eclipse was awesome! Even though I live just barely outside of the totality, and campus was in it a short ways, we went down south a short ways to see it better at a scout camp we know well that was open for viewing. It was so beautiful; I mean the scenery alone was awesome, but the way everything went suddenly dark, animals were suddenly calling everywhere, it was like a 360 degree twilight, and then you could see the light coming back from the west, it was all incredible!
Unfortunately, as with many areas on the eclipse path, there were clouds. Before totality, we caught a few good glimpses once in awhile, but as soon as it started, almost to the second, a cloud covered the sun so we couldn't see that itself, but as I said, the surroundings were astounding enough! Then, literally to the second, the cloud moved back away and from then on, we could see it perfectly, which was also great!
So, I didn't see the totality perfectly, but I'm not too upset. I got an amazing experience many others weren't fortunate enough to have had. I feel so sorry to all the people who drove from Texas or Minnesota or Wisconsin that we saw who may not have gotten to see it at all if they were in a really bad place!
So now, it just encourages me to travel to whatever next one is in my range to be able to see the totality next time! It was great; if you didn't get to see this one, but another sometime crosses your path, make a day of it! It's worth it!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-21T17:39:25-04:00
BaKhan, I'm so glad it all worked out so well! I mean, in spite of the accident, that everything worked out smoothly and people really appreciated your work. Sorry for the people who didn't know how much it meant to you and joked about it, I've had similar experiences before, I know how that feels, but yeah, just remember they just didn't know how much of your heart you put into it to see it smashed, they didn't mean anything malicious by it.
All this, all the stress from making these cakes, just makes me wonder how in the heck Creeper does it all the time, much less building a company from scratch at the same time! She always says she's dead on her feet from exhaustion, now maybe you're the only one of us who knows about the spending all of your time making a great cake part, much less the starting a business part added onto it!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-22T09:45:28-04:00
Morning kittens.
I'm glad you guys got a chance to check out the eclipse yesterday! I watched it on the news... ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-22T09:48:37-04:00
@Zem, thanks man! It really did work out well in the end, and well, people are people, can't blame them for that... I mean, much anyways... ;) Many, many kudos to Creeper! There is just no way I could do that for a living! My back was so sore from hunching over for so many hours making decorations, and assembling the cakes, decorating them etc. I was actually having back spasms on Sunday after the wedding. Not sure if it was because of the cakes, or because I was bouncing around on my stool whilst dj'ing the dance. Either way though, I feel great today, so it was well worth it, all of it was worth it just to see them so happy, and the families having a great time.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-22T09:51:38-04:00
Seems like the post wanted me to have a happy birthday yesterday as my Massive Darkness ks was delivered in all 17kg of its glory! So many new minis to paint! Its going to be great! I've got our games group tonight so no chance to get any painting in till later in the week though. It'll work out well, as my wife is on call on Friday, so I can paint all friday night! It'll be like being a teenager all over again! I'm going to binge on coffee, and paint till the wee hours, or 11pm or so anyways... ;) This getting older thing is way over-rated! ;)
Maybe that's my second package I'm expecting this week...I knew what one of them was...but not what the other one is.
Morning kittens.
Lord Zombitten 2017-08-22T11:07:23-04:00
The eclipse was phenomenal! Where I was, the skies were clear, so we had an unobstructed view of the umbral ring. It was also really cool to see the shadow bands just before totality.
I played TO:7S with my brothers. I didn't do fire and corruption checks when they entered a space that had the tokens/symbols, only when they left the space. I only succeeded in killing one hero before they won. I think the reason I won so easily before was that I was playing against my wife and our (then) 7-year-old son. When you're playing against a group of adults, though, it's a lot more challenging for the Sins player.
Lord Zombitten 2017-08-22T11:08:39-04:00
Sorry about the cake, BaKhan. I know you worked so hard on it. I think I might've died if that had happened to me (metaphorically speaking)
Lord Zombitten 2017-08-22T11:12:31-04:00
Zem, there's supposed to be another total eclipse passing through Oklahoma in either three or seven years. I think my OK brother said it'll be at his house in 7 years...
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-22T11:26:20-04:00
@GM, if its coming by Canada Post, it is most likely MD! Thats a whole lotta plastic my friend! ;) The package was 17kg, if you went all in anyways... ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-22T11:31:28-04:00
@LZ, thanks bro. In the moment I was heart broken for sure. But the way I'm wired won't let me dwell too long. With in a couple of minutes I was in disaster recovery mode, came up with a plan (to use the picture for the now empty tier), and went on to start on decorating the other two cakes. My father in law was gracious enough to clean the cake of his driveway for me, that might have crushed me worse tbh. Thats the thing with life, things happen, and its how we deal with them that really counts.
As per the eclipse, I believe its coming in 2024, if the news was right anyways... ;) Even though I didn't get to see it directly, watching it on the news was really cool as well. What I thought was really neat was that as the eclipse would move towards being total, in the areas with cloud cover, that low pressure zone created by the dropping temperatures, would clear the sky for the people hoping to see it, it was almost magical. Theres no wonder why our more primitive ancestors used to lose their minds over it! ;)
@LZ: It's supposed to be around 2024, and go through Tennessee, according to one of my other friends. A few of us might be going and meeting up at that one...possibly.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-22T13:47:41-04:00
LZ, YOU EVEN GOT TO SEE SHADOW BANDS?! Dang it, now I'm kind of jealous.
But yeah, the next one is in 7 years, and we'll be going to my mom's friend's house in Ohio, I believe. Totality times of up to 4 1/2 minutes, if I remember right! In fact, as eclipse totalities go, this one didn't last long at all.
The 2024 one is going north from Mexico and through Texas, clipping through several states in the south, through Indiana, Ohio, New York, Vermont, Maine, and parts of Canada.
I wanted to go to Canada, but my mom wants to see that friend, so we'll probably go to Ohio, but make a road-trip out of it.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-23T06:39:13-04:00
Morning kittens.
@BaKhan: I'm sorry you had the cake mishap but look at the positive. The happy couple still got a great cake. As long as they were happy, the experience was nothing but a success. I know I'm very proud of you. I have only beginner skills when it comes to baking a cake.
Heck, I'd love to hire you for my wedding cake. Assuming I ever get married. ;-)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-23T08:55:08-04:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-23T08:58:33-04:00
@Geist, thank you so much! You are 100% right, they did love the cake, and in the end, it all works out! As long as its a while till you meet and marry some extremely lucky man (I need to recover!), I would love to make your cake for you! Could be a bit tricky to bring it to you though! ;) I really appreciate all the kind words from all you kittens! You guys are the bestest!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-23T09:39:57-04:00
It's official! BaKhan will make all out wedding cakes! You heard it here! ;)
Just kidding. I don't want to kill you from all that stress!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-23T09:59:40-04:00
@Zem, ok, I'll make you a deal, if you get married in Calgary, I'll make your cake for you! ;) In all seriousness though, I doubt I'll ever do that again. That took a lot out of me! Again, Creeper is the queen of cakes, and I'll never even front about that! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-23T10:17:37-04:00
@BaKhan: How about cupcakes? I was going to have a bunch of cupcakes so that people can just take their own piece with a smaller whole cake on top.
I already read somewhere of a couple that decided to have a piñata shaped like a wedding cake. The inside was filled with little bottles of booze.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-23T11:41:26-04:00
Booze cake pinata? Sign me up!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-23T15:01:51-04:00
@Geist, hey its your party, we can do what ever! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-24T07:02:55-04:00
Morning kittens!
Interesting article I read last week. Due to the growing amount of people who use credit cards and apps, panhandlers are collecting less and less change. Some days, they don't collect any money at all. I'd never given it much thought since I'm kinda old fashion and will carry around some real money.
The location where I work has a fair amount of panhandlers and they get most of their money from the tourist.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-24T09:02:56-04:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-24T09:08:14-04:00
@Geist, yeah, I never would have thought about it, but it makes sense, but not cents I guess... ;) Honestly, I don't give money to pan handlers, I give money to a local homeless shelter (the mustard seed), where they provide food, shelter, and help them to get a job, or the mental/medical help that they need. I think that giving people with problems that got them on the street money, doesn't actually help them. Giving money to those places where those same people can get real help, does help them, those that want help anyways. Other wise I think you're just feeding the addiction / problem that got them there in the first place. I mean would you give an addict drugs, or an alcoholic booze? Cause thats basically what giving money directly to the homeless actually does, imo.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-24T10:17:46-04:00
@BaKhan: I feel the same way you do. Many years ago, there was a man who panhandled in front of a famous D.C. hotel. The man was raking in so much money, he could afford a $1,600 apartment not far away. All tax free money, btw.
Another time, I saw a man who I had given some money to go into a liquor store and buy a bottle of booze. Now, I don't mind buying someone drinks but I'm not going to support someone else's vices.
That is one of the things that I feel was part of the reason why my mother never got over her drug and alcohol addictions. In my city, once you are on disability payment status, you get a government check every month and can spend it any way you like. My mother spent it to support her bad habits and even when she landed in jail, was still getting a monthly check. If she lived in the state of Florida, once she got arrested, the benefits would be taken away permanently with no hope of ever getting them back.
I really wish I had an air conditioner at was too hot to sleep last night(finally fell asleep sometime after 2am - and ended up sleeping through my alarm and getting late)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-24T10:42:56-04:00
@Geist, yeah, thats a tough one! My mother had many issues, and I'm sure still does, but vice addiction wasn't one of them. I think that any type of gov't assistance should come with counseling. Obviously the people need help, I'd rather that they maybe got less money per month, but had access to job training, counseling, therapy, what have you. I think that sometimes society believes that if you throw enough money at a problem, it will solve it. Sadly, its compassion that is the key, not money. Not of course that compassion doesn't cost as well, but to actually help people, I don't know any other way.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-24T11:45:35-04:00
@GM: Our weather is cooling down. Which is nice for me as I don't have to run my air conditioner so often. Which reminds me: I need to purchase an electric blanket for the winter. While my electric bills aren't so bad in the summertime, they skyrocket when I try to warm my apartment in winter. I can't sleep with cold feet and the heater doesn't warm my bed fast enough.
Lord Zombitten 2017-08-24T12:31:49-04:00
I think it's also important to not confuse panhandler with homeless. Sure, they all dress shabbily, and it's nearly impossible to tell the difference, but like Geist said about that one guy, some people panhandle because they get enough money to live on by doing it.
I work with someone who loves telling the story of an interaction she had with a panhandler outside a department store that was hiring. She pointed at the sign and asked if he had applied. His answer was something along the lines of, "Why should I? Let's be generous and say they pay me 10 bucks an hour. After an eight hour day, I'd make 80 dollars, and I'd have to pay taxes. Doing this, I'd take home more than twice that on my worst day, without paying taxes." The guy wasn't homeless, it was simply the costume he wore.
I like to offer to buy food for people who ask me for money. Most of them tell me where to stick it and where to go. I was once approached by a guy who had a sob story about how he had been laid off, and subsequently lost his apartment, and he and his wife hadn't had anything to eat in three days. He asked if I had any money so they could buy a meal. I explained that I don't carry cash (not necessarily true, but convenient excuse) and offered to buy him and his wife some food from Burger King. He sighed and visibly relaxed, saying that if I did that, it would be great. When I brought the food back, he told me he didn't think I would come back, but gratefully took the food. I could tell by the way he and his wife tore into it that they really hadn't eaten in a long time. It's sad that people ruin it for people like them. When they honestly need help, no one gives it because they think they're just faking.
@LZ: I'm the same way, I won't give money to panhandlers due to how many of them aren't actually homeless, and just do it to avoid the taxes. I have offered to buy coffee/food for people, but I don't give money to them(especially since most of the change I get goes into those little donation boxes for various charities that a lot of places have by their registers, since change gets heavy).
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-24T13:01:00-04:00
LZ, that's exactly what we do. Ask if you can give them food or water. The ones that need it will always accept it gladly, but I love when you ask them, like when we were outside a gas station on a roadtrip, going in to get some drinks for the road, my mom offered to get a guy a sandwich or water and he said, "Could you get me some beer or whiskey?" He just would NOT accept food or water, only alcohol! That's a good way to tell why they're there!
Aside from that, though, we've always supported the nearby largest food pantry and shelter in the region. In fact, my dad found it when it was a church that would incentivize people to come in with food, but then they found out people were only coming for the food. This is in south Omaha, which is very heavily hispanic, so many people there are poor and/or immigrants who can't find good jobs, so they wanted to expand to actually help people. Thankfully my dad is perfect for building organizations like that, so he eventually became president and helped them expand it to what it is now, as I said, the largest pantry in the region, by which I mean several states.
My dad isn't the president anymore, that was a ton of work, but it's amazing to see how many people they help there, and they try to help with the cause of why the people need food supplements in the first place as well, helping with housing or finding a stable job to fix the problem, not the symptom.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-25T09:08:12-04:00
Morning kittens!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-25T09:51:02-04:00
Yes, it is. It feels like Morning smashed through my wall like the Kool-Aid man and kidnapped me from the sanctity of my bed. Which is a feat, considering I'm on the fifth floor, so Morning must be a really good high-jumper.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-25T10:16:21-04:00
What GM said.
And how am I spending part of my time at work? Listening to documentaries about homelessness and poverty. I have no idea why I feel so morbid today.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-25T10:16:51-04:00
On another note: only 10 more days until my birthday.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-25T10:25:24-04:00
@Geist, do you think that maybe it has something to do with your bday coming up? As mine just passed on Monday, I know that I tend to reflect more about things as I get closer to it. Don't worry too much about it. ;) Thankfully I was so wrapped up in getting things ready for my sister in law's wedding, I didn't have too much time to slip down that rabbit hole. I'll do my best to remember, but since I don't want to risk it, Happy Birthday! I can't wait for you to come up! Were you going to email me your flight info again? I need to know when to pick you up! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-25T10:48:09-04:00
@BaKhan: What?! I didn't know you just recently natal day. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!
How did you spend it? Did you paint some of your miniatures? Go out and celebrate? Buy Pumpkin a toy? ;-)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-25T10:52:48-04:00
@BaKhan: I will mail you my flight details this weekend. Thanks for reminding me. I can't wait to spend another Halloween in Calgary and seeing the 8 foot tall Halloween tree. Did you guys get any new decorations this year?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-25T11:28:36-04:00
@Geist, lol, yeah it was on Monday, I said so, but no one noticed I guess... ;) I worked, and checked out my Massive Darkness ks that had just showed up, it is glorious! I had some people over in the evening, my sister in law and her new husband came over and bought me pizza, as a thank you for helping with their wedding. So it was a pretty good day! I had fun, and yes I've started painting minis again after a two week wedding cake break... ;) Theres close to 200 minis in this newest game! Its going to be amazing! ;) The Halloween tree is actually 9' tall, it just seems smaller because of the height of the foyer. ;) I'm sure that Misty has a bunch of new ones this year, and I've got a craft that I'd like to do if we have time. I plan on baking as much as I can in advance and freezing it, so that when you come I'll have more free time to spend! Several years ago we bought a bunch of Styrofoam skulls and I was thinking that it would be a fun craft to decorate them as sugar skulls! If you're not into, we'll have plenty of other things to do as well. I even think I've figured out my Halloween costume! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-25T11:41:09-04:00
Oh, whoops! BaKhan, I saw on Monday that you thought the post wished you a very happy birthday when they delivered your huge set of miniatures, but I thought for sure I threw out a happy birthday! I guess I got distracted responding to something at the time, and later on I thought I had already sent you one, so I didn't make sure! Sorry about that, but I'll make it up by just getting your next one out of the way now.
Happy very be-early-d birthday 2018, BaKhan! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-25T12:20:44-04:00
@BaKhan: I'm sorry if I forgot. Stress tends to make me a bit forgetful. I can't wait to see the new minis you are going to decorate.
I'll be happy to help you get ready for the party in any way I can. I enjoyed myself last time. Especially getting the goodie bags ready.
When is Misty's birthday?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-25T13:01:01-04:00
@Zem, no worries! Its all good. ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-25T13:14:59-04:00
@Geist, no worries at all! Misty's bday is July 19th (this year she turned 40... shhh don't tell anyone!). ;) Oh and other good news! We've been trying out a new guitar player, and it looks like we will have a band together for Halloween! Last year was the first year that we haven't played on Halloween, and I think the party only turned out as well as it did, because you were there! ;) But I still missed being able to play... this year it will be so on! I even picked up a new light feature, that has an all in one approach, green and blue lasers, red, blue and green lights that flash in different patterns, and a strobe effect as well. I used all the music store (Long and Mcquade) gift certificates I had lying around, and only had to spend $100 of my own money. That machine is worth $460 brand new! Quite the steal of a deal I would say! ;) Oh, and the new minis are awesome, this one is a fantasy dungeon crawler, so they're not zombies (although you can add zombies from the other game you were looking at before as well), the ones I'm painting up now are called Orc Flayers, and they are badass! They have piercings all over, and they will look so awesome when they are done! Huzzah for stuff and things! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-25T14:34:43-04:00
The best cheer one could ever shout. I think next time I'm at a bar with friends, I'm going to use that one!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-25T14:37:40-04:00
@Zem, its one of the best cheers one could ever make! All the stuffs! All the things! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-25T15:16:43-04:00
@BaKhan: I can't wait to hear your band play. I wish I could take credit for your party's success but I firmly believe it was the food and host/hostess. :-)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-25T16:03:11-04:00
@Geist, I can't wait either! ;) It is going to be amazing! Our newest member plays lead guitar, and key boards, alternating. ;) Hopefully we have our rhythm guitarist back by then too, as her back up vocals with Misty's lead vocals, is an amazing thing to hear! Super excited!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-25T16:36:01-04:00
Well, I think I'm going to call it early today. Have a great weekend kittens!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-25T17:08:29-04:00
The food and the Hostess? Ooh, so you had like Twinkies and Ho-Hos and Sticky Buns?! Dude, I gotta make it up there this year! ;)
Lord Zombitten 2017-08-25T17:11:19-04:00
Woot! Happy birthdays to all!
I frog-gutted to mention that while I was in casper, we had a pool tournament. It was double elimination, which turned out to be a good thing for me. The first time I played against my oldest brother, he beat me. He's the one who owns the table, so it was no surprise. Then, it came down to my two brothers and me. At that point, I said, "It is down to the three brothers!" Now, my younger sister is a huge Potterhead, so she asked which Deathly Hallow I have, so I told her that, as the youngest brother, I would have the Invisibility Cloak. She then said that I would win because the middle brother had the Resurrection Stone, which drives people mad; and the eldest had the Elder Wand, which gets its owner killed. But, the youngest is the one who escaped death. So, I beat the middle brother.
Then, I played against my oldest brother again. It got down to the two of us trying to be the first to sink the 8 ball without scratching. At one point, he left the 8 ball about a foot from a corner pocket, right on the rail. The cue ball was in a position that would prevent me from knocking it into the nearest pocket. So, I took careful aim and hit the 8 ball just right so it rode the rail into the other corner on that side. The last game was just getting going when he knocked the 8 ball into a pocket before the rest of his balls had been sunk. He lost.
The point of all this is that my prize was a pet rabbit. My brother's kid had named her Toast and said that we weren't allowed to rename her. It took my kids about two minutes to ignore that and rename her Zelda.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-25T17:29:10-04:00
Haha, that sounds like so much fun, LZ! And super tense!
Also, that's about how like 1/3 of my games end, with me being careless or unlucky and knocking the 8 ball in. ;)
Ooh, bunnies are so great, if they're not super shy!
Lord Zombitten 2017-08-27T02:24:40-04:00
Just got back from a concert. First up was Jason Bonham's Led Zeppelin Experience, then Cheap Trick, then Foreigner. Foreigner was great. They were really engaging and entertaining. Cheap Trick was not. They mostly relied on gimmicky instruments to give a spectacle. It was cool to see their guitar with five necks, though.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-27T02:32:40-04:00
Haha, They have five necks on one guitar, but on a video of Metalica's One played on one guitar, they need five hands on one neck.
Still, that would have been a great concert, you're so lucky! Sounds like alot of fun!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-28T06:24:07-04:00
Morning kittens. The weather this weekend was sooo nice. It is definitely cooling down. I only had to run my air conditioner for a hour or two the whole time. I'm seriously looking forward to the three day weekend coming up. I really need to take some extra time off.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-28T06:31:00-04:00
@LZ: I didn't know Cheap Trick were still touring. Funny thing: I know I went to a concert of theirs many years ago but I can't remember much detail about it. Same with Prince. I remember going with a friend and the beginning parts but not much after that.
Meh, old age.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-28T09:41:29-04:00
That just means you'll have to go see Cheap Trick again! Can't remember them? Oh darn, better go see them again!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-28T10:00:18-04:00
Note to self: when eating roasted garlic, don't leave the house without brushing your teeth or having a bunch of mints to chew on. I'm going to make it a mission not to talk to anyone today.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-28T10:33:08-04:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-28T10:37:19-04:00
Glad everyone had a good weekend!
@LZ, that concert sounds awesome! I know that Cheap Trick are gimmicky, but I'd still like to see them, just to say I did. ;) I'd rather have 5 guitars than one with 5 necks... oh wait, I do! ;P I actually have 6 guitars but, meh who's counting... ;) (Three basses, a sitar, and a rental upright too!)
@Geist, lol, nah, just enjoy it! ;) Breath mints and garlic don't go together very well! Uggg... ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-28T10:46:19-04:00
@BaKhan: I was trying to think of my co-workers. I know that I don't like the smell of cigarette smoke on someone's breath when they talk to me. Blech! I should have mints with me as they make me want to drink water after eaten one. I'm not sure why.
A sitar? You've used it with your band before?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-28T10:52:04-04:00
@Geist, no sadly I can't sit in the position required to play it (its a hybrid of kneeling and sitting), I'm too crippled up. On day I plan on having a mount made for it so I can have it fixed to a stand, then I'll be able to get into it. The reason I picked it up is two fold. One, I've always loved the sound and wanted to play it, and two, I've always wanted to get my hands on as many different stringed instruments as I can. ;) I had a friend (buddy, acquaintance, you know...) that was selling his off for $350, it is beautiful and has a hard travel case, so in the end I'll be able to sell it for more than I bought it for if I decided at some point to give up on it. Although I highly doubt that will happen. ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-28T11:35:11-04:00
Haha, nice, BaKhan. Quite a collection!
Lord Zombitten 2017-08-28T11:40:40-04:00
Indeed. It certainly has mine beat. I have two guitars (one acoustic, one electric), a banjo, a cornet, a baritone horn, and a piano. I'm sure if I went searching, I could find my harmonica and my jaw harp. If I couny the wife's instruments, I can add a flute, a piccolo, and an electric keyboard to the list.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-28T11:46:08-04:00
@Zem, lol, thanks! Its been a work in progress for a long time, well 24 years or so... ;) My next major instrument purchase will be an upright bass, but it'll be a while till I can afford that ($5000+). Like this one... ;) If I could find this in NA, I would be so happy!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-28T11:57:14-04:00
@LZ, thats a pretty impressive collection as well! Sadly I don't have a trumpet or a saxaphone, but I still know how to play 'em, might take a bit to get back into shape though... ;) I do have a few harmonicas, G, C, and E. I have a midi keyboard (60 key) as well just for messing about whilst recording etc. I have two regular acoustic guitars, one Takamine six string and one twelve string, one Epiphone "Gibson" semi hollow body electric, and a Gibson SG Toni Iommi signature series electric (with mother of pearl crosses going down the fret board). I've got a four string Ibanez Eurgodine electric bass, a no-name from Vietnam 5 string bass (that was cheap and cool with skulls and such all over it, needs new pick ups and power source though, it sounds bad the way it is), and my everyday Gibson SG four string bass. Then I've got my sitar, and all my PA equipment a 24 channel and a 16 channel Presonus Live mixing boards (which I can twin together for 40 channel live streaming), Two powered tower pa speakers, and my monitor system as well. Numerous different microphones (these guys are crazy expensive!). If I add my wifes stuff in as well, that adds in a vintage 80's keyboard that was big bucks back in the day, but now is probably $40 at a pawn shop... ;) But I love music, both making and recording, so it makes sense that I have invested in it over the years. None of this stuff was an over night thing, many of the pieces were bought on lay away, or payment plans... I normally put one big thing on payments per year. That 24 channel mixing board was almost $4000... but its worth every penny! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-28T13:50:36-04:00
I can play air guitar
No I can't. Not really.
Lord Zombitten 2017-08-28T14:06:22-04:00
That's okay, Geist. Air guitar can be *really* tricky. Can you at least play air tambourine?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-28T14:33:28-04:00
@Geist, lol, maybe we can brush up your air guitar skills before you head home... ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-28T14:37:13-04:00
@LZ, funny story about a tambourine... ;) Years ago, before I even started dating my wife, she was the lead singer in a band I was in. We decided that she should have something else going on, so we gave her a tambourine, seemed like a good idea right? Well that lasted all of one song, and then we gently, politely told her, maybe you're not cut out for percussion... ;P She can play keys pretty well, sing like an angel, and dance like crazy (seriously, she knows all those crazy Latin dances), but when it comes to playing music, the girl has no rhythm... ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-28T14:38:03-04:00
I'm not even going to go through my parent's collections, it could easily fill a very, very long, tedious comment nobody would read, but just know it's incredible.
Too bad, though, that my dad's finally getting rid of his old Buddy Rich drum kit! Ah, that thing is amazing, one of the best sets I've seen, very complete, and SO much fun growing up as a kid just wanting to make loud noises! I'm going to miss it.
Geist, I feel ya. I can play Guitar Hero... does that count?
I also used to play trumpet and probably still could somewhat... for like 5 minutes, then my lips would swell back up and I couldn't keep playing.
I do have, though... *looks around for anything I can add to my list of instruments*... uh... is mayonnaise an instrument? (sorry, obligatory spongebob reference) A blues brothers poster? Does that count? I think so. Cha-ching!
I want to learn guitar and relearn piano better, though. Those would be awesome.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-28T16:34:21-04:00
Hmmm... just re-read my post from earlier and realized that it sounds like I'm bragging... Sorry if I came across that way, I was just excited... sorry kittens! I'm really not that much of a jerk! Really! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-28T19:09:17-04:00
Don't worry, I didn't take it as such, just the normal super-proud-of-your-favorite-hobby kind of bragging, which is fine. I didn't want to list mine because I knew it would definitely sound like one-upsmanship, also it would be arduous and tedious because they have a TON of instruments.
But yeah, don't worry, I didn't take it as actual snobbish bragging, just in a "I love my hobby!" kind of way.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-29T06:23:31-04:00
I think the Spinners have finally jumped the shark.
@Geist, lol, yeah, thats a bit much for anyone I think... >.> yikes! The Fonz has nothing on them! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-29T11:10:53-04:00
I'm seeing more and more store bringing out their Halloween stock. Reminds me that I will be seeing Pumpkin again in about two months. :-)
I stopped by the craft store last week and saw some wonderful trinkets that I can bring for the kids in Calgary. I'm so happy to be going, I'm kinda obsessing about it. I had so much fun helping to make the goodie bags for the kids last year.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-29T11:16:15-04:00
@Geist, lol, thats good to hear! Its one of Misty's favorite parts too! Well, that and dressing up... ;) We're pretty excited to have you up too! The stores here are pretty much in full swing for Halloween as well. Misty didn't get home until almost 9 o'clock last night as a couple of stores just put out their stock... ;) This time of year, I get used to her being missing for hours at a time! ;)
Lord Zombitten 2017-08-29T11:51:03-04:00
Butchew guise! It's a stidget finner you can ate! It can't get bater then thate!
Lord Zombitten 2017-08-29T11:55:59-04:00
Seriously, though, I think the most irritating part about that link was the music, which was probably part of an ad.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-29T12:36:19-04:00
@LZ: I thought it was kinda weird. I can understand playing with your food but that is a bit silly. Probably me just being an old grump.
Lord Zombitten 2017-08-29T12:58:11-04:00
No, it's definitely weird
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-29T14:17:45-04:00
I dunno, it may seem really kinda dumb, but I wish I were friends with whomever made that! It's incredibly creative, and I never would've thought you could find a way to make a pumpkin pie not just fall to pieces when picked up. Though it'd be mostly crust, which would be annoying. The person who made those knows their pies!
Sadly, I had an absolutely horrible cake disaster. The red velvet cake died before it even made it into my inlaws house. I had one hand on the handle. And one hand on the edge / bottom. Then I got two steps from my SUV, and splat the bottom on the other side let go. I was / am so sad kittens! So much work splat on the driveway. And no time to replace it. Soul crushing.
Nooo! Man, I actually thought something like that might happen, but I didn't want to jinx it by saying it, but I guess thinking it did the job. That's so sad!
@BaKhan: I am so sorry kitten. You worked so hard to make it special. How did it happen? What did the couple do for a wedding cake?
I finally got the solar eclipse glasses. In fact, I got two pair. It only took me getting up early on a Sunday morning, taking a cab because I didn't wake up early enough and getting in line only to discover that there were at least 240 people ahead of me. Still, I managed to get a pair and will be leaving early to stake out a spot where I can observe this miracle. Hopefully this will bring me luck.
Great, Geist! I feel so sorry for anyone who can't find glasses, especially the inevitable ones stupid enough to think they don't really need them or trying to use something insufficient and ending up temporarily damaging their eyes.
Morning kittens.
It was bound to happen and I'm only surprised more of this ilk hasn't popped up. You'd think Satan would take a day off now that Trump is in the WH.…
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens.
So the cake saga is over. Even without one of the cakes, there was still enough for all the guests with only a tiny little bit left over. So at least that worked out. With only two cakes to decorate, I was able to use more decorations on the two, and I think that they turned out quite beautiful, and was given many compliments. I was asked several times why I don't do it for a living, I responded because I like myself too much! Thats way too much pressure! When I dropped that cake, it felt like my heart was ripping apart, I put so much time and effort into that. I figure that I had almost 100 hours into those cakes by the time I was done. So many hours making roses and other decorations, sourcing materials, baking cakes, etc. So at the end of the decorating, I had a special stand with three different of set pedestals, I put the 8" one on top, it was all white with pearl beaded string work, coming down from the top to around the middle of the cake. A white boarder around the bottom of the cake with gum paste and royal icing roses in 8 bunches around the perimeter of the cake, and on top I had one long stemmed red rose with a little off shoot bud, and another long stemmed red rose crossing of the top. The first rose represented my sister in law, the little bud represented my nephew and the last rose represented my sister in law's soon to be husband. I was really pretty if I say so my self. The biggest cake (12" round) was decorated with with and purple accents. So, white icing and a purple trim around the bottom. Silver beaded string work in a a pattern the was spaced in between each set of white/purple roses that went around the out side bottom of the cake. On the top were six white gum paste roses interspaced between purple ones. It was also pretty nice when it was done. Thank goodness I don't need to do anymore cake baking for a couple of months, because I'm pretty burnt out, tbh! ;)
Oh, and on the pedestal that should have held the third cake, I got a picture of the bride and groom with their little boy, and put it there to act as balance. The people that didn't know that I had dropped on of them, thought it was a really nice display. Those that did know tormented me mercilessly about it, like it was a joke, they don't know me very well, but I kept up a brave face, because thats all I know how to do. ;)
Welp, I just found out that I can't come into the office as early as I use to. So now my hours are 6 am to 2:30 pm. Not bad I guess. It still means I can leave work early enough so that I can go to the gym when most people are going back to work and still make it home before night fall.
The eclipse has started! So glad I made the effort to get the shades. Seeing this out in the open with other people is so worth it.
Eclipse was awesome! Even though I live just barely outside of the totality, and campus was in it a short ways, we went down south a short ways to see it better at a scout camp we know well that was open for viewing. It was so beautiful; I mean the scenery alone was awesome, but the way everything went suddenly dark, animals were suddenly calling everywhere, it was like a 360 degree twilight, and then you could see the light coming back from the west, it was all incredible!
Unfortunately, as with many areas on the eclipse path, there were clouds. Before totality, we caught a few good glimpses once in awhile, but as soon as it started, almost to the second, a cloud covered the sun so we couldn't see that itself, but as I said, the surroundings were astounding enough! Then, literally to the second, the cloud moved back away and from then on, we could see it perfectly, which was also great!
So, I didn't see the totality perfectly, but I'm not too upset. I got an amazing experience many others weren't fortunate enough to have had. I feel so sorry to all the people who drove from Texas or Minnesota or Wisconsin that we saw who may not have gotten to see it at all if they were in a really bad place!
So now, it just encourages me to travel to whatever next one is in my range to be able to see the totality next time! It was great; if you didn't get to see this one, but another sometime crosses your path, make a day of it! It's worth it!
BaKhan, I'm so glad it all worked out so well! I mean, in spite of the accident, that everything worked out smoothly and people really appreciated your work. Sorry for the people who didn't know how much it meant to you and joked about it, I've had similar experiences before, I know how that feels, but yeah, just remember they just didn't know how much of your heart you put into it to see it smashed, they didn't mean anything malicious by it.
All this, all the stress from making these cakes, just makes me wonder how in the heck Creeper does it all the time, much less building a company from scratch at the same time! She always says she's dead on her feet from exhaustion, now maybe you're the only one of us who knows about the spending all of your time making a great cake part, much less the starting a business part added onto it!
Morning kittens.
I'm glad you guys got a chance to check out the eclipse yesterday! I watched it on the news... ;)
@Zem, thanks man! It really did work out well in the end, and well, people are people, can't blame them for that... I mean, much anyways... ;) Many, many kudos to Creeper! There is just no way I could do that for a living! My back was so sore from hunching over for so many hours making decorations, and assembling the cakes, decorating them etc. I was actually having back spasms on Sunday after the wedding. Not sure if it was because of the cakes, or because I was bouncing around on my stool whilst dj'ing the dance. Either way though, I feel great today, so it was well worth it, all of it was worth it just to see them so happy, and the families having a great time.
Seems like the post wanted me to have a happy birthday yesterday as my Massive Darkness ks was delivered in all 17kg of its glory! So many new minis to paint! Its going to be great! I've got our games group tonight so no chance to get any painting in till later in the week though. It'll work out well, as my wife is on call on Friday, so I can paint all friday night! It'll be like being a teenager all over again! I'm going to binge on coffee, and paint till the wee hours, or 11pm or so anyways... ;) This getting older thing is way over-rated! ;)
Maybe that's my second package I'm expecting this week...I knew what one of them was...but not what the other one is.
Morning kittens.
The eclipse was phenomenal! Where I was, the skies were clear, so we had an unobstructed view of the umbral ring. It was also really cool to see the shadow bands just before totality.
I played TO:7S with my brothers. I didn't do fire and corruption checks when they entered a space that had the tokens/symbols, only when they left the space. I only succeeded in killing one hero before they won. I think the reason I won so easily before was that I was playing against my wife and our (then) 7-year-old son. When you're playing against a group of adults, though, it's a lot more challenging for the Sins player.
Sorry about the cake, BaKhan. I know you worked so hard on it. I think I might've died if that had happened to me (metaphorically speaking)
Zem, there's supposed to be another total eclipse passing through Oklahoma in either three or seven years. I think my OK brother said it'll be at his house in 7 years...
@GM, if its coming by Canada Post, it is most likely MD! Thats a whole lotta plastic my friend! ;) The package was 17kg, if you went all in anyways... ;)
@LZ, thanks bro. In the moment I was heart broken for sure. But the way I'm wired won't let me dwell too long. With in a couple of minutes I was in disaster recovery mode, came up with a plan (to use the picture for the now empty tier), and went on to start on decorating the other two cakes. My father in law was gracious enough to clean the cake of his driveway for me, that might have crushed me worse tbh. Thats the thing with life, things happen, and its how we deal with them that really counts.
As per the eclipse, I believe its coming in 2024, if the news was right anyways... ;) Even though I didn't get to see it directly, watching it on the news was really cool as well. What I thought was really neat was that as the eclipse would move towards being total, in the areas with cloud cover, that low pressure zone created by the dropping temperatures, would clear the sky for the people hoping to see it, it was almost magical. Theres no wonder why our more primitive ancestors used to lose their minds over it! ;)
@LZ: It's supposed to be around 2024, and go through Tennessee, according to one of my other friends. A few of us might be going and meeting up at that one...possibly.
LZ, YOU EVEN GOT TO SEE SHADOW BANDS?! Dang it, now I'm kind of jealous.
But yeah, the next one is in 7 years, and we'll be going to my mom's friend's house in Ohio, I believe. Totality times of up to 4 1/2 minutes, if I remember right! In fact, as eclipse totalities go, this one didn't last long at all.
The 2024 one is going north from Mexico and through Texas, clipping through several states in the south, through Indiana, Ohio, New York, Vermont, Maine, and parts of Canada.
I wanted to go to Canada, but my mom wants to see that friend, so we'll probably go to Ohio, but make a road-trip out of it.
Morning kittens.
@BaKhan: I'm sorry you had the cake mishap but look at the positive. The happy couple still got a great cake. As long as they were happy, the experience was nothing but a success. I know I'm very proud of you. I have only beginner skills when it comes to baking a cake.
Heck, I'd love to hire you for my wedding cake. Assuming I ever get married. ;-)
Morning kittens!
@Geist, thank you so much! You are 100% right, they did love the cake, and in the end, it all works out! As long as its a while till you meet and marry some extremely lucky man (I need to recover!), I would love to make your cake for you! Could be a bit tricky to bring it to you though! ;) I really appreciate all the kind words from all you kittens! You guys are the bestest!
It's official! BaKhan will make all out wedding cakes! You heard it here! ;)
Just kidding. I don't want to kill you from all that stress!
@Zem, ok, I'll make you a deal, if you get married in Calgary, I'll make your cake for you! ;) In all seriousness though, I doubt I'll ever do that again. That took a lot out of me! Again, Creeper is the queen of cakes, and I'll never even front about that! ;)
@BaKhan: How about cupcakes? I was going to have a bunch of cupcakes so that people can just take their own piece with a smaller whole cake on top.
I already read somewhere of a couple that decided to have a piñata shaped like a wedding cake. The inside was filled with little bottles of booze.
Morning kittens.
Booze cake pinata? Sign me up!
@Geist, hey its your party, we can do what ever! ;)
Morning kittens!
Interesting article I read last week. Due to the growing amount of people who use credit cards and apps, panhandlers are collecting less and less change. Some days, they don't collect any money at all. I'd never given it much thought since I'm kinda old fashion and will carry around some real money.
The location where I work has a fair amount of panhandlers and they get most of their money from the tourist.
Morning kittens!
@Geist, yeah, I never would have thought about it, but it makes sense, but not cents I guess... ;) Honestly, I don't give money to pan handlers, I give money to a local homeless shelter (the mustard seed), where they provide food, shelter, and help them to get a job, or the mental/medical help that they need. I think that giving people with problems that got them on the street money, doesn't actually help them. Giving money to those places where those same people can get real help, does help them, those that want help anyways. Other wise I think you're just feeding the addiction / problem that got them there in the first place. I mean would you give an addict drugs, or an alcoholic booze? Cause thats basically what giving money directly to the homeless actually does, imo.
@BaKhan: I feel the same way you do. Many years ago, there was a man who panhandled in front of a famous D.C. hotel. The man was raking in so much money, he could afford a $1,600 apartment not far away. All tax free money, btw.
Another time, I saw a man who I had given some money to go into a liquor store and buy a bottle of booze. Now, I don't mind buying someone drinks but I'm not going to support someone else's vices.
That is one of the things that I feel was part of the reason why my mother never got over her drug and alcohol addictions. In my city, once you are on disability payment status, you get a government check every month and can spend it any way you like. My mother spent it to support her bad habits and even when she landed in jail, was still getting a monthly check. If she lived in the state of Florida, once she got arrested, the benefits would be taken away permanently with no hope of ever getting them back.
Morning kittens.
I really wish I had an air conditioner at was too hot to sleep last night(finally fell asleep sometime after 2am - and ended up sleeping through my alarm and getting late)
@Geist, yeah, thats a tough one! My mother had many issues, and I'm sure still does, but vice addiction wasn't one of them. I think that any type of gov't assistance should come with counseling. Obviously the people need help, I'd rather that they maybe got less money per month, but had access to job training, counseling, therapy, what have you. I think that sometimes society believes that if you throw enough money at a problem, it will solve it. Sadly, its compassion that is the key, not money. Not of course that compassion doesn't cost as well, but to actually help people, I don't know any other way.
@GM: Our weather is cooling down. Which is nice for me as I don't have to run my air conditioner so often. Which reminds me: I need to purchase an electric blanket for the winter. While my electric bills aren't so bad in the summertime, they skyrocket when I try to warm my apartment in winter. I can't sleep with cold feet and the heater doesn't warm my bed fast enough.
I think it's also important to not confuse panhandler with homeless. Sure, they all dress shabbily, and it's nearly impossible to tell the difference, but like Geist said about that one guy, some people panhandle because they get enough money to live on by doing it.
I work with someone who loves telling the story of an interaction she had with a panhandler outside a department store that was hiring. She pointed at the sign and asked if he had applied. His answer was something along the lines of, "Why should I? Let's be generous and say they pay me 10 bucks an hour. After an eight hour day, I'd make 80 dollars, and I'd have to pay taxes. Doing this, I'd take home more than twice that on my worst day, without paying taxes." The guy wasn't homeless, it was simply the costume he wore.
I like to offer to buy food for people who ask me for money. Most of them tell me where to stick it and where to go. I was once approached by a guy who had a sob story about how he had been laid off, and subsequently lost his apartment, and he and his wife hadn't had anything to eat in three days. He asked if I had any money so they could buy a meal. I explained that I don't carry cash (not necessarily true, but convenient excuse) and offered to buy him and his wife some food from Burger King. He sighed and visibly relaxed, saying that if I did that, it would be great. When I brought the food back, he told me he didn't think I would come back, but gratefully took the food. I could tell by the way he and his wife tore into it that they really hadn't eaten in a long time. It's sad that people ruin it for people like them. When they honestly need help, no one gives it because they think they're just faking.
@LZ: I'm the same way, I won't give money to panhandlers due to how many of them aren't actually homeless, and just do it to avoid the taxes. I have offered to buy coffee/food for people, but I don't give money to them(especially since most of the change I get goes into those little donation boxes for various charities that a lot of places have by their registers, since change gets heavy).
LZ, that's exactly what we do. Ask if you can give them food or water. The ones that need it will always accept it gladly, but I love when you ask them, like when we were outside a gas station on a roadtrip, going in to get some drinks for the road, my mom offered to get a guy a sandwich or water and he said, "Could you get me some beer or whiskey?" He just would NOT accept food or water, only alcohol! That's a good way to tell why they're there!
Aside from that, though, we've always supported the nearby largest food pantry and shelter in the region. In fact, my dad found it when it was a church that would incentivize people to come in with food, but then they found out people were only coming for the food. This is in south Omaha, which is very heavily hispanic, so many people there are poor and/or immigrants who can't find good jobs, so they wanted to expand to actually help people. Thankfully my dad is perfect for building organizations like that, so he eventually became president and helped them expand it to what it is now, as I said, the largest pantry in the region, by which I mean several states.
My dad isn't the president anymore, that was a ton of work, but it's amazing to see how many people they help there, and they try to help with the cause of why the people need food supplements in the first place as well, helping with housing or finding a stable job to fix the problem, not the symptom.
Morning kittens!
Yes, it is. It feels like Morning smashed through my wall like the Kool-Aid man and kidnapped me from the sanctity of my bed. Which is a feat, considering I'm on the fifth floor, so Morning must be a really good high-jumper.
Morning kittens!
@Zem, lol, oh yeeAAHHH!
Morning kittens. Finally it's Friday.
What GM said.
And how am I spending part of my time at work? Listening to documentaries about homelessness and poverty. I have no idea why I feel so morbid today.
On another note: only 10 more days until my birthday.
@Geist, do you think that maybe it has something to do with your bday coming up? As mine just passed on Monday, I know that I tend to reflect more about things as I get closer to it. Don't worry too much about it. ;) Thankfully I was so wrapped up in getting things ready for my sister in law's wedding, I didn't have too much time to slip down that rabbit hole. I'll do my best to remember, but since I don't want to risk it, Happy Birthday! I can't wait for you to come up! Were you going to email me your flight info again? I need to know when to pick you up! ;)
@BaKhan: What?! I didn't know you just recently natal day. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!
How did you spend it? Did you paint some of your miniatures? Go out and celebrate? Buy Pumpkin a toy? ;-)
@BaKhan: I will mail you my flight details this weekend. Thanks for reminding me. I can't wait to spend another Halloween in Calgary and seeing the 8 foot tall Halloween tree. Did you guys get any new decorations this year?
@Geist, lol, yeah it was on Monday, I said so, but no one noticed I guess... ;) I worked, and checked out my Massive Darkness ks that had just showed up, it is glorious! I had some people over in the evening, my sister in law and her new husband came over and bought me pizza, as a thank you for helping with their wedding. So it was a pretty good day! I had fun, and yes I've started painting minis again after a two week wedding cake break... ;) Theres close to 200 minis in this newest game! Its going to be amazing! ;) The Halloween tree is actually 9' tall, it just seems smaller because of the height of the foyer. ;) I'm sure that Misty has a bunch of new ones this year, and I've got a craft that I'd like to do if we have time. I plan on baking as much as I can in advance and freezing it, so that when you come I'll have more free time to spend! Several years ago we bought a bunch of Styrofoam skulls and I was thinking that it would be a fun craft to decorate them as sugar skulls! If you're not into, we'll have plenty of other things to do as well. I even think I've figured out my Halloween costume! ;)
Oh, whoops! BaKhan, I saw on Monday that you thought the post wished you a very happy birthday when they delivered your huge set of miniatures, but I thought for sure I threw out a happy birthday! I guess I got distracted responding to something at the time, and later on I thought I had already sent you one, so I didn't make sure! Sorry about that, but I'll make it up by just getting your next one out of the way now.
Happy very be-early-d birthday 2018, BaKhan! ;)
@BaKhan: I'm sorry if I forgot. Stress tends to make me a bit forgetful. I can't wait to see the new minis you are going to decorate.
I'll be happy to help you get ready for the party in any way I can. I enjoyed myself last time. Especially getting the goodie bags ready.
When is Misty's birthday?
@Zem, no worries! Its all good. ;)
@Geist, no worries at all! Misty's bday is July 19th (this year she turned 40... shhh don't tell anyone!). ;) Oh and other good news! We've been trying out a new guitar player, and it looks like we will have a band together for Halloween! Last year was the first year that we haven't played on Halloween, and I think the party only turned out as well as it did, because you were there! ;) But I still missed being able to play... this year it will be so on! I even picked up a new light feature, that has an all in one approach, green and blue lasers, red, blue and green lights that flash in different patterns, and a strobe effect as well. I used all the music store (Long and Mcquade) gift certificates I had lying around, and only had to spend $100 of my own money. That machine is worth $460 brand new! Quite the steal of a deal I would say! ;) Oh, and the new minis are awesome, this one is a fantasy dungeon crawler, so they're not zombies (although you can add zombies from the other game you were looking at before as well), the ones I'm painting up now are called Orc Flayers, and they are badass! They have piercings all over, and they will look so awesome when they are done! Huzzah for stuff and things! ;)
The best cheer one could ever shout. I think next time I'm at a bar with friends, I'm going to use that one!
@Zem, its one of the best cheers one could ever make! All the stuffs! All the things! ;)
@BaKhan: I can't wait to hear your band play. I wish I could take credit for your party's success but I firmly believe it was the food and host/hostess. :-)
@Geist, I can't wait either! ;) It is going to be amazing! Our newest member plays lead guitar, and key boards, alternating. ;) Hopefully we have our rhythm guitarist back by then too, as her back up vocals with Misty's lead vocals, is an amazing thing to hear! Super excited!
Well, I think I'm going to call it early today. Have a great weekend kittens!
The food and the Hostess? Ooh, so you had like Twinkies and Ho-Hos and Sticky Buns?! Dude, I gotta make it up there this year! ;)
Woot! Happy birthdays to all!
I frog-gutted to mention that while I was in casper, we had a pool tournament. It was double elimination, which turned out to be a good thing for me. The first time I played against my oldest brother, he beat me. He's the one who owns the table, so it was no surprise. Then, it came down to my two brothers and me. At that point, I said, "It is down to the three brothers!" Now, my younger sister is a huge Potterhead, so she asked which Deathly Hallow I have, so I told her that, as the youngest brother, I would have the Invisibility Cloak. She then said that I would win because the middle brother had the Resurrection Stone, which drives people mad; and the eldest had the Elder Wand, which gets its owner killed. But, the youngest is the one who escaped death. So, I beat the middle brother.
Then, I played against my oldest brother again. It got down to the two of us trying to be the first to sink the 8 ball without scratching. At one point, he left the 8 ball about a foot from a corner pocket, right on the rail. The cue ball was in a position that would prevent me from knocking it into the nearest pocket. So, I took careful aim and hit the 8 ball just right so it rode the rail into the other corner on that side. The last game was just getting going when he knocked the 8 ball into a pocket before the rest of his balls had been sunk. He lost.
The point of all this is that my prize was a pet rabbit. My brother's kid had named her Toast and said that we weren't allowed to rename her. It took my kids about two minutes to ignore that and rename her Zelda.
Haha, that sounds like so much fun, LZ! And super tense!
Also, that's about how like 1/3 of my games end, with me being careless or unlucky and knocking the 8 ball in. ;)
Ooh, bunnies are so great, if they're not super shy!
Just got back from a concert. First up was Jason Bonham's Led Zeppelin Experience, then Cheap Trick, then Foreigner. Foreigner was great. They were really engaging and entertaining. Cheap Trick was not. They mostly relied on gimmicky instruments to give a spectacle. It was cool to see their guitar with five necks, though.
Haha, They have five necks on one guitar, but on a video of Metalica's One played on one guitar, they need five hands on one neck.
Still, that would have been a great concert, you're so lucky! Sounds like alot of fun!
Morning kittens. The weather this weekend was sooo nice. It is definitely cooling down. I only had to run my air conditioner for a hour or two the whole time. I'm seriously looking forward to the three day weekend coming up. I really need to take some extra time off.
@LZ: I didn't know Cheap Trick were still touring. Funny thing: I know I went to a concert of theirs many years ago but I can't remember much detail about it. Same with Prince. I remember going with a friend and the beginning parts but not much after that.
Meh, old age.
That just means you'll have to go see Cheap Trick again! Can't remember them? Oh darn, better go see them again!
Morning kittens.
Note to self: when eating roasted garlic, don't leave the house without brushing your teeth or having a bunch of mints to chew on. I'm going to make it a mission not to talk to anyone today.
Morning kittens!
Glad everyone had a good weekend!
@LZ, that concert sounds awesome! I know that Cheap Trick are gimmicky, but I'd still like to see them, just to say I did. ;) I'd rather have 5 guitars than one with 5 necks... oh wait, I do! ;P I actually have 6 guitars but, meh who's counting... ;) (Three basses, a sitar, and a rental upright too!)
@Geist, lol, nah, just enjoy it! ;) Breath mints and garlic don't go together very well! Uggg... ;)
@BaKhan: I was trying to think of my co-workers. I know that I don't like the smell of cigarette smoke on someone's breath when they talk to me. Blech! I should have mints with me as they make me want to drink water after eaten one. I'm not sure why.
A sitar? You've used it with your band before?
@Geist, no sadly I can't sit in the position required to play it (its a hybrid of kneeling and sitting), I'm too crippled up. On day I plan on having a mount made for it so I can have it fixed to a stand, then I'll be able to get into it. The reason I picked it up is two fold. One, I've always loved the sound and wanted to play it, and two, I've always wanted to get my hands on as many different stringed instruments as I can. ;) I had a friend (buddy, acquaintance, you know...) that was selling his off for $350, it is beautiful and has a hard travel case, so in the end I'll be able to sell it for more than I bought it for if I decided at some point to give up on it. Although I highly doubt that will happen. ;)
Haha, nice, BaKhan. Quite a collection!
Indeed. It certainly has mine beat. I have two guitars (one acoustic, one electric), a banjo, a cornet, a baritone horn, and a piano. I'm sure if I went searching, I could find my harmonica and my jaw harp. If I couny the wife's instruments, I can add a flute, a piccolo, and an electric keyboard to the list.
@Zem, lol, thanks! Its been a work in progress for a long time, well 24 years or so... ;) My next major instrument purchase will be an upright bass, but it'll be a while till I can afford that ($5000+). Like this one... ;) If I could find this in NA, I would be so happy!
@LZ, thats a pretty impressive collection as well! Sadly I don't have a trumpet or a saxaphone, but I still know how to play 'em, might take a bit to get back into shape though... ;) I do have a few harmonicas, G, C, and E. I have a midi keyboard (60 key) as well just for messing about whilst recording etc. I have two regular acoustic guitars, one Takamine six string and one twelve string, one Epiphone "Gibson" semi hollow body electric, and a Gibson SG Toni Iommi signature series electric (with mother of pearl crosses going down the fret board). I've got a four string Ibanez Eurgodine electric bass, a no-name from Vietnam 5 string bass (that was cheap and cool with skulls and such all over it, needs new pick ups and power source though, it sounds bad the way it is), and my everyday Gibson SG four string bass. Then I've got my sitar, and all my PA equipment a 24 channel and a 16 channel Presonus Live mixing boards (which I can twin together for 40 channel live streaming), Two powered tower pa speakers, and my monitor system as well. Numerous different microphones (these guys are crazy expensive!). If I add my wifes stuff in as well, that adds in a vintage 80's keyboard that was big bucks back in the day, but now is probably $40 at a pawn shop... ;) But I love music, both making and recording, so it makes sense that I have invested in it over the years. None of this stuff was an over night thing, many of the pieces were bought on lay away, or payment plans... I normally put one big thing on payments per year. That 24 channel mixing board was almost $4000... but its worth every penny! ;)
I can play air guitar
No I can't. Not really.
That's okay, Geist. Air guitar can be *really* tricky. Can you at least play air tambourine?
@Geist, lol, maybe we can brush up your air guitar skills before you head home... ;)
@LZ, funny story about a tambourine... ;) Years ago, before I even started dating my wife, she was the lead singer in a band I was in. We decided that she should have something else going on, so we gave her a tambourine, seemed like a good idea right? Well that lasted all of one song, and then we gently, politely told her, maybe you're not cut out for percussion... ;P She can play keys pretty well, sing like an angel, and dance like crazy (seriously, she knows all those crazy Latin dances), but when it comes to playing music, the girl has no rhythm... ;)
I'm not even going to go through my parent's collections, it could easily fill a very, very long, tedious comment nobody would read, but just know it's incredible.
Too bad, though, that my dad's finally getting rid of his old Buddy Rich drum kit! Ah, that thing is amazing, one of the best sets I've seen, very complete, and SO much fun growing up as a kid just wanting to make loud noises! I'm going to miss it.
Geist, I feel ya. I can play Guitar Hero... does that count?
I also used to play trumpet and probably still could somewhat... for like 5 minutes, then my lips would swell back up and I couldn't keep playing.
I do have, though... *looks around for anything I can add to my list of instruments*... uh... is mayonnaise an instrument? (sorry, obligatory spongebob reference) A blues brothers poster? Does that count? I think so. Cha-ching!
I want to learn guitar and relearn piano better, though. Those would be awesome.
Hmmm... just re-read my post from earlier and realized that it sounds like I'm bragging... Sorry if I came across that way, I was just excited... sorry kittens! I'm really not that much of a jerk! Really! ;)
Don't worry, I didn't take it as such, just the normal super-proud-of-your-favorite-hobby kind of bragging, which is fine. I didn't want to list mine because I knew it would definitely sound like one-upsmanship, also it would be arduous and tedious because they have a TON of instruments.
But yeah, don't worry, I didn't take it as actual snobbish bragging, just in a "I love my hobby!" kind of way.
I think the Spinners have finally jumped the shark.
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens!
@Geist, lol, yeah, thats a bit much for anyone I think... >.> yikes! The Fonz has nothing on them! ;)
I'm seeing more and more store bringing out their Halloween stock. Reminds me that I will be seeing Pumpkin again in about two months. :-)
I stopped by the craft store last week and saw some wonderful trinkets that I can bring for the kids in Calgary. I'm so happy to be going, I'm kinda obsessing about it. I had so much fun helping to make the goodie bags for the kids last year.
@Geist, lol, thats good to hear! Its one of Misty's favorite parts too! Well, that and dressing up... ;) We're pretty excited to have you up too! The stores here are pretty much in full swing for Halloween as well. Misty didn't get home until almost 9 o'clock last night as a couple of stores just put out their stock... ;) This time of year, I get used to her being missing for hours at a time! ;)
Butchew guise! It's a stidget finner you can ate! It can't get bater then thate!
Seriously, though, I think the most irritating part about that link was the music, which was probably part of an ad.
@LZ: I thought it was kinda weird. I can understand playing with your food but that is a bit silly. Probably me just being an old grump.
No, it's definitely weird
I dunno, it may seem really kinda dumb, but I wish I were friends with whomever made that! It's incredibly creative, and I never would've thought you could find a way to make a pumpkin pie not just fall to pieces when picked up. Though it'd be mostly crust, which would be annoying. The person who made those knows their pies!