I think its one of those, hey grandparents, wanna be cool and hip with the kids? type of things... ;) I remember one year at Christmas my grandparents bought me a book on Michael Jackson (about one year after he was totally uncool with my friends anyways) and I just frizbee'd the thing back under the tree like it was contagious... In retrospect I feel bad about it, they were just trying to relate, but damn, I would have been the laughing stock of my school if anyone would have found out! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-29T14:24:55-04:00
Note to self: I really need to get an electric blanket before November. The temperature drop recently reminds me that my electric bills will be soaring if I can't find more energy effient ways to keep warm at night. Last year my average electric bill was $150.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-29T14:27:39-04:00
@BaKhan: When I was a girl, my grandmother made me wear an outfit my mother wore when she was a teenager. I got teased so badly that I skipped school for a week before she found out. She kept insisting that when my mother wore it, she was so stylish. *sigh* Didn't seem to understand that bell bottoms hadn't come back in style at that moment in time.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-29T14:28:29-04:00
@Geist, polar fleece. Electric blankets are scary to me, I had a buddy who's house caught on fire due to one, and while no one actually got hurt, it was close. Seriously though, add a layer of polar fleece to your bed, and that will solve your problem for sure. I normally put one down, sleep on that, and use my regular blankets as covers, you might even need to lose a blanket or two. Polar fleece works that well. ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-29T14:34:10-04:00
@Geist, lol, yeah I can relate. We were poor growing up, white trash really, we didn't live in a mobile home, but in a poor neighborhood. My parents had to but us school clothes at the discount store, and I was teased mercilessly about it. Nothing I could do about it though, if I wanted something nicer I would have to get it for myself as my parents couldn't afford anything more stylish. I don't think I've ever been in a modern fashion trend except during the 90's when shabby clothes were the style... ;) It was like all of sudden, dressing like poor people was cool, and I had lots of experience doing that... ;)
Lord Zombitten 2017-08-29T14:46:09-04:00
My bad gift from grandparents story was in the late '90s, when all the rage among the preppies was vests. My grandparents got me a parka vest, so it could have been worse (fleece was the material of choice at the time). My parents did their best to convince me it was a very nice vest. Now, my grandparents were at least aware enough to include a gift receipt in case I didn't like it. After a couple days of my parents trying to convince me to at least try it on, and my constant refusal to do so (really, what would be the point? I'd never wear it, even if it fit), they finally relented and took me to the store so I could exchange it for a shirt I would actually wear. I exchanged it for a very nice blue shirt with a kind of beach-like print on it and really nifty wooden buttons. I think they might actually be made of compressed coconut husk or coconut shell. Anyway, I still have it and wear it regularly.
A few days later, there was a televised New Year's Eve party/parade thing. 98 Degrees performed. They all came out in their fleece vests. My mom pointed this fact out to me. My response was something like, "Yes, because it is my lifelong ambition to dress like someone from 98 Degrees!" She dropped it at that point.
I don't remember any bad gifts from grandparents. There was one time where I got a duplicate of something I already had, but that was because I had mentioned to my parents(who bought it on behalf of my grandma) that the copy I had was missing, and went out a few weeks later and bought it(was the collectors edition of Avatar with all the 3 different length versions). Ended up returning the one that was from my grandma(didn't let her know I already had it before that) and got something else - it was from Costco, so not sure what I got, either a book or different movie.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-29T17:04:37-04:00
@LZ: LOL! I remember when I wanted my hair styled like John Taylor from Duran Duran (didn't happen) and I wanted to dress like Annie Lennox (that didn't happen either). My step dad did buy me and showed me how to tie a tie so I could wear one like Annie did in the video Sweet Dreams.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-29T21:52:45-04:00
I don't think I've ever really had a gift like that, only really one or two I didn't like much, but the only clothes I ever got were t-shirts very much like the ones I wear anyways because I told my mom I needed some. A couple I don't really wear, but it worked well.
My grandparents, though, never give us clothes. Actually, the one grandma that would maybe have done that only gives us all money, the perfectly versatile gift that's always in style!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-30T09:18:22-04:00
Morning kittens. It was so cold this morning, I regretted leaving the house without a jacket. Dare I start breaking out my sweaters?
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-30T09:34:57-04:00
Did anyone check out the Exploding Kittens FB page lately? They posted video of their booth at GenCon. Whoever came up with the concept is a frigging genius. Oh how I wish I had been there.
@Geist, yeah, some day I'd love to go to GenCon. So many of the cool people I've "met" on ks go there every year, I'd like to meet some of them irl. ;) Plus just getting so see all the new and cool stuffs! All the Stuffs and Things! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-30T10:34:18-04:00
Kitten Corps at GenCon. I like the sound of that.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-30T10:54:51-04:00
@Geist, well it would take a bit of planning, but I think we could probably make something like that work! I'd be up for it for sure!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-30T11:36:47-04:00
That would be awesome! I've never been to a Con (not even a KittenCon!), so it'd be cool if that worked somehow.
And today got off to a good start...I really hate people.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-30T12:14:47-04:00
@GM, that sucks man. Hope it gets better for you!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-30T12:15:56-04:00
@Zem, I've never been to a games Con before, so it would be super awesome for me. I'd love to get to meet some of the designers and games rep people that I've talked to. See whats up and coming, and get whatever cool free stuff (all the stuffs and things!) there is to have. ;)
@BaKhan: I can't wait until I actually get a new job, and get to do my exit interview(they are starting to do them now...oh so many things to be brought up...have a massive list already)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-30T12:23:03-04:00
@GM, so you've started looking then! Wowza! I never thought the day was going to come! Congrats bro, you will be soooooooooooooooooooooooo much happier elsewhere! I was all ready for an exit interview when I left, but it never happened. They did give me a $100 Long & Mcquade gift card though... ;)
@BaKhan: They keep saying how they want feedback as to why people quit. So, even if there isn't an exit interview, there is the anonymous review email that I can submit it to(even though they will instantly know exactly who it was). They need to know how shitty it feels for people to keep getting more and more responsibility piled on them, while not getting raises, whereas other people could be with the company for less than a month and already getting raises/being part of the bonus program(which I've seen the whole list of who is...and it's BS that half those people are on there).
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-30T12:39:53-04:00
@GM, sadly, I think that they do know. They are just taking advantage of your good nature. I know how much it sucks to be passes over, over looked, over worked and under appreciated. The worst part (if you're like me) is that you try and figure out what you're doing wrong, when you know that you haven't. Its very much like being in an abusive relationship where you're trying to figure out why you're the punching bag, and what you did wrong. You did nothing wrong! They are in the wrong. And... if you stay, say nothing and put up with it, then you're wrong too. Just my opinion.
@BaKhan: A few weeks ago my manager asked how things were going...I kind of just verbally vomited all over. There was no filter, and I think she finally understood that I am practically done with this place. I honestly spend more time surfing the net than actually working because I am that done.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-30T12:49:43-04:00
@GM, yep I know that feeling. The worst thing is that it didn't have to be this way. There is no way a person should ever be holding a lightning rod for sh*t and not be able to have any control. Thats just garbage. The thing with staying strong for as long as you have, is that when you hit that tipping point, its over, just over. I really hope you're able to find something soon! You deserve it!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-30T13:46:57-04:00
@GM: What???? You finally got another job? I am so happy for you!!! So many good things are happening to our little KC. I hope it's more money and vacation time for you.
@Geist: Haven't gotten a new job yet. Working on it though.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-30T14:44:01-04:00
GM, if they do that interview, just walk in with a portfolio nice and thick full of "ideas" to shoot with them.
And yeah, we're all pulling for you, GM! I'm certain you can find something good, and it shouldn't be hard to be better than what you already deal with, and until then, we're all up to read the new and various ways humans are jerks. ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-31T07:24:33-04:00
Morning kittens.
The weather has been cooling down to the point where the temperature is so perfect, I've had some of my best sleep in months. Seriously, it's made it difficult to get out of bed in the mornings.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-31T09:21:08-04:00
I am so getting this. Might put a picture of one of my dear kitties on the front.
@Geist, this time of year is always hard for me as I really, really dislike the cold. One of the only things that make it bearable to me, is knowing that many people (that I care about) actually like it that way, so its a small consolation. ;) That suitcase cover idea is cool, I just wonder how durable it is? I've seen some things at the luggage carousel before... ;)
@BaKhan: Yes, I haven't opened the box yet, but I did receive it last week sometime.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-31T10:57:32-04:00
@GM, what!?! I can't even wrap my head around that... ;) Well glad that you got it anyways... ;) I have 12 of the miniatures done for that one now. I decided that since they gave the dwarves pointy hats, to paint them like angry garden gnomes! ;) So the ones with the big cleavers are the blue hats and the ones with the hammers are going to be red hats... ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-31T11:27:20-04:00
I love sweets and I would probably throw my money at this.
@Geist, lol! Thats just crazy talk! You know how much ice cream a person could make for $127 US? I get that it has lots of fancy stuff, but one thing I've never understood is eatable gold. Seriously? I mean I get that a person can, but just why? And eatable diamonds? How, and why? I'm pretty sure that your digestive system can break down compressed carbon...? Oh well, I get that crazy rich people do crazy rich people things but dang. If I owned that shop, I'd fake all the ingredients, make the thing for like $10, and give the $100 to charity or something... yikes! It is fun to look at though, isn't it?
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-08-31T12:20:36-04:00
I'd fake all the ingredients, make the thing for like $10, and give the $100 to charity
@BaKhan: that is actually a great idea. I've never had edible gold but now I wonder how one would make a metal digestible for the human body. I would think that it would simply pass through us and end up in the toilet. I know there is gold powder but I don't think it's real gold. I think one is actually paying for bragging rights of a food item that looks expensive. Like the folks who use to go to clubs and buy one glass of Cristal and dance with it the whole night simply for bragging rights.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-31T13:07:28-04:00
Geist, haha, I love the suitcase! You'd never lose it in the airport!
Also, you seem to be ahead of me on weather. This is I think someone said the second recorded time Nebraska hasn't gone above 90 degrees in August, but it's been trying once again. I don't think we've gone below upper-70s at all, so it hasn't cooled down yet for us like I'd love.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-31T13:10:04-04:00
No, I'm almost certain diamonds are so compressed that a human could never digest a real diamond, at least not in a feasible time. Maybe a tiny bit, but for the most part, it'd go right through you.
As for metals, some would react with the digestive chemicals in your stomach, but gold is pretty unreactive as things go. Silver, I think you could do a good job on eroding a good bit of it, but gold I think would come through almost completely, and any that is dissolved I don't know if your body can absorb anyways.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-31T13:10:22-04:00
@Geist, thats just it, I don't think you do digest the gold at all, you just pass it, same with the diamonds... might as well put a sluice box on your toilet... ;) gross!!! ;) I know that its just crazy bragging rights, but to someone like me, I'd be much more impressed that you gave $127 to charity than ate an ice cream... ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-08-31T13:30:11-04:00
@Zem, yeah, thats my what my limited knowledge on the subject would suggest as well. I doubt that you actually get anything out of it other than bragging rights (?).
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-08-31T15:48:22-04:00
Yeah, it's literally just to say you did. Gold and diamonds would have no flavor and wouldn't decompose nearly at all, so the only way it'd be worth eating them is to recover them from your poop, but then again... that would NOT be worth it!
Not to mention the amounts they ever put on food are at most like a couple dollars' worth.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-09-01T05:00:00-04:00
Morning kittens. Friday at last and I just want to get work over with. I am so ready for the 3 day weekend. Unfortunately, I don't have anything planned for my birthday thanks to blowing the whole budget on concert tickets. Might simply use that day to reflect on life and come up with a 5 year plan.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-01T09:26:19-04:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-01T09:32:23-04:00
@Geist, Happy Birthday! You know what it sounds like to me? You need to try out one of your special concoctions and curl up with a good book! There are lots of things a person can do on a low budget and still have fun. Maybe even grab that book and head over to that cat cafe and chill for a bit? Reflecting on life, coming up with a five year plan, etc., are all good endeavors but, on your birthday, I think you need to try and have a little fun... come on! Have some fun! Do you guys have any boardgame cafes near where you live, or even a local games store? You could probably jump in on a game or two! You know you wanna have some fun, someone even wrote a song about that once... ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-01T09:42:10-04:00
Ooh, the cat cafe sounds like a good idea! Dang it, I wish we had one around here!
A couple cafes around here also have boardgames, but the only boardgame cafe near me I know of is all the way in Omaha, but it's a really cool place.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-01T09:49:48-04:00
@Zem, I don't even know if we're allowed to have a cat cafe here, the only animals you're allowed to have in an eating establishment are service animals (seeing eye dog, etc.). I'm not sure if that only counts for places that prepare food though or not. As per the gaming cafes, I think that there are a couple in Calgary, but given that I have almost 200 boardgames, my place is like a gaming cafe! ;) I've already got the coffee I like here, and if friends aren't available, lots of games that I can play solo! ;)
Morning kittens. Only good thing to come out of today, other than it being Friday, is that we were told yesterday that the office is closing at 2 today. So only another 6 hours until I have a 2-day weekend(I have to work on Monday -.-)
Lord Zombitten 2017-09-01T10:06:28-04:00
Gah! I've been so busy at work, I missed the edible jewelry discussion!
Here' the thing: diamonds are worthless. Seriously. They are so common that most of them are thrown out or used to make drill bits and sawblades. Those only cost cents. One of my employees has a sun whose job is designing drill bits for oil drilling. She showed me some of the discarded diamond-encrusted bit heads and said that each one was worth about a nickel. I guarantee that any diamonds put in ice cream would be of the same caliber. I'd be concerned about what would happen to my insides if I ate diamonds. There's the potential for them to act like sandpaper on my delicate innards.
As for the gold, the best case scenario is that it would simply pass through you. This is most likely going to be the case, as it's probably elemental gold, which is fairly inert. However, it's not competley inert, so it is possible that you would end up with a case of gold poisoning. That's not very likely unless you're regularly eating gold over a long period of time, but it can and does happen occasionally.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-01T10:08:10-04:00
@GM, what!?! Why would you have to work Monday? Its a holiday in the US isn't it? Dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip, pum ma ma ma ma ma ma, get a new job... sha na na na sha na na na na, mmm mmm... ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch…
Lord Zombitten 2017-09-01T10:09:32-04:00
Happy birthday, Geist! You should do something fun to celebrate. You deserve it!
Lord Zombitten 2017-09-01T10:12:48-04:00
It is a US holiday. I don't see any reason why you should have to work, GM! Working on labor day is for two types of people: entry level, low-paid workers (fast food, retail, etc.); and emergency services. I don't think payroll counts as either of those.
@BaKhan and @LZ: Because the company I work for doesn't care about our mental/physical health. Stress(both work related and non work related) that causes you to lose sleep and eat very little(if any) is something they don't care about really. I've talked with both my manager(who says that ALL companies are the same - I call bullshit) and the controller, and it seems only the controller understands where I'm coming from in regards to how close I am to not caring about finding a new job before I leave this place.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-09-01T11:24:11-04:00
@BaKhan & LZ: Thanks for the birthday wishes.
There is a book festival tomorrow so I will go to that. Not sure what I'm going to do afterwards. Might catch a bus to Baltimore since I haven't visited that city in a long time and go book hunting some more. I was going to go to Dave & Buster's but I'm not sure if my favorite bartender will be there. Might be able to cage a free drink or two if I let him know I'm going to be getting closer to my half century mark. ;-)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-09-01T11:26:51-04:00
Working on labor day is for two types of people: entry level, low-paid workers (fast food, retail, etc.); and emergency services
@LZ: I completely agree with you but in AP, people want their reimbursments no matter what. And looking at the pile before me, I might have to come in over the weekend.
@Geist: Happy early birthday, as I'm likely to forget.
@BaKhan: Happy belated birthday, as I did forget.
@Everyone else: Happy early/belated birthday so that I don't forget.
@LZ: Due to the complexity, and processing time(2.5 days) of this payroll, I can't take the day off due to it needing to be submitted by 1pm on Wednesday, otherwise people won't be paid on time.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-01T11:36:25-04:00
Nobody knows what it's about or why we have the day off, nor do most care, but everybody knows that any American company should have the day off.
GM, your company is really stupid to not let you regularly have any Canadian OR American holidays off! Honestly, I'm just really surprised you've stayed there as long as you have already; maybe you can put "Persistence" on your resume!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-01T11:38:34-04:00
LZ, on diamonds, exactly! You can actually make them incredibly cheaply in a lab, and in fact there's a movement to break away from the natural, controversial diamond market and make more custom-lab-made diamonds that are literally the same thing, just that they didn't get picked out of the ground by an impoverished African, smuggled across borders, and sold for a 100,000% markup.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-09-01T11:53:30-04:00
Want to know someone crazy? I was suppose to have this day off. I wanted this day off but my boss said that because it's month end close, we aren't suppose take any time off. Well guess what? The new guy that they hired 4 months ago requested and got today off. He has taken more time off than I have in the year that I've been in this position. I hold fast to my rule that not to take time off unless I've already booked it before. Which is how I got to go to Kitten Con even though I had been hired 2 months earlier.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-09-01T12:13:54-04:00
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-01T12:16:03-04:00
@LZ, so would gold poisoning be comparable to lead poisoning? Like it would basically electroplate to your bones? I was curious about that as gold and lead are so close in many properties. As per the diamonds, even with certain diamonds being worthless, I still can't see any reason to try and eat them. ;) Dirt is pretty cheap too... I don't care to find out what it tastes like. ;) Speaking of diamonds, this is the craziest one I've ever seen in person: http://famousdiamonds.tripod.com/spoonmakersdiamond.html# That palace/museum that houses this was only one of many amazing stops in Turkey.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-01T12:18:53-04:00
@GM, thank you! I hope you know that even if your manager believes what she says to be true, it is not. All companies are not made / run the same way. Payroll will always have a deadline, but its how they deal with it, and make you feel about it that matters most. As you said, the company you work for doesn't care. Don't invest more into them, than they do in you. Thats my motto. If you pay me 70% of what I should be making, you get approx. 70% of what I can do... ;) If you don't care about my life, and mental state of affairs, I don't care about your problems and deadlines. ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-01T12:23:05-04:00
@Zem, the diamond that is in my wife's wedding ring actually comes from Canada, and has a very high clairity (two down from the top, with 3 occlusions in it that are visable with a 10x magnification). So I have no worries about having purchased a blood diamond. http://www.canadianrocksdiamonds.com/
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-01T12:24:49-04:00
@Geist, that guy just sounds like a tool. I think the reason that they let him have the time off, is the same reason they give you the bigger work load... he sucks! ;) We all know you're the best, they do too, but while we appreciate you, they only appreciate what you do for them. Sigh, one of us needs to win the lottery and help all the others retire from working for other people!
@BaKhan: I've stopped trying to do everything the way I did when I first started. I've also started leaving by 4pm on any day that isn't a processing day(so every second Monday and Tuesday).
Lord Zombitten 2017-09-01T14:27:15-04:00
No, gold toxicity is much less severe. It mostly hits the liver and kidneys, whereas lead poisoning harms the brain. Liver and kidneys are much better at healing.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-01T14:44:52-04:00
BaKhan, that's great! I don't know, I likely won't even have a diamond in my ring, not because of going against tradition or being against controversy or anything, I'm just the kind that would get a simple gold or silver band, maybe with an inscription on the inside that glows when placed in fire that reads an ancient poem in Orcish...
or maybe I should stick with the simple band... ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-01T14:52:15-04:00
Yeah, LZ, I was going to say I don't even know how you'd absorb it, gold is pretty inert to organic reactions for the most part. And any portion that did become absorbable in your intestines would be tough to build up to enough to cause any major damage, not to mention not only is it, again, not very reactive, but it's also not a heavy metal like lead or mercury, it's less likely to cause major problems.
Man, you'd have to eat your paycheck's worth of gold, or just eat it very regularly, for it to really cause life-threatening poisoning! The MSDS's seem to agree as well, mostly just irritation up through cramps and diarrhea if ingested, then liver and kidney issues. Though I couldn't find the amount you'd need to ingest.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-01T14:53:00-04:00
@LZ, ah, ok then. I'd never actually heard of gold poisoning before. Outside of "I'm gonna get you sucker" from the 80s staring the Wayne's brothers before they did In Living Color. Wicked funny if you ever get the chance to see it. It has (as far as I know) Chris Rock's first on screen appearance in it as well.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-01T14:56:19-04:00
@Zem, my ring actually has 5 itty bitty diamonds in it. I didn't pick it out though, that was my wife's choice. I do love the ring and everything it symbolizes, given a choice though, I would have picked a plane white gold band. Which if I turn the diamonds to the palm side of my hand is what it looks like. ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-01T16:20:50-04:00
Happy elongated weekend, everyone that has one, including those few extra hours for you, GM! Wait, BaKhan, do you still work from home? That's basically one long weekend all the time, so everyone gets a good weekend this week!
Then again, working from home means not only do you take your work home with you, you have to live with it. It'd be so hard to get motivated some days, or to stay focused, if you weren't good at making a full room directly into a place of business. Then again, all the coffee and loud/smelly snacks you could want, a fully customizeable and very comfortable office...
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-01T16:31:10-04:00
@Zem, yeah, I'm still working at home for now, but I expect that to change next week as we take over our new office space. As far as staying motivated, I have my standards to keep up. Seeing as how know one in my company really even knows what I do/ am doing I'm my own supervisor, and I don't tend to be the kind to cut anyone slack... ;) I have basically taken over my wifes office, which she hardly ever uses for anything other than moving a mess from one room to another anyways, so at least its actually getting used for its intended (by me anyways) purpose for a while. ;) I do have to say that the coffee here is just to my liking, go figure. ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-01T16:32:12-04:00
Oh yeah, and have a great weekend kittens! I've got one more report to finish up, and I'm done too!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-01T17:24:28-04:00
The coffee in my office is just a bit watery, I should look into that.
Yeah, I figure if you can make an area specifically devoted to work and stay on yourself about getting things done, you can actually be more productive. And when you're done, no time commuting and you can quit early if you have absolutely everything done! It's also a great exercise in making yourself better at making yourself work and not be distracted.
Have a great weekend!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-09-01T17:30:57-04:00
@BaKhan: Wow. If I found out I had lost a fortune for 3 wooden spoons, I think I would go mental. It would be the equivalent of giving a jacket away that had a winning lottery ticket.
*checks pockets*
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-09-01T17:33:49-04:00
Have a good weekend kittens. I might be online Monday if I decide to do some personal research. Only 2 more months until Kitten Con 2. I cannot wait!
Oh, a co-worker and I have plans on spending a week in New York Christmas and New Years. I would finally get to see the ball drop in Times Square in the comfort of a hotel room that has been rented with the company discount. I hope I can make that happen.
Lord Zombitten 2017-09-01T21:23:21-04:00
Like I said, elemental gold wouldn't pose much of a problem. The real risk for gold poisoning is overdosing on some kind of gold salt (like gold chloride), such as they inject into the joints of people with rheumatoid arthritis. The worst would be a type of cyanide that has a gold ion incorporated into it. Then you get hit with the gold poisoning and cyanide poisoning.
We misremembered the time the show was supposed to start, so we got here way early. Australian Pink Floyd will take the stage in about 40 minutes. I'm so excited!
Lord Zombitten 2017-09-01T23:16:08-04:00
My wedding ring is a simple titanium band. The Mrs's is a bit more flashy. It's white gold with a diamond center stone (she insisted on having one) with a sculpted heart to one side with an emerald in the center. That's the engagement ring. The wedding ring clips onto it (it has since been soldered). It consist of a heart with a tsavorite (green garnet) in it. When the wedding set is assembled, the hearts are on either side of the diamond. I designed it myself.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-03T01:48:46-04:00
Gold cyanide! That's the one. I was trying to think of what that one compound that's really commonly used for isolating or precipitating gold from a mixture was. Or dissolving it. I kinda forget the specifics of why it's used most of the time. Looks like I need to see more of Cody's Lab's youtube "Refining Precious Metals" playlist, one of the most fun things ever to watch somehow.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-04T16:12:31-04:00
Happy Free Monday day to all who are able to celebrate it!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-09-04T17:11:28-04:00
Awww GM. If it makes you feel any better, I have to go to work tomorrow
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-05T09:15:47-04:00
Morning kittens! Today will be my first day at the new office! Pretty excited about that tbh! ;) It will be good to actually have people to talk to about what we're doing! Don't know how much I'll be able to check in today, so I hope that everyone has a great day, as I'm planning on it! ;)
Either the lady at Tim Horton's thinks I need more sugar in my life...or I grabbed the wrong coffee(that she said was a Dark Roast Black)....I can distinctly taste sugar on this brew.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-05T13:58:21-04:00
BaKhan, that's awesome! Hope you have a great and productive day!
GM, haha, I like how it sounds like a major infraction towards you, like you specifically asked for black coffee *no sugar!*, and she poured just enough in to taste just to spite you.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-05T14:44:40-04:00
@GM, thats the worst. I'm assuming it was too late to get them to correct it by the time you tried it? Mention it next time, they'll make it right. ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-05T14:45:44-04:00
@Zem, thanks! So far so good! I get a phone line sometime this week... ;) At least we have internet! ;)
Lord Zombitten 2017-09-05T14:50:29-04:00
Congrats, BaKhan, that's awesome!
I'm so very tired now, though. My opener is on vacation, and we always have a skeleton crew, so it falls to me to come in at 6 to open. Plus side is I'm off in an hour.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-05T14:58:13-04:00
@LZ, thanks bro! Sorry to hear that you're on the early shift, but on the upside, done in an hour sounds good to me! ;) I actually like working the early shift, strictly because I can get home earlier too. In Calgary after 4pm the roads get apesh*t crazy! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-05T15:09:49-04:00
If I had the option to avoid rush-hour traffic for life, I'd take it, but maybe not if the only option was to take the early shift. I hate traffic, but I'd rather avoid them by going later rather than earlier.
As it is, my only class on tues. and thurs. happens to be on the other campus, right after 5:00, so I have to drive there in the worst traffic. Thankfully not for very far and not in the worst parts of lincoln for traffic, but probably the second worst.
Lord Zombitten 2017-09-05T16:10:50-04:00
If rush hour traffic were an issue for me, I'd agree with the sentiment. As it is, driving my car to work is generally not worth it, as it's not a long enough trip to fully recharge the battery.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-05T17:05:03-04:00
Yeah, sadly now that I'm working from an office again, I have to deal with traffic again, also... :( Oh well, it was good working from home while it lasted! I only had to get gas twice since July! Normally, its once a week, so that saved me almost $300 right there! All in all, though, it is nice to get out of the house and have a break from a certain extremely whiny orange animal... ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-06T01:32:19-04:00
Wow, that is quite a bit of gas saved! Man, that almost makes it worth continuing to work from home, or at least whenever you can.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-09-06T06:37:41-04:00
Morning kittens. Been very busy with month end close so I won't be on much today. I'll be glad when this is over.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-09-06T06:38:39-04:00
"a break from a certain extremely whiny orange animal"
You mean your fluffy alarm clock? ;-P
Can't wait to see her again in a couple of months.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-06T08:30:24-04:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-06T08:31:48-04:00
@Geist, lol, maybe, maybe... ;) I'm sure she'll be happy to see you too! (She never gets tired of annoying different people...) ;)
I think its one of those, hey grandparents, wanna be cool and hip with the kids? type of things... ;) I remember one year at Christmas my grandparents bought me a book on Michael Jackson (about one year after he was totally uncool with my friends anyways) and I just frizbee'd the thing back under the tree like it was contagious... In retrospect I feel bad about it, they were just trying to relate, but damn, I would have been the laughing stock of my school if anyone would have found out! ;)
Note to self: I really need to get an electric blanket before November. The temperature drop recently reminds me that my electric bills will be soaring if I can't find more energy effient ways to keep warm at night. Last year my average electric bill was $150.
@BaKhan: When I was a girl, my grandmother made me wear an outfit my mother wore when she was a teenager. I got teased so badly that I skipped school for a week before she found out. She kept insisting that when my mother wore it, she was so stylish. *sigh* Didn't seem to understand that bell bottoms hadn't come back in style at that moment in time.
@Geist, polar fleece. Electric blankets are scary to me, I had a buddy who's house caught on fire due to one, and while no one actually got hurt, it was close. Seriously though, add a layer of polar fleece to your bed, and that will solve your problem for sure. I normally put one down, sleep on that, and use my regular blankets as covers, you might even need to lose a blanket or two. Polar fleece works that well. ;)
@Geist, lol, yeah I can relate. We were poor growing up, white trash really, we didn't live in a mobile home, but in a poor neighborhood. My parents had to but us school clothes at the discount store, and I was teased mercilessly about it. Nothing I could do about it though, if I wanted something nicer I would have to get it for myself as my parents couldn't afford anything more stylish. I don't think I've ever been in a modern fashion trend except during the 90's when shabby clothes were the style... ;) It was like all of sudden, dressing like poor people was cool, and I had lots of experience doing that... ;)
My bad gift from grandparents story was in the late '90s, when all the rage among the preppies was vests. My grandparents got me a parka vest, so it could have been worse (fleece was the material of choice at the time). My parents did their best to convince me it was a very nice vest. Now, my grandparents were at least aware enough to include a gift receipt in case I didn't like it. After a couple days of my parents trying to convince me to at least try it on, and my constant refusal to do so (really, what would be the point? I'd never wear it, even if it fit), they finally relented and took me to the store so I could exchange it for a shirt I would actually wear. I exchanged it for a very nice blue shirt with a kind of beach-like print on it and really nifty wooden buttons. I think they might actually be made of compressed coconut husk or coconut shell. Anyway, I still have it and wear it regularly.
A few days later, there was a televised New Year's Eve party/parade thing. 98 Degrees performed. They all came out in their fleece vests. My mom pointed this fact out to me. My response was something like, "Yes, because it is my lifelong ambition to dress like someone from 98 Degrees!" She dropped it at that point.
I don't remember any bad gifts from grandparents. There was one time where I got a duplicate of something I already had, but that was because I had mentioned to my parents(who bought it on behalf of my grandma) that the copy I had was missing, and went out a few weeks later and bought it(was the collectors edition of Avatar with all the 3 different length versions). Ended up returning the one that was from my grandma(didn't let her know I already had it before that) and got something else - it was from Costco, so not sure what I got, either a book or different movie.
@LZ: LOL! I remember when I wanted my hair styled like John Taylor from Duran Duran (didn't happen) and I wanted to dress like Annie Lennox (that didn't happen either). My step dad did buy me and showed me how to tie a tie so I could wear one like Annie did in the video Sweet Dreams.
I don't think I've ever really had a gift like that, only really one or two I didn't like much, but the only clothes I ever got were t-shirts very much like the ones I wear anyways because I told my mom I needed some. A couple I don't really wear, but it worked well.
My grandparents, though, never give us clothes. Actually, the one grandma that would maybe have done that only gives us all money, the perfectly versatile gift that's always in style!
Morning kittens. It was so cold this morning, I regretted leaving the house without a jacket. Dare I start breaking out my sweaters?
Did anyone check out the Exploding Kittens FB page lately? They posted video of their booth at GenCon. Whoever came up with the concept is a frigging genius. Oh how I wish I had been there.
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens.
@Geist, yeah, some day I'd love to go to GenCon. So many of the cool people I've "met" on ks go there every year, I'd like to meet some of them irl. ;) Plus just getting so see all the new and cool stuffs! All the Stuffs and Things! ;)
Kitten Corps at GenCon. I like the sound of that.
@Geist, well it would take a bit of planning, but I think we could probably make something like that work! I'd be up for it for sure!
That would be awesome! I've never been to a Con (not even a KittenCon!), so it'd be cool if that worked somehow.
And today got off to a good start...I really hate people.
@GM, that sucks man. Hope it gets better for you!
@Zem, I've never been to a games Con before, so it would be super awesome for me. I'd love to get to meet some of the designers and games rep people that I've talked to. See whats up and coming, and get whatever cool free stuff (all the stuffs and things!) there is to have. ;)
@BaKhan: I can't wait until I actually get a new job, and get to do my exit interview(they are starting to do them now...oh so many things to be brought up...have a massive list already)
@GM, so you've started looking then! Wowza! I never thought the day was going to come! Congrats bro, you will be soooooooooooooooooooooooo much happier elsewhere! I was all ready for an exit interview when I left, but it never happened. They did give me a $100 Long & Mcquade gift card though... ;)
@BaKhan: They keep saying how they want feedback as to why people quit. So, even if there isn't an exit interview, there is the anonymous review email that I can submit it to(even though they will instantly know exactly who it was). They need to know how shitty it feels for people to keep getting more and more responsibility piled on them, while not getting raises, whereas other people could be with the company for less than a month and already getting raises/being part of the bonus program(which I've seen the whole list of who is...and it's BS that half those people are on there).
@GM, sadly, I think that they do know. They are just taking advantage of your good nature. I know how much it sucks to be passes over, over looked, over worked and under appreciated. The worst part (if you're like me) is that you try and figure out what you're doing wrong, when you know that you haven't. Its very much like being in an abusive relationship where you're trying to figure out why you're the punching bag, and what you did wrong. You did nothing wrong! They are in the wrong. And... if you stay, say nothing and put up with it, then you're wrong too. Just my opinion.
@BaKhan: A few weeks ago my manager asked how things were going...I kind of just verbally vomited all over. There was no filter, and I think she finally understood that I am practically done with this place. I honestly spend more time surfing the net than actually working because I am that done.
@GM, yep I know that feeling. The worst thing is that it didn't have to be this way. There is no way a person should ever be holding a lightning rod for sh*t and not be able to have any control. Thats just garbage. The thing with staying strong for as long as you have, is that when you hit that tipping point, its over, just over. I really hope you're able to find something soon! You deserve it!
@GM: What???? You finally got another job? I am so happy for you!!! So many good things are happening to our little KC. I hope it's more money and vacation time for you.
@Geist: Haven't gotten a new job yet. Working on it though.
GM, if they do that interview, just walk in with a portfolio nice and thick full of "ideas" to shoot with them.
And yeah, we're all pulling for you, GM! I'm certain you can find something good, and it shouldn't be hard to be better than what you already deal with, and until then, we're all up to read the new and various ways humans are jerks. ;)
Morning kittens.
The weather has been cooling down to the point where the temperature is so perfect, I've had some of my best sleep in months. Seriously, it's made it difficult to get out of bed in the mornings.
I am so getting this. Might put a picture of one of my dear kitties on the front.
Morning kittens!
@Geist, this time of year is always hard for me as I really, really dislike the cold. One of the only things that make it bearable to me, is knowing that many people (that I care about) actually like it that way, so its a small consolation. ;) That suitcase cover idea is cool, I just wonder how durable it is? I've seen some things at the luggage carousel before... ;)
Morning kittens.
@GM, good moring sir! Did you get your copy of MD?
@BaKhan: Yes, I haven't opened the box yet, but I did receive it last week sometime.
@GM, what!?! I can't even wrap my head around that... ;) Well glad that you got it anyways... ;) I have 12 of the miniatures done for that one now. I decided that since they gave the dwarves pointy hats, to paint them like angry garden gnomes! ;) So the ones with the big cleavers are the blue hats and the ones with the hammers are going to be red hats... ;)
I love sweets and I would probably throw my money at this.
@Geist, lol! Thats just crazy talk! You know how much ice cream a person could make for $127 US? I get that it has lots of fancy stuff, but one thing I've never understood is eatable gold. Seriously? I mean I get that a person can, but just why? And eatable diamonds? How, and why? I'm pretty sure that your digestive system can break down compressed carbon...? Oh well, I get that crazy rich people do crazy rich people things but dang. If I owned that shop, I'd fake all the ingredients, make the thing for like $10, and give the $100 to charity or something... yikes! It is fun to look at though, isn't it?
I'd fake all the ingredients, make the thing for like $10, and give the $100 to charity
@BaKhan: that is actually a great idea. I've never had edible gold but now I wonder how one would make a metal digestible for the human body. I would think that it would simply pass through us and end up in the toilet. I know there is gold powder but I don't think it's real gold. I think one is actually paying for bragging rights of a food item that looks expensive. Like the folks who use to go to clubs and buy one glass of Cristal and dance with it the whole night simply for bragging rights.
Geist, haha, I love the suitcase! You'd never lose it in the airport!
Also, you seem to be ahead of me on weather. This is I think someone said the second recorded time Nebraska hasn't gone above 90 degrees in August, but it's been trying once again. I don't think we've gone below upper-70s at all, so it hasn't cooled down yet for us like I'd love.
No, I'm almost certain diamonds are so compressed that a human could never digest a real diamond, at least not in a feasible time. Maybe a tiny bit, but for the most part, it'd go right through you.
As for metals, some would react with the digestive chemicals in your stomach, but gold is pretty unreactive as things go. Silver, I think you could do a good job on eroding a good bit of it, but gold I think would come through almost completely, and any that is dissolved I don't know if your body can absorb anyways.
@Geist, thats just it, I don't think you do digest the gold at all, you just pass it, same with the diamonds... might as well put a sluice box on your toilet... ;) gross!!! ;) I know that its just crazy bragging rights, but to someone like me, I'd be much more impressed that you gave $127 to charity than ate an ice cream... ;)
@Zem, yeah, thats my what my limited knowledge on the subject would suggest as well. I doubt that you actually get anything out of it other than bragging rights (?).
Yeah, it's literally just to say you did. Gold and diamonds would have no flavor and wouldn't decompose nearly at all, so the only way it'd be worth eating them is to recover them from your poop, but then again... that would NOT be worth it!
Not to mention the amounts they ever put on food are at most like a couple dollars' worth.
Morning kittens. Friday at last and I just want to get work over with. I am so ready for the 3 day weekend. Unfortunately, I don't have anything planned for my birthday thanks to blowing the whole budget on concert tickets. Might simply use that day to reflect on life and come up with a 5 year plan.
Morning kittens!
@Geist, Happy Birthday! You know what it sounds like to me? You need to try out one of your special concoctions and curl up with a good book! There are lots of things a person can do on a low budget and still have fun. Maybe even grab that book and head over to that cat cafe and chill for a bit? Reflecting on life, coming up with a five year plan, etc., are all good endeavors but, on your birthday, I think you need to try and have a little fun... come on! Have some fun! Do you guys have any boardgame cafes near where you live, or even a local games store? You could probably jump in on a game or two! You know you wanna have some fun, someone even wrote a song about that once... ;)
Ooh, the cat cafe sounds like a good idea! Dang it, I wish we had one around here!
A couple cafes around here also have boardgames, but the only boardgame cafe near me I know of is all the way in Omaha, but it's a really cool place.
@Zem, I don't even know if we're allowed to have a cat cafe here, the only animals you're allowed to have in an eating establishment are service animals (seeing eye dog, etc.). I'm not sure if that only counts for places that prepare food though or not. As per the gaming cafes, I think that there are a couple in Calgary, but given that I have almost 200 boardgames, my place is like a gaming cafe! ;) I've already got the coffee I like here, and if friends aren't available, lots of games that I can play solo! ;)
Morning kittens. Only good thing to come out of today, other than it being Friday, is that we were told yesterday that the office is closing at 2 today. So only another 6 hours until I have a 2-day weekend(I have to work on Monday -.-)
Gah! I've been so busy at work, I missed the edible jewelry discussion!
Here' the thing: diamonds are worthless. Seriously. They are so common that most of them are thrown out or used to make drill bits and sawblades. Those only cost cents. One of my employees has a sun whose job is designing drill bits for oil drilling. She showed me some of the discarded diamond-encrusted bit heads and said that each one was worth about a nickel. I guarantee that any diamonds put in ice cream would be of the same caliber. I'd be concerned about what would happen to my insides if I ate diamonds. There's the potential for them to act like sandpaper on my delicate innards.
As for the gold, the best case scenario is that it would simply pass through you. This is most likely going to be the case, as it's probably elemental gold, which is fairly inert. However, it's not competley inert, so it is possible that you would end up with a case of gold poisoning. That's not very likely unless you're regularly eating gold over a long period of time, but it can and does happen occasionally.
@GM, what!?! Why would you have to work Monday? Its a holiday in the US isn't it? Dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip, pum ma ma ma ma ma ma, get a new job... sha na na na sha na na na na, mmm mmm... ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch…
Happy birthday, Geist! You should do something fun to celebrate. You deserve it!
It is a US holiday. I don't see any reason why you should have to work, GM! Working on labor day is for two types of people: entry level, low-paid workers (fast food, retail, etc.); and emergency services. I don't think payroll counts as either of those.
@BaKhan and @LZ: Because the company I work for doesn't care about our mental/physical health. Stress(both work related and non work related) that causes you to lose sleep and eat very little(if any) is something they don't care about really. I've talked with both my manager(who says that ALL companies are the same - I call bullshit) and the controller, and it seems only the controller understands where I'm coming from in regards to how close I am to not caring about finding a new job before I leave this place.
@BaKhan & LZ: Thanks for the birthday wishes.
There is a book festival tomorrow so I will go to that. Not sure what I'm going to do afterwards. Might catch a bus to Baltimore since I haven't visited that city in a long time and go book hunting some more. I was going to go to Dave & Buster's but I'm not sure if my favorite bartender will be there. Might be able to cage a free drink or two if I let him know I'm going to be getting closer to my half century mark. ;-)
Working on labor day is for two types of people: entry level, low-paid workers (fast food, retail, etc.); and emergency services
@LZ: I completely agree with you but in AP, people want their reimbursments no matter what. And looking at the pile before me, I might have to come in over the weekend.
Not on my birthday, of course.
@Geist: Happy early birthday, as I'm likely to forget.
@BaKhan: Happy belated birthday, as I did forget.
@Everyone else: Happy early/belated birthday so that I don't forget.
@LZ: Due to the complexity, and processing time(2.5 days) of this payroll, I can't take the day off due to it needing to be submitted by 1pm on Wednesday, otherwise people won't be paid on time.
Nobody knows what it's about or why we have the day off, nor do most care, but everybody knows that any American company should have the day off.
GM, your company is really stupid to not let you regularly have any Canadian OR American holidays off! Honestly, I'm just really surprised you've stayed there as long as you have already; maybe you can put "Persistence" on your resume!
LZ, on diamonds, exactly! You can actually make them incredibly cheaply in a lab, and in fact there's a movement to break away from the natural, controversial diamond market and make more custom-lab-made diamonds that are literally the same thing, just that they didn't get picked out of the ground by an impoverished African, smuggled across borders, and sold for a 100,000% markup.
Want to know someone crazy? I was suppose to have this day off. I wanted this day off but my boss said that because it's month end close, we aren't suppose take any time off. Well guess what? The new guy that they hired 4 months ago requested and got today off. He has taken more time off than I have in the year that I've been in this position. I hold fast to my rule that not to take time off unless I've already booked it before. Which is how I got to go to Kitten Con even though I had been hired 2 months earlier.
@LZ, so would gold poisoning be comparable to lead poisoning? Like it would basically electroplate to your bones? I was curious about that as gold and lead are so close in many properties. As per the diamonds, even with certain diamonds being worthless, I still can't see any reason to try and eat them. ;) Dirt is pretty cheap too... I don't care to find out what it tastes like. ;) Speaking of diamonds, this is the craziest one I've ever seen in person: http://famousdiamonds.tripod.com/spoonmakersdiamond.html# That palace/museum that houses this was only one of many amazing stops in Turkey.
@GM, thank you! I hope you know that even if your manager believes what she says to be true, it is not. All companies are not made / run the same way. Payroll will always have a deadline, but its how they deal with it, and make you feel about it that matters most. As you said, the company you work for doesn't care. Don't invest more into them, than they do in you. Thats my motto. If you pay me 70% of what I should be making, you get approx. 70% of what I can do... ;) If you don't care about my life, and mental state of affairs, I don't care about your problems and deadlines. ;)
@Zem, the diamond that is in my wife's wedding ring actually comes from Canada, and has a very high clairity (two down from the top, with 3 occlusions in it that are visable with a 10x magnification). So I have no worries about having purchased a blood diamond. http://www.canadianrocksdiamonds.com/
@Geist, that guy just sounds like a tool. I think the reason that they let him have the time off, is the same reason they give you the bigger work load... he sucks! ;) We all know you're the best, they do too, but while we appreciate you, they only appreciate what you do for them. Sigh, one of us needs to win the lottery and help all the others retire from working for other people!
@BaKhan: I've stopped trying to do everything the way I did when I first started. I've also started leaving by 4pm on any day that isn't a processing day(so every second Monday and Tuesday).
No, gold toxicity is much less severe. It mostly hits the liver and kidneys, whereas lead poisoning harms the brain. Liver and kidneys are much better at healing.
BaKhan, that's great! I don't know, I likely won't even have a diamond in my ring, not because of going against tradition or being against controversy or anything, I'm just the kind that would get a simple gold or silver band, maybe with an inscription on the inside that glows when placed in fire that reads an ancient poem in Orcish...
or maybe I should stick with the simple band... ;)
Yeah, LZ, I was going to say I don't even know how you'd absorb it, gold is pretty inert to organic reactions for the most part. And any portion that did become absorbable in your intestines would be tough to build up to enough to cause any major damage, not to mention not only is it, again, not very reactive, but it's also not a heavy metal like lead or mercury, it's less likely to cause major problems.
Man, you'd have to eat your paycheck's worth of gold, or just eat it very regularly, for it to really cause life-threatening poisoning! The MSDS's seem to agree as well, mostly just irritation up through cramps and diarrhea if ingested, then liver and kidney issues. Though I couldn't find the amount you'd need to ingest.
@LZ, ah, ok then. I'd never actually heard of gold poisoning before. Outside of "I'm gonna get you sucker" from the 80s staring the Wayne's brothers before they did In Living Color. Wicked funny if you ever get the chance to see it. It has (as far as I know) Chris Rock's first on screen appearance in it as well.
@Zem, my ring actually has 5 itty bitty diamonds in it. I didn't pick it out though, that was my wife's choice. I do love the ring and everything it symbolizes, given a choice though, I would have picked a plane white gold band. Which if I turn the diamonds to the palm side of my hand is what it looks like. ;)
Happy elongated weekend, everyone that has one, including those few extra hours for you, GM! Wait, BaKhan, do you still work from home? That's basically one long weekend all the time, so everyone gets a good weekend this week!
Then again, working from home means not only do you take your work home with you, you have to live with it. It'd be so hard to get motivated some days, or to stay focused, if you weren't good at making a full room directly into a place of business. Then again, all the coffee and loud/smelly snacks you could want, a fully customizeable and very comfortable office...
@Zem, yeah, I'm still working at home for now, but I expect that to change next week as we take over our new office space. As far as staying motivated, I have my standards to keep up. Seeing as how know one in my company really even knows what I do/ am doing I'm my own supervisor, and I don't tend to be the kind to cut anyone slack... ;) I have basically taken over my wifes office, which she hardly ever uses for anything other than moving a mess from one room to another anyways, so at least its actually getting used for its intended (by me anyways) purpose for a while. ;) I do have to say that the coffee here is just to my liking, go figure. ;)
Oh yeah, and have a great weekend kittens! I've got one more report to finish up, and I'm done too!
The coffee in my office is just a bit watery, I should look into that.
Yeah, I figure if you can make an area specifically devoted to work and stay on yourself about getting things done, you can actually be more productive. And when you're done, no time commuting and you can quit early if you have absolutely everything done! It's also a great exercise in making yourself better at making yourself work and not be distracted.
Have a great weekend!
@BaKhan: Wow. If I found out I had lost a fortune for 3 wooden spoons, I think I would go mental. It would be the equivalent of giving a jacket away that had a winning lottery ticket.
*checks pockets*
Have a good weekend kittens. I might be online Monday if I decide to do some personal research. Only 2 more months until Kitten Con 2. I cannot wait!
Oh, a co-worker and I have plans on spending a week in New York Christmas and New Years. I would finally get to see the ball drop in Times Square in the comfort of a hotel room that has been rented with the company discount. I hope I can make that happen.
Like I said, elemental gold wouldn't pose much of a problem. The real risk for gold poisoning is overdosing on some kind of gold salt (like gold chloride), such as they inject into the joints of people with rheumatoid arthritis. The worst would be a type of cyanide that has a gold ion incorporated into it. Then you get hit with the gold poisoning and cyanide poisoning.
We misremembered the time the show was supposed to start, so we got here way early. Australian Pink Floyd will take the stage in about 40 minutes. I'm so excited!
My wedding ring is a simple titanium band. The Mrs's is a bit more flashy. It's white gold with a diamond center stone (she insisted on having one) with a sculpted heart to one side with an emerald in the center. That's the engagement ring. The wedding ring clips onto it (it has since been soldered). It consist of a heart with a tsavorite (green garnet) in it. When the wedding set is assembled, the hearts are on either side of the diamond. I designed it myself.
Gold cyanide! That's the one. I was trying to think of what that one compound that's really commonly used for isolating or precipitating gold from a mixture was. Or dissolving it. I kinda forget the specifics of why it's used most of the time. Looks like I need to see more of Cody's Lab's youtube "Refining Precious Metals" playlist, one of the most fun things ever to watch somehow.
Happy Free Monday day to all who are able to celebrate it!
@Zem: Bah humbug!
Awww GM. If it makes you feel any better, I have to go to work tomorrow
Morning kittens! Today will be my first day at the new office! Pretty excited about that tbh! ;) It will be good to actually have people to talk to about what we're doing! Don't know how much I'll be able to check in today, so I hope that everyone has a great day, as I'm planning on it! ;)
Morning kittens.
Either the lady at Tim Horton's thinks I need more sugar in my life...or I grabbed the wrong coffee(that she said was a Dark Roast Black)....I can distinctly taste sugar on this brew.
BaKhan, that's awesome! Hope you have a great and productive day!
GM, haha, I like how it sounds like a major infraction towards you, like you specifically asked for black coffee *no sugar!*, and she poured just enough in to taste just to spite you.
@GM, thats the worst. I'm assuming it was too late to get them to correct it by the time you tried it? Mention it next time, they'll make it right. ;)
@Zem, thanks! So far so good! I get a phone line sometime this week... ;) At least we have internet! ;)
Congrats, BaKhan, that's awesome!
I'm so very tired now, though. My opener is on vacation, and we always have a skeleton crew, so it falls to me to come in at 6 to open. Plus side is I'm off in an hour.
@LZ, thanks bro! Sorry to hear that you're on the early shift, but on the upside, done in an hour sounds good to me! ;) I actually like working the early shift, strictly because I can get home earlier too. In Calgary after 4pm the roads get apesh*t crazy! ;)
If I had the option to avoid rush-hour traffic for life, I'd take it, but maybe not if the only option was to take the early shift. I hate traffic, but I'd rather avoid them by going later rather than earlier.
As it is, my only class on tues. and thurs. happens to be on the other campus, right after 5:00, so I have to drive there in the worst traffic. Thankfully not for very far and not in the worst parts of lincoln for traffic, but probably the second worst.
If rush hour traffic were an issue for me, I'd agree with the sentiment. As it is, driving my car to work is generally not worth it, as it's not a long enough trip to fully recharge the battery.
Yeah, sadly now that I'm working from an office again, I have to deal with traffic again, also... :( Oh well, it was good working from home while it lasted! I only had to get gas twice since July! Normally, its once a week, so that saved me almost $300 right there! All in all, though, it is nice to get out of the house and have a break from a certain extremely whiny orange animal... ;)
Wow, that is quite a bit of gas saved! Man, that almost makes it worth continuing to work from home, or at least whenever you can.
Morning kittens. Been very busy with month end close so I won't be on much today. I'll be glad when this is over.
"a break from a certain extremely whiny orange animal"
You mean your fluffy alarm clock? ;-P
Can't wait to see her again in a couple of months.
Morning kittens!
@Geist, lol, maybe, maybe... ;) I'm sure she'll be happy to see you too! (She never gets tired of annoying different people...) ;)