So, I just saw this recipe for gelatinized spaghetti-o's with vienna sausages. It looks horrid. I kinda want to try it just to see how gastrocious (a word I made up to describe gastronomically atrocious things) it is.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-06T15:13:36-04:00
@LZ, at first blush, I'm thinking there is so much wrong in that meal! Then my second thought is maybe three wrongs make a right? Who knows it might actually be good? ;)
Also love gastrocious! Stoled it! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-06T15:13:49-04:00
LZ, gastrocious is a great word for that combination! And yeah, it's just one of those things you can't help but make even though you know it'll likely be bad, just to know how terrible it could be!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-06T15:15:21-04:00
Huh, apparently today's my roommate's birthday. I didn't even know he had one, to be honest. His best friend, whom I have a class with, told me today that he'd forgotten, and it sort of surprised me to think about him even having one, seeing as how I've lived with the guy 2 years and only heard of it like, what, twice in that time?
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-09-06T15:45:32-04:00
@LZ: I saw that video making the rounds on Facebook. Nah, I'll pass.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-07T08:36:27-04:00
Morning kittens.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-09-07T08:57:29-04:00
Morning kittens. 13 hours straight at work yesterday and I'm still sleepy. The Depeche Mode concert is tonight, starting at 9 pm. WHY? I want it to start at 7 pm so I can take the bus home and get some more sleep.
This weekend is the start of all the marathon festivals that happen in September in the DMV region. I'm going to try to go to the Chocolate festival and one of the many neighborhood festivals happening this weekend. September 16th is having 5 at the same time so I have no idea how I'm going to attend all of them. Still, I love it so much, it feels like getting multiple birthday presents spread out every weekend.
And apparently fall is here because the temps are now in the mid 70's and dropping to the 50's at night. I may need to really use my winter coat when I come to Calgary in October.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-07T09:49:27-04:00
@Geist, congrats on the concert tonight! I hope its a good one for you! I'm also very excited for you and all those awesome festivals you are getting a chance to check out! Fall it definitely here in Canada anyways... Last year was pretty normal for this time of year, so I would recommend that you bring your winter coat, cause you never know!
Only 3.5hours until it's the weekend for me. Though I have to go see the optometrist today...still the weekend after that.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-07T10:42:38-04:00
@GM, congrats bro! You deserve it! Enjoy!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-09-07T10:59:20-04:00
@BaKhan: Outside of Halloween, the September festivals are my favorite time of the year. I love shopping at the vendor stalls with their unique merchandise. Plus I stock up on all of the handmade soaps and creams that I use throughout the year.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-07T11:13:51-04:00
@Geist, yeah, I don't blame you! One of our very good friends makes and sells soaps, creams and lip balms. She makes it all from organic and pure sources, all essential oils etc. I should see if I can get some for you!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-09-07T12:35:22-04:00
@BaKhan: I'll be happy to buy some from her. I stopped using over the counter creams and soaps 4 years ago because my skin gets so dry in the winter time. Plus I don't like the chemicals or supporting big business. Nothing against capitalism, I would rather buy from the little guy, as much as possible.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-07T13:06:55-04:00
Geist, Depeche Mode?! Really sorry about the long, hard day yesterday, but that concert should help take your mind off of things, I'm really jealous!
Speaking of which, I just booked a seat for the Markiplier & Friends tour. You probably know the name at least of Markiplier, but he and a bunch of others are doing a live tour of improv and sketches, and it's apparently really good. I saw they'd be going to Berlin next February, right when I'm there! So I couldn't resist booking a show there, it should be super cool! Also 50 euro, but that should be worth it.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-07T13:08:44-04:00
That's cool about the soaps and creams, I really love supporting small, local businesses as well. They often need all the help they can get, and often have at least as good of products as large companies, if not better.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-07T16:43:03-04:00
@Geist, I was thinking of just getting you a few different things from her, as a gift for you, my treat! ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-07T16:45:01-04:00
@Zem, I keep forgetting that you're going to be schooling abroad in Germany! It would be very cool to see a show whilst over there! I guess a lot of people there must speak english in order to make it worth while, especially for a comedy show! I say do as much as you can while you're there, it seems like a once in a lifetime type thing. ;)
Rebecca Flowers 2017-09-07T17:12:38-04:00
I ordered the two different decks and am still awaiting for them to arrive. Did you run out of the decks. Please let me know the status for those still waiting.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-09-07T17:19:24-04:00
@BaKhan: LOL on your comments in the polygon update. I wish people would stop asking for refunds. No one EVER gets those. I treat this site like a casino. Sometimes I win and get a great product, sometimes I lose and either get a crappy product or not one at all. Meh. I won't sweat it either way. Got better things to think about.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-09-07T17:20:31-04:00
@Rebecca Flowers: You might want to send them an email directly as this campaign has been over with for the last 2 years. None of the creators come here anymore. Some of us just use it as a chat room.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-07T17:39:41-04:00
Rebecca, did you comment on the wrong campaign, or have you really not gotten your Exploding Kittens decks yet? Because if it's really EK, email already. Actually, I don't even know if they use that email much, though I'm certain they do, but they're probably more focused on the BvB issues now.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-08T09:22:53-04:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-08T09:26:12-04:00
@Geist, I was having a pretty down day yesterday, nothing in particular but many little things getting to me. Those comments on the Polygon's ks were just too much. There should be a form you fill out prior to using ks that makes sure that people understand, this is not a store, there are no guarantees, we are trying to bring new products and companies to life, and in exchange for our pledges now, will give us rewards if they can, when they can. Seeing the first time backers losing their minds and asking for refunds when the project is still moving forward, or claiming things are easy, just make it happen, etc., really piss me off. If you want to put out money and then receive something in short order, try amazon... ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-08T09:45:51-04:00
But BaKhan, didn't you see that Exploding Kittens made the team millionaires, one and all?! They clearly have the time and money to drop everything and make sure my troubles are dealt with. I'm sure they're just scammers laughing their butts off now at how many people they fooled.
Hahaha, I loved hearing all the "They're millionaires now! They made millions of dollars!" arguments on EK, like how even if it were true that somehow made the backers entitled or something. I just don't get some backers' mentality. "I paid for this, you owe me, big time!"
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-08T09:57:01-04:00
@Zem, I think that there is also a fallacy that because you have money, you can make anything happen whenever you want. Trust me, I know a few millionaires, I've even met the richest man in Calgary (probably), and guess what? They still have to wait for stuff! Thats life, and it should be a unifying thing, we all wait for stuff! Having money doesn't equal having the ability to make magic happen. It really boils down to people not understanding (or even trying to understand) others, and therefore lacking empathy or patience. Creating something that formerly hadn't existed isn't easy, and its not straight forward, and there will be learning and trial and error. Hopefully, there will also be success, but no absolutely. Oh well... ;)
Lord Zombitten 2017-09-08T11:51:47-04:00
I remember those asinine comments. "They made this many millions on this project! I wish I had that much money!" Yeah, so does Elan Lee. They always seemed to ignore the fact that they still had to produce millions of copies of the game, and that costs money! I got tired of pointing out to people that the KS got them enough money to get them through December if they didn't start selling, what with production costs, overhead, and all that fun stuff.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-08T14:03:56-04:00
So I had to go get a new office chair. The one that they had here for me had no adjustments and was already ready to just fall apart, but the worst part is it was hell on my knees! When I was a kid I had a rare cartilage disease and it basically killed my knees and ankles. So now as an adult, when they get sore, they stay sore for a very long time. Since Tuesday I can feel my left one just getting worse and worse, and the only thing I can attribute it to is that damned office chair. The new seems to be much much better! I can raise it up so my knees aren't above my waist which seems to be what hurts them most (other than kneeling, which I do as little as possible).
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-08T14:17:33-04:00
I looked at some of the Polygon comments and loved one that said "The funds should be put in an escrow account and they should only get what their goal was, to get the rest of the funds when the promised goods are delivered!"
... yeah... seriously, dude, that's literally the worst idea ever! You want them to have to try to make tens of thousands of products on like 1/100th the funds needed, if that?! You can't just order 1000 times the product their base-line hopes were and then ask them to produce it all on the same amount of money it would have taken to produce that base-line! If you would move to that format, then they'd just send everyone a nice piece of paper saying "thanks for backing, but we don't have the money to make what you ordered, we had just enough per person for the stamps to send this nice paper showing that you're officially a backer! Congrats!"
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-08T14:21:23-04:00
Wow, BaKhan, that sounds harsh! Glad you were able to get a new one that works much easier. Did you have to go through the company to order a new one? I hope it wasn't too much trouble, but you have a new one now, so hopefully the issues subside! Then again, now it's the weekend, so you can just put your feet up and relax at home and give your knees rest.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-08T15:05:10-04:00
@Zem, yeah I love so many of those commenting believe that they are somehow experts on business development, idea actualization, and fulfillment. Its like hey guys, why not just make your own kickstarter if you're so much better at it than the creators here... sigh. ;)
As far as my knees and ankles go, I've lived with it all my adult life. Its gotten much worse with age, but I've known that it would as well. Most of the time it doesn't really bother me at all, thankfully. The company will reimburse me for the chair, I wasn't too worried about that part, just didn't want to wind up using my cane, if I can avoid it! ;) Don't get me wrong, I've got a cool cane, just don't like being 43 and needing it, is all. ;)
Lord Zombitten 2017-09-08T15:25:39-04:00
Welp, the C&H adventure game met its funding goal. Now I just hope after the campaign is done, the game doesn't take too long to develop, like Unraveled has.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-08T16:30:16-04:00
Haha, BaKhan, that is a nice cane. I bet you can't wait till you're actually old and need it, then you can be that cooky energetic old guy puttering around with metal band t-shirts and a dragon cane! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-08T16:39:50-04:00
And dang it, if anyone is around right now, I need help with another song I can't remember the name of in a video. It's one of those songs I can either remember the song or the name, but hearing one never leads to the other and just annoys me.
It's the song of this level in this game, and I remember just enough about the story behind the song that I can't effectively look it up, yet I know the song VERY well and have heard it hundreds of times. I just can't bring the name to mind! If someone can't tell me, I'll be trying to figure it out all weekend and need my dad's help! I just can't find it anywhere with the search terms I can bring to muster.… (sorry if you're sensitive to this kind of thing, but he swears right then as well. I don't think anyone here really cares, but just a heads-up so it doesn't catch you off-guard.)
And now I'm listening to it. It's a good, if not imaginitively named bolero, but not my favorite. I post a link to my favorite when this one is done.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-08T17:17:04-04:00
@Zem, its already seen a lot of usage. ;) Its pretty much my only option when I'm seized up and can't put any weight on one or the other leg. Fortunately I haven't been bad off enough yet that both knees are effed up at the same time.
Lord Zombitten 2017-09-08T17:21:26-04:00
Here's a link to my favorite bolero. I chose to use the link that has a song immediately after the bolero because it leads into it perfectly. This bolero also has a much better name than simply calling it "Bolero", as Maurice Ravel did.
@LZ, Nice one bro! I don't know why I'm always amazed at how consistently cool my fellow kittens always are! I'm a little surprised anyone else knew that! ;)
Lord Zombitten 2017-09-08T17:40:22-04:00
I grew up listening to all kinds of classical music. I remember coming home from Alberta with Ravel blaring through the speakers of the family station wagon, just before changing out the tape for "They're Coming to America" so that would be playing as we crossed the border. Good times!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-08T18:30:04-04:00
BOLERO, THANK F****** JESUS! Oh god, if I didn't find out the name, it'd've killed me this weekend. I knew how the word sounded, I just couldn't remember the word itself. Thank you SO much!
Like I said, I can only remember the name or the song for some reason. That happens with a couple songs, and every time, it's super annoying.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-08T18:33:52-04:00
I grew up with all sorts of music, Classical (and all periods therein) of course not getting left out. In fact, our family has an unofficial "family composer", just like how states have like the "state bird" or something like that. He's Edvard Grieg, for many, many reasons. We've played many composers on roadtrips and such, but Grieg is always our go-to.
In fact, the reason I said I'd have to ask my dad if I couldn't figure it out is because Bolero is one of his favorite songs. He's played it countless times when he just wanted something to listen to or was teaching someone about music. That's why I know the story about it as well.
Lord Zombitten 2017-09-08T19:29:08-04:00
Grieg is good, but I've always preferred Beethoven and Wagner. This really shouldn't surprise anyone, though, given their fondness for the minor key and the overall rock-like feel to their music.
Lord Zombitten 2017-09-08T19:29:56-04:00
I can't stand Stravinski, though. I can never have a conversation about classical music without pointing that out.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-09T03:54:25-04:00
Ah, I love Stravinski! Aside from that, most-of-the-way-drunk as I may be, especially after sharing 3 bottles of wine/mead with my roommate, overall tonight 2 beers, and 1 drink of whiskey, and that wine/mead, I love meatloaf; and of course, Bat outta Hell is awesome! Though I didn't know he did a version of Bolero to transition into it! I loved that recording, is what I'm getting at. And dangit, the rest of tonight is just for music of all kinds. Dangit, though I love it, I'll listen to hours of music tonight. And it's nearly 3 am already!
In the meantime, I may or may not have watched a semi-horror/thriller movie with my roommate and moved on to Monty Python movies and sketches right away after that, which explains any tolerance for immediate jump between genres of all kinds.
Anyways, you can already tell that I'm having a great weekend, so I hope you're having nearly as fun of ones as well on your ends! Happy weekend!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-11T01:36:46-04:00
By the way, I only had mentioned what I'd drank to apologize for how much I knew I'd ramble and jump topics. I'd also forgotten the vodka, which explains why I forgot writing that second paragraph. I wish I could be around me when I drink, I can apparently be kinda fun.
But yeah, I was up till 5 am that night listening to classical music and air-drumming to metal alternately. My arms are still sore. ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-11T08:33:10-04:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-11T08:36:49-04:00
@Zem, nice one bro! I hope you had a good time! It sure sounds like you did! Oh, and for the record, that super fun guy that you wish you could hang out with when you're liquored, is always with you, and doesn't even need booze to come out, just saying... ;) Enjoy your drinks, and have fun, just realize that you don't need to drink to have a good time. I've had too many alcoholics as friends, and just don't want to see you falling for that crap, thats all. ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-11T09:42:42-04:00
Nah, it's not that, it's just that I start to talk more if I do it right, and if I have a cigar, I just don't shut up. Actually, I started with a friend at a cigar bar and talked and joked his head off, though I was fully aware of how strange it was for me. He said that honestly, if I'd've been the quiet one, he would have been exactly the same way back, and lo and behold, right after that he started telling stories of getting blackout drunk in Cleveland with some homeless people after an AC/DC concert got canceled!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-11T10:00:58-04:00
@Zem, yep thats why they call it social lubrication... ;) Glad you had fun!
@BaKhan: Aside from the atrociously planned Fall Festival I was "voluntold" to help wasn't half bad.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-11T11:10:21-04:00
@GM, for future reference, you should only ever get voluntold from your wife, and last time I checked, you didn't have one of those... ;) Parents are cool and all (I still miss my dad so bad!), but they should have their own lives, and you yours. I think its great that they've allowed you to still live at home whilst you are saving up, but I also think that they are too used to you being available. ;) How is the home search going, I haven't heard you mention anything about it in quite a while!
@BaKhan: The only reason I actually went, is because it was my dad who asked. And with how I'm basically still at home to be able to help him, I think that it is always planned out to be that he asks so that they basically guilt trip me into helping.
As for the home search, that's been put on hold for a bit, mostly because of money, but also because of how my dad's Parkinson's is progressing. I finally(after two years of pleading with him) got my dad to stop going up on ladders - 90% of the time - when outside by himself. Even with my mom home, but inside, he would go up on a ladder, and he could be out there for HOURS if he fell off without my mom realizing(she barely ever hears someone talking to her when the TV is on in the living room while she's in the kitchen...)
Lord Zombitten 2017-09-11T11:31:42-04:00
Has anyone else noticed that weekends are never long enough. I propose a new schedule: 10 day weeks, 32-hour days, still maintain the 40-hour work week.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-11T11:54:52-04:00
@GM, you're a good man for doing that for him/them. Going forward though, they will need to come up with a plan. They can't count on you always being there as you've your own life to lead as well.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-11T11:58:36-04:00
@LZ, I don't know about that schedule, aren't the days long enough already? ;) I just think we feel that way because we don't have enough time off in general. I counter propose, a four day work week, dropping to 32 but maintaining the same pay, because; money! Having it look like, work Monday and Tuesday, have Wednesday off, work Thursday and Friday and have the Saturday and Sunday off. This would still allow regular work to get done, and have a person feel like they have enough time to do what they want to do. Eventually working towards a star trek type future where you are employeed doing what you want, and not what you have to, in order to make a living. ;) Bring on that Utopia!
Lord Zombitten 2017-09-11T12:00:18-04:00
BaKhan, that sounds like a good idea. Especially the last part about the utopia.
@BaKhan: I agree that they can't count on me always being there. And I keep telling them that when they buy the full pork loin from Costco. I keep telling them that they need to learn to cut it themselves into the chops/roasts that they want.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-11T14:35:25-04:00
BaKhan, really? I mean, my situation (being a student living near home) is quite different, but my parents still feel free to voluntell me on occasion, though much less frequently than when I lived there. Heck, this summer when I was back with them for a couple months, I got voluntold quite a bit!
So you're saying I need a wife as full protection from parental volunteering, though then your wife may also do the same if you're not careful? Crap, it never ends! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-11T14:42:40-04:00
GM, I know how you feel about your dad. My grandma is the one with Parkinson's, but my grandpa is still super active all the time. Heck, just a month after finally being released from the hospital a year or two ago, after having a portion of his intestines removed due to cancer and being told not to do any real walking for a couple months, HE WENT SKIING!!! He could barely climb stairs by that point, but he went up on the slopes with us! He's what, 87 or 88 now, yet he still skiis. Though only the easy stuff anymore, but he plans to go on well into his 90s. He also still does plenty of manual work, and just this summer climbed up a large tree in his yard to manually saw down a large dead branch!
He never slows down or listens to us, and we know it's no use to tell him to, he's going to die working on something and be all the happier for it. If we tried to put him in a home in his 90s, he'd probably swordfight his way out with a cane.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-11T14:47:37-04:00
@Zem, yep, thats basically it. Thats why it will always be harder for your significant other to meet your parents than the other way around. ;) All you have to do is basically tell them that you know you'll never be good enough for them and that you're basically a good guy, and thats it. She on the other hand will be taking over as chief voluntolder, and they will know it, there will be many subtle and perhaps not so subtle power plays back and forth... My wife was lucky that way I guess. My father had already passed, and I parted ways with my mother a long time ago. So she never had to deal with any of that. But I've seen that story play out many times... ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-11T14:51:59-04:00
@Zem, thats awesome about your Grandpa! I say if they are able to live in their own home, let them! My Grandfather was 91 when my Grandma convinced him to move into an old folks home. His cancer came back a year after that, and he passed away a year after that. The worst part was, he didn't know what to do with himself anymore. He was the kind of guy that always had a project going on. Sharpening the blade for his lawnmower, or re-wiring his old Black and Decker drill... Once he got into that home it was the beginning of the end for him. I realize that it will eventually be anyone's time to go, but if you can do that in the comfort of your own home, so much the better! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-11T14:52:16-04:00
LZ, when I'm inevitably elected Supreme Chancellor of the Free Unified Citizens of the Kosmos (what, I had to make it work somehow!), I'm appointing you Director of the International Calendar Kommission. (dang it, why is K such a hard one?! Oh well, I'll be the SC, I can change the spelling of those words)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-11T15:11:08-04:00
BaKhan, oh, a home would rot him away fast. Heck, my other grandpa didn't have a choice when he had a blood clot in his brain that temporarily shut him down. He had to live in a home for a year and hated every second of it. One of the best days of his life, for certain, was the day he got to go live back at home and it all seemed like it was getting better. Unfortunately, the problem came back and this time in the hospital he also got pneumonia, so he didn't make it back out, but those few months back in his own home gave him an entirely new outlook on life.
My other grandpa, though, is the handy kind that can never not work. He doesn't exactly hate being idle too much, but he always sees stuff to be done and loves to do it. If he had to sit back and watch helplessly as others did handywork around the house for him, he'd probably just hit ctrl+alt+delete and close out life right then and there!
Lord Zombitten 2017-09-11T15:23:12-04:00
Sounds like a plan, Zem!
My grandpa is the same way. He fell a few months back, and had to go into a home. He never recovered from the fall because the home is draining the life out of him. He kinda started giving up a few years ago when my grandma passed, though.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-11T16:17:02-04:00
I get the feeling that's going to be how it'll be for my grandpa. I think I'll try to help convince everyone to keep him out of a home for as long as possible, but I really don't think I'll need to. Unfortunately, though, nobody lives near them anymore as with my other grandparents, whom I have an aunt living just half a mile away from on a farm. So she helped with them the whole time that grandpa, the one that passed, was in the home, visiting him and helping my grandma do things. With my other grandparents, though, we live the closest to them now and yet we're an hour and a half away.
Lord Zombitten 2017-09-11T16:27:13-04:00
Why do people like going to concerts where they play acoustic versions of songs that are meant to be played on electric guitars with distortion? Pandora just let me know that Breaking Benjamin will be in Salt Lake on October 26. I looked it up; it's part of their unplugged tour. Bleh! If I wanted to listen to a castrated version of their songs... Well it's really not worth finishing that thought because I wouldn't.
That moment you think that you forgot to unpause your music after a phone call, but in fact the playlist you had going had ended, so you get something you forgot was on "I am A Walrus" by Jim Carrey.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-11T17:34:43-04:00
Haha, I've seen that one, the Beatles song done by Jim Carrey and Robin Williams. You can find them on youtube, actually.
Morning, all! I've already been here over 4 hours. These early mornings are going to kill me. If they don't, the dinner I made probably will. I made that gastrocious thing I was talking about the other day. So, if I'm not here tomorrow, you'll all know why.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-12T12:35:47-04:00
@LZ, I start at 6:30am here, so I've also been working for 4 hours! ;) I like it because I get to leave by 3:30 at the latest and beat the rush hour traffic on the way home! I stopped and got gas on the way home yesterday and was still home by 4, which is pretty awesome in my opinion! ;)
On a sad note, it was nice knowing you brother! It does seem pretty crappy to me that you survived brain cancer to only have to fall to that gastrocious thing that should not be! ;) Best of luck to you sir!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-12T14:02:40-04:00
Oh god, LZ, you couldn't resist, could you? ;)
Well, RIP LZ's tummy, god bless its soul.
Lord Zombitten 2017-09-12T14:35:56-04:00
I did make some modifications, though. I substituted the vienna sausages with sliced hot dogs and added parmesan cheese, salt, garlic powder, basil, and oregano. Then, instead of putting it in a ring mold, because I don't have one, I put it in a brain mold.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-12T14:38:37-04:00
Lol! A brain mold.... of course! Thats too rich! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-12T16:38:53-04:00
Well... heck, that's not even the same thing! You took out everything that made it gross and added a bunch of really good stuff! That's not at all the original recipe, that's just plain-old spaghetti-Os and hot dogs with spices, put in a brain mold (as one does)! Nah, some time you're going to have to make the gross one true to form, make it so bad even pets won't touch it!
Lord Zombitten 2017-09-12T20:38:42-04:00
Yeah, this stuff was actually pretty decent. The kids said they'd rather eat it in the heat of summer than mid September.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-13T08:39:15-04:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-13T08:57:43-04:00
@LZ, thats awesome! But, it does sound like you looked at the recipe and thought, hmmm how do I actually make this edible, did what was required and pulled out a win! ;) That would be a good idea for a cooking show. Give the contestants really bad recipes and see what they can do with it, while still keeping the spirit of the dish! Could be fun! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-09-13T09:50:57-04:00
Morning kittens! Sorry I've been silent. Busy week with the check run coming up. Will post more later.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-13T09:52:06-04:00
It's not still heat of the summer? Jeez, it is for us. The entire next week, there's only one day with a high below 85, half of them getting above 90. Somehow, september is hotter than august for us!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-13T10:09:17-04:00
@Geist, good day! Did you perchance forget to send me your flight itinerary? ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-13T10:10:42-04:00
@Zem, summer is long gone from here! High of 45F today, and pretty much like that for the next two foreseeable weeks... makes me a sad kitten. :(
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-09-13T10:11:11-04:00
@BaKhan: More like I can't find your email address. I have Misty's in my address book. Should I send it to her?
@BaKhan: Only good thing about the way the weather is going is that it will hopefully reach as far as the wild fire areas, and help those fighting them.
Lord Zombitten 2017-09-13T11:48:51-04:00
BaKhan, that does sound like a good cooking show! I might even watch something like that, and I don't watch cooking shows.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-13T11:53:37-04:00
@Geist, yeah either way... grumpae at gmail dot com ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-13T11:55:49-04:00
@GM, one can only hope! We're getting to be almost as bad as California!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-09-13T11:58:02-04:00
@BaKhan: Email sent!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-13T13:14:07-04:00
@LZ, there have been some cooking shows that I've liked over the years, but I hardly watch any anymore tbh.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-13T13:15:48-04:00
BaKhan, please, dear god, trade me weather! It's super hot out today, only going to get hotter the next few days, and even friday and saturday when it's supposed to rain, it's a high of 93 and 90! And I have to usher a football game on saturday! Thankfully, though, the rain should get there after I'll be able to go off on my own to somewhere not rainy. Still, I won't doubt my shirt'll be soaked even before it rains.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-13T13:19:11-04:00
Good point, GM. At least you know the fires won't last into winter with the weather you guys have there. Still, almost every year there and in California there're fires. I really hope these droughts and fire-friendly weathers change soon! They're causing alot of problems.
Funny, though, that California, a state following the coastline, is in large part a desert, and becoming even moreso as time goes on.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-13T13:44:08-04:00
@Geist, lol, email received! ;) Can't wait!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-09-13T13:52:33-04:00
@Zem, I can't even lol about that... If there was anyway to actually do that, it would already have been done, trust me! ;) Good luck with the heat, I know you appreciate that as much as I appreciate the cold... ;) On a Cali tip, didn't it used to be pretty much the way it is returning to prior to irrigation? I could be wrong... I think their main problem is water. Someone needs to find an efficient way of desalinating water, or converting crops to be able to sustain themselves on ocean water. It would save a lot of lives!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-13T14:37:45-04:00
BaKhan, I know you'd've done it because we've wished to God there was a way to do it for 2 winters now! ;)
If someone could find an efficient, worthwhile process to desalinate and purify ocean water into drinking water or even just irrigation-worthy water, as well as a way to transport it effectively, they'd immediately become almost a billionaire and save even more lives all over the world.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-09-13T14:39:45-04:00
Oh, and summers. I definitely would have loved to give you my summers at some points.
Lord Zombitten 2017-09-13T15:17:24-04:00
That's what I should be doing! Inventing a high-throughput desalination device! Then I wouldn't have to worry about working ever again!
Lord Zombitten 2017-09-13T15:18:37-04:00
I'm not too far from the Great Salt Lake, either. If I can get something that would work for that, ocean water would be a walk in the park!
So, I just saw this recipe for gelatinized spaghetti-o's with vienna sausages. It looks horrid. I kinda want to try it just to see how gastrocious (a word I made up to describe gastronomically atrocious things) it is.
@LZ, at first blush, I'm thinking there is so much wrong in that meal! Then my second thought is maybe three wrongs make a right? Who knows it might actually be good? ;)
Also love gastrocious! Stoled it! ;)
LZ, gastrocious is a great word for that combination! And yeah, it's just one of those things you can't help but make even though you know it'll likely be bad, just to know how terrible it could be!
Huh, apparently today's my roommate's birthday. I didn't even know he had one, to be honest. His best friend, whom I have a class with, told me today that he'd forgotten, and it sort of surprised me to think about him even having one, seeing as how I've lived with the guy 2 years and only heard of it like, what, twice in that time?
@LZ: I saw that video making the rounds on Facebook. Nah, I'll pass.
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens. 13 hours straight at work yesterday and I'm still sleepy. The Depeche Mode concert is tonight, starting at 9 pm. WHY? I want it to start at 7 pm so I can take the bus home and get some more sleep.
This weekend is the start of all the marathon festivals that happen in September in the DMV region. I'm going to try to go to the Chocolate festival and one of the many neighborhood festivals happening this weekend. September 16th is having 5 at the same time so I have no idea how I'm going to attend all of them. Still, I love it so much, it feels like getting multiple birthday presents spread out every weekend.
And apparently fall is here because the temps are now in the mid 70's and dropping to the 50's at night. I may need to really use my winter coat when I come to Calgary in October.
@Geist, congrats on the concert tonight! I hope its a good one for you! I'm also very excited for you and all those awesome festivals you are getting a chance to check out! Fall it definitely here in Canada anyways... Last year was pretty normal for this time of year, so I would recommend that you bring your winter coat, cause you never know!
Morning kittens.
Only 3.5hours until it's the weekend for me. Though I have to go see the optometrist today...still the weekend after that.
@GM, congrats bro! You deserve it! Enjoy!
@BaKhan: Outside of Halloween, the September festivals are my favorite time of the year. I love shopping at the vendor stalls with their unique merchandise. Plus I stock up on all of the handmade soaps and creams that I use throughout the year.
@Geist, yeah, I don't blame you! One of our very good friends makes and sells soaps, creams and lip balms. She makes it all from organic and pure sources, all essential oils etc. I should see if I can get some for you!
@BaKhan: I'll be happy to buy some from her. I stopped using over the counter creams and soaps 4 years ago because my skin gets so dry in the winter time. Plus I don't like the chemicals or supporting big business. Nothing against capitalism, I would rather buy from the little guy, as much as possible.
Geist, Depeche Mode?! Really sorry about the long, hard day yesterday, but that concert should help take your mind off of things, I'm really jealous!
Speaking of which, I just booked a seat for the Markiplier & Friends tour. You probably know the name at least of Markiplier, but he and a bunch of others are doing a live tour of improv and sketches, and it's apparently really good. I saw they'd be going to Berlin next February, right when I'm there! So I couldn't resist booking a show there, it should be super cool! Also 50 euro, but that should be worth it.
That's cool about the soaps and creams, I really love supporting small, local businesses as well. They often need all the help they can get, and often have at least as good of products as large companies, if not better.
@Geist, I was thinking of just getting you a few different things from her, as a gift for you, my treat! ;)
@Zem, I keep forgetting that you're going to be schooling abroad in Germany! It would be very cool to see a show whilst over there! I guess a lot of people there must speak english in order to make it worth while, especially for a comedy show! I say do as much as you can while you're there, it seems like a once in a lifetime type thing. ;)
I ordered the two different decks and am still awaiting for them to arrive. Did you run out of the decks. Please let me know the status for those still waiting.
@BaKhan: LOL on your comments in the polygon update. I wish people would stop asking for refunds. No one EVER gets those. I treat this site like a casino. Sometimes I win and get a great product, sometimes I lose and either get a crappy product or not one at all. Meh. I won't sweat it either way. Got better things to think about.
@Rebecca Flowers: You might want to send them an email directly as this campaign has been over with for the last 2 years. None of the creators come here anymore. Some of us just use it as a chat room.
Rebecca, did you comment on the wrong campaign, or have you really not gotten your Exploding Kittens decks yet? Because if it's really EK, email already. Actually, I don't even know if they use that email much, though I'm certain they do, but they're probably more focused on the BvB issues now.
Morning kittens!
@Geist, I was having a pretty down day yesterday, nothing in particular but many little things getting to me. Those comments on the Polygon's ks were just too much. There should be a form you fill out prior to using ks that makes sure that people understand, this is not a store, there are no guarantees, we are trying to bring new products and companies to life, and in exchange for our pledges now, will give us rewards if they can, when they can. Seeing the first time backers losing their minds and asking for refunds when the project is still moving forward, or claiming things are easy, just make it happen, etc., really piss me off. If you want to put out money and then receive something in short order, try amazon... ;)
But BaKhan, didn't you see that Exploding Kittens made the team millionaires, one and all?! They clearly have the time and money to drop everything and make sure my troubles are dealt with. I'm sure they're just scammers laughing their butts off now at how many people they fooled.
Hahaha, I loved hearing all the "They're millionaires now! They made millions of dollars!" arguments on EK, like how even if it were true that somehow made the backers entitled or something. I just don't get some backers' mentality. "I paid for this, you owe me, big time!"
@Zem, I think that there is also a fallacy that because you have money, you can make anything happen whenever you want. Trust me, I know a few millionaires, I've even met the richest man in Calgary (probably), and guess what? They still have to wait for stuff! Thats life, and it should be a unifying thing, we all wait for stuff! Having money doesn't equal having the ability to make magic happen. It really boils down to people not understanding (or even trying to understand) others, and therefore lacking empathy or patience. Creating something that formerly hadn't existed isn't easy, and its not straight forward, and there will be learning and trial and error. Hopefully, there will also be success, but no absolutely. Oh well... ;)
I remember those asinine comments. "They made this many millions on this project! I wish I had that much money!" Yeah, so does Elan Lee. They always seemed to ignore the fact that they still had to produce millions of copies of the game, and that costs money! I got tired of pointing out to people that the KS got them enough money to get them through December if they didn't start selling, what with production costs, overhead, and all that fun stuff.
So I had to go get a new office chair. The one that they had here for me had no adjustments and was already ready to just fall apart, but the worst part is it was hell on my knees! When I was a kid I had a rare cartilage disease and it basically killed my knees and ankles. So now as an adult, when they get sore, they stay sore for a very long time. Since Tuesday I can feel my left one just getting worse and worse, and the only thing I can attribute it to is that damned office chair. The new seems to be much much better! I can raise it up so my knees aren't above my waist which seems to be what hurts them most (other than kneeling, which I do as little as possible).
I looked at some of the Polygon comments and loved one that said "The funds should be put in an escrow account and they should only get what their goal was, to get the rest of the funds when the promised goods are delivered!"
... yeah... seriously, dude, that's literally the worst idea ever! You want them to have to try to make tens of thousands of products on like 1/100th the funds needed, if that?! You can't just order 1000 times the product their base-line hopes were and then ask them to produce it all on the same amount of money it would have taken to produce that base-line! If you would move to that format, then they'd just send everyone a nice piece of paper saying "thanks for backing, but we don't have the money to make what you ordered, we had just enough per person for the stamps to send this nice paper showing that you're officially a backer! Congrats!"
Wow, BaKhan, that sounds harsh! Glad you were able to get a new one that works much easier. Did you have to go through the company to order a new one? I hope it wasn't too much trouble, but you have a new one now, so hopefully the issues subside! Then again, now it's the weekend, so you can just put your feet up and relax at home and give your knees rest.
@Zem, yeah I love so many of those commenting believe that they are somehow experts on business development, idea actualization, and fulfillment. Its like hey guys, why not just make your own kickstarter if you're so much better at it than the creators here... sigh. ;)
As far as my knees and ankles go, I've lived with it all my adult life. Its gotten much worse with age, but I've known that it would as well. Most of the time it doesn't really bother me at all, thankfully. The company will reimburse me for the chair, I wasn't too worried about that part, just didn't want to wind up using my cane, if I can avoid it! ;) Don't get me wrong, I've got a cool cane, just don't like being 43 and needing it, is all. ;)
Welp, the C&H adventure game met its funding goal. Now I just hope after the campaign is done, the game doesn't take too long to develop, like Unraveled has.
Haha, BaKhan, that is a nice cane. I bet you can't wait till you're actually old and need it, then you can be that cooky energetic old guy puttering around with metal band t-shirts and a dragon cane! ;)
And dang it, if anyone is around right now, I need help with another song I can't remember the name of in a video. It's one of those songs I can either remember the song or the name, but hearing one never leads to the other and just annoys me.
It's the song of this level in this game, and I remember just enough about the story behind the song that I can't effectively look it up, yet I know the song VERY well and have heard it hundreds of times. I just can't bring the name to mind! If someone can't tell me, I'll be trying to figure it out all weekend and need my dad's help! I just can't find it anywhere with the search terms I can bring to muster.…
(sorry if you're sensitive to this kind of thing, but he swears right then as well. I don't think anyone here really cares, but just a heads-up so it doesn't catch you off-guard.)
You're welcome!
And now I'm listening to it. It's a good, if not imaginitively named bolero, but not my favorite. I post a link to my favorite when this one is done.
@Zem, its already seen a lot of usage. ;) Its pretty much my only option when I'm seized up and can't put any weight on one or the other leg. Fortunately I haven't been bad off enough yet that both knees are effed up at the same time.
Here's a link to my favorite bolero. I chose to use the link that has a song immediately after the bolero because it leads into it perfectly. This bolero also has a much better name than simply calling it "Bolero", as Maurice Ravel did.
@LZ, Nice one bro! I don't know why I'm always amazed at how consistently cool my fellow kittens always are! I'm a little surprised anyone else knew that! ;)
I grew up listening to all kinds of classical music. I remember coming home from Alberta with Ravel blaring through the speakers of the family station wagon, just before changing out the tape for "They're Coming to America" so that would be playing as we crossed the border. Good times!
BOLERO, THANK F****** JESUS! Oh god, if I didn't find out the name, it'd've killed me this weekend. I knew how the word sounded, I just couldn't remember the word itself. Thank you SO much!
Like I said, I can only remember the name or the song for some reason. That happens with a couple songs, and every time, it's super annoying.
I grew up with all sorts of music, Classical (and all periods therein) of course not getting left out. In fact, our family has an unofficial "family composer", just like how states have like the "state bird" or something like that. He's Edvard Grieg, for many, many reasons. We've played many composers on roadtrips and such, but Grieg is always our go-to.
In fact, the reason I said I'd have to ask my dad if I couldn't figure it out is because Bolero is one of his favorite songs. He's played it countless times when he just wanted something to listen to or was teaching someone about music. That's why I know the story about it as well.
Grieg is good, but I've always preferred Beethoven and Wagner. This really shouldn't surprise anyone, though, given their fondness for the minor key and the overall rock-like feel to their music.
I can't stand Stravinski, though. I can never have a conversation about classical music without pointing that out.
Ah, I love Stravinski! Aside from that, most-of-the-way-drunk as I may be, especially after sharing 3 bottles of wine/mead with my roommate, overall tonight 2 beers, and 1 drink of whiskey, and that wine/mead, I love meatloaf; and of course, Bat outta Hell is awesome! Though I didn't know he did a version of Bolero to transition into it! I loved that recording, is what I'm getting at. And dangit, the rest of tonight is just for music of all kinds. Dangit, though I love it, I'll listen to hours of music tonight. And it's nearly 3 am already!
In the meantime, I may or may not have watched a semi-horror/thriller movie with my roommate and moved on to Monty Python movies and sketches right away after that, which explains any tolerance for immediate jump between genres of all kinds.
Anyways, you can already tell that I'm having a great weekend, so I hope you're having nearly as fun of ones as well on your ends! Happy weekend!
By the way, I only had mentioned what I'd drank to apologize for how much I knew I'd ramble and jump topics. I'd also forgotten the vodka, which explains why I forgot writing that second paragraph. I wish I could be around me when I drink, I can apparently be kinda fun.
But yeah, I was up till 5 am that night listening to classical music and air-drumming to metal alternately. My arms are still sore. ;)
Morning kittens!
@Zem, nice one bro! I hope you had a good time! It sure sounds like you did! Oh, and for the record, that super fun guy that you wish you could hang out with when you're liquored, is always with you, and doesn't even need booze to come out, just saying... ;) Enjoy your drinks, and have fun, just realize that you don't need to drink to have a good time. I've had too many alcoholics as friends, and just don't want to see you falling for that crap, thats all. ;)
Nah, it's not that, it's just that I start to talk more if I do it right, and if I have a cigar, I just don't shut up. Actually, I started with a friend at a cigar bar and talked and joked his head off, though I was fully aware of how strange it was for me. He said that honestly, if I'd've been the quiet one, he would have been exactly the same way back, and lo and behold, right after that he started telling stories of getting blackout drunk in Cleveland with some homeless people after an AC/DC concert got canceled!
@Zem, yep thats why they call it social lubrication... ;) Glad you had fun!
Morning kittens.
@GM, good morning sir! Hope you had a great weekend! ;)
@BaKhan: Aside from the atrociously planned Fall Festival I was "voluntold" to help wasn't half bad.
@GM, for future reference, you should only ever get voluntold from your wife, and last time I checked, you didn't have one of those... ;) Parents are cool and all (I still miss my dad so bad!), but they should have their own lives, and you yours. I think its great that they've allowed you to still live at home whilst you are saving up, but I also think that they are too used to you being available. ;) How is the home search going, I haven't heard you mention anything about it in quite a while!
@BaKhan: The only reason I actually went, is because it was my dad who asked. And with how I'm basically still at home to be able to help him, I think that it is always planned out to be that he asks so that they basically guilt trip me into helping.
As for the home search, that's been put on hold for a bit, mostly because of money, but also because of how my dad's Parkinson's is progressing. I finally(after two years of pleading with him) got my dad to stop going up on ladders - 90% of the time - when outside by himself. Even with my mom home, but inside, he would go up on a ladder, and he could be out there for HOURS if he fell off without my mom realizing(she barely ever hears someone talking to her when the TV is on in the living room while she's in the kitchen...)
Has anyone else noticed that weekends are never long enough. I propose a new schedule: 10 day weeks, 32-hour days, still maintain the 40-hour work week.
@GM, you're a good man for doing that for him/them. Going forward though, they will need to come up with a plan. They can't count on you always being there as you've your own life to lead as well.
@LZ, I don't know about that schedule, aren't the days long enough already? ;) I just think we feel that way because we don't have enough time off in general. I counter propose, a four day work week, dropping to 32 but maintaining the same pay, because; money! Having it look like, work Monday and Tuesday, have Wednesday off, work Thursday and Friday and have the Saturday and Sunday off. This would still allow regular work to get done, and have a person feel like they have enough time to do what they want to do. Eventually working towards a star trek type future where you are employeed doing what you want, and not what you have to, in order to make a living. ;) Bring on that Utopia!
BaKhan, that sounds like a good idea. Especially the last part about the utopia.
@BaKhan: I agree that they can't count on me always being there. And I keep telling them that when they buy the full pork loin from Costco. I keep telling them that they need to learn to cut it themselves into the chops/roasts that they want.
BaKhan, really? I mean, my situation (being a student living near home) is quite different, but my parents still feel free to voluntell me on occasion, though much less frequently than when I lived there. Heck, this summer when I was back with them for a couple months, I got voluntold quite a bit!
So you're saying I need a wife as full protection from parental volunteering, though then your wife may also do the same if you're not careful? Crap, it never ends! ;)
GM, I know how you feel about your dad. My grandma is the one with Parkinson's, but my grandpa is still super active all the time. Heck, just a month after finally being released from the hospital a year or two ago, after having a portion of his intestines removed due to cancer and being told not to do any real walking for a couple months, HE WENT SKIING!!! He could barely climb stairs by that point, but he went up on the slopes with us! He's what, 87 or 88 now, yet he still skiis. Though only the easy stuff anymore, but he plans to go on well into his 90s. He also still does plenty of manual work, and just this summer climbed up a large tree in his yard to manually saw down a large dead branch!
He never slows down or listens to us, and we know it's no use to tell him to, he's going to die working on something and be all the happier for it. If we tried to put him in a home in his 90s, he'd probably swordfight his way out with a cane.
@Zem, yep, thats basically it. Thats why it will always be harder for your significant other to meet your parents than the other way around. ;) All you have to do is basically tell them that you know you'll never be good enough for them and that you're basically a good guy, and thats it. She on the other hand will be taking over as chief voluntolder, and they will know it, there will be many subtle and perhaps not so subtle power plays back and forth... My wife was lucky that way I guess. My father had already passed, and I parted ways with my mother a long time ago. So she never had to deal with any of that. But I've seen that story play out many times... ;)
@Zem, thats awesome about your Grandpa! I say if they are able to live in their own home, let them! My Grandfather was 91 when my Grandma convinced him to move into an old folks home. His cancer came back a year after that, and he passed away a year after that. The worst part was, he didn't know what to do with himself anymore. He was the kind of guy that always had a project going on. Sharpening the blade for his lawnmower, or re-wiring his old Black and Decker drill... Once he got into that home it was the beginning of the end for him. I realize that it will eventually be anyone's time to go, but if you can do that in the comfort of your own home, so much the better! ;)
LZ, when I'm inevitably elected Supreme Chancellor of the Free Unified Citizens of the Kosmos (what, I had to make it work somehow!), I'm appointing you Director of the International Calendar Kommission. (dang it, why is K such a hard one?! Oh well, I'll be the SC, I can change the spelling of those words)
BaKhan, oh, a home would rot him away fast. Heck, my other grandpa didn't have a choice when he had a blood clot in his brain that temporarily shut him down. He had to live in a home for a year and hated every second of it. One of the best days of his life, for certain, was the day he got to go live back at home and it all seemed like it was getting better. Unfortunately, the problem came back and this time in the hospital he also got pneumonia, so he didn't make it back out, but those few months back in his own home gave him an entirely new outlook on life.
My other grandpa, though, is the handy kind that can never not work. He doesn't exactly hate being idle too much, but he always sees stuff to be done and loves to do it. If he had to sit back and watch helplessly as others did handywork around the house for him, he'd probably just hit ctrl+alt+delete and close out life right then and there!
Sounds like a plan, Zem!
My grandpa is the same way. He fell a few months back, and had to go into a home. He never recovered from the fall because the home is draining the life out of him. He kinda started giving up a few years ago when my grandma passed, though.
I get the feeling that's going to be how it'll be for my grandpa. I think I'll try to help convince everyone to keep him out of a home for as long as possible, but I really don't think I'll need to. Unfortunately, though, nobody lives near them anymore as with my other grandparents, whom I have an aunt living just half a mile away from on a farm. So she helped with them the whole time that grandpa, the one that passed, was in the home, visiting him and helping my grandma do things. With my other grandparents, though, we live the closest to them now and yet we're an hour and a half away.
Why do people like going to concerts where they play acoustic versions of songs that are meant to be played on electric guitars with distortion? Pandora just let me know that Breaking Benjamin will be in Salt Lake on October 26. I looked it up; it's part of their unplugged tour. Bleh! If I wanted to listen to a castrated version of their songs... Well it's really not worth finishing that thought because I wouldn't.
That moment you think that you forgot to unpause your music after a phone call, but in fact the playlist you had going had ended, so you get something you forgot was on "I am A Walrus" by Jim Carrey.
Haha, I've seen that one, the Beatles song done by Jim Carrey and Robin Williams. You can find them on youtube, actually.
Morning kittens!
Morning kittens.
Morning, all! I've already been here over 4 hours. These early mornings are going to kill me. If they don't, the dinner I made probably will. I made that gastrocious thing I was talking about the other day. So, if I'm not here tomorrow, you'll all know why.
@LZ, I start at 6:30am here, so I've also been working for 4 hours! ;) I like it because I get to leave by 3:30 at the latest and beat the rush hour traffic on the way home! I stopped and got gas on the way home yesterday and was still home by 4, which is pretty awesome in my opinion! ;)
On a sad note, it was nice knowing you brother! It does seem pretty crappy to me that you survived brain cancer to only have to fall to that gastrocious thing that should not be! ;) Best of luck to you sir!
Oh god, LZ, you couldn't resist, could you? ;)
Well, RIP LZ's tummy, god bless its soul.
I did make some modifications, though. I substituted the vienna sausages with sliced hot dogs and added parmesan cheese, salt, garlic powder, basil, and oregano. Then, instead of putting it in a ring mold, because I don't have one, I put it in a brain mold.
Lol! A brain mold.... of course! Thats too rich! ;)
Well... heck, that's not even the same thing! You took out everything that made it gross and added a bunch of really good stuff! That's not at all the original recipe, that's just plain-old spaghetti-Os and hot dogs with spices, put in a brain mold (as one does)! Nah, some time you're going to have to make the gross one true to form, make it so bad even pets won't touch it!
Yeah, this stuff was actually pretty decent. The kids said they'd rather eat it in the heat of summer than mid September.
Morning kittens!
@LZ, thats awesome! But, it does sound like you looked at the recipe and thought, hmmm how do I actually make this edible, did what was required and pulled out a win! ;) That would be a good idea for a cooking show. Give the contestants really bad recipes and see what they can do with it, while still keeping the spirit of the dish! Could be fun! ;)
Morning kittens! Sorry I've been silent. Busy week with the check run coming up. Will post more later.
It's not still heat of the summer? Jeez, it is for us. The entire next week, there's only one day with a high below 85, half of them getting above 90. Somehow, september is hotter than august for us!
@Geist, good day! Did you perchance forget to send me your flight itinerary? ;)
@Zem, summer is long gone from here! High of 45F today, and pretty much like that for the next two foreseeable weeks... makes me a sad kitten. :(
@BaKhan: More like I can't find your email address. I have Misty's in my address book. Should I send it to her?
Morning kittens.
@BaKhan: Only good thing about the way the weather is going is that it will hopefully reach as far as the wild fire areas, and help those fighting them.
BaKhan, that does sound like a good cooking show! I might even watch something like that, and I don't watch cooking shows.
@Geist, yeah either way... grumpae at gmail dot com ;)
@GM, one can only hope! We're getting to be almost as bad as California!
@BaKhan: Email sent!
@LZ, there have been some cooking shows that I've liked over the years, but I hardly watch any anymore tbh.
BaKhan, please, dear god, trade me weather! It's super hot out today, only going to get hotter the next few days, and even friday and saturday when it's supposed to rain, it's a high of 93 and 90! And I have to usher a football game on saturday! Thankfully, though, the rain should get there after I'll be able to go off on my own to somewhere not rainy. Still, I won't doubt my shirt'll be soaked even before it rains.
Good point, GM. At least you know the fires won't last into winter with the weather you guys have there. Still, almost every year there and in California there're fires. I really hope these droughts and fire-friendly weathers change soon! They're causing alot of problems.
Funny, though, that California, a state following the coastline, is in large part a desert, and becoming even moreso as time goes on.
@Geist, lol, email received! ;) Can't wait!
@Zem, I can't even lol about that... If there was anyway to actually do that, it would already have been done, trust me! ;) Good luck with the heat, I know you appreciate that as much as I appreciate the cold... ;) On a Cali tip, didn't it used to be pretty much the way it is returning to prior to irrigation? I could be wrong... I think their main problem is water. Someone needs to find an efficient way of desalinating water, or converting crops to be able to sustain themselves on ocean water. It would save a lot of lives!
BaKhan, I know you'd've done it because we've wished to God there was a way to do it for 2 winters now! ;)
If someone could find an efficient, worthwhile process to desalinate and purify ocean water into drinking water or even just irrigation-worthy water, as well as a way to transport it effectively, they'd immediately become almost a billionaire and save even more lives all over the world.
Oh, and summers. I definitely would have loved to give you my summers at some points.
That's what I should be doing! Inventing a high-throughput desalination device! Then I wouldn't have to worry about working ever again!
I'm not too far from the Great Salt Lake, either. If I can get something that would work for that, ocean water would be a walk in the park!