Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-11-08T14:38:55-05:00
LZ, that's... well, at least it's not playground bullying this time, but if anything, that's worse! That's horrible; direct, unsubtle manipulation and subordination, deceit abusing your name to further personal attachment from others, and...
holy shit, the more I think about it, the more that's distinctly psychopathic behavior. I'm not saying that person is one, but that behavior is exactly an example of sociological personal manipulation!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-11-08T14:40:55-05:00
GM, now you can title that dossier of reasons why you're leaving that you were planning on plopping on your supervisor's desk "Things Not in the Budget"!
@Zem: I'll also add the one that JUST happened...I had to send some stuff to the VP of Canadian operations for him to approve, as the terminal manager is on vacation. These are the third and fourth items I sent his way for approval just today. He didn't respond because "he didn't recognize my name" on the 2 newer items, but the 2 other ones from earlier he approved of.
Apparently...I'm not very memorable. Until I decide to wear a shirt that I saw(haven't bought yet because it actually doesn't fit into my budget right now) earlier. Balloon letters that say "Fuck This Shit" with a panda holding a few balloons floating on the side. When(if) I get that, I will wear it EVERY day under my normal work shirt, and when I finally snap all the way...take off work shirt and walk out passed EVERYONE of the higher ups(they will know I'm done because I will have an open box with all my stuff in it).
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-08T14:53:40-05:00
Hey kittens, who's this Owen guy that keeps posting here? ;P
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-08T14:53:57-05:00
@GM, lol, that sounds awesome! Do it!
Lord Zombitten 2017-11-08T16:34:36-05:00
GM, that would surely be an epic way of quitting. I would tip my metaphorical hat to you if you did it!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-11-09T06:20:42-05:00
Morning kittens. Looks like I'm back to 12 hour work days until they make a decision on the douche who bailed on us. Rumor has it that if he doesn't contact my supervisor by COB Friday with a date of when he is coming back, he will be let go. I'm betting he simply quit and is now looking for work elsewhere.
I know this much, if he comes back on the floor and doesn't provide a valid doctor's note verifying that he was too sick to come in, I'm going to go above my manager's head and report this. If I had tried to pull the same stunt, they would have not only asked for the doctor's note, they would have asked for proof that he was a real doctor and proof of his schooling.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-11-09T06:22:06-05:00
@GM: Where can I buy this work shirt? I WILL wear it on my last day of work here.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-11-09T12:09:01-05:00
My brain is fried. Why can't they let us have beer on the job?
Lord Zombitten 2017-11-09T13:28:06-05:00
@Geist, because they're evil.
It turns out that the "victim" I was talking about before also told the lab assistant that the "bully" was trying to get the lab assistant fired. So they're both telling the poor lab assistant that the other one is trying to get her fired, but they themselves don't want her fired.
What's really happening is they're both trying to recruit people to their respective sides in the feud they have with each other. I'm ready to sit them down together and tell them that they need to start acting like adults, instead of cats in a bag, and work together like professionals or quit, or they're both fired. I haven't had a good night's sleep in almost a week because of these two!
@LZ: Only option really in a situation like that...Old Yeller. Sadly, that is the only way it will be resolved. Either one is taken out of the equation, or both. Either way, sounds like more stress on either yourself or others as they will take on the duties of the people let go.
Lord Zombitten 2017-11-09T14:10:47-05:00
Yep. Really, I'm hoping that after this sit down, one of them quits. I don't like having to fire people, and it's really hard to find replacements. One is hard enough; two would be a nightmare
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-11-09T14:42:51-05:00
Haha, GM, that sounds hilarious! You could just walk up to your boss, hand them an overflowing binder of reasons why you're quitting, take off your outer shirt, and walk out!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-11-09T14:44:13-05:00
LZ, wow, that sounds super stressful! I really hope you're right about this sit-down, because it would be hell if that kind of think kept going on any longer in your workplace!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-11-09T14:57:44-05:00
Holy *bleep*! I think it's official. I just saw my supervisor packing up some of the douche's belongings. I just don't know if he quit or has been fired.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-11-09T15:20:33-05:00
Geist, that's potentially really great! I hope it's a good omen of workweeks to come!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-11-09T15:35:16-05:00
Edit: I don't know what was going on in that guy's life and I truly wish him the best and I hope he finds another position soon. Sorry it didn't work out since my boss had such high hopes for him.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-11-10T07:45:36-05:00
Morning kittens!
A tip of the hat to all the veterans in not only the U.S. but everywhere.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-11-10T07:54:38-05:00
Happy Friday! So looking forward to the Crafty Bastard festival tomorrow. Since we are short staffed (again!) there will be lots of days where I'm working 10 to 12 hours a day. My posting might be a bit iffy during that time.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-11-10T09:53:12-05:00
Happy friday everyone! This week has gone by super fast for me, but not because it was a walk in the park.
Lord Zombitten 2017-11-10T14:19:20-05:00
I better eat lunch now. Starting in about a half hour, the rest of my day will be one meeting after another. The final one will be putting the two feuding employees in a room together and telling them both what's what. I'm so ready for this drama to end!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-11-10T14:22:16-05:00
That's going to be so stressful, but fortunately, after that, it's the weekend, so you can enjoy feeling all that stress just disappear!
Lord Zombitten 2017-11-10T14:36:23-05:00
Indeed. It's weeks like this that make me question the decision to become a manager. I like it most of the time, but I find workplace drama to be very draining.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-11-13T03:24:40-05:00
Morning kittens! The Crafty Bastard festival was great, if very cold. I got some great fines and will post the pictures to the litter box this weekend if I can. (I know I am way behind about getting that cleaned up. These last couple of months have been very busy) There is one more craft festival in December but its rather smallish and there aren't many vendors listed that interest me. I might check it out anyway.
Found out last week that the douche that I thought was fired isn't. His desk was simply cleaned off so that guest can use it. This makes me so mad. All the s&%t he has pulled and he not only doesn't get written up but will still have a job whenever he decides to come back to work. *sigh* I really have got to get out off this profession.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-11-13T03:28:00-05:00
I find workplace drama to be very draining
You and me both. It contributes to my depression and overall health. It's a waste of energy and if I could work from home, alone, I would. Pity that with the amount of paperwork that AP has to deal with, that isn't possible.
@LZ: Hopefully they grow up. I know there is lots of drama around here(part of it is the former receptionist who is now in accounts payable telling our new receptionist/payroll assistant that she can wear anything she wants...including flip-flops...and then my manager - new receptionists boss - correcting her).
Lord Zombitten 2017-11-13T11:39:20-05:00
It's more the "victim" who needs to grow up, I've realized. Through the meetings on Friday, it became clear that she's the sort of drama queen who loves playing the victim. HR put them both on notice and told the "bully" four things she had to stop doing or change before telling the "victim" to try to stop doing one thing that annoyed the "bully." The "bully" agreed to stop doing the four things. The "victim" got all huffy and said through her tears, "I've always [done that]! Why should I have to change my whole being just to make her happy? Why are you telling me I have to change, like I'm the bad guy?" It was ridiculous.
Lord Zombitten 2017-11-13T11:42:45-05:00
Geist, that sucks that he's still there, especially since there's no disciplinary action against him at this point. But it could bite him in the ass later. There was a manager here who worked here for two months before deciding to take a month off and go to China (not a planned-way-in-advance sort of thing), came back for a week or two, and then took another couple of weeks off. He was fired about nine months after he started. The extended leaves of absence at the beginning played a part in his termination.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-11-14T02:22:54-05:00
Oops, sorry I haven't been on, kind of a busy day.
Something that sums it all up is my Calc III class today; I walked in and didn't even know we had an exam until it was literally sitting on the table in front of me. I think I did well considering the circumstances, but still, that was a bit of a rude awakening!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-11-14T02:25:16-05:00
LZ, ah, I was afraid something like that might happen. Good that the "bully" is willing to fix things, though!
Geist, maybe you're not in the wrong profession, maybe you're just doing it wrong; clearly the best way to act in this profession is to do no work whatsoever and force everyone else to do it at exactly the wrong time! They may hate your guts, but you'll probably end up being promoted for it!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-11-14T08:04:25-05:00
Morning kittens. It's Tuesday and I'm thinking about seeing a movie. If the theater discount is still going on, I might go see "Murder On The Orient Express". Looks like a movie I can disappear into for a few hours.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-14T15:25:12-05:00
Good day kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-14T15:34:56-05:00
So my last week was nothing but drama. So much drama. So much bs tbh. I didn't say anything about it at the time, but all was not well in paradise! Monday night my boss sent me a nasty email basically calling me useless for not completing enough projects to "be justifiably staffed". I didn't get this email till first thing in the morning on Tuesday. It took me hours to calm down enough to reply, and I thought that I actually did a pretty good job of shouldering my part of the burden and unloading that which was not mine, back to its source, him. I did not receive a response. I tried calling him several times, to no answer. I tried texting, same deal. So on Wednesday, I started looking for a new job as I just couldn't see a future at the one I was at (I mean, wouldn't anyone feel the same?). I reached out to my old boss, and they had still not been able to find a replacement for me. I had a meeting set up with them by 3pm that day. Thursday still not having heard anything from my then current boss, and not being able to reach him by phone, gave my notice effective immediately on Thursday. I started back up with my old (now current) employer and find that I have a new perspective on the job and the company. I'm actually very glad to be back tbh! Its been a really rollercoaster emotionally and I'm very glad to be over that now! Its actually felt like I'm a returning hero, which after my last week at the other place, is fantastic, and it feels really good to be back! Life! You never know whats going to happen!
Lord Zombitten 2017-11-14T16:43:10-05:00
Sorry you had to put up with that bs, BaKhan. I'm glad everything worked out for you, though
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-14T17:17:46-05:00
@LZ, thanks man. It was one of the weirdest job experiences I've ever had. I just couldn't understand him not getting back to me. I mean, if an employee is asking a question, doesn't it deserve an answer? I think that the reality is, my inexperience was running up against his bs, and when he couldn't actually answer my question, he just wouldn't respond at all. Hard to be more productive if you aren't given any direction...
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-11-14T17:59:51-05:00
@BaKhan: What the hell?! How [bleeping] rude! That guy didn't even try to sit down and talk with you if he felt that way.
I'm so so sorry that you had to go though that after being lead to believe this would be a good opportunity for you. So glad you would able to get your old job back. Hopefully, they will appreciate you enough to keep you happy so that you never leave them.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-11-14T18:01:41-05:00
Hard to be more productive if you aren't given any direction...
Tell me about it. It's taken me a year to know the small part of my job because my supervisor wouldn't give me all the information when I got hired and then got mad at me for not keeping up.
@BaKhan: Well, at least you're back to somewhere that they (somewhat) know your worth.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-11-14T19:53:31-05:00
Wow, BaKhan, sounds like you just closed out the last chapter of a major Epic saga in your life! Also like you dodged a MAJOR BS bullet there by just seeing where that situation was leading and avoiding it before it all crashed!
I hope your life settles back down now and all goes as well as you could hope for the foreseeable future!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-14T20:12:45-05:00
Thanks for the support everyone! It means a lot to me! It’s been tough for the last little while and knowing you guys are here makes it a lot easier to take and roll with the punches.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-11-15T07:41:40-05:00
Morning kittens! It's cold!
It's official. The douche is gone and they are interviewing people to take his place. Won't make much difference since we don't have time to properly train a new person during the Thanksgiving week next week and we have a short month in December since the office is closed between Christmas and New Years.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-15T10:25:05-05:00
Morning kittens! So colour me shocked! My last job actually paid me for my last week and a half! I was expecting an all out legal nightmare to get that. I guess that sometimes it works out. ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-15T10:27:00-05:00
@Geist, well at least he's gone. It sucks that it really means that you will just have that much more work to do, but from the sounds of it, it was going to be like that anyways, but the douche would keep getting paid. At least this way you don't need to have that part of the aggravation as well. ;)
On the note of people being gone, even the people that started within the last 4 months(one has been here for 2 months) are looking for new jobs. Why can't management see that people are tired of the way they are doing things? Like, piling more work on already overworked employees, saying certain things aren't in the budget but bonuses are(which is back asswards if you ask me, they should be the LAST thing worked into a budget), and just generally being useless.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-15T11:28:11-05:00
@GM, I think its a case of willful ignorance. If they make changes, they have to admit to themselves they were wrong. It sounds like they would do almost anything, including endlessly replacing employees, rather than do that. To me anyways.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-11-15T12:18:51-05:00
@BaKhan: could that company actually withhold your pay? The only thing they can do is say you can't get rehired at that company and can't claim unemployment from them. If you worked the hours, they have to pay you for them.
Lord Zombitten 2017-11-15T12:25:52-05:00
I'm not surprised the **** isn't there anymore. Taking indefinite time off is a bad idea, especially when you're a new hire. People who do that generally come across as apathetic or entitled. Neither of those are good to eork with.
Lord Zombitten 2017-11-15T12:27:50-05:00
I agree with Geist, BaKhan. They'd have no legal claim to withhold your pay for the hours you worked. If you did have to take it to court to get your money, they'd be stuck with all your legal fees, as well; and they'd know that. In the end, it's just easier to give you what's yours.
The only way they could have withheld the pay(and not indefinitely) is if company property was concerned. At some point, it would end up with payroll being told to dock the pay for whatever the cost of the property is, and then everything else paid out to the employee(I deal with that situation regularly).
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-15T12:49:27-05:00
@All, oh I know it wouldn't have been legal at all, but, what they can do is withhold payment and require two written letters sent and post marked at least 2 weeks apart prior to having to comply, meaning that they could hold up paying for the better part of two months. And requiring getting a hold of the labor board, etc. I'm just thankful that they didn't go the bs route. Thats all.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-11-15T13:42:17-05:00
@BaKhan: Glad that company is in your past. And right before the holidays so the timing was good.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-15T13:46:56-05:00
@Geist, thanks! Me too! The right before the holidays part is why I was worried about the pay, not that it wouldn't always be an issue, but prior to christmas and shopping for same, it would have been a nightmare! Thankfully, they didn't go full douche. ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-11-15T14:54:48-05:00
@BaKhan: Yippiee! Now Pumpkin can get a diamond collar for Christmas! ;-)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-15T15:22:12-05:00
@Geist, as long as those diamonds melt in water, sure, why not! On a serious note, I hope she makes it to the new year, she's really losing weight now. Its so sad watching her fade away. :( Sadly kidney replacements for cats is not something that we could afford, even if they did that procedure up here.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-11-15T15:40:28-05:00
@BaKhan: Oh no! I was so happy that I got to see her again this year. I truly hope she makes it. I purchased a present for her at the Crafty Bastard festival and was going to send it to her.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-11-15T15:52:09-05:00
And with one refresh, I see that the KS tech team has been messing with the site again.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-11-15T15:54:18-05:00
Oh wow, I missed quite a bit today! Oh well. It seems most if it is to say how well peoples' jobs are turning around, so it's really good to hear such great things for the most part from you guys!
Have they? What'd they do to the site this time? I guess I do see the Post Comment button is now black, as is the heart to Save the campaign.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-15T16:04:26-05:00
Yeah, what changed? All I can see is the post comment button has changed to black.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-11-16T11:43:23-05:00
Morning kittens. Sorry for the delay. It's check run day which means pure chaos now that we are short staffed...again. Looks like I'll be burning the midnight oil again for the foreseeable future.
@BaKhan: The font has changed, the "search" and "explorer" tabs use to be on the left hand side and when you click on your profile, the font is a bit different as well.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-11-16T11:51:41-05:00
I just realized I need to come up with a meal for Thanksgiving next week. I've picked a pasta dish that I found in the Bon Appetit magazine I purchased yesterday. Sausage, broccoli and parm cheese with a little olive oil. Sounds yummy.
I might actually do a bit of shopping Black Friday. Nothing crazy. I need some more sheets for my bed. Otherwise, I plan to see the new Justice League movie.
And here I was trying to save money...stupid microwave stopped working this morning apparently(HR guy tried heating up his food for 3min, and it was still frozen). Guess I get to go search for food...
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-11-16T15:32:33-05:00
Ooh! So I get wed., thurs., and fri. off next week, but as it is, I have no classes on tuesday, and better yet, if I present on friday in one class, then I don't have any obligations on monday and can skip it completely!
I might end up being able to take off next week entirely just by pure fluke! I'll miss a little bit, but that's so worth it!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-11-16T17:11:13-05:00
Oh whoa, the logo on this tab in the browser also changed! It's black and white now, no green!
They also changed the menu when you click on your picture in the top right.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-11-16T19:24:06-05:00
Whoa, yeah, that's different from what it was when I checked that just this afternoon!
For me, alot of this stuff is just gradually happening, because just after refreshing now, anything that's highlighted used to be green, now it's black. Like "Comments" and its underline, the border around "share this project", and "Check out the FAQ".
Not to mention "Superbacker" is in a gross dark shade of green now too.
Why?! Why change from green to black? I liked the green!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-11-17T06:46:00-05:00
*yawn* Morning kittens.
It's Friday and the next 48 hours will be a busy one. After work I have babysitting duty with a former co-worker who had a baby recently. Long story short, she hit 40, realized her chances of getting married and having kids were really short so she slept with a married man and got knocked up. Now she is finding out what single parenthood REALLY means so I'm going over there to hold the kid while she gets some much needed sleep.
Maybe I should bring booze. For me, not the baby! (Although maybe that isn't such a half bad idea. Just kidding!)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-11-17T09:43:55-05:00
Hey, Geist, have enough booze and you might find you can talk with the baby!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-11-17T09:44:38-05:00
*definitely not recommended*
Though it might be helping me learn German faster, the native language of beer... ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-17T10:35:13-05:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-17T10:50:26-05:00
Sorry for my absence yesterday. My wife had to go in to have her ear operated on. It was a planned surgery to replace the stapies in her right ear. She had her left one done a couple of years ago and its still great, but her right ear had gotten to the point where she was no longer able to hear out of it at all. I couldn't believe how fast the surgery went! She didn't get into the OR until 3pm, by the time her mom and I went to the cafeteria, ate a sandwich, and came back, she was already in recovery (less than a half hour)! So she's at home now, and on a steady regime of T3's and in a week she has a check up to see how its healing. Good, news is on the way home she had to ask her mom to talk quieter (she is a very very loud talker, actually the two of them just escalate off of each other normally... ) so even with all the cotton batting in her ear, she was still hearing her loud and clear (too loud even!). I am very thankful we live in an era where these things can be fixed. Her poor Grandmother can't hear a thing, and unfortunately its much too late for her to have this surgery. Yay modern medicine! ;)
@BaKhan: At least it was a quick surgery. And that she's back home resting(not too sure about those T3s though...ever time I've been prescribed them for a surgery(however minor) I never take them.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-17T13:28:04-05:00
@GM, thanks man! Yeah, she has the next two weeks off to recover. She should only need the t3's for the next couple of days, but she definitely needs something. The pain is real. Morphine wouldn't touch it yesterday, they had to bump up to Fentanyl, which caused some hilarity in the recovery room.... ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-11-17T14:41:08-05:00
Oh boy, today's been great. My roommate got me just sick enough to constantly today feel super tired and perfectly uncomfortably warm in any room I'm in.
So, now that I'm back, I want to nap because I'm really tired, but I can't because it's too warm, so I have to open my window, but I STILL can't sleep because of that demolition project across the street and whatever the hell they've been jackhammering in that building from 8am to 6-7pm 6 days a week for the past 2 1/2 FREAKING MONTHS is way too loud with the window open!
Just to make matters so much better, I don't really get the full week off like I'd expertly planned, nor do I even have a dang weekend! My mother conscripted me to "the Oklahoma cousins wedding" this weekend, so I get to go home today, leave super early tomorrow to that and come back sunday! Plus, I do now have to go to at least one class monday, the earliest one just to make sure I don't commit the heinous crime of sleeping in.
Whoopee, in just one morning, my super awesome, relaxing, fun weekend/week plans got destroyed just like that building isn't yet. Just essentially lost 3 1/2 days of vacation.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-11-17T14:43:28-05:00
Wow, glad to hear that all went so fast and well, BaKhan! Hope the recovery goes super quick, especially that the pain dies down to manageable levels soon and things aren't too loud!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-11-17T15:42:39-05:00
Ironically, that means my weekend doesn't start till monday afternoon...
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-17T16:21:12-05:00
@Zem, thanks for the well wishes! I hope that you manage to have as much fun, in the now shortened time as you can. Bonus game for you at the cousins wedding... make as many people sick as you can! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-11-17T17:18:03-05:00
I might've considered it, but... considering I'll probably see most of these people again in my life....
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-17T17:40:09-05:00
@Zem, that just makes it twice as fun! Then you can reminisce over it the next time you meet them. Remember that time I "accidentally" got half the wedding guests sick? ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-11-17T18:40:32-05:00
Oh, I thought you said sick of me! No, I definitely don't think they'd appreciate it if I sneezed on the cake!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-11-17T18:45:02-05:00
Although that would accomplish both goals...
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-17T21:37:36-05:00
@Zem, lol, who could ever be sick of you! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-11-20T10:02:02-05:00
Morning kittens!
Spent 24 hours with a new born and all I've got to say about this is: will not do that again. I refuse to see this kid until he can walk and feed himself.
@BaKhan: So glad to hear that Misty made it through the surgery with flying colors!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-20T10:08:50-05:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-20T10:12:32-05:00
@Geist, I'm with you on that one! I love kids, they're great! As long as they are someone else's responsibility and they go home before they get too annoying... ;) Misty and I will often hi-5 when we hear a kid crying in a restaurant, realizing how lucky we are! ;) If I would have met the right person in my 20's I probably would have had kids, but at my age now, and my wife not wanting any kids either, I'd say that ship has sailed! ;) At the end of the day, I'm more afraid of repeating the mistakes of my parents, and pretty set in my selfish ways, I would have to change everything in order to be a good parent. Not sure I could make that sacrifice now either tbh.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-20T10:22:11-05:00
@Geist, yeah I super happy that Misty is healing up so fast! Yesterday she was complaining that she chews too loud, which she totally does, but I love her anyways... ;) She noticing lots of things that she just hasn't been able to hear. Its really great, and I hope it makes up for the pain that she's been going through. This time is much much easier than the last time for her, and for that I'm truly grateful!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-11-20T11:52:11-05:00
Done! Nothing better for... as close to a hangover as I can get than to finish the one thing I had to do today and be able to relax for 2 days now with nothing to do or worry about!
For some reason, hangovers aren't easy for me to get, I usually just feel a little tired. Guess I'm lucky and I'll enjoy it while I can, because I know that probably won't last past my mid-20s!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-20T12:47:22-05:00
@Zem, ah the folly of youth! Enjoy your time off! Next time when drinking, switch off with water every other drink, it'll help! Especially as you know, you get older... ;)
@BaKhan: Or take time in drinking, make them last(causes you to spend less money if you're out also). I tend to take my time with my drinks, and have water every 2-3 drinks.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-20T13:06:03-05:00
@GM, well you've seen the way I drink.... ;) I like to really space them out, like one drink a year... ;) Back when I used to drink though, I drank a lot, but never really dealt with hangovers. I just realized as I got older, that I had more fun not drinking than I did drinking, the rest as they say was elementary! ;)
@BaKhan: You've seen the way I drink too. And how Phil drinks.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-20T13:13:56-05:00
@GM, lol, I almost felt bad for Phil, but he brought it on himself!!! ;) About the time he was asking for the red food colouring for his rum I new he was in trouble... ;)
@BaKhan: Yes, yes he was. He and I had practically the exact same amount to drink(he just had a bit more rum than me). And I was pretty much sober by the time we left your place.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-11-20T13:38:29-05:00
@GM, yeah, but you probably have over 30 lbs and the better part of a foot in height on poor Phil, and that my friend makes a difference! ;) I'm so glad he decided not to drive that night!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-11-20T13:42:39-05:00
I just constantly drink water no matter what. I almost never go out because money, but while I'm at my place, I just always have water nearby, and I drink it all day anyways, but with alcohol, I drink like half a gallon of water any time I have more than like 2 drinks.
LZ, that's... well, at least it's not playground bullying this time, but if anything, that's worse! That's horrible; direct, unsubtle manipulation and subordination, deceit abusing your name to further personal attachment from others, and...
holy shit, the more I think about it, the more that's distinctly psychopathic behavior. I'm not saying that person is one, but that behavior is exactly an example of sociological personal manipulation!
GM, now you can title that dossier of reasons why you're leaving that you were planning on plopping on your supervisor's desk "Things Not in the Budget"!
@Zem: I'll also add the one that JUST happened...I had to send some stuff to the VP of Canadian operations for him to approve, as the terminal manager is on vacation. These are the third and fourth items I sent his way for approval just today. He didn't respond because "he didn't recognize my name" on the 2 newer items, but the 2 other ones from earlier he approved of.
Apparently...I'm not very memorable. Until I decide to wear a shirt that I saw(haven't bought yet because it actually doesn't fit into my budget right now) earlier. Balloon letters that say "Fuck This Shit" with a panda holding a few balloons floating on the side. When(if) I get that, I will wear it EVERY day under my normal work shirt, and when I finally snap all the way...take off work shirt and walk out passed EVERYONE of the higher ups(they will know I'm done because I will have an open box with all my stuff in it).
Hey kittens, who's this Owen guy that keeps posting here? ;P
@GM, lol, that sounds awesome! Do it!
GM, that would surely be an epic way of quitting. I would tip my metaphorical hat to you if you did it!
Morning kittens. Looks like I'm back to 12 hour work days until they make a decision on the douche who bailed on us. Rumor has it that if he doesn't contact my supervisor by COB Friday with a date of when he is coming back, he will be let go. I'm betting he simply quit and is now looking for work elsewhere.
I know this much, if he comes back on the floor and doesn't provide a valid doctor's note verifying that he was too sick to come in, I'm going to go above my manager's head and report this. If I had tried to pull the same stunt, they would have not only asked for the doctor's note, they would have asked for proof that he was a real doctor and proof of his schooling.
@GM: Where can I buy this work shirt? I WILL wear it on my last day of work here.
Morning kittens!
I believe this is the shirt GM was referring too: https://www.thechivery.com/products/fuck-this-shit-tee
Morning kittens.
@BaKhan: Yup, that's the one.
My brain is fried. Why can't they let us have beer on the job?
@Geist, because they're evil.
It turns out that the "victim" I was talking about before also told the lab assistant that the "bully" was trying to get the lab assistant fired. So they're both telling the poor lab assistant that the other one is trying to get her fired, but they themselves don't want her fired.
What's really happening is they're both trying to recruit people to their respective sides in the feud they have with each other. I'm ready to sit them down together and tell them that they need to start acting like adults, instead of cats in a bag, and work together like professionals or quit, or they're both fired. I haven't had a good night's sleep in almost a week because of these two!
@LZ: Only option really in a situation like that...Old Yeller. Sadly, that is the only way it will be resolved. Either one is taken out of the equation, or both. Either way, sounds like more stress on either yourself or others as they will take on the duties of the people let go.
Yep. Really, I'm hoping that after this sit down, one of them quits. I don't like having to fire people, and it's really hard to find replacements. One is hard enough; two would be a nightmare
Haha, GM, that sounds hilarious! You could just walk up to your boss, hand them an overflowing binder of reasons why you're quitting, take off your outer shirt, and walk out!
LZ, wow, that sounds super stressful! I really hope you're right about this sit-down, because it would be hell if that kind of think kept going on any longer in your workplace!
Holy *bleep*! I think it's official. I just saw my supervisor packing up some of the douche's belongings. I just don't know if he quit or has been fired.
Geist, that's potentially really great! I hope it's a good omen of workweeks to come!
Edit: I don't know what was going on in that guy's life and I truly wish him the best and I hope he finds another position soon. Sorry it didn't work out since my boss had such high hopes for him.
Morning kittens!
A tip of the hat to all the veterans in not only the U.S. but everywhere.
Happy Friday! So looking forward to the Crafty Bastard festival tomorrow. Since we are short staffed (again!) there will be lots of days where I'm working 10 to 12 hours a day. My posting might be a bit iffy during that time.
Happy friday everyone! This week has gone by super fast for me, but not because it was a walk in the park.
I better eat lunch now. Starting in about a half hour, the rest of my day will be one meeting after another. The final one will be putting the two feuding employees in a room together and telling them both what's what. I'm so ready for this drama to end!
That's going to be so stressful, but fortunately, after that, it's the weekend, so you can enjoy feeling all that stress just disappear!
Indeed. It's weeks like this that make me question the decision to become a manager. I like it most of the time, but I find workplace drama to be very draining.
Morning kittens! The Crafty Bastard festival was great, if very cold. I got some great fines and will post the pictures to the litter box this weekend if I can. (I know I am way behind about getting that cleaned up. These last couple of months have been very busy) There is one more craft festival in December but its rather smallish and there aren't many vendors listed that interest me. I might check it out anyway.
Found out last week that the douche that I thought was fired isn't. His desk was simply cleaned off so that guest can use it. This makes me so mad. All the s&%t he has pulled and he not only doesn't get written up but will still have a job whenever he decides to come back to work. *sigh* I really have got to get out off this profession.
I find workplace drama to be very draining
You and me both. It contributes to my depression and overall health. It's a waste of energy and if I could work from home, alone, I would. Pity that with the amount of paperwork that AP has to deal with, that isn't possible.
Morning kittens.
@LZ: Hopefully they grow up. I know there is lots of drama around here(part of it is the former receptionist who is now in accounts payable telling our new receptionist/payroll assistant that she can wear anything she wants...including flip-flops...and then my manager - new receptionists boss - correcting her).
It's more the "victim" who needs to grow up, I've realized. Through the meetings on Friday, it became clear that she's the sort of drama queen who loves playing the victim. HR put them both on notice and told the "bully" four things she had to stop doing or change before telling the "victim" to try to stop doing one thing that annoyed the "bully." The "bully" agreed to stop doing the four things. The "victim" got all huffy and said through her tears, "I've always [done that]! Why should I have to change my whole being just to make her happy? Why are you telling me I have to change, like I'm the bad guy?" It was ridiculous.
Geist, that sucks that he's still there, especially since there's no disciplinary action against him at this point. But it could bite him in the ass later. There was a manager here who worked here for two months before deciding to take a month off and go to China (not a planned-way-in-advance sort of thing), came back for a week or two, and then took another couple of weeks off. He was fired about nine months after he started. The extended leaves of absence at the beginning played a part in his termination.
Oops, sorry I haven't been on, kind of a busy day.
Something that sums it all up is my Calc III class today; I walked in and didn't even know we had an exam until it was literally sitting on the table in front of me. I think I did well considering the circumstances, but still, that was a bit of a rude awakening!
LZ, ah, I was afraid something like that might happen. Good that the "bully" is willing to fix things, though!
Geist, maybe you're not in the wrong profession, maybe you're just doing it wrong; clearly the best way to act in this profession is to do no work whatsoever and force everyone else to do it at exactly the wrong time! They may hate your guts, but you'll probably end up being promoted for it!
Morning kittens. It's Tuesday and I'm thinking about seeing a movie. If the theater discount is still going on, I might go see "Murder On The Orient Express". Looks like a movie I can disappear into for a few hours.
Good day kittens!
So my last week was nothing but drama. So much drama. So much bs tbh. I didn't say anything about it at the time, but all was not well in paradise! Monday night my boss sent me a nasty email basically calling me useless for not completing enough projects to "be justifiably staffed". I didn't get this email till first thing in the morning on Tuesday. It took me hours to calm down enough to reply, and I thought that I actually did a pretty good job of shouldering my part of the burden and unloading that which was not mine, back to its source, him. I did not receive a response. I tried calling him several times, to no answer. I tried texting, same deal. So on Wednesday, I started looking for a new job as I just couldn't see a future at the one I was at (I mean, wouldn't anyone feel the same?). I reached out to my old boss, and they had still not been able to find a replacement for me. I had a meeting set up with them by 3pm that day. Thursday still not having heard anything from my then current boss, and not being able to reach him by phone, gave my notice effective immediately on Thursday. I started back up with my old (now current) employer and find that I have a new perspective on the job and the company. I'm actually very glad to be back tbh! Its been a really rollercoaster emotionally and I'm very glad to be over that now! Its actually felt like I'm a returning hero, which after my last week at the other place, is fantastic, and it feels really good to be back! Life! You never know whats going to happen!
Sorry you had to put up with that bs, BaKhan. I'm glad everything worked out for you, though
@LZ, thanks man. It was one of the weirdest job experiences I've ever had. I just couldn't understand him not getting back to me. I mean, if an employee is asking a question, doesn't it deserve an answer? I think that the reality is, my inexperience was running up against his bs, and when he couldn't actually answer my question, he just wouldn't respond at all. Hard to be more productive if you aren't given any direction...
@BaKhan: What the hell?! How [bleeping] rude! That guy didn't even try to sit down and talk with you if he felt that way.
I'm so so sorry that you had to go though that after being lead to believe this would be a good opportunity for you. So glad you would able to get your old job back. Hopefully, they will appreciate you enough to keep you happy so that you never leave them.
Hard to be more productive if you aren't given any direction...
Tell me about it. It's taken me a year to know the small part of my job because my supervisor wouldn't give me all the information when I got hired and then got mad at me for not keeping up.
@BaKhan: Well, at least you're back to somewhere that they (somewhat) know your worth.
Wow, BaKhan, sounds like you just closed out the last chapter of a major Epic saga in your life! Also like you dodged a MAJOR BS bullet there by just seeing where that situation was leading and avoiding it before it all crashed!
I hope your life settles back down now and all goes as well as you could hope for the foreseeable future!
Thanks for the support everyone! It means a lot to me! It’s been tough for the last little while and knowing you guys are here makes it a lot easier to take and roll with the punches.
Morning kittens! It's cold!
It's official. The douche is gone and they are interviewing people to take his place. Won't make much difference since we don't have time to properly train a new person during the Thanksgiving week next week and we have a short month in December since the office is closed between Christmas and New Years.
Morning kittens! So colour me shocked! My last job actually paid me for my last week and a half! I was expecting an all out legal nightmare to get that. I guess that sometimes it works out. ;)
@Geist, well at least he's gone. It sucks that it really means that you will just have that much more work to do, but from the sounds of it, it was going to be like that anyways, but the douche would keep getting paid. At least this way you don't need to have that part of the aggravation as well. ;)
Morning kittens.
On the note of people being gone, even the people that started within the last 4 months(one has been here for 2 months) are looking for new jobs. Why can't management see that people are tired of the way they are doing things? Like, piling more work on already overworked employees, saying certain things aren't in the budget but bonuses are(which is back asswards if you ask me, they should be the LAST thing worked into a budget), and just generally being useless.
@GM, I think its a case of willful ignorance. If they make changes, they have to admit to themselves they were wrong. It sounds like they would do almost anything, including endlessly replacing employees, rather than do that. To me anyways.
@BaKhan: could that company actually withhold your pay? The only thing they can do is say you can't get rehired at that company and can't claim unemployment from them. If you worked the hours, they have to pay you for them.
I'm not surprised the **** isn't there anymore. Taking indefinite time off is a bad idea, especially when you're a new hire. People who do that generally come across as apathetic or entitled. Neither of those are good to eork with.
I agree with Geist, BaKhan. They'd have no legal claim to withhold your pay for the hours you worked. If you did have to take it to court to get your money, they'd be stuck with all your legal fees, as well; and they'd know that. In the end, it's just easier to give you what's yours.
The only way they could have withheld the pay(and not indefinitely) is if company property was concerned. At some point, it would end up with payroll being told to dock the pay for whatever the cost of the property is, and then everything else paid out to the employee(I deal with that situation regularly).
@All, oh I know it wouldn't have been legal at all, but, what they can do is withhold payment and require two written letters sent and post marked at least 2 weeks apart prior to having to comply, meaning that they could hold up paying for the better part of two months. And requiring getting a hold of the labor board, etc. I'm just thankful that they didn't go the bs route. Thats all.
@BaKhan: Glad that company is in your past. And right before the holidays so the timing was good.
@Geist, thanks! Me too! The right before the holidays part is why I was worried about the pay, not that it wouldn't always be an issue, but prior to christmas and shopping for same, it would have been a nightmare! Thankfully, they didn't go full douche. ;)
@BaKhan: Yippiee! Now Pumpkin can get a diamond collar for Christmas! ;-)
@Geist, as long as those diamonds melt in water, sure, why not! On a serious note, I hope she makes it to the new year, she's really losing weight now. Its so sad watching her fade away. :( Sadly kidney replacements for cats is not something that we could afford, even if they did that procedure up here.
@BaKhan: Oh no! I was so happy that I got to see her again this year. I truly hope she makes it. I purchased a present for her at the Crafty Bastard festival and was going to send it to her.
And with one refresh, I see that the KS tech team has been messing with the site again.
Oh wow, I missed quite a bit today! Oh well. It seems most if it is to say how well peoples' jobs are turning around, so it's really good to hear such great things for the most part from you guys!
Have they? What'd they do to the site this time? I guess I do see the Post Comment button is now black, as is the heart to Save the campaign.
Yeah, what changed? All I can see is the post comment button has changed to black.
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens. Sorry for the delay. It's check run day which means pure chaos now that we are short staffed...again. Looks like I'll be burning the midnight oil again for the foreseeable future.
@BaKhan: The font has changed, the "search" and "explorer" tabs use to be on the left hand side and when you click on your profile, the font is a bit different as well.
I just realized I need to come up with a meal for Thanksgiving next week. I've picked a pasta dish that I found in the Bon Appetit magazine I purchased yesterday. Sausage, broccoli and parm cheese with a little olive oil. Sounds yummy.
I might actually do a bit of shopping Black Friday. Nothing crazy. I need some more sheets for my bed. Otherwise, I plan to see the new Justice League movie.
And here I was trying to save money...stupid microwave stopped working this morning apparently(HR guy tried heating up his food for 3min, and it was still frozen). Guess I get to go search for food...
Ooh! So I get wed., thurs., and fri. off next week, but as it is, I have no classes on tuesday, and better yet, if I present on friday in one class, then I don't have any obligations on monday and can skip it completely!
I might end up being able to take off next week entirely just by pure fluke! I'll miss a little bit, but that's so worth it!
Oh whoa, the logo on this tab in the browser also changed! It's black and white now, no green!
They also changed the menu when you click on your picture in the top right.
Whoa, yeah, that's different from what it was when I checked that just this afternoon!
For me, alot of this stuff is just gradually happening, because just after refreshing now, anything that's highlighted used to be green, now it's black. Like "Comments" and its underline, the border around "share this project", and "Check out the FAQ".
Not to mention "Superbacker" is in a gross dark shade of green now too.
Why?! Why change from green to black? I liked the green!
*yawn* Morning kittens.
It's Friday and the next 48 hours will be a busy one. After work I have babysitting duty with a former co-worker who had a baby recently. Long story short, she hit 40, realized her chances of getting married and having kids were really short so she slept with a married man and got knocked up. Now she is finding out what single parenthood REALLY means so I'm going over there to hold the kid while she gets some much needed sleep.
Maybe I should bring booze. For me, not the baby! (Although maybe that isn't such a half bad idea. Just kidding!)
Hey, Geist, have enough booze and you might find you can talk with the baby!
*definitely not recommended*
Though it might be helping me learn German faster, the native language of beer... ;)
Morning kittens!
Sorry for my absence yesterday. My wife had to go in to have her ear operated on. It was a planned surgery to replace the stapies in her right ear. She had her left one done a couple of years ago and its still great, but her right ear had gotten to the point where she was no longer able to hear out of it at all. I couldn't believe how fast the surgery went! She didn't get into the OR until 3pm, by the time her mom and I went to the cafeteria, ate a sandwich, and came back, she was already in recovery (less than a half hour)! So she's at home now, and on a steady regime of T3's and in a week she has a check up to see how its healing. Good, news is on the way home she had to ask her mom to talk quieter (she is a very very loud talker, actually the two of them just escalate off of each other normally... ) so even with all the cotton batting in her ear, she was still hearing her loud and clear (too loud even!). I am very thankful we live in an era where these things can be fixed. Her poor Grandmother can't hear a thing, and unfortunately its much too late for her to have this surgery. Yay modern medicine! ;)
Morning kittens.
@BaKhan: At least it was a quick surgery. And that she's back home resting(not too sure about those T3s though...ever time I've been prescribed them for a surgery(however minor) I never take them.
@GM, thanks man! Yeah, she has the next two weeks off to recover. She should only need the t3's for the next couple of days, but she definitely needs something. The pain is real. Morphine wouldn't touch it yesterday, they had to bump up to Fentanyl, which caused some hilarity in the recovery room.... ;)
Oh boy, today's been great. My roommate got me just sick enough to constantly today feel super tired and perfectly uncomfortably warm in any room I'm in.
So, now that I'm back, I want to nap because I'm really tired, but I can't because it's too warm, so I have to open my window, but I STILL can't sleep because of that demolition project across the street and whatever the hell they've been jackhammering in that building from 8am to 6-7pm 6 days a week for the past 2 1/2 FREAKING MONTHS is way too loud with the window open!
Just to make matters so much better, I don't really get the full week off like I'd expertly planned, nor do I even have a dang weekend! My mother conscripted me to "the Oklahoma cousins wedding" this weekend, so I get to go home today, leave super early tomorrow to that and come back sunday! Plus, I do now have to go to at least one class monday, the earliest one just to make sure I don't commit the heinous crime of sleeping in.
Whoopee, in just one morning, my super awesome, relaxing, fun weekend/week plans got destroyed just like that building isn't yet. Just essentially lost 3 1/2 days of vacation.
Wow, glad to hear that all went so fast and well, BaKhan! Hope the recovery goes super quick, especially that the pain dies down to manageable levels soon and things aren't too loud!
Ironically, that means my weekend doesn't start till monday afternoon...
@Zem, thanks for the well wishes! I hope that you manage to have as much fun, in the now shortened time as you can. Bonus game for you at the cousins wedding... make as many people sick as you can! ;)
I might've considered it, but... considering I'll probably see most of these people again in my life....
@Zem, that just makes it twice as fun! Then you can reminisce over it the next time you meet them. Remember that time I "accidentally" got half the wedding guests sick? ;)
Oh, I thought you said sick of me! No, I definitely don't think they'd appreciate it if I sneezed on the cake!
Although that would accomplish both goals...
@Zem, lol, who could ever be sick of you! ;)
Morning kittens!
Spent 24 hours with a new born and all I've got to say about this is: will not do that again. I refuse to see this kid until he can walk and feed himself.
@BaKhan: So glad to hear that Misty made it through the surgery with flying colors!
Morning kittens!
@Geist, I'm with you on that one! I love kids, they're great! As long as they are someone else's responsibility and they go home before they get too annoying... ;) Misty and I will often hi-5 when we hear a kid crying in a restaurant, realizing how lucky we are! ;) If I would have met the right person in my 20's I probably would have had kids, but at my age now, and my wife not wanting any kids either, I'd say that ship has sailed! ;) At the end of the day, I'm more afraid of repeating the mistakes of my parents, and pretty set in my selfish ways, I would have to change everything in order to be a good parent. Not sure I could make that sacrifice now either tbh.
@Geist, yeah I super happy that Misty is healing up so fast! Yesterday she was complaining that she chews too loud, which she totally does, but I love her anyways... ;) She noticing lots of things that she just hasn't been able to hear. Its really great, and I hope it makes up for the pain that she's been going through. This time is much much easier than the last time for her, and for that I'm truly grateful!
Morning kittens.
Done! Nothing better for... as close to a hangover as I can get than to finish the one thing I had to do today and be able to relax for 2 days now with nothing to do or worry about!
For some reason, hangovers aren't easy for me to get, I usually just feel a little tired. Guess I'm lucky and I'll enjoy it while I can, because I know that probably won't last past my mid-20s!
@Zem, ah the folly of youth! Enjoy your time off! Next time when drinking, switch off with water every other drink, it'll help! Especially as you know, you get older... ;)
@BaKhan: Or take time in drinking, make them last(causes you to spend less money if you're out also). I tend to take my time with my drinks, and have water every 2-3 drinks.
@GM, well you've seen the way I drink.... ;) I like to really space them out, like one drink a year... ;) Back when I used to drink though, I drank a lot, but never really dealt with hangovers. I just realized as I got older, that I had more fun not drinking than I did drinking, the rest as they say was elementary! ;)
@BaKhan: You've seen the way I drink too. And how Phil drinks.
@GM, lol, I almost felt bad for Phil, but he brought it on himself!!! ;) About the time he was asking for the red food colouring for his rum I new he was in trouble... ;)
@BaKhan: Yes, yes he was. He and I had practically the exact same amount to drink(he just had a bit more rum than me). And I was pretty much sober by the time we left your place.
@GM, yeah, but you probably have over 30 lbs and the better part of a foot in height on poor Phil, and that my friend makes a difference! ;) I'm so glad he decided not to drive that night!
I just constantly drink water no matter what. I almost never go out because money, but while I'm at my place, I just always have water nearby, and I drink it all day anyways, but with alcohol, I drink like half a gallon of water any time I have more than like 2 drinks.