Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-01-31T08:20:50-05:00
@CB: Why not? A player can use the kitten to slow other players down for one turn. (Who can resist a kitten?)
Mike Kabala 2018-01-31T08:40:00-05:00
Catnip, Cat Carrier, Cat Diapers, ...
Mike Kabala 2018-01-31T08:40:45-05:00
Does anyone have a list started?
Mike Kabala 2018-01-31T08:41:10-05:00
If not, we need to screen scrape the last 24 hours of comments.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-01-31T08:49:02-05:00
@CB: Which list? I don't think anyone wrote anything down. I didn't because I was at work. (And it's month end close so I'm swamped)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-01-31T09:04:40-05:00
Morning kittens.
Lord Zombitten 2018-01-31T10:08:01-05:00
Morning, all! I can start a word document with all the ideas. Going back a day won't be that hard.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-01-31T10:29:28-05:00
LZ, that's what you think, but I actually went through and read most of it, without taking notes it still took quite awhile!
Though it'd definitely be worth it!
Also, for the cat, the character Crazy Cat Lady can deploy kitten distractions to intercept other players to make them lose at least an action, maybe even a turn.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-01-31T11:10:33-05:00
Sometimes you think major cities are a bit expensive. Then you buy half a kilo of chocolate or 3 liters of wine, 2 bottles of good beer, and a reusable bag for just 8 euro!
And for the chocolate, half of that was for one customized bar!
Though really, in the US, a 6-pack of beer can cost that much, and wine can easily double or triple it for just one bottle!
Mike Kabala 2018-01-31T11:45:46-05:00
Wow, I just realized that I misspelled BaKhan and chopped off the end of Geist's name in the fact sheet years ago!
I have made a correction.
Mike Kabala 2018-01-31T11:54:16-05:00
I'm looking through the comments trying to find the name of the artist (not The Oatmeral) who did all of those cute minion illustrations for us during the camppaign. Does anyone know whether he's still around and if we might possibly interest hiom in doing the artwork for Blackest Friday?
Mike Kabala 2018-01-31T12:03:45-05:00
His name was "Diamond Dan" Drake.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-01-31T12:44:52-05:00
Ah, DDD! He came back once or twice, I think once just a few months ago. No idea how to contact him, but if he was one of the ones who had an email linked up during the campaign for communication, you could always try that. Other than that... I guess hope someone friended him on Facebook or Twitter or something?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-01-31T12:48:48-05:00
Heck, maybe The Oatmeal would be gracious enough to help us with illustrations, if this really becomes a serious thing! We've been really helpful to them and supportive since even before the very beginning of EK.
I mean, I doubt he'd actually have the time to really illustrate the entire game by a long-shot, but who knows, he might be interested in helping somehow. And would most likely at least tweet and facebook it out if the game ever actually got published!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-01-31T13:38:44-05:00
I mean... I really hate being that guy, but they did forget the signed copies of BvB Elan promised.
... then again, I never did take off the furry box cover to see if the box itself was signed... and am now 5000 miles away from my copy of BvB...
They planned this all along! They knew when it came to it, I wouldn't be able to check! ;)
I really hate people in this office. The thermostat should NEVER be put over 20 degrees. If it goes over that, I end up sweating just sitting here checking emails. I've mentioned it dozens of times. I'm half tempted to just set it at 10 degrees, and break the thing, so people have to bring in sweaters/blankets/heaters. -.-
Mike Kabala 2018-01-31T13:51:04-05:00
I wish I could draw so I wouldn't have to beg for an artist. My meager drawing abilities just aren't up to the task.
Actually, I had The Oatmeal in mind when I suggested cat diapers. I could picture him being all over that.
Mike Kabala 2018-01-31T13:54:36-05:00
@GM, I hope you're talking Celsius. 20 degrees Farenheit would be rather extreme!
@CB: Yup, Celsius. Too lazy to do the conversion/look up what it is though.
Mike Kabala 2018-01-31T13:57:04-05:00
A rough estimate comes to 68 F.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-01-31T14:06:08-05:00
Haha, that's weird, this liter carton of wine (which cost less than 2 euro) is actually pretty good! Like, this quality for a 750 ml bottle where I am would be worth easily $12-15! Not high-quality, but easily a normal table wine you'd get for dinner, and only 2 €/L!
For reference, I had a glass of wine at a restaurant, 250 ml, that cost €4.50, which is normal!
Okaz, zeah, enough about my student-related cheapness and leaving the German keyboard on.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-01-31T14:09:06-05:00
CB, I feel ya, but hey, if you ever need stickmen, I'm up for the task! ;)
It's funny, as I watch the weather here (always a habit of mine) I'm getting more used to Centigrade as a weather scale. Though I still much prefer Fahrenheit for every-day temperatures, it's much more precise in that range and by far more intuitive, 0 being for most people cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey, and 100 being borderline dangerously hot, rather than more like -15 to 45.
Mike Kabala 2018-01-31T14:13:30-05:00
@Zem, "stick persons." Every time a new game character is introduced in TEZ, someone posts a scathing rebuke about the rampant lack of gender equality!
Lord Zombitten 2018-01-31T15:12:20-05:00
Blackest Friday Ideas
• Players are represented by shopping carts
• 4 player to start (additional players as stretch goals)
• 12x12 tiles: each is a different store/shopping area (grocery, toy, electronic, etc.)
o One can be used for a quick game, multiples can be added for longer game/mall-type scenario
o Base tile should have several areas; areas can be expanded for longer/more focused game play
o Maybe look into smaller tiles for more variability
o Use shelves, tables, walls, etc. to control traffic flow (can’t move through solid structures, etc.)
• Each player gets a random shopping list at the beginning of the game, and a card showing the consequences of not getting every item on the list
o Unused lists and consequences go back into the box
• 30 second timer for each turn. If you don’t use all your actions before the timer runs out, tough! If you do, great!
• Central draw pile to represent advantages (weapons, armor, extra actions, boosters, etc.) or disadvantages (Sample lady, perfume lady, Mighty Need (to visit the restroom), empty package, etc.)
o Card must be drawn at the start of the turn; card takes effect immediately
o Additional draws at the cost of 1 action per card; card can be added to hand to be used later – can be used against other players
• How many actions?
o Idea to have attacks result in permanent loss of actions until player takes time to rest to recover actions
If a player is wounded enough to lose all actions, they lose two turns, during which any player may raid their cart
Wake up with max actions reduced by one for rest of game
If they lose all possible actions by taking too many wounds, player is dead and out of the game
• Things to “Shop” for
o Fruitcake
o Choco-nut spread
o Lettuce field children
o Ticklish monster
o Sheepskin boots
o Flying Star Basketball Shoes
o High end booze (name pending)
o Italian Douche Loafers
o GameKastr 4k
o GameKastr 4kP
o Call of Honor 35 Game
o Kitten
o Cat Nip
o Cat Carrier
o Cat Diapers
• Advantage Cards and Effects
o Misplaced Item: Change any item into one on your list
o Fruit Cake Shield: Is destroyed after one heavy attack or two light attacks
• Disadvantage cards and effects
o Banana Peel: Stumble (Drop an item or lose an action)
o Empty Package: One of your items (random) is actually an empty package. Item card or token must be returned to the place it was originally picked up from and player will have to go back to get it.
o Mighty Need!: Player must use all of their actions to get to the restroom. Once there, must spend the equivalent of a turn in the restroom, with their cart outside
o Visit Customer Service: Lose a turn. Your cart is still protected
o Sample Lady:
If drawn at start of turn, lose three actions, but get an extra action next turn
If played on a player, player loses rest of turn, gets an extra action next turn
o Perfume Lady: Moveable element, can hunt players down and cause them to lose a turn. Immune to attacks.
• Stretch Goal Ideas
o Better weapons
o Working wheels on shopping carts
o More items to fight over, like a 90 inch 4D TV
Lord Zombitten 2018-01-31T15:12:50-05:00
This will be a running list, open to ideas and changes as they come up
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-01-31T16:33:50-05:00
CB, nah, sorry, only stickmen. I've never been good at representing stickwomen. ;)
LZ, sounds great, and amazing that you've got this all!
Though possibly "If a player is wounded enough to lose all actions, they lose two turns, during which any player may raid their cart"
Maybe "one turn in addition to the full turn lost" or something? I dunno, losing a full turn, then 2 full turns more, seems a bit excessive.
Same for being permanently eliminated; may be a bit too much for some/many players just to be permanently eliminated after something like that.
Other than that, it looks great! Man, I really hope this becomes a real thing someday!!!
Lord Zombitten 2018-01-31T16:45:00-05:00
They wouldn't take wounds on their turn, only on other players' turns. But it could be adjusted to where they only lose one turn, and then permanently lose an action. This is where we need to nail down actions per turn, though. If you figure on 6, for example, that would require a player to get knocked out 5 times before they are killed.
On the other hand, it may be better to set a minimum base number of actions per turn in order to remain in the game
@LZ: Could do it so they get a "-1 action per turn until X turns have passed" type of situation.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-01-31T17:36:43-05:00
GM, good point, though as LZ mentioned, that's where the vague needs to become specific. Where in particular does a general become specific? Where does "-1 base action" become "lose a turn"? And when does the number of actions per turn fulfill remaining in the game?
Those, at least insofar as I can tell, are the most important questions in that line of inquiry as to that part of the game.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-01T07:29:43-05:00
Morning kittens. Looks like we’ll be play testing in no time.
I’m a little doubtful about the 30 second move timer though. It looks like an expensive item to include and it requires the players to be constantly starting and stopping it instead of focusing on their objectives. I’d rather rely on the rush to collect all the items on the list to provide the sense of urgency.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-02-01T07:32:21-05:00
Morning kittens. It's D Day here at work (otherwise known as Month End Close). Won't be able to post until after I go home.
@GM: You and I wouldn't be able to work together. I get cold quick so 68 degrees is perfect for me. Heck, I'd shove that thermostat up to 72 at least. I've been known to walk around the office in my winter coat. That is how quick I get chilly.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-01T08:00:45-05:00
I'm with GM; for me, rooms at 70-ish and above are normal, but can get too warm if I'm actually doing anything.
Funny how rooms are completely different from weather. Inside, we're all super strict about the temperature, but outside, the acceptable range triples or quadruples.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-01T08:47:15-05:00
I prefer my rooms cooler, at about 68 F. The way I see it, people who are cold can wear sweaters and gloves, but NO ONE wants me to strip down to my underwear!
RE: room temperatures. You are all a bunch a penguins! For me, I prefer my rooms at around 76F/23C anything colder than that, and I probably won't stay for long. The way I see it, it is super easy to cool off and takes way too long to warm up! I'd rather just stay warm. I honestly don't know how I was born in Canada, when I obviously should have been born on some tropical island. The only time I remember thinking it was too hot, was in the rain forest in Mexico, going to check out some ruins and it was 111F (44C) and almost 100% humidity. Other than that, its never really happened. I can wear a hoodie in the summer no problem most days. I know, I know, I'm a wierdo, well aware thanks... ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-01T10:22:04-05:00
BaKhan, I'm just as much a weirdo on the other side. Remember what I did on New Years this year? I sat out on our patio for an hour in -18 F, -28 C, and had a cigar and a beer. Well... half a beer. I couldn't have the rest of it until like an hour and a half after that! ;)
Though I don't mind hot weather too much. I'm used to that as well, since Nebraska gets up to over 100 for much if not most of July, sometimes easily passing 110! (38 and 43 C)
If there's no humidity, I don't really have trouble with heat, too. I really love deserts, and was in Nevada one time in like 118 (48) and loved it!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-01T10:23:17-05:00
CB, Great list, thanks! Just one issue, though...
"Working wheels on shopping carts"
I thought we wanted this game to be at least somewhat realistic! ;)
Regarding the room temperatures: My manager has a space heater under her desk, that she refuses to use(though she swindled accounting into approving the purchase of it). She is also the one who always raises the temperature, and everyone else on our side of the building ends up overheating because of it(even in the summer she will increase the temperature to 25C or more).
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-01T10:59:43-05:00
Why would someone go through all the trouble to get something that frivolous approved, and then just not use it?
Ah, I'm sure she just never figured out how to turn it on! Next time she leaves her desk for a bit, like for lunch, just turn it on for her. She'll be super grateful, trust me.
I thought I felt it getting a LOT warmer in here this morning...since she arrived she moved it from a comfortable 20C, to 30C. I've even said that it gets way too hot if it's over 20C, and I start to sweat just sitting here.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-01T11:20:33-05:00
@GM, how handy are you? We've got thermostats here that you can lockout, so that people can't adjust them if they don't have the password. It would only take a couple minutes max to switch it out. Just saying. Yeah, I like it warm, but 30C? Thats just crazy talk, not to mention, expensive! Women do normally find it cooler then men, its a physiological thing. Womens bodies are designed to maintain a warmer core, to protect the womb, and men are designed to shed heat. But 30C is too much, especially when you have to leave that environment to go home, you'll just feel that much colder!
@BaKhan: This side of the office is equally split between male and female(2 of each) when the director of HR isn't here(then it's 3 women and 2 men). My manager is the only one who touches that thermostat. There is even words written on it in permanent marker that say "DO NOT TOUCH" and that's been on there since before I started in 2014.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-01T11:52:52-05:00
What the hell? Thermostats go to 86 degrees?! That's just ridiculous. I can understand wanting it over 70, even up to like 75 for some people, but even just for one person, 86 seems outlandish, but in an office? That's where I would wonder if there was any way to bring it up to management or like HR or something to make a solution so that nobody can mess with the thermostat anymore.
And I mean, if nothing else, like BaKhan said, that's expensive to run for any amount of time, so I don't think they want her forcing their heating system on full power all day!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-01T12:11:24-05:00
Not only expensive because of how much it running / burning gas, but also wear and tear, when they run that hot, they don't have much if any down time. Most buildings are designed to heat to 70F on their coldest expected day, in Calgary that would be -24F (-30C), so when its trying to warm more than that, or if its colder outside, it will run almost continuously, which is bad on anything that moves. Oh well, see how she likes it when it goes down for a few hours... ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-01T12:25:47-05:00
Haha, that could actually be terrible. On a -20 degree day, the heating goes down for like 5 hours and then they have to lock the thermostats so people don't keep doing that.
@BaKhan: She doesn't like it when I put it back to 20C, so she REALLY doesn't like it when I shove it down to 10C(it won't move lower than that sadly) when someone puts it at 25-30.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-01T12:36:38-05:00
@GM, yeah thats the normal range 10C to 30C. To have something different you have to pay much more. The temps are restricted by the thermister in the thermostat, and the cheap ones only have a 20 degree differential. I have people who want to keep their garages just above freezing, probably to save some money on gas, but when I tell them how much a thermostat that goes down to 0C or 5C they always go back to the $20 cheapy... ;) Funny thing about gas bills, something that most people never even think about really, only half of the bill is actually the gas that you use. The rest is their administrative fee, rider fees, etc., etc. ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-01T12:39:48-05:00
@GM, I think I may have just solved your problem! Crazy glue. Put the stat to 21C and glue the slider in place. Then she can't eff with it no matter what. It may take a little subterfuge as I'm sure you'd be the prime suspect, but it could be done! You just have to lay off on the complaints for about a month, even pretend to be on her side maybe, then one day, sneak in early, and glue that sucker! ;) The just make sure that you lament with her about how cold it is, and even maybe mention how lucky she is to have one of the (uber dangerous) electric desk heaters...
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-01T12:57:55-05:00
But when you do it, also secretly turn on the space heater while she's away from her desk!
BaKhan, I was thinking that as well, I'm kind of glad she doesn't constantly run the space heater which is for whatever reason located under her desk because it may get even warmer than even she likes very quickly if something goes wrong!
@BaKhan: The girl in the office at the end of the hall(who is also our corporate safety team member) suggested sabotaging it because she agrees with me that it's easier to put more clothes on/turn on the heater, than to try and cool down.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-01T14:17:11-05:00
Why not just disconnect the thermostat, but leave it where it is so the THINKS she is controlling the temperature when she really isn't? Then, wire in the REAL thermostat in a non-public location that only you know about. Problem solved.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-01T14:42:05-05:00
If they were set up for wireless thermostats, that would work for sure. Most likely though they are not, so you'd have to know where the wires run, in order to find another spot to tie into. That could be a ton of work in an old office building. Probably easier to get on the roof, take the wires off on the RTU and drop new ones down, into say, the men's bathroom... ;)
Mike Kabala 2018-02-01T15:04:11-05:00
I'm consolidating the resources for Blackest Friday on a subfolder of to make it more convenient. Here's the URL:
Right now it has links to the idea list and a PDF file of the store tile as I have it designed for now. I lightened up the image overall and added some actual shelves rather than just boundary lines. We can even drop tiny images onto the shelves if we want some permanent items. I still need to do some tweaking to get it the correct size.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-01T16:45:04-05:00
CB, that's how a ton of places are, like my highschool. They have dummy thermostats everywhere, but only the handimen could actually change it.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-01T16:47:28-05:00
Looks great, CB! Is that a toilet in the top left? Oh yeah, duh, that was an idea. Funny that there's only one toilet, so if we make it so two people need to use it, one even has to wait!
But why was the pdf page so slow for me? When I'd scroll, it'd take like 4-5 seconds to respond.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-01T17:25:04-05:00
The PDF page is rather large, even after compression. That’s partly due to the large size: 12.002” x 12.002” at 600 dpi!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-01T17:55:36-05:00
Haha, I just worked it out, and when I drink 100 ml alcohol (say, 1 liter of 10% wine or something), I become right around 1 part per million alcohol by weight!
Next time I'm out with friends, I'm going to keep track of how much I drink and use that line.
Though I doubt I'd drink that much with friends, that would be super expensive at a bar.
Okay, maybe 0.5 ppm. Hey, since I'm a chemist, I should work out the molarity!
Mike Kabala 2018-02-01T21:50:38-05:00
I split up the drug store tile into four quadrants and put it into PDF files that will fit on a standard printer, then tried it out. I now have a rudimentary board to playtest on. I’ll post the files soon in case anyone else wants to print one up. There’s crop marks for trimming.
I guess I shouldn’t call it a drug store though unless I add a pharmacy. I’m counting on a lot of help from all of you to come up with s more playable layout.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-02T02:37:38-05:00
I wonder if I'll be able to print that off, or test it if I do. I'm not in the best of circumstances to help out with that stage, but I'd really love to!
Mike Kabala 2018-02-02T08:07:38-05:00
@Zem, if you can assemble all of the pieces over there, we'd love to have you play test when the time comes.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-02T08:08:52-05:00
The files for small format printers are up now. Still takes a while to download though, even though I saved them as greyscale rather than full color. (There aren't any colors in them any way ... yet!)
Mike Kabala 2018-02-02T08:39:07-05:00
I'm thinking we could put the Pharmacy window and the Customer Service window in the back of the store, replacing the first row of shelves. What does everyone else think?
Mike Kabala 2018-02-02T08:51:19-05:00
Hmm ... Everyone must be asleep. I think I detect the faint sound of kittens purring ...
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-02T09:11:45-05:00
Morning kittens.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-02T09:12:54-05:00
@CB, I've got a busy day lined up so I'm not sure how helpful I can be today, but I'll try to take a look at things as I get a chance throughout the day. Something about being cold in Calgary equaling being busy in heating... go figure right? ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-02-02T09:31:43-05:00
Morning kittens.
I worked 14.75 hours yesterday and when I got home, I found a note on my door. Seems my downstairs neighbor lodged a noise complaint against me. According to my lease, I was suppose to cover 80% of the floor in my apartment. I never did because I like the hard wood floors they have here. I've never gotten a complaint before in the nearly 4 years that I've been here. Apparently, I'm getting an inspection today so I spent most of the night tidying up my flat. If I didn't, I would get penalized for a messy apartment & having no rugs. This way, they might give me some time to buy some cheap ones to throw on the floor.
And to add to my pile o' crap, I called the agency that I busted my hump to pass in order to get a job. I sent an email. No response. I called in the afternoon, the receptionist said that I would get a call back that day. Nothing. Now I'm freaking mad. So now it's back to the drawing board filling out part time job applications. I'm going to apply to some of the other agencies since I almost have my license. I don't see any need to wait around for these people. After last night, I know it's time for me to move into a house.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-02T09:36:34-05:00
Sorry I was gone for some time, was busy until recently. Yeah, I have to figure out a way to print stuff anyways for something else, so if I can do that and be of any help, I'd love to!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-02T09:38:49-05:00
Geist, wow... that's a busy hell of a day! I hope things resolve themselves soon, because that's just way too much crap to deal with together!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-02-02T09:45:10-05:00
Apparently, Punxsutawney Phil has seen his shadow. Welcome to 6 more weeks of winter.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-02T09:54:33-05:00
Punxsutawney Phil is really getting on . my nerves. He ALWAYS sees his shadow, even when the rest of the country is cloudy!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-02T10:11:24-05:00
Haha, I'm immune from his groundhog voodoo! MUHUAHAHAHAHA!!!
Mike Kabala 2018-02-02T10:56:55-05:00
It always happens when you're already having a bad day, doesn't it? in my case, it's usually a notice that the exterminators are coming tomorrow so, "please empty out all of your kitchen cupboards before then" just so they can stick a couple of gel baits up that the pests ignore anyway.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-02T15:29:08-05:00
Dang it! I'm dumb. I was lamenting that I couldn't get milk because I don't have access to a refrigerator (crying over not having any milk to spill), but I have my outside window sill and balcony, which I even refer to as my fridge/wine-cooler, and didn't even think about it this entire past week when the temp. outside was exactly that of a fridge!
Now it's too late, all of next week will be well below freezing. Oh well, now at least I know I can look at the weather and know when I can buy some milk!
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-02T15:58:53-05:00
Customer service and pharmacy at the back could work. I think most stores have them up front, though. Would that maybe work better?
Mike Kabala 2018-02-02T17:02:31-05:00
We can try it both ways. I have Pharmacy and Customer Service in back right now, but they can easily be moved.
Where I live, the Pharmacy is usually in back, but Customer Service is often in front or along the side. We can try it sevral different ways until we feel comfortable with it.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-02T18:04:16-05:00
In my experience, most pharmacies are at the back or side of stores, rarely directly up front. So in the far back would work, or even on the far left/right side.
Also, customer service for me is typically on the side as well, on the wall-side in front of the cash-registers.
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-02T18:59:35-05:00
That sounds good. We should have them spaced decently far from each other and the restroom, I think
Mike Kabala 2018-02-03T10:20:05-05:00
Morning kittens. I've been having way too much fun working on the card deck for out little board game. I have a basic card back design and the first eight items to pick up on the BlackestFriday page of the KC site. Please download them and let us know your thoughts. If you have any images to put on the cards, I'd love to get them from you. Right now, there's just a square box that I'm using as a placeholder until we have an iomage.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-03T10:20:39-05:00
... image
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-03T10:38:46-05:00
I feel like there's a lack of Ambidextrous, EU-friendly, and Plaid on the items... ;)
Mike Kabala 2018-02-03T10:48:58-05:00
@Zem, suggest more items then. I'll be happy to add more. We can remove the ones that don't work out later.
@Everyone: ART WORK, PLEASE.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-03T10:50:55-05:00
How about, "Cheese Flavored Puffs" in homage to Cheetos?
Mike Kabala 2018-02-03T11:44:39-05:00
And another 8 cards have been added.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-03T16:01:12-05:00
The first 8 action cards have now been added. Current ard total = 24.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-03T17:33:00-05:00
We could steal a very old idea from a youtuber: Gluten-Freetos.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-03T18:08:55-05:00
OK, I have uploaded several options for the Pharmacy and Customer Service locations. Everyone please take a look and let me know which one we should move forward with. The last two files in the list show all five possible locations for the Pharmacy counter and all five possible locations for the Customer Service deck. I don't expect to actually use one of these two, but they will make it easier for us to discuss this without having to upload all ten permutations.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-03T18:15:32-05:00
Just with normal stores, it makes more sense to have the customer service nearer the entrance, and in the game, you want that, the pharmacy, and the toilet all spread out. So I'd say CS in front, pharmacy in back-right corner, and toilet back-left.
Assuming you come in on front-right, what it looks like. So my input is CS in front (right or left, though it's usually nearer the door and/or cash-registers), pharma in far back right corner (most common location in real life anyways), and toilet probably where it is, or near there, in back-left.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-03T18:18:49-05:00
Actually, there are 20 permutations. I got my math wrong, forgetting that for every pair of locations, either of them could be the Pharmacy.
@Zem, I am hoping not to have to move the Restroom. If we vary that location, the problem becomes that much bigger.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-03T18:22:44-05:00
@Zem, so are you saying Pharmacy in back right and Customer Service in front right? I usually don't see Customer Service that close to the cashier. It's usually forther away from the entrance (which is in the front right corner.)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-03T18:26:29-05:00
Haha, maybe with the Call of Honor card, call it "The best game ever this month."
And the actions are really good, those are really creative and great ideas, I love them! I can already see "Mighty Need" becoming a super dreaded card, like the Exploding Kitten of the deck!
And with the perfume lady, we're going to have to come up with a few movement rules. She may be a bit too complex in the end, because when does she start moving? Does she hunt, or go to whomever is just nearest at that time? How far away does she sense a player, and how far will she chase them? Who moves her, and when? Stuff like that, I can see that person getting a bit complicated, though I really love that idea, so I hope we figure it out easy.
And sorry I can't really help with artwork, but I have no way to make stuff like that, and no experience or knowledge. I'd really love to help, though.
Unless you want satirically MS-paint-photoshopped real images, in which case if I could find the time, I might be able to do something. Though this week is probably going to get super busy anyways, it's an important one.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-03T18:30:26-05:00
Don't worry, the toilet is in a good place.
Really? For me, when there is a CS area, it's always either in front of the cash registers on the wall on the way out, or (the cash registers being right just as you walk in) on the adjacent, left wall. So my thoughts on that in particular go toward CS on left wall somewhere; right is closer to registers and entrance, but front-left location makes said locations all spread out better, which is best for the game.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-03T21:45:17-05:00
I like the “this month” part. I was looking for inspiration on the second set of 8 cards. I think we need a tchotchke too.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-04T07:10:29-05:00
Tchotchke: A trinket.
Trinket: A tchotchke.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-02-05T07:35:13-05:00
Morning kittens. Last week was lousy. Still tired and very mad to find out that after all the crap training I went through to get my license, there was no part time gig at the end. I tried reaching out to them by phone and by email. Nothing. So I've decided to apply for not just part time security positions but any other weekend work. Hopefully I'll get something soon.
@CB: Just a thought but you might want to move these game discussions to a more private part of the litter box. Remember all of the knock offs that EK got once it came out? All anyone has to do is read everything we done, copy it and trademark it before we had a chance. If we take some of this private, no one can take our ideas from us. I could be wrong.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-05T08:27:38-05:00
Morning kittens.
I would move the BF stuff to the litterbox, but I'm not familiar enough with it to use that. Should we set up a dropbox location?
Mike Kabala 2018-02-05T08:28:46-05:00
Actually, if this becomes popular enough to inspire knockoffs, it wil mean that we have succeeded. I'm not too worried about it muyself.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-02-05T08:47:27-05:00
@CB: Dropbox might be a good option. I like the idea of our little game. I think we should be the ones to bring it to market first. As for artwork, while I can barely draw a stick figure, I could hire a local artist to submit a few examples.
Also, could you reset my password or make me an admin so that I can go into the litter box and clean it up?
@CB: Why not? A player can use the kitten to slow other players down for one turn. (Who can resist a kitten?)
Catnip, Cat Carrier, Cat Diapers, ...
Does anyone have a list started?
If not, we need to screen scrape the last 24 hours of comments.
@CB: Which list? I don't think anyone wrote anything down. I didn't because I was at work. (And it's month end close so I'm swamped)
Morning kittens.
Morning, all! I can start a word document with all the ideas. Going back a day won't be that hard.
LZ, that's what you think, but I actually went through and read most of it, without taking notes it still took quite awhile!
Though it'd definitely be worth it!
Also, for the cat, the character Crazy Cat Lady can deploy kitten distractions to intercept other players to make them lose at least an action, maybe even a turn.
Morning kittens.
Sometimes you think major cities are a bit expensive. Then you buy half a kilo of chocolate or 3 liters of wine, 2 bottles of good beer, and a reusable bag for just 8 euro!
And for the chocolate, half of that was for one customized bar!
Though really, in the US, a 6-pack of beer can cost that much, and wine can easily double or triple it for just one bottle!
Wow, I just realized that I misspelled BaKhan and chopped off the end of Geist's name in the fact sheet years ago!
I have made a correction.
I'm looking through the comments trying to find the name of the artist (not The Oatmeral) who did all of those cute minion illustrations for us during the camppaign. Does anyone know whether he's still around and if we might possibly interest hiom in doing the artwork for Blackest Friday?
His name was "Diamond Dan" Drake.
Ah, DDD! He came back once or twice, I think once just a few months ago. No idea how to contact him, but if he was one of the ones who had an email linked up during the campaign for communication, you could always try that. Other than that... I guess hope someone friended him on Facebook or Twitter or something?
Heck, maybe The Oatmeal would be gracious enough to help us with illustrations, if this really becomes a serious thing! We've been really helpful to them and supportive since even before the very beginning of EK.
I mean, I doubt he'd actually have the time to really illustrate the entire game by a long-shot, but who knows, he might be interested in helping somehow. And would most likely at least tweet and facebook it out if the game ever actually got published!
I mean... I really hate being that guy, but they did forget the signed copies of BvB Elan promised.
... then again, I never did take off the furry box cover to see if the box itself was signed... and am now 5000 miles away from my copy of BvB...
They planned this all along! They knew when it came to it, I wouldn't be able to check! ;)
I really hate people in this office. The thermostat should NEVER be put over 20 degrees. If it goes over that, I end up sweating just sitting here checking emails. I've mentioned it dozens of times. I'm half tempted to just set it at 10 degrees, and break the thing, so people have to bring in sweaters/blankets/heaters. -.-
I wish I could draw so I wouldn't have to beg for an artist. My meager drawing abilities just aren't up to the task.
Actually, I had The Oatmeal in mind when I suggested cat diapers. I could picture him being all over that.
@GM, I hope you're talking Celsius. 20 degrees Farenheit would be rather extreme!
@CB: Yup, Celsius. Too lazy to do the conversion/look up what it is though.
A rough estimate comes to 68 F.
Haha, that's weird, this liter carton of wine (which cost less than 2 euro) is actually pretty good! Like, this quality for a 750 ml bottle where I am would be worth easily $12-15! Not high-quality, but easily a normal table wine you'd get for dinner, and only 2 €/L!
For reference, I had a glass of wine at a restaurant, 250 ml, that cost €4.50, which is normal!
Okaz, zeah, enough about my student-related cheapness and leaving the German keyboard on.
CB, I feel ya, but hey, if you ever need stickmen, I'm up for the task! ;)
It's funny, as I watch the weather here (always a habit of mine) I'm getting more used to Centigrade as a weather scale. Though I still much prefer Fahrenheit for every-day temperatures, it's much more precise in that range and by far more intuitive, 0 being for most people cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey, and 100 being borderline dangerously hot, rather than more like -15 to 45.
@Zem, "stick persons." Every time a new game character is introduced in TEZ, someone posts a scathing rebuke about the rampant lack of gender equality!
Blackest Friday Ideas
• Players are represented by shopping carts
• 4 player to start (additional players as stretch goals)
• 12x12 tiles: each is a different store/shopping area (grocery, toy, electronic, etc.)
o One can be used for a quick game, multiples can be added for longer game/mall-type scenario
o Base tile should have several areas; areas can be expanded for longer/more focused game play
o Maybe look into smaller tiles for more variability
o Use shelves, tables, walls, etc. to control traffic flow (can’t move through solid structures, etc.)
• Each player gets a random shopping list at the beginning of the game, and a card showing the consequences of not getting every item on the list
o Unused lists and consequences go back into the box
• 30 second timer for each turn. If you don’t use all your actions before the timer runs out, tough! If you do, great!
• Central draw pile to represent advantages (weapons, armor, extra actions, boosters, etc.) or disadvantages (Sample lady, perfume lady, Mighty Need (to visit the restroom), empty package, etc.)
o Card must be drawn at the start of the turn; card takes effect immediately
o Additional draws at the cost of 1 action per card; card can be added to hand to be used later – can be used against other players
• How many actions?
o Idea to have attacks result in permanent loss of actions until player takes time to rest to recover actions
If a player is wounded enough to lose all actions, they lose two turns, during which any player may raid their cart
Wake up with max actions reduced by one for rest of game
If they lose all possible actions by taking too many wounds, player is dead and out of the game
• Things to “Shop” for
o Fruitcake
o Choco-nut spread
o Lettuce field children
o Ticklish monster
o Sheepskin boots
o Flying Star Basketball Shoes
o High end booze (name pending)
o Italian Douche Loafers
o GameKastr 4k
o GameKastr 4kP
o Call of Honor 35 Game
o Kitten
o Cat Nip
o Cat Carrier
o Cat Diapers
• Advantage Cards and Effects
o Misplaced Item: Change any item into one on your list
o Fruit Cake Shield: Is destroyed after one heavy attack or two light attacks
• Disadvantage cards and effects
o Banana Peel: Stumble (Drop an item or lose an action)
o Empty Package: One of your items (random) is actually an empty package. Item card or token must be returned to the place it was originally picked up from and player will have to go back to get it.
o Mighty Need!: Player must use all of their actions to get to the restroom. Once there, must spend the equivalent of a turn in the restroom, with their cart outside
o Visit Customer Service: Lose a turn. Your cart is still protected
o Sample Lady:
If drawn at start of turn, lose three actions, but get an extra action next turn
If played on a player, player loses rest of turn, gets an extra action next turn
o Perfume Lady: Moveable element, can hunt players down and cause them to lose a turn. Immune to attacks.
• Stretch Goal Ideas
o Better weapons
o Working wheels on shopping carts
o More items to fight over, like a 90 inch 4D TV
This will be a running list, open to ideas and changes as they come up
CB, nah, sorry, only stickmen. I've never been good at representing stickwomen. ;)
LZ, sounds great, and amazing that you've got this all!
Though possibly "If a player is wounded enough to lose all actions, they lose two turns, during which any player may raid their cart"
Maybe "one turn in addition to the full turn lost" or something? I dunno, losing a full turn, then 2 full turns more, seems a bit excessive.
Same for being permanently eliminated; may be a bit too much for some/many players just to be permanently eliminated after something like that.
Other than that, it looks great! Man, I really hope this becomes a real thing someday!!!
They wouldn't take wounds on their turn, only on other players' turns. But it could be adjusted to where they only lose one turn, and then permanently lose an action. This is where we need to nail down actions per turn, though. If you figure on 6, for example, that would require a player to get knocked out 5 times before they are killed.
On the other hand, it may be better to set a minimum base number of actions per turn in order to remain in the game
@LZ: Could do it so they get a "-1 action per turn until X turns have passed" type of situation.
GM, good point, though as LZ mentioned, that's where the vague needs to become specific. Where in particular does a general become specific? Where does "-1 base action" become "lose a turn"? And when does the number of actions per turn fulfill remaining in the game?
Those, at least insofar as I can tell, are the most important questions in that line of inquiry as to that part of the game.
Morning kittens. Looks like we’ll be play testing in no time.
I’m a little doubtful about the 30 second move timer though. It looks like an expensive item to include and it requires the players to be constantly starting and stopping it instead of focusing on their objectives. I’d rather rely on the rush to collect all the items on the list to provide the sense of urgency.
Morning kittens. It's D Day here at work (otherwise known as Month End Close). Won't be able to post until after I go home.
@GM: You and I wouldn't be able to work together. I get cold quick so 68 degrees is perfect for me. Heck, I'd shove that thermostat up to 72 at least. I've been known to walk around the office in my winter coat. That is how quick I get chilly.
I'm with GM; for me, rooms at 70-ish and above are normal, but can get too warm if I'm actually doing anything.
Funny how rooms are completely different from weather. Inside, we're all super strict about the temperature, but outside, the acceptable range triples or quadruples.
I prefer my rooms cooler, at about 68 F. The way I see it, people who are cold can wear sweaters and gloves, but NO ONE wants me to strip down to my underwear!
Morning kittens.
I have copied LZ's list here:
RE: room temperatures. You are all a bunch a penguins! For me, I prefer my rooms at around 76F/23C anything colder than that, and I probably won't stay for long. The way I see it, it is super easy to cool off and takes way too long to warm up! I'd rather just stay warm. I honestly don't know how I was born in Canada, when I obviously should have been born on some tropical island. The only time I remember thinking it was too hot, was in the rain forest in Mexico, going to check out some ruins and it was 111F (44C) and almost 100% humidity. Other than that, its never really happened. I can wear a hoodie in the summer no problem most days. I know, I know, I'm a wierdo, well aware thanks... ;)
BaKhan, I'm just as much a weirdo on the other side. Remember what I did on New Years this year? I sat out on our patio for an hour in -18 F, -28 C, and had a cigar and a beer. Well... half a beer. I couldn't have the rest of it until like an hour and a half after that! ;)
Though I don't mind hot weather too much. I'm used to that as well, since Nebraska gets up to over 100 for much if not most of July, sometimes easily passing 110! (38 and 43 C)
If there's no humidity, I don't really have trouble with heat, too. I really love deserts, and was in Nevada one time in like 118 (48) and loved it!
CB, Great list, thanks! Just one issue, though...
"Working wheels on shopping carts"
I thought we wanted this game to be at least somewhat realistic! ;)
Morning kittens.
Regarding the room temperatures: My manager has a space heater under her desk, that she refuses to use(though she swindled accounting into approving the purchase of it). She is also the one who always raises the temperature, and everyone else on our side of the building ends up overheating because of it(even in the summer she will increase the temperature to 25C or more).
Why would someone go through all the trouble to get something that frivolous approved, and then just not use it?
Ah, I'm sure she just never figured out how to turn it on! Next time she leaves her desk for a bit, like for lunch, just turn it on for her. She'll be super grateful, trust me.
I thought I felt it getting a LOT warmer in here this morning...since she arrived she moved it from a comfortable 20C, to 30C. I've even said that it gets way too hot if it's over 20C, and I start to sweat just sitting here.
@GM, how handy are you? We've got thermostats here that you can lockout, so that people can't adjust them if they don't have the password. It would only take a couple minutes max to switch it out. Just saying. Yeah, I like it warm, but 30C? Thats just crazy talk, not to mention, expensive! Women do normally find it cooler then men, its a physiological thing. Womens bodies are designed to maintain a warmer core, to protect the womb, and men are designed to shed heat. But 30C is too much, especially when you have to leave that environment to go home, you'll just feel that much colder!
@BaKhan: This side of the office is equally split between male and female(2 of each) when the director of HR isn't here(then it's 3 women and 2 men). My manager is the only one who touches that thermostat. There is even words written on it in permanent marker that say "DO NOT TOUCH" and that's been on there since before I started in 2014.
What the hell? Thermostats go to 86 degrees?! That's just ridiculous. I can understand wanting it over 70, even up to like 75 for some people, but even just for one person, 86 seems outlandish, but in an office? That's where I would wonder if there was any way to bring it up to management or like HR or something to make a solution so that nobody can mess with the thermostat anymore.
And I mean, if nothing else, like BaKhan said, that's expensive to run for any amount of time, so I don't think they want her forcing their heating system on full power all day!
Not only expensive because of how much it running / burning gas, but also wear and tear, when they run that hot, they don't have much if any down time. Most buildings are designed to heat to 70F on their coldest expected day, in Calgary that would be -24F (-30C), so when its trying to warm more than that, or if its colder outside, it will run almost continuously, which is bad on anything that moves. Oh well, see how she likes it when it goes down for a few hours... ;)
Haha, that could actually be terrible. On a -20 degree day, the heating goes down for like 5 hours and then they have to lock the thermostats so people don't keep doing that.
@BaKhan: She doesn't like it when I put it back to 20C, so she REALLY doesn't like it when I shove it down to 10C(it won't move lower than that sadly) when someone puts it at 25-30.
@GM, yeah thats the normal range 10C to 30C. To have something different you have to pay much more. The temps are restricted by the thermister in the thermostat, and the cheap ones only have a 20 degree differential. I have people who want to keep their garages just above freezing, probably to save some money on gas, but when I tell them how much a thermostat that goes down to 0C or 5C they always go back to the $20 cheapy... ;) Funny thing about gas bills, something that most people never even think about really, only half of the bill is actually the gas that you use. The rest is their administrative fee, rider fees, etc., etc. ;)
@GM, I think I may have just solved your problem! Crazy glue. Put the stat to 21C and glue the slider in place. Then she can't eff with it no matter what. It may take a little subterfuge as I'm sure you'd be the prime suspect, but it could be done! You just have to lay off on the complaints for about a month, even pretend to be on her side maybe, then one day, sneak in early, and glue that sucker! ;) The just make sure that you lament with her about how cold it is, and even maybe mention how lucky she is to have one of the (uber dangerous) electric desk heaters...
But when you do it, also secretly turn on the space heater while she's away from her desk!
BaKhan, I was thinking that as well, I'm kind of glad she doesn't constantly run the space heater which is for whatever reason located under her desk because it may get even warmer than even she likes very quickly if something goes wrong!
@BaKhan: The girl in the office at the end of the hall(who is also our corporate safety team member) suggested sabotaging it because she agrees with me that it's easier to put more clothes on/turn on the heater, than to try and cool down.
Why not just disconnect the thermostat, but leave it where it is so the THINKS she is controlling the temperature when she really isn't? Then, wire in the REAL thermostat in a non-public location that only you know about. Problem solved.
If they were set up for wireless thermostats, that would work for sure. Most likely though they are not, so you'd have to know where the wires run, in order to find another spot to tie into. That could be a ton of work in an old office building. Probably easier to get on the roof, take the wires off on the RTU and drop new ones down, into say, the men's bathroom... ;)
I'm consolidating the resources for Blackest Friday on a subfolder of to make it more convenient. Here's the URL:
Right now it has links to the idea list and a PDF file of the store tile as I have it designed for now. I lightened up the image overall and added some actual shelves rather than just boundary lines. We can even drop tiny images onto the shelves if we want some permanent items. I still need to do some tweaking to get it the correct size.
CB, that's how a ton of places are, like my highschool. They have dummy thermostats everywhere, but only the handimen could actually change it.
Looks great, CB! Is that a toilet in the top left? Oh yeah, duh, that was an idea. Funny that there's only one toilet, so if we make it so two people need to use it, one even has to wait!
But why was the pdf page so slow for me? When I'd scroll, it'd take like 4-5 seconds to respond.
The PDF page is rather large, even after compression. That’s partly due to the large size: 12.002” x 12.002” at 600 dpi!
Haha, I just worked it out, and when I drink 100 ml alcohol (say, 1 liter of 10% wine or something), I become right around 1 part per million alcohol by weight!
Next time I'm out with friends, I'm going to keep track of how much I drink and use that line.
Though I doubt I'd drink that much with friends, that would be super expensive at a bar.
Okay, maybe 0.5 ppm. Hey, since I'm a chemist, I should work out the molarity!
I split up the drug store tile into four quadrants and put it into PDF files that will fit on a standard printer, then tried it out. I now have a rudimentary board to playtest on. I’ll post the files soon in case anyone else wants to print one up. There’s crop marks for trimming.
I guess I shouldn’t call it a drug store though unless I add a pharmacy. I’m counting on a lot of help from all of you to come up with s more playable layout.
I wonder if I'll be able to print that off, or test it if I do. I'm not in the best of circumstances to help out with that stage, but I'd really love to!
@Zem, if you can assemble all of the pieces over there, we'd love to have you play test when the time comes.
The files for small format printers are up now. Still takes a while to download though, even though I saved them as greyscale rather than full color. (There aren't any colors in them any way ... yet!)
I'm thinking we could put the Pharmacy window and the Customer Service window in the back of the store, replacing the first row of shelves. What does everyone else think?
Hmm ... Everyone must be asleep. I think I detect the faint sound of kittens purring ...
Morning kittens.
@CB, I've got a busy day lined up so I'm not sure how helpful I can be today, but I'll try to take a look at things as I get a chance throughout the day. Something about being cold in Calgary equaling being busy in heating... go figure right? ;)
Morning kittens.
I worked 14.75 hours yesterday and when I got home, I found a note on my door. Seems my downstairs neighbor lodged a noise complaint against me. According to my lease, I was suppose to cover 80% of the floor in my apartment. I never did because I like the hard wood floors they have here. I've never gotten a complaint before in the nearly 4 years that I've been here. Apparently, I'm getting an inspection today so I spent most of the night tidying up my flat. If I didn't, I would get penalized for a messy apartment & having no rugs. This way, they might give me some time to buy some cheap ones to throw on the floor.
And to add to my pile o' crap, I called the agency that I busted my hump to pass in order to get a job. I sent an email. No response. I called in the afternoon, the receptionist said that I would get a call back that day. Nothing. Now I'm freaking mad. So now it's back to the drawing board filling out part time job applications. I'm going to apply to some of the other agencies since I almost have my license. I don't see any need to wait around for these people. After last night, I know it's time for me to move into a house.
Sorry I was gone for some time, was busy until recently. Yeah, I have to figure out a way to print stuff anyways for something else, so if I can do that and be of any help, I'd love to!
Geist, wow... that's a busy hell of a day! I hope things resolve themselves soon, because that's just way too much crap to deal with together!
Apparently, Punxsutawney Phil has seen his shadow. Welcome to 6 more weeks of winter.
Punxsutawney Phil is really getting on . my nerves. He ALWAYS sees his shadow, even when the rest of the country is cloudy!
Haha, I'm immune from his groundhog voodoo! MUHUAHAHAHAHA!!!
It always happens when you're already having a bad day, doesn't it? in my case, it's usually a notice that the exterminators are coming tomorrow so, "please empty out all of your kitchen cupboards before then" just so they can stick a couple of gel baits up that the pests ignore anyway.
Dang it! I'm dumb. I was lamenting that I couldn't get milk because I don't have access to a refrigerator (crying over not having any milk to spill), but I have my outside window sill and balcony, which I even refer to as my fridge/wine-cooler, and didn't even think about it this entire past week when the temp. outside was exactly that of a fridge!
Now it's too late, all of next week will be well below freezing. Oh well, now at least I know I can look at the weather and know when I can buy some milk!
Customer service and pharmacy at the back could work. I think most stores have them up front, though. Would that maybe work better?
We can try it both ways. I have Pharmacy and Customer Service in back right now, but they can easily be moved.
Where I live, the Pharmacy is usually in back, but Customer Service is often in front or along the side. We can try it sevral different ways until we feel comfortable with it.
In my experience, most pharmacies are at the back or side of stores, rarely directly up front. So in the far back would work, or even on the far left/right side.
Also, customer service for me is typically on the side as well, on the wall-side in front of the cash-registers.
That sounds good. We should have them spaced decently far from each other and the restroom, I think
Morning kittens. I've been having way too much fun working on the card deck for out little board game. I have a basic card back design and the first eight items to pick up on the BlackestFriday page of the KC site. Please download them and let us know your thoughts. If you have any images to put on the cards, I'd love to get them from you. Right now, there's just a square box that I'm using as a placeholder until we have an iomage.
... image
I feel like there's a lack of Ambidextrous, EU-friendly, and Plaid on the items... ;)
@Zem, suggest more items then. I'll be happy to add more. We can remove the ones that don't work out later.
@Everyone: ART WORK, PLEASE.
How about, "Cheese Flavored Puffs" in homage to Cheetos?
And another 8 cards have been added.
The first 8 action cards have now been added. Current ard total = 24.
We could steal a very old idea from a youtuber: Gluten-Freetos.
OK, I have uploaded several options for the Pharmacy and Customer Service locations. Everyone please take a look and let me know which one we should move forward with. The last two files in the list show all five possible locations for the Pharmacy counter and all five possible locations for the Customer Service deck. I don't expect to actually use one of these two, but they will make it easier for us to discuss this without having to upload all ten permutations.
Just with normal stores, it makes more sense to have the customer service nearer the entrance, and in the game, you want that, the pharmacy, and the toilet all spread out. So I'd say CS in front, pharmacy in back-right corner, and toilet back-left.
Assuming you come in on front-right, what it looks like. So my input is CS in front (right or left, though it's usually nearer the door and/or cash-registers), pharma in far back right corner (most common location in real life anyways), and toilet probably where it is, or near there, in back-left.
Actually, there are 20 permutations. I got my math wrong, forgetting that for every pair of locations, either of them could be the Pharmacy.
@Zem, I am hoping not to have to move the Restroom. If we vary that location, the problem becomes that much bigger.
@Zem, so are you saying Pharmacy in back right and Customer Service in front right? I usually don't see Customer Service that close to the cashier. It's usually forther away from the entrance (which is in the front right corner.)
Haha, maybe with the Call of Honor card, call it "The best game ever this month."
And the actions are really good, those are really creative and great ideas, I love them! I can already see "Mighty Need" becoming a super dreaded card, like the Exploding Kitten of the deck!
And with the perfume lady, we're going to have to come up with a few movement rules. She may be a bit too complex in the end, because when does she start moving? Does she hunt, or go to whomever is just nearest at that time? How far away does she sense a player, and how far will she chase them? Who moves her, and when? Stuff like that, I can see that person getting a bit complicated, though I really love that idea, so I hope we figure it out easy.
And sorry I can't really help with artwork, but I have no way to make stuff like that, and no experience or knowledge. I'd really love to help, though.
Unless you want satirically MS-paint-photoshopped real images, in which case if I could find the time, I might be able to do something. Though this week is probably going to get super busy anyways, it's an important one.
Don't worry, the toilet is in a good place.
Really? For me, when there is a CS area, it's always either in front of the cash registers on the wall on the way out, or (the cash registers being right just as you walk in) on the adjacent, left wall. So my thoughts on that in particular go toward CS on left wall somewhere; right is closer to registers and entrance, but front-left location makes said locations all spread out better, which is best for the game.
I like the “this month” part. I was looking for inspiration on the second set of 8 cards. I think we need a tchotchke too.
Tchotchke: A trinket.
Trinket: A tchotchke.
Morning kittens. Last week was lousy. Still tired and very mad to find out that after all the crap training I went through to get my license, there was no part time gig at the end. I tried reaching out to them by phone and by email. Nothing. So I've decided to apply for not just part time security positions but any other weekend work. Hopefully I'll get something soon.
@CB: Just a thought but you might want to move these game discussions to a more private part of the litter box. Remember all of the knock offs that EK got once it came out? All anyone has to do is read everything we done, copy it and trademark it before we had a chance. If we take some of this private, no one can take our ideas from us. I could be wrong.
Morning kittens.
I would move the BF stuff to the litterbox, but I'm not familiar enough with it to use that. Should we set up a dropbox location?
Actually, if this becomes popular enough to inspire knockoffs, it wil mean that we have succeeded. I'm not too worried about it muyself.
@CB: Dropbox might be a good option. I like the idea of our little game. I think we should be the ones to bring it to market first. As for artwork, while I can barely draw a stick figure, I could hire a local artist to submit a few examples.
Also, could you reset my password or make me an admin so that I can go into the litter box and clean it up?