Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-23T14:24:15-05:00
Heeeeey... maybe we could have set attack items strewn about the store, like laxatives in the Pharmacy area; you could pick one up and use it later on to inflict Mighty Need on someone. And maybe we could make it so with Mighty Need, if you can't make it to the bathroom in 2 or 3 turns or so, it has the Messy Adult effect, creating a spill that needs to be cleaned!
Mike Kabala 2018-02-23T14:29:17-05:00
Has anyone (besides me) printed out the current game board and cards? I'd like to get some feedback regarding that process.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-23T14:29:34-05:00
Fruitcake: There's a 50/50 chance on a roll (by the victim) of them losing a turn or Return to Sender, meaning the one using it loses their next turn.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-23T14:29:55-05:00
Also, I'd LOVE to see a draft copy of the rules in their current state ...
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-23T14:30:59-05:00
I haven't, sorry. It'd be a bit tough, though, since to print something, I have to go to the lobby, send an email, and use the institute's printer. It would be weird to have them print several sheets just to playtest a game. Maybe later on, I'll find a better option, though.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-23T14:31:10-05:00
Why "return to Sender" when you're the one buying the Fruitcake?
Mike Kabala 2018-02-23T14:32:05-05:00
Don't they have Kinklo's in Prague ???
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-23T15:36:12-05:00
I was thinking of an attack item, using fruitcake against someone, but they have a chance to re-gift it back at you.
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-23T15:57:20-05:00
The fruitcake is an armor item.
Dragon eggs:
One sheet of puff pastry dough makes 12 (cut it into 12 roughly equally-sized pieces). Roll each piece into a large squarish shape, about 5 or 6 inches. Take about 3/4 of a spoonfull of cream cheese mixture and press it onto the center of a slice of roast beef. If you are using smaller slices, like what Oscar Mayer makes, you'll need a second slice to put over the egg. If it's a larger slice, like Hillshire Farms, one slice should be able to wrap around the egg. Place the puff pastry square(ish) over the cup of a muffin pan. You will need a pan with deep cups, more than an inch. Gently press the dough into the cup, being careful not to put a hole in it. Place the roast beef with cream cheese mixture on top of the dough in the cup. Crack an egg into the cup. If necessary, cover the egg with a second slice of roast beef on top of the egg. Wrap the dough over the whole thing by bringing the corners over the top and tucking them into the sides. Brush with melted butter (2 tablespoons per dozen), and bake at 400° F for 20-25 minutes, or until the pastry is golden brown.
Cream cheese mixture:
1 package (8 oz) softened cream cheese
2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp chili powder
1 tsp liquid smoke
1 tsp horseradish
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper (more or less to taste)
Thoroughly mix all ingredients in a bowl
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-23T16:00:38-05:00
CB, I'll message you the rules as currently constituted when I get home from work today.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-23T16:02:27-05:00
@LZ, dang, that does sound good! I don't believe I've ever had something like that before! The sliced roast beef you mention, you mean thin cut, like for sandwiches?
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-23T16:39:45-05:00
Yes, it's lunch meat
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-23T16:46:34-05:00
Man, I really wish I could make that right now!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-24T08:59:57-05:00
I've got a new challenge for you all: essentially 5 cups of coffee, 5 1/2 hours of walking, and no bathrooms!
That was almost certainly the most I've ever had to go to the bathroom in my entire life. I'm honestly astounded I made it all the way, considering I already had to go maybe over half an hour in!
However, it gave me another great pick-up item idea, if we make those a thing: a coffee shop! You know how a bunch of big stores have a coffee shop? What if you can get coffee there, and it increases your rate of movement (like +1 or 2 to dice roll result) for 5 turns or something like that, but after that, you have to make a stop at the bathroom before doing anything else.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-25T17:33:36-05:00
Ah, I really needed a full weekend of relaxation, and it just so happened to be the one when I had tickets to a really funny comedy tour that I bought last september in anticipation!
Nothing better after a much needed weekend of relaxation, either, than... catching up on all of the work I was supposed to do. And there's a good amount of it. And it's 11:30pm; and one thing is due midnight. And I have a weekly test first thing in the morning...
Mike Kabala 2018-02-26T08:16:34-05:00
Good morning kittens. I ordered a Cricut for cutting out assets for Blackest Friday! It should be arriving on Thursday. I spent the weekend watching YouTube videos on how to use it. It should be fun to use once it gets here.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-26T08:20:57-05:00
@Zem, if we included a coffee shop in our store, the player would have to lose at least 1 turn due to waiting in line as the coffee is being brewed before getting any benefits from it. Right now, I have NO IDEA how to add that to the map. Perhaps another counter like the Pharmacy and Customer Service. Actually, we are't yet using the Pharmacy for anything, so it could be repuirposed as aCoffee Shop. Let's kick this idea around awhile before we make a decision. @LZ will need to weigh in.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-26T08:24:20-05:00
Before I forget, congrats to the USA Men's Curling team on their Olympic Gold Medal! I stayed up to watch it at 1:30 AM Saturday and didn't get to bed until 4 AM. Then, all day Saturday, the Olympic coverage was suddenly all about Men's Curling, By the end of the day, I had seen the winning shot three times. LOL!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-26T09:03:47-05:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-26T09:20:29-05:00
@CB, I think that this is the year that Canada finally realized that the rest of the world has caught up in curling skills! Its good to see, as it only means good things for the sport! Congrats to the US for taking Gold in curling and Women's hockey!
Pharmacy, coffee shop, it doesn't matter to me. I was trying to think of what we could do with the pharmacy to delay people.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-26T10:55:26-05:00
CB, I like that! Have the coffee shop probably on the left as you walk in the store (that's a common place for them), take one turn to get coffee (more if another player was there first and you queue up behind them), but then for like 5 turns get +2 to dice roll.
Though if we also want to do the "as soon as the turns are up, you have to go to the bathroom" thing, we could probably make it like 8 turns, or else it wouldn't actually help that much maybe.
Also, I would say you just have to end your turn at the bathroom, not lose the full next turn, at least for a coffee stop. Pressing Need, not Mighty Need.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-26T10:55:45-05:00
HEY CREEPER! How goes it, we haven't heard from you in too long!
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-26T11:01:39-05:00
There's not much dice rolling involved, though. It would be a bonus to actions.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-26T11:10:49-05:00
Just to play devil's advocate to for the pharmacy, what if you could be healed there by "x" for each turn you spend there. Depending on how much damage you take, this could be a good option?
Mike Kabala 2018-02-26T11:19:25-05:00
Hi, Creeper! Have you seen our Blackest Friday discussion yet? We'd LOVE your input!
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-26T11:25:58-05:00
BaKhan, I like that
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-26T11:30:57-05:00
Ooh yeah, we have to get her caught up quickly somehow!
Hello my loves! have thought of you often. When I remember to message you, it's usually at the worst time. Then when I'm sitting in front of the computer thinking "what next what next what next" I completely forget.
Hope you're all well! I'm closed on Mondays as well as Sunday (was only closed one day a week and it nearly killed me).
Bakery is doing well! The town is wonderful, they've welcomed me warmly. Zem - I've even had some visitors from Nebraska! And your name is on my wall. :)
I've already booked 6 wedding cakes, have 3 more consults scheduled. Things are going well! I'm exhausted, and stressed all the time. Slow days give me panic attacks.
I just need to keep this tab open like the good ole days.
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-26T12:29:13-05:00
Blackest Friday is a boardgame we're developing. It was born out of joking around about people in France getting violent over Nutella. The premise is that everyone has a list of things they have to get in order to prevent something bad from happening. The thing is, supplies are limited. The first one to get all their items and leave the store alive wins.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-26T13:43:24-05:00
That's great to hear, Creeper! Next time I'm down there (it's not too far, but I don't often go to the area), I'll have to pop in! But it'll be a surprise for sure, I'll have to plan something. ;)
Not for awhile, mind you, I won't be back in the states until July.
Also, it's already a pretty well developed game, and we've only been fiddling with it and coming up with stuff for a couple weeks now for fun!
Should someone send her the link to the ideas and layout? Though I guess you don't usually have that much free time to look over stuff, but it's well worth looking at! As mentioned, we'd love your input!
Mike Kabala 2018-02-26T14:14:31-05:00
I'm drawing a fruitcake...
Man, I wish we had an artist!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-26T14:39:15-05:00
Hmmm... drawing a brown blob with chunks in it... yep... yikes! How do you make it look like a fruit cake, and not just a chunky brick? ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-26T14:47:56-05:00
Or... another brown, log-like blob that may or may not be boardgame-appropriate?
Mike Kabala 2018-02-26T15:17:44-05:00
@BK, I draw the individual fruit bits and then steal the colors from a photograph of a Claxton fruitcake.
Hard to prove anything when all I use are a handful of RGB codes ...
I just added outlines around everything and it's actually starting to look like a drawing of a fruitcake!
Mike Kabala 2018-02-26T15:21:43-05:00
The key elements that makes it look like a fruitcake are the cherries.
There are also bits of pineapple, green citron, and LOTS of raisins!
Mike Kabala 2018-02-26T15:22:26-05:00
... but no nuts. I have not attempted to draw a pecan.
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-26T15:23:24-05:00
I can try to draw some of the things. I was thinking of starting work on the wound track this week.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-26T15:26:06-05:00
@LZ, anything I can import into Photoshop will work.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-26T16:24:53-05:00
I'd offer to draw some stuff, but I pretty much suck at drawing... If you need some stuff colored in though... you know who to ask! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-26T17:35:51-05:00
If you need stick-people, you know who to ask!
Probably the guy who made the games Kingdom of Loathing and West of Loathing, he's been doing that professionally for like 10 years now, and is also incredibly funny and great at making games.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-26T17:51:43-05:00
OK then it’s settled. @Zem will draw stick people for all of the cards, @BK will color them in and send them to me in a file that I can import to Photoshop. ... Works for me!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-26T17:56:35-05:00
@CB, yes! I'm in! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-27T02:57:21-05:00
Are we allowing outsourcing?
Mike Kabala 2018-02-27T08:28:00-05:00
@Zem, we can outsource, as long as they're willing to not get paid (i.e. work for free) until the project funds.
The fruitcake looks a lot more like fruitcake now that I've added the nuts.
Since we have an actual asset now, I have set up a folder on Dropbox to exchange files. Trouble is, I don't have your email addresses in order to give you access. If you want to be able to download files from the dropbox, please send an email to my kittencorps mailbox requesting it. Thanks. I'll get right on granting access to you after verifying that the people who contact me are people I actually know.
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-27T11:45:14-05:00
I couldn't remember your KC email for sure, so I sent you a PM in the litter box
Mike Kabala 2018-02-27T11:47:45-05:00
@LZ, great. I never use the litterbox! :-(
Mike Kabala 2018-02-27T11:53:56-05:00
@LZ,link sent. Please take a look at Page 1 of the cards and comment on the fruitcake image. Thanks.
i"m really excited for you guys! Hope this all goes well! Happy to add any insight as an outsider- don't need any collaborative credit.
I know zero about the game play or what you've come up with so far, but when you first mentioned it - maybe you have all these covered or discarded, but random thoughts in my head from my own experiences of shopping black friday-
points/bonus for helping a kid get the last toy, helping employee off the ground, letting grandma ahead in line
stacked coupons
parking space up front
Back entrance (just remembered a story where a best buy had two entrances- one was front door, one was entrance through the shopping mall. The people in the back got in first - hardly anyone there. So the campers, etc got into store only to find big items were already gone! ...it oculd have been an urban legend, but.. )
umm...i had more... this is why i need to write things down.
again, if none of this is helpful - not offended since i truly have no idea how the game is played. :)
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-27T12:09:09-05:00
That's a nice fruitcake. It looks like something I wouldn't want to eat, just like a real fruitcake
Mike Kabala 2018-02-27T12:10:20-05:00
@Creeper, it's all helpful. This is exactly how we got as far as we have already. I'd be happy to send you a link to the dropbox if you don't mind sending your email address to my kittencorps mailbox. Thanks.
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-27T12:11:12-05:00
Creeper, that's okay. We're still figuring out how it's played
Mike Kabala 2018-02-27T12:11:21-05:00
Thanks, @LZ. I started with the cherries, but the nuts put it over the top,
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-27T12:12:10-05:00
CB, what did you think of the draft of the rules I sent you?
Mike Kabala 2018-02-27T12:14:59-05:00
@LZ, I'm trying to find the draft so that I can post it in the dropbox too. Would that be OK?
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-27T12:18:25-05:00
Yes. I sent it via Facebook messenger
Mike Kabala 2018-02-27T12:34:43-05:00
@LZ, looks like there are a lot of game mechanics I was previously unaware of. I didn't see anything in the rules about using the fruitcake as a bomb. If we decide to do this, we will need to add the ability to the card text and update the rules accordingly.
Please look over the cards from the current assets and make sure they agree with the rules. In cases where the two differ, we will eventually have to modify the card text, the rules, or both until everything works together. This part is going to be a lot of work and the sooner we have designers and playtesters looking at it and making suggestions, the better.
So far, all of the text on the cards has been what I have been able to come up with based on my understanding of the game mechanics and any mistakes are mine.
We also need to start determining how many deck types we will be needing and sorting each card into the appropriate deck. Each deck should have a unique card back design to make it easier to keep them separated.
Everyone: don't be afraid to jump in and contribute to this discussion. We need everyone's input in order to come up with a playable game in a decent amount of time.
Thanks, everybody.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-27T12:56:56-05:00
Oh wow, alot has happened since last I checked!
Though I don't know your kittencorps mailbox. Aha, but I'm guessing it's the one in contacts.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-27T12:59:05-05:00
No, when I tried to send it there, it came back with some error, mailbox unavailable.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-27T13:52:48-05:00
But that's what I used, I copied it directly off the corps site and it didn't work!
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-27T13:55:12-05:00
I did guess that one, but also got a delivery failure notice, so I decided to PM from the litter box. Is it possible that after so much time of inactivity, the email address was deactivated?
Mike Kabala 2018-02-27T13:55:26-05:00
Don't kn ow what to tell you, Zem. I sent myself a test mail from my gmail account and it went through. Try sending me a PM from the litterbox like @LZ did.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-27T13:55:30-05:00
Yeah, I tried again, "Message could not be sent to the following recipients:
(550 - 550-Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable 550 invalid DNS MX or A/AAAA resource record"
Wait, I think I remember I was having trouble in the first place emailing corps accounts for some reason. That's an error I don't ever remember seeing, though, it's really weird and popped up after attempting to send, bringing me back to the draft.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-27T14:00:57-05:00
@Zem, I just sent you the link.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-27T14:17:21-05:00
Okay, thanks!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-27T14:31:14-05:00
All looking great so far! I'm curious as to how some of the rules will work together in the long run, but that's what playtesting is all about, isn't it.
Though one question, why does the Slow Shopper, only at the checkout lane, cancel out the perfume lady?
Mike Kabala 2018-02-27T14:48:15-05:00
Let’s discuss that here and work out the mechanics.
Slow Shopper was originally conceived as a way to slow people up at the cash register, hence the location restriction on that effect.
Later, it was suggested that this shopper could effectively block the Perfume Lady. Obviously, the location restriction would not apply for that effect.
The Slow Shopper could activate both effects dependent on location to switch from one to the other. Alternatively, we could split Slow Shopper into two independent cards. I think it would be more versatile to enable both effects using the same card.
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-27T15:21:58-05:00
I agree with CB on the Slow Shopper. I've played a game with cards that require a very specific situation to use, and it was terrible. If cards can be used in more than one situation, it tends to work better
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-27T15:35:59-05:00
Oh yeah, I remember now. You can deploy the slow shopper to distract the perfume lady if she's too close to you for comfort, and that'll occupy her for the turn! Sorry, I just thought of the slow shopper as totally restricted, but that totally works as a last line of defense as well!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-27T15:36:39-05:00
Aha, thank god. I tried to post that like 30 minutes ago, but something was up with KS and I couldn't send it.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-27T15:46:50-05:00
I'll update the card text for Slow Shopper (and, possibly Perfume Lady as well) and post the changes in the dropbox when complete. I'll leave the rulebook updates to @LZ.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-27T15:49:02-05:00
Anyone else want access to the dropbox? I remember @Geist requesting that we make these assets private, but I haven't seen her around since her job situation changed. I hope she's doing alright.
I'm waiting for @BaKhan to contact me too.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-27T15:51:57-05:00
My job situation will also be changing by the end of the week, but in the short term, it may provide me with more time to work on this game. I'm rolling off of my current project on Friday and they're still searching for another project to put me on. That's one advantage of working as a permanent employee of a consulting company. I'll still be employed throughout the transition.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-27T18:06:15-05:00
Well, I gotta go to bed, but that was some great progress today! I love how far this thing has come, from starting as just a joke among friends!
Mike Kabala 2018-02-28T08:37:58-05:00
Good morning kittens
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-28T09:11:47-05:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-28T09:15:33-05:00
@CB, email sent sir!
Mike Kabala 2018-02-28T09:26:22-05:00
@BK, I have sent you a dropbox invitation via email.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-28T09:44:01-05:00
@CB, thank you sir! I love the layout of the cards! I think once we get some good cartoony art on them, they will really pop!
The Mountain has returned! Well, late Saturday night I returned and have been re-acclimatizing since then. Good thing I was able to completely ignore anything and everything work related until today...now I get to clean up other people's messes.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-28T11:36:51-05:00
@GM, welcome back good sir! Hope you had a great time, and plan to regale us with tales of your adventures!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-28T11:51:50-05:00
Hoo, today's a busy one for me. I'll be busy till about 9:30pm with this 45 minutes being my only break after lunch, but always good to hear you guys are doing pretty well!
@BaKhan: Not a whole lot to tell. Just did a lot of sitting around on the beach, swimming in the ocean, and wandering around the towns(there are really only two on Rarotonga - on opposite sides of the island).
Mike Kabala 2018-02-28T12:37:34-05:00
Fruitcake, check.
ChocoNut Spread, check.
Now on to the lettuce doll.
... Did I mention that I wish we had an artist?
@Zem, how are those stick people coming. Can you draw a stick doll?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-28T13:12:25-05:00
There, how's that one?
Mike Kabala 2018-02-28T13:33:36-05:00
@Zem, that's great. Send it to me in a .png file and indicate which card it should go on.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-28T13:56:04-05:00
nm, I did a screen capture. Thanks @Zem. Lettuce Field Children is on Page 1 of the cards.
The total card count is up to 41!
Heeeeey... maybe we could have set attack items strewn about the store, like laxatives in the Pharmacy area; you could pick one up and use it later on to inflict Mighty Need on someone. And maybe we could make it so with Mighty Need, if you can't make it to the bathroom in 2 or 3 turns or so, it has the Messy Adult effect, creating a spill that needs to be cleaned!
Has anyone (besides me) printed out the current game board and cards? I'd like to get some feedback regarding that process.
Fruitcake: There's a 50/50 chance on a roll (by the victim) of them losing a turn or Return to Sender, meaning the one using it loses their next turn.
Also, I'd LOVE to see a draft copy of the rules in their current state ...
I haven't, sorry. It'd be a bit tough, though, since to print something, I have to go to the lobby, send an email, and use the institute's printer. It would be weird to have them print several sheets just to playtest a game. Maybe later on, I'll find a better option, though.
Why "return to Sender" when you're the one buying the Fruitcake?
Don't they have Kinklo's in Prague ???
I was thinking of an attack item, using fruitcake against someone, but they have a chance to re-gift it back at you.
The fruitcake is an armor item.
Dragon eggs:
One sheet of puff pastry dough makes 12 (cut it into 12 roughly equally-sized pieces). Roll each piece into a large squarish shape, about 5 or 6 inches. Take about 3/4 of a spoonfull of cream cheese mixture and press it onto the center of a slice of roast beef. If you are using smaller slices, like what Oscar Mayer makes, you'll need a second slice to put over the egg. If it's a larger slice, like Hillshire Farms, one slice should be able to wrap around the egg. Place the puff pastry square(ish) over the cup of a muffin pan. You will need a pan with deep cups, more than an inch. Gently press the dough into the cup, being careful not to put a hole in it. Place the roast beef with cream cheese mixture on top of the dough in the cup. Crack an egg into the cup. If necessary, cover the egg with a second slice of roast beef on top of the egg. Wrap the dough over the whole thing by bringing the corners over the top and tucking them into the sides. Brush with melted butter (2 tablespoons per dozen), and bake at 400° F for 20-25 minutes, or until the pastry is golden brown.
Cream cheese mixture:
1 package (8 oz) softened cream cheese
2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp chili powder
1 tsp liquid smoke
1 tsp horseradish
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper (more or less to taste)
Thoroughly mix all ingredients in a bowl
CB, I'll message you the rules as currently constituted when I get home from work today.
@LZ, dang, that does sound good! I don't believe I've ever had something like that before! The sliced roast beef you mention, you mean thin cut, like for sandwiches?
Yes, it's lunch meat
Man, I really wish I could make that right now!
I've got a new challenge for you all: essentially 5 cups of coffee, 5 1/2 hours of walking, and no bathrooms!
That was almost certainly the most I've ever had to go to the bathroom in my entire life. I'm honestly astounded I made it all the way, considering I already had to go maybe over half an hour in!
However, it gave me another great pick-up item idea, if we make those a thing: a coffee shop! You know how a bunch of big stores have a coffee shop? What if you can get coffee there, and it increases your rate of movement (like +1 or 2 to dice roll result) for 5 turns or something like that, but after that, you have to make a stop at the bathroom before doing anything else.
Ah, I really needed a full weekend of relaxation, and it just so happened to be the one when I had tickets to a really funny comedy tour that I bought last september in anticipation!
Nothing better after a much needed weekend of relaxation, either, than... catching up on all of the work I was supposed to do. And there's a good amount of it. And it's 11:30pm; and one thing is due midnight. And I have a weekly test first thing in the morning...
Good morning kittens. I ordered a Cricut for cutting out assets for Blackest Friday! It should be arriving on Thursday. I spent the weekend watching YouTube videos on how to use it. It should be fun to use once it gets here.
@Zem, if we included a coffee shop in our store, the player would have to lose at least 1 turn due to waiting in line as the coffee is being brewed before getting any benefits from it. Right now, I have NO IDEA how to add that to the map. Perhaps another counter like the Pharmacy and Customer Service. Actually, we are't yet using the Pharmacy for anything, so it could be repuirposed as aCoffee Shop. Let's kick this idea around awhile before we make a decision. @LZ will need to weigh in.
Before I forget, congrats to the USA Men's Curling team on their Olympic Gold Medal! I stayed up to watch it at 1:30 AM Saturday and didn't get to bed until 4 AM. Then, all day Saturday, the Olympic coverage was suddenly all about Men's Curling, By the end of the day, I had seen the winning shot three times. LOL!
Morning kittens!
@CB, I think that this is the year that Canada finally realized that the rest of the world has caught up in curling skills! Its good to see, as it only means good things for the sport! Congrats to the US for taking Gold in curling and Women's hockey!
Creeper! Good to see you! How goes the bakery?
Hello, everybody!
Pharmacy, coffee shop, it doesn't matter to me. I was trying to think of what we could do with the pharmacy to delay people.
CB, I like that! Have the coffee shop probably on the left as you walk in the store (that's a common place for them), take one turn to get coffee (more if another player was there first and you queue up behind them), but then for like 5 turns get +2 to dice roll.
Though if we also want to do the "as soon as the turns are up, you have to go to the bathroom" thing, we could probably make it like 8 turns, or else it wouldn't actually help that much maybe.
Also, I would say you just have to end your turn at the bathroom, not lose the full next turn, at least for a coffee stop. Pressing Need, not Mighty Need.
HEY CREEPER! How goes it, we haven't heard from you in too long!
There's not much dice rolling involved, though. It would be a bonus to actions.
Just to play devil's advocate to for the pharmacy, what if you could be healed there by "x" for each turn you spend there. Depending on how much damage you take, this could be a good option?
Hi, Creeper! Have you seen our Blackest Friday discussion yet? We'd LOVE your input!
BaKhan, I like that
Ooh yeah, we have to get her caught up quickly somehow!
Hello my loves! have thought of you often. When I remember to message you, it's usually at the worst time. Then when I'm sitting in front of the computer thinking "what next what next what next" I completely forget.
Hope you're all well! I'm closed on Mondays as well as Sunday (was only closed one day a week and it nearly killed me).
Bakery is doing well! The town is wonderful, they've welcomed me warmly. Zem - I've even had some visitors from Nebraska! And your name is on my wall. :)
I've already booked 6 wedding cakes, have 3 more consults scheduled. Things are going well! I'm exhausted, and stressed all the time. Slow days give me panic attacks.
and yes- fill me in on blackest friday. I'll try to check back soon!
I just need to keep this tab open like the good ole days.
Blackest Friday is a boardgame we're developing. It was born out of joking around about people in France getting violent over Nutella. The premise is that everyone has a list of things they have to get in order to prevent something bad from happening. The thing is, supplies are limited. The first one to get all their items and leave the store alive wins.
haaaahahah. That's pretty awesome.
That's great to hear, Creeper! Next time I'm down there (it's not too far, but I don't often go to the area), I'll have to pop in! But it'll be a surprise for sure, I'll have to plan something. ;)
Not for awhile, mind you, I won't be back in the states until July.
Also, it's already a pretty well developed game, and we've only been fiddling with it and coming up with stuff for a couple weeks now for fun!
Should someone send her the link to the ideas and layout? Though I guess you don't usually have that much free time to look over stuff, but it's well worth looking at! As mentioned, we'd love your input!
I'm drawing a fruitcake...
Man, I wish we had an artist!
Hmmm... drawing a brown blob with chunks in it... yep... yikes! How do you make it look like a fruit cake, and not just a chunky brick? ;)
Or... another brown, log-like blob that may or may not be boardgame-appropriate?
@BK, I draw the individual fruit bits and then steal the colors from a photograph of a Claxton fruitcake.
Hard to prove anything when all I use are a handful of RGB codes ...
I just added outlines around everything and it's actually starting to look like a drawing of a fruitcake!
The key elements that makes it look like a fruitcake are the cherries.
There are also bits of pineapple, green citron, and LOTS of raisins!
... but no nuts. I have not attempted to draw a pecan.
I can try to draw some of the things. I was thinking of starting work on the wound track this week.
@LZ, anything I can import into Photoshop will work.
I'd offer to draw some stuff, but I pretty much suck at drawing... If you need some stuff colored in though... you know who to ask! ;)
If you need stick-people, you know who to ask!
Probably the guy who made the games Kingdom of Loathing and West of Loathing, he's been doing that professionally for like 10 years now, and is also incredibly funny and great at making games.
OK then it’s settled. @Zem will draw stick people for all of the cards, @BK will color them in and send them to me in a file that I can import to Photoshop. ... Works for me!
@CB, yes! I'm in! ;)
Are we allowing outsourcing?
@Zem, we can outsource, as long as they're willing to not get paid (i.e. work for free) until the project funds.
Good morning kittens.
Morning kittens!
My face hurts from being tired.
The fruitcake looks a lot more like fruitcake now that I've added the nuts.
Since we have an actual asset now, I have set up a folder on Dropbox to exchange files. Trouble is, I don't have your email addresses in order to give you access. If you want to be able to download files from the dropbox, please send an email to my kittencorps mailbox requesting it. Thanks. I'll get right on granting access to you after verifying that the people who contact me are people I actually know.
I couldn't remember your KC email for sure, so I sent you a PM in the litter box
@LZ, great. I never use the litterbox! :-(
@LZ,link sent. Please take a look at Page 1 of the cards and comment on the fruitcake image. Thanks.
i"m really excited for you guys! Hope this all goes well! Happy to add any insight as an outsider- don't need any collaborative credit.
I know zero about the game play or what you've come up with so far, but when you first mentioned it - maybe you have all these covered or discarded, but random thoughts in my head from my own experiences of shopping black friday-
points/bonus for helping a kid get the last toy, helping employee off the ground, letting grandma ahead in line
stacked coupons
parking space up front
Back entrance (just remembered a story where a best buy had two entrances- one was front door, one was entrance through the shopping mall. The people in the back got in first - hardly anyone there. So the campers, etc got into store only to find big items were already gone! ...it oculd have been an urban legend, but.. )
umm...i had more... this is why i need to write things down.
again, if none of this is helpful - not offended since i truly have no idea how the game is played. :)
That's a nice fruitcake. It looks like something I wouldn't want to eat, just like a real fruitcake
@Creeper, it's all helpful. This is exactly how we got as far as we have already. I'd be happy to send you a link to the dropbox if you don't mind sending your email address to my kittencorps mailbox. Thanks.
Creeper, that's okay. We're still figuring out how it's played
Thanks, @LZ. I started with the cherries, but the nuts put it over the top,
CB, what did you think of the draft of the rules I sent you?
@LZ, I'm trying to find the draft so that I can post it in the dropbox too. Would that be OK?
Yes. I sent it via Facebook messenger
@LZ, looks like there are a lot of game mechanics I was previously unaware of. I didn't see anything in the rules about using the fruitcake as a bomb. If we decide to do this, we will need to add the ability to the card text and update the rules accordingly.
Please look over the cards from the current assets and make sure they agree with the rules. In cases where the two differ, we will eventually have to modify the card text, the rules, or both until everything works together. This part is going to be a lot of work and the sooner we have designers and playtesters looking at it and making suggestions, the better.
So far, all of the text on the cards has been what I have been able to come up with based on my understanding of the game mechanics and any mistakes are mine.
We also need to start determining how many deck types we will be needing and sorting each card into the appropriate deck. Each deck should have a unique card back design to make it easier to keep them separated.
Everyone: don't be afraid to jump in and contribute to this discussion. We need everyone's input in order to come up with a playable game in a decent amount of time.
Thanks, everybody.
Oh wow, alot has happened since last I checked!
Though I don't know your kittencorps mailbox. Aha, but I'm guessing it's the one in contacts.
No, when I tried to send it there, it came back with some error, mailbox unavailable.
Hey guys, how hard can it be to guess cheetahbutt@kittencorps.com as my email address????
... Great, now I'll get a bunch of spam. ...
But that's what I used, I copied it directly off the corps site and it didn't work!
I did guess that one, but also got a delivery failure notice, so I decided to PM from the litter box. Is it possible that after so much time of inactivity, the email address was deactivated?
Don't kn ow what to tell you, Zem. I sent myself a test mail from my gmail account and it went through. Try sending me a PM from the litterbox like @LZ did.
Yeah, I tried again, "Message could not be sent to the following recipients:
(550 - 550-Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable 550 invalid DNS MX or A/AAAA resource record"
Wait, I think I remember I was having trouble in the first place emailing corps accounts for some reason. That's an error I don't ever remember seeing, though, it's really weird and popped up after attempting to send, bringing me back to the draft.
@Zem, I just sent you the link.
Okay, thanks!
All looking great so far! I'm curious as to how some of the rules will work together in the long run, but that's what playtesting is all about, isn't it.
Though one question, why does the Slow Shopper, only at the checkout lane, cancel out the perfume lady?
Let’s discuss that here and work out the mechanics.
Slow Shopper was originally conceived as a way to slow people up at the cash register, hence the location restriction on that effect.
Later, it was suggested that this shopper could effectively block the Perfume Lady. Obviously, the location restriction would not apply for that effect.
The Slow Shopper could activate both effects dependent on location to switch from one to the other. Alternatively, we could split Slow Shopper into two independent cards. I think it would be more versatile to enable both effects using the same card.
I agree with CB on the Slow Shopper. I've played a game with cards that require a very specific situation to use, and it was terrible. If cards can be used in more than one situation, it tends to work better
Oh yeah, I remember now. You can deploy the slow shopper to distract the perfume lady if she's too close to you for comfort, and that'll occupy her for the turn! Sorry, I just thought of the slow shopper as totally restricted, but that totally works as a last line of defense as well!
Aha, thank god. I tried to post that like 30 minutes ago, but something was up with KS and I couldn't send it.
I'll update the card text for Slow Shopper (and, possibly Perfume Lady as well) and post the changes in the dropbox when complete. I'll leave the rulebook updates to @LZ.
Anyone else want access to the dropbox? I remember @Geist requesting that we make these assets private, but I haven't seen her around since her job situation changed. I hope she's doing alright.
I'm waiting for @BaKhan to contact me too.
My job situation will also be changing by the end of the week, but in the short term, it may provide me with more time to work on this game. I'm rolling off of my current project on Friday and they're still searching for another project to put me on. That's one advantage of working as a permanent employee of a consulting company. I'll still be employed throughout the transition.
Well, I gotta go to bed, but that was some great progress today! I love how far this thing has come, from starting as just a joke among friends!
Good morning kittens
Morning kittens!
@CB, email sent sir!
@BK, I have sent you a dropbox invitation via email.
@CB, thank you sir! I love the layout of the cards! I think once we get some good cartoony art on them, they will really pop!
The Mountain has returned! Well, late Saturday night I returned and have been re-acclimatizing since then. Good thing I was able to completely ignore anything and everything work related until today...now I get to clean up other people's messes.
@GM, welcome back good sir! Hope you had a great time, and plan to regale us with tales of your adventures!
Hoo, today's a busy one for me. I'll be busy till about 9:30pm with this 45 minutes being my only break after lunch, but always good to hear you guys are doing pretty well!
@BaKhan: Not a whole lot to tell. Just did a lot of sitting around on the beach, swimming in the ocean, and wandering around the towns(there are really only two on Rarotonga - on opposite sides of the island).
Fruitcake, check.
ChocoNut Spread, check.
Now on to the lettuce doll.
... Did I mention that I wish we had an artist?
@Zem, how are those stick people coming. Can you draw a stick doll?
There, how's that one?
@Zem, that's great. Send it to me in a .png file and indicate which card it should go on.
nm, I did a screen capture. Thanks @Zem. Lettuce Field Children is on Page 1 of the cards.
Welcome back, @GM. Hope your trip was relaxing.