Guys. I don’t know how to tell you this... but, I’ve got crabs!!!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-20T19:34:27-05:00
Trick to making a presentation worth it, even a 20 minute one, particularly when it can be about literally anything, even though you hate presenting and normally can't do it long: do it over your favorite things, like travel and scenery!
I did it over my favorite places I've visited in the world, and... man, even though it's entirely pictures and a page of notes (just reminders), it took forever because there might be TOO much!
For those interested, my home of Elmwood, Toadstool park in Ne, Grand Canyon, Mee Canyon, Multnomah Falls, Copper Mountain, Seattle or New Orleans, Český Krumlov, and Berchtesgaden, with some places I'd like to visit in the future (including the last 4 states!)
Those may seem really varied and specific, but there's a path through how and where I define favorite and place.
Just got home and opened my box. Love the packaging but the claws smell horrific, here’s hoping they’ll get better with a bit of airing out
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-20T19:52:10-05:00
Lol! Yes the crab claws stink! I’m also airing them out. Stuffed them with news paper to help! Yikes! I was only joking about the scratch ‘n’ sniff!!! ;p
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-20T19:54:48-05:00
@Zem, lol! Good for you! The way. The way, to do any presentation is to own your subject matter, the rest is a piece of cake! As long as you’re speaking with authority on the topic, people will not only listen, they’ll engage, which is really what you’re going for right? Congrats to you sir!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-20T20:27:46-05:00
BaKhan, well, really, the thing I really can't do is finding a subject, that can literally take me a full day of thinking. Then, it's a bit easier, but still not always easy, and plus, this is in German with plenty of new words, so here's hoping my now down to hopefully a full 5-hours-of-sleep-addled brain can remember it all and even speak in full sentences tomorrow! ;)
(and yes, that sentence makes complete sense, it's just muddled up)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-20T20:31:08-05:00
Through a long, windy trail of side-thoughts, I thought of a new thing for our game, a child got sick! It could effectively block off a square in an aisle for a turn or more (until it's mopped up, however long we decide that'll take) so players have to detour around!
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-20T22:57:07-05:00
That long sentence made perfect sense to me, Zem.
Vomit noted
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-21T04:58:28-05:00
I'm going to use a new term: That makes complete nonsense to me.
Basically just add non- to sense and use it interchangeably.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-21T07:55:13-05:00
What the... I went to look at the Corps recipes on the Litter Box and saw somebody had posted! Got super excited, but it was in the "Lore of the Core" book section, somebody asked if they could find that comic anywhere now so they could read it! Not... sure what to think about that.
Posted feb. 10
Person: Goucher
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Jan 29, 2018 4:08 am
Does this have anything to do with that spam we had earlier? Who let out that the LB existed, and why do people find it worth posting on clearly *mostly* dead chatrooms? Most confusingly, who would go through the Speznas training sessions required to make an account in the first place?!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-21T07:57:44-05:00
Aw man, and to round it all off, there were no amazing chili recipes there! My mom just won a chili cookoff, and my brother was apparently telling his russian/german fiance about chili just recently, and now she wants to try it, so I was looking for an amazing recipe knowing I've seen some great tips from the comments section or the LB.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-21T08:39:36-05:00
... Lore of the Core???
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-21T09:33:30-05:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-21T09:34:00-05:00
@Zem, you need to ask LZ for his chili recipe! Its very very good!
Mike Kabala 2018-02-21T10:16:59-05:00
I have a couple more ideas for Blackest Friday.
1. Slow Shopper - The person ahead of you in the checkout lane is buying a gazillion items and has coupons, Lose 1 turn. (only applies while you are in the checkout lane.
2. Abandoned item - A shopper ahead of you has abandoned one of the items on your list at the checkout lane. Move item from its normal shelf position to one of the checkout lanes.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-21T10:37:48-05:00
@CB, those are good ideas! How about, "Out of stock", would cause you to have to remove one item from play, and have the player/players choose a new one?
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-21T10:48:04-05:00
I thought I had put the chili recipe in the LB. Did I email it to you, BaKhan?
Mike Kabala 2018-02-21T10:51:22-05:00
@BK, I like that one too. It's good to be talking about our game again.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-21T10:52:14-05:00
I hope @LZ is getting all of this. I'm eager to see how the rules are coming.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-21T10:53:47-05:00
I've got shelf labels on the board layout now. Can anyone tell me where I should post an update so that it is not "publicly" available?
Also, where are we on the discussion of board layout?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-21T11:10:38-05:00
@LZ, yes you did sir! Back when you were planning on coming up for "Kittencon" before your medical issues cancelled that for us. I still have it!
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-21T11:24:08-05:00
That's great, as I always cook to taste, so I don't remember what quantities of various ingredients I had listef
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-21T11:25:25-05:00
Actually, I just found the recipe! I thought I had lost it
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-21T11:37:13-05:00
We need more advantage cards
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-21T11:49:40-05:00
@LZ/CB, what if two negatives could possibly cancel each other out? For example, the slow shopper could occupy the sample lady?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-21T12:22:16-05:00
BaKhan, ooh, that's good! Also could easily become complicated figuring out what could cancel what, and how to state that simply on the cards.
But what if an item was out of stock, but another shopper had left it at the checkout aisle, so one person could scramble for the original item and bolt!
Yeah... these seem like more complex, "advanced setup" rules, but good ones!
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-21T12:37:02-05:00
I love it all! You could play the abandoned item card in response to the Out of Stock card!!
Mike Kabala 2018-02-21T12:40:44-05:00
Ooh, there are some interesting game dynamics developing! I can hardly wait until this reaches the playtest stage!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-21T12:42:15-05:00
I kind of like the idea that there aren't many, or any advantages, only the ability of cancel negatives. It gives it more of that cut throat, shop or die feeling... ;)
Mike Kabala 2018-02-21T12:45:47-05:00
Now we need someone to occupy the Perfume Lady. Perhaps a teenager who follows HER around, begging for more samples.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-21T12:48:29-05:00
A Helpful Assistant could walk you directly to one of the items on your list in a single turn, giving you a move advantage.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-21T12:49:15-05:00
@CB, a gaggle of teenagers, blocking off the isle, sort of like the slow shopper, but they aren't buying anything. The gaggle could also present some sort of a threat to your cart if it is at customer service, or the bathroom maybe? Darn teenagers!!! *shakes fist* ;)
Mike Kabala 2018-02-21T12:50:53-05:00
The "Helpful Assistant" could have a dice-roll modifier. If the toll is high, you get walked to the item you wanted. If id's in the middle, the Assistant doesn't know whether they have the item. If it's low, they take you to the wrong place!
Mike Kabala 2018-02-21T12:51:55-05:00
"Hey you kids, GET OUT OF MYU AISLE!!!" -- LOL
Mike Kabala 2018-02-21T12:56:57-05:00
There's also the Wet Floor (Piso Mojado) card. Doesn't block you completely, but slows you down as you move your cart around it. This can either shorten your maximum movement for that turn, or force you to stop at that tile and wait for your next turn to continue.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-21T13:01:11-05:00
"So THAT's Where They Put These!" - A card that only triggers when you're stopped by something, like a Sick Child, Free Sample, Perfume Lady, Piso Mojado, Mighty Need, etc. When triggered, allows you to "find" one of your list items in the location where you are stopped. This card should be kept in your hand until it is nmeeded.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-21T13:19:44-05:00
CB, the only thing I can think of for the perfume lady is if you have a bored, moody tween hindrance following you around who then you can get rid of by leaving her with the perfume sample lady.
I love the Helpful Assistant card, that would be a great idea, and a great strategy to save until you have to cross the whole store for an item!
And the Wet Floor (Piso Mojado) card is a great idea! Maybe it should block off a certain like 4-tile area, and could be played by a cutthroat player to force people to detour around the aisle.
When played in conjunction with the Child Vomit or whatever we call that card, you could totally block off an item for a couple turns until it's cleaned up!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-21T13:22:03-05:00
"So THAT's Where They Put These!"
Speaking of which, is there a card yet for those people who are too lazy to bring an item back and leave it other places?
Because we could have a card like: "You find an item left by a lazy shopper in the wrong shelf, but it's exactly what you needed!", so you could just get super lucky and find an item that way anywhere in the store.
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-21T13:49:49-05:00
Zem, that's the Abandoned Item card
Mike Kabala 2018-02-21T14:11:21-05:00
Never thought of the Abandoned Item being any place other than the Cashier's counter, since that's where I find them most often. Could be interesting if we can come up with a mechanism that would allow it to be found in other locations though. I'd still like to see it most often at the Cashier.
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-21T14:17:02-05:00
Sick Child: place a vomit token in front of shopper. That shopper loses an action this turn.
Vomit: blocks an area until Janitor can come clean it up. After Janitor has cleaned it up, place a Wet Floor (Piso Mojado) token in its place.
Wet Floor (Piso Mojado): Roll a die. On 6, you may pass through unhindered, remove the token from the square. On 4 or 5, you may pass through at twice the normal actions to avoid slipping. On 1-3, the floor is obviously wet, and you must go around or find an alternate route
Janitor: Cleans up a mess. Always leaves a Wet Floor (Piso Mojado) token where the mess was
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-21T14:31:46-05:00
Other messes: Poop, diarrhea, blood
I'm adding the "Roving" descriptor to certain things. So far, I've got the Janitor, Gaggle of Teenagers, and Perfume Lady. The number next to the descriptor indicates how many spaces they move per activation
Mike Kabala 2018-02-21T14:32:40-05:00
@LZ, I like it! Sick Child would only be one cause for Piso Mojado though. A Spilled Product could also create a mess requiring a Janitor.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-21T14:45:10-05:00
I don't know about blood though. That might require a Biohazard sign.
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-21T15:18:22-05:00
I cleaned up blood when I was a janitor at Wal-Mart.
What I had in mind was bad attacks would lead to blood splatters, which wouldn't hinder anyone's movement, but the janitor would clean it up and leave a wet floor
Mike Kabala 2018-02-21T15:21:57-05:00
I've started creating assets for all of the new cards. By my count, we added 11 new cards today!
Mike Kabala 2018-02-21T15:34:02-05:00
Missed a few ... with all of the vqrious spills, we're up to 16 new cards today!
Mike Kabala 2018-02-21T15:34:35-05:00
... various ...
My keyboard is evil today.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-21T15:39:48-05:00
I almost never see misplaced items at the cash registers because that's where they're found and returned by an employee. But I do see things all the time in completely random shelves just because for whatever reason someone wanted to leave something and couldn't be bothered to return there.
Wow, that's some actual progress! We were just kidding around, but they turned into great viable rules!
Wait, that's kind of how this entire game began, isn't it?
Mike Kabala 2018-02-21T15:48:27-05:00
Other people may be kidding around, but I've had a vision of actually bringing this game to life from day one, even if only as a Print and Play. I've even pledged to get a copy of "How to Create Your First Board Game" from a campaign that ends in three days.
It's OK with me if you just want to throw out ideas and see what happens. I don't expect everyone to have the same level of excitement about this as I do. This group of people is just too creative not to come out with something like this.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-21T15:51:18-05:00
@Zem, I get where you're coming from. I've seen frozen foods abandoned in the bread aisle. My experience is just different from yours. Lots of items get left in the impulse racks too.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-21T15:54:42-05:00
No, don't get me wrong, I love it, and I can't wait to see it become a real thing! And with all the progress we've made, it's already a mostly functioning boardgame as it is! I only ever made it a conditional statement if it ever would be created because it's a ton of work and extra organization and planning to really create, publish, manufacture, and distribute a game (as seen by EK and I've seen with a few others, one of which put up their experiences making a game and kickstarting in an update as a learning guide even!). But if we really make it all the way to trying to get this thing to be real (and of course releasing/having delivered it on/before Black Friday), it would be the coolest thing ever!
Heck, that could even beat out EK for the coolest online community project experience I've been a part of!
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-21T15:58:29-05:00
I'm not kidding around. I think Zem meant that the idea for the game was born out of us kidding around about French people getting violent over something so trivial as Nutella.
I think I'm abandoning the idea of tracking wounds with lost actions. I think it would be easier for players to each have a wound track.
Mike Kabala 2018-02-21T16:09:12-05:00
Hey, it's all good. I like that this was born out of us kidding around. I didn't mean my comment as a criticism of anyone. We need all of us!
Mike Kabala 2018-02-21T16:11:20-05:00
Looks like a game I'm backing could fall short of its funding goal by a couple hundred dollars. That's a shame, because I love the micro-sized box they put it in.
Oh well, there's still 24 hours left. Anything can happen.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-21T16:49:53-05:00
Hoo boy. Better get sifting through all those pictures from Prague to upload!
The downside of not having a smartphone (yeah, the only downside) is that I can't upload on the go, I have to still save them all and sort through later, and being super busy this week, that means half a week, almost a week for the older pictures, before being able to upload them!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-21T17:21:24-05:00
Yup, cut it almost in third. I didn't take nearly as many pictures there as I thought I did, but it was still plenty! Though I forgot to take pictures of some of the cooler things, I just wasn't thinking.
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-21T19:47:24-05:00
Zem, give me your email address and I'll send you my chili recipe
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-21T19:52:38-05:00
Today was super busy and productive, both here and at the clinic. I built presumptive drug tests into the system, put all those in a panel, created rules for automatically ordering confirmatory panels in the system, and tested the rules. I also finished up a draft protocol for urine drug monitoring. All while working on Blackest Friday.
Tomorrow's going to be a different kind of busy. I'm not going to work because I have to make about ten dozen dragon eggs for the Blue and Gold Banquet tomorrow. It's a recipe I invented a month ago for this occasion.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-22T02:41:07-05:00
He said they'd have to adapt it to be vegetarian for her, though I suggested my brother have a steak on hand and just drop it in his bowl when he gets it.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-22T02:43:31-05:00
Haha, "All while working on Blackest Friday." I know you're doing more work setting up the rules and stuff than most of us do goofing around and such, but this gave me an idea: When this gets published, will that make us eachother's bosses in a way?
I'm only asking because then we could use eachother as references on our resumes! ;)
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-22T04:18:37-05:00
That's easily accomplished. Just take the meat out. It will still taste great
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-22T06:38:57-05:00
I'll send it to them and see if it's something he could make! Though I probably shouldn't put my email here, maybe we should message on facebook or something. Heck, you could just copy/paste the recipe onto facebook messenger even.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-22T06:41:04-05:00
Also, it's hard to think of because of all the time differences to think through, but 2 hours ago? You must've been up pretty late! It's 12:40 pm here, so... I dunno, that comment must have been from some time around like 2:30? Not super late, I guess, but it's uncommon for me to see a new comment here before after lunch!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-22T09:04:04-05:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-22T09:11:10-05:00
I am also serious about helping to make this game! I've never tried to do something like this long distance before, so its a little bit harder than I'm used to. Also, I don't want to accidentally step on anyone's toes, as obviously I like and respect all of you, even Zem! ;) Have we figured out a way to start narrowing things down to get some sort of a working frame? Rough enough that there's still some loose ends to wrap up, but solid enough that we can start hashing out and creating/eliminating more rules? I'd love to help as much as I'm wanted to! I've got lots of ideas for the mechanics, etc., just not sure how much we will want out in the open?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-22T09:13:50-05:00
@Zem, In my experience, to make something (easily) vegetarian, substitute the meat for the same volume of chick peas (garbanzo beans) and corn (also cauliflower, broccoli, if you're real adventurous, you could also try some jack fruit...). Basically, it shouldn't be too complicated! ;)
Mike Kabala 2018-02-22T10:38:25-05:00
Chili is basically a vegetarian dish. The only thing that changes that is the addition of meat to the pot. Once you do that, you have "Texas chili." You can also add beans. There is quite a bit of controversy among chili heads whether or not this is a good idea, but at the end of the day, you can add or remove anything you want (except for the actual chili peppers) to arrive at your own "perfect" recipe.
-- just my tweo cents.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-22T11:10:07-05:00
@CB, that is a good point! I'd never really thought of it that way, but I was raised pretty much as a meatatarian so... I hope my veggie friends don't hold it against me! I do try to cater to all types, if it is at all possible!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-22T12:10:00-05:00
Wait, beans are controversial? I thought they were almost a necessity in chili! I was going to say I don't think I've ever had a good chili without beans, but come to think of it, I don't think I've HAD chili without beans!
Mike Kabala 2018-02-22T12:16:24-05:00
@Zem, yeah. There are people, especially fans of Southwest-style chili, who will go so far as to say that chili with beans isn't chili at all. It's almost a religious obsession for them!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-22T13:18:51-05:00
I just got Deja Vu; I'm almost certain we've had this exact same conversation about Chili before, probably when LZ was flaunting his recipe before KittenCon mk I
Mike Kabala 2018-02-22T13:25:15-05:00
@Zem, that's funny. I always seem to get Deja Vu whenever I feel like I'm doing something that I've done before.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-22T13:45:57-05:00
Interesting, I only typically get it when I'm doing something I feel like I've done before.
Seriously, though, I get pretty strong Deja Vu fairly often. Maybe only several times per year, but still, that can be quite a bit.
Not to mention I have the same Deja Vu over and over sometimes; I have Deja Deja Vu Vu! My record is one I think I had 13 times, 2 of those in dreams, in our family room even though the couches changed, all the rest of the furniture changed, we remodeled, and even took out the ceiling and let the ceiling be the roof! That room literally looks nothing like it did, but I had that one Deja Vu over probably 10 years sitting on the middle of a couch thinking about getting up, looking in a certain direction!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-22T14:02:41-05:00
I often get Vuja De, that eerie feeling that you've never experienced anything like that before! ;)
Mike Kabala 2018-02-22T14:28:23-05:00
How about Uv Ajed, the feeling that I'm living my life backwards?
Mike Kabala 2018-02-22T14:54:59-05:00
We must all be really bored today. :-)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-22T15:03:34-05:00
Dev Aju: the process of developing a new dish served "with juice"
Mike Kabala 2018-02-22T15:07:24-05:00
Mike Kabala 2018-02-22T15:24:40-05:00
Looks like that micro game is going to get funded after all.
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-22T16:54:31-05:00
I ache. I'm about to put the last dozen dragon eggs in the oven, though. I wasn't sure I'd finish them in time, but they'll be done with 2 hours to spare
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-22T18:56:20-05:00
Dang it, every day this week, just as I was finishing up to go to bed, I got caught up in the last minute and kept up till about 1, if not later!
Man, I was kind of upset about our UNL group here having a required trip saturday, so we can't go on the free Institute trip to Halle (birthplace of Händel, among many other things!), but now I think a calm weekend in which I can at least somewhat catch up on sleep is just what I need!
Plus catching up on youtube. I missed like 5 days of my subscription feed because of Prague, and it usually takes me as long as I was gone to catch up in my free time. (which is exciting and ironically helpful when I'm gone for a month or more in the summer, then have nothing better to do for the next month!)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-22T18:57:20-05:00
Wait... Dragon Eggs? Man, LZ, I knew your cooking skills were legendary, but... not literally! ;)
Lord Zombitten 2018-02-22T19:24:24-05:00
Zem, I posted a couple pics of one on FB a month ago. Check it out
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-23T04:44:36-05:00
LZ, those look WAY too freaking amazing! Dangerously so; I'd gain a dozen pounds in as much time as it took to eat a dozen pounds' worth of those! Seems like the perfect weekend breakfast/brunch thing!
Mike Kabala 2018-02-23T09:04:10-05:00
@LZ, don't heat those dragon eggs TOO much. You probably wouldn't want them to HATCH!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-23T09:07:06-05:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-23T09:07:38-05:00
@LZ, so for those of us who don't FB, what is a dragon egg? Sounds amazballs!
Mike Kabala 2018-02-23T09:26:16-05:00
OK, so now we're ALL going to need the recipe for Dragon Eggs! They look wonderful!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-23T10:03:40-05:00
In case he doesn't get back on soon, just for the curious, they were like roast beef, egg, and spiced cream cheese in a pastry shell or something like that. Whatever they were, they looked like the perfect thing for a brunch, or really just any time!
Speaking of which, I wish I had some of LZ's hot sauce again! No reason in particular, it was just one of my favorite hot sauces ever and I wish I could have some more. Especially with some macaroni!
Mike Kabala 2018-02-23T10:28:03-05:00
@Zem, how did you get the hot sauce? I pledged for it on KickStarter, but the campaign never funded, so I wasn't able to get it.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-23T10:33:34-05:00
@CB, LZ was making a bunch up before he launched the ks, and a bunch of us paid him directly for it. He had made up three different types and I got three of each. The thing that makes his so special is he doesn't use vinegar, instead he uses citrus. So tasty, especially the Mad Cow on Mac 'n' Cheese! ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-23T10:34:08-05:00
Sorry, should have been two of each. I should have gotten three... ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-23T10:45:03-05:00
Wait, he did launch his KS? Did I know about this? I don't remember it, I thought he was about to launch it, but just then got diagnosed and put it on hold.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-02-23T10:46:20-05:00
@Zem, lol, well you backed it... its in your backer history. ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-23T10:48:12-05:00
Ah, hahaha, he did launch it, I just looked in my pledges and found it! Man, sometimes my memory is scary good, sometimes it just took a vacation for awhile.
In fact, I was the second backer! And maybe I didn't remember it so easily because he created a new account to launch it, so it's not on his profile.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-23T10:48:56-05:00
BaKhan, just after I said that, I had the same idea and went to check. I should sort through my memory some day, I'd be amazed at the things I'd find! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-02-23T10:53:48-05:00
You think if we ask nicely, he'd send us all some more? Or... at least in the summer, when I'm back in the same hemisphere?
I say we dump some in city water supplies to get people hopelessly addicted, start the campaign back up with a half-million dollar goal, and watch it reach that in a few seconds! ;)
Guys. I don’t know how to tell you this... but, I’ve got crabs!!!
Trick to making a presentation worth it, even a 20 minute one, particularly when it can be about literally anything, even though you hate presenting and normally can't do it long: do it over your favorite things, like travel and scenery!
I did it over my favorite places I've visited in the world, and... man, even though it's entirely pictures and a page of notes (just reminders), it took forever because there might be TOO much!
For those interested, my home of Elmwood, Toadstool park in Ne, Grand Canyon, Mee Canyon, Multnomah Falls, Copper Mountain, Seattle or New Orleans, Český Krumlov, and Berchtesgaden, with some places I'd like to visit in the future (including the last 4 states!)
Those may seem really varied and specific, but there's a path through how and where I define favorite and place.
Just got home and opened my box. Love the packaging but the claws smell horrific, here’s hoping they’ll get better with a bit of airing out
Lol! Yes the crab claws stink! I’m also airing them out. Stuffed them with news paper to help! Yikes! I was only joking about the scratch ‘n’ sniff!!! ;p
@Zem, lol! Good for you! The way. The way, to do any presentation is to own your subject matter, the rest is a piece of cake! As long as you’re speaking with authority on the topic, people will not only listen, they’ll engage, which is really what you’re going for right? Congrats to you sir!
BaKhan, well, really, the thing I really can't do is finding a subject, that can literally take me a full day of thinking. Then, it's a bit easier, but still not always easy, and plus, this is in German with plenty of new words, so here's hoping my now down to hopefully a full 5-hours-of-sleep-addled brain can remember it all and even speak in full sentences tomorrow! ;)
(and yes, that sentence makes complete sense, it's just muddled up)
Through a long, windy trail of side-thoughts, I thought of a new thing for our game, a child got sick! It could effectively block off a square in an aisle for a turn or more (until it's mopped up, however long we decide that'll take) so players have to detour around!
That long sentence made perfect sense to me, Zem.
Vomit noted
I'm going to use a new term: That makes complete nonsense to me.
Basically just add non- to sense and use it interchangeably.
What the... I went to look at the Corps recipes on the Litter Box and saw somebody had posted! Got super excited, but it was in the "Lore of the Core" book section, somebody asked if they could find that comic anywhere now so they could read it! Not... sure what to think about that.
Posted feb. 10
Person: Goucher
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Jan 29, 2018 4:08 am
Does this have anything to do with that spam we had earlier? Who let out that the LB existed, and why do people find it worth posting on clearly *mostly* dead chatrooms? Most confusingly, who would go through the Speznas training sessions required to make an account in the first place?!
Aw man, and to round it all off, there were no amazing chili recipes there! My mom just won a chili cookoff, and my brother was apparently telling his russian/german fiance about chili just recently, and now she wants to try it, so I was looking for an amazing recipe knowing I've seen some great tips from the comments section or the LB.
... Lore of the Core???
Morning kittens!
@Zem, you need to ask LZ for his chili recipe! Its very very good!
I have a couple more ideas for Blackest Friday.
1. Slow Shopper - The person ahead of you in the checkout lane is buying a gazillion items and has coupons, Lose 1 turn. (only applies while you are in the checkout lane.
2. Abandoned item - A shopper ahead of you has abandoned one of the items on your list at the checkout lane. Move item from its normal shelf position to one of the checkout lanes.
@CB, those are good ideas! How about, "Out of stock", would cause you to have to remove one item from play, and have the player/players choose a new one?
I thought I had put the chili recipe in the LB. Did I email it to you, BaKhan?
@BK, I like that one too. It's good to be talking about our game again.
I hope @LZ is getting all of this. I'm eager to see how the rules are coming.
I've got shelf labels on the board layout now. Can anyone tell me where I should post an update so that it is not "publicly" available?
Also, where are we on the discussion of board layout?
@LZ, yes you did sir! Back when you were planning on coming up for "Kittencon" before your medical issues cancelled that for us. I still have it!
That's great, as I always cook to taste, so I don't remember what quantities of various ingredients I had listef
Actually, I just found the recipe! I thought I had lost it
We need more advantage cards
@LZ/CB, what if two negatives could possibly cancel each other out? For example, the slow shopper could occupy the sample lady?
BaKhan, ooh, that's good! Also could easily become complicated figuring out what could cancel what, and how to state that simply on the cards.
But what if an item was out of stock, but another shopper had left it at the checkout aisle, so one person could scramble for the original item and bolt!
Yeah... these seem like more complex, "advanced setup" rules, but good ones!
I love it all! You could play the abandoned item card in response to the Out of Stock card!!
Ooh, there are some interesting game dynamics developing! I can hardly wait until this reaches the playtest stage!
I kind of like the idea that there aren't many, or any advantages, only the ability of cancel negatives. It gives it more of that cut throat, shop or die feeling... ;)
Now we need someone to occupy the Perfume Lady. Perhaps a teenager who follows HER around, begging for more samples.
A Helpful Assistant could walk you directly to one of the items on your list in a single turn, giving you a move advantage.
@CB, a gaggle of teenagers, blocking off the isle, sort of like the slow shopper, but they aren't buying anything. The gaggle could also present some sort of a threat to your cart if it is at customer service, or the bathroom maybe? Darn teenagers!!! *shakes fist* ;)
The "Helpful Assistant" could have a dice-roll modifier. If the toll is high, you get walked to the item you wanted. If id's in the middle, the Assistant doesn't know whether they have the item. If it's low, they take you to the wrong place!
"Hey you kids, GET OUT OF MYU AISLE!!!" -- LOL
There's also the Wet Floor (Piso Mojado) card. Doesn't block you completely, but slows you down as you move your cart around it. This can either shorten your maximum movement for that turn, or force you to stop at that tile and wait for your next turn to continue.
"So THAT's Where They Put These!" - A card that only triggers when you're stopped by something, like a Sick Child, Free Sample, Perfume Lady, Piso Mojado, Mighty Need, etc. When triggered, allows you to "find" one of your list items in the location where you are stopped. This card should be kept in your hand until it is nmeeded.
CB, the only thing I can think of for the perfume lady is if you have a bored, moody tween hindrance following you around who then you can get rid of by leaving her with the perfume sample lady.
I love the Helpful Assistant card, that would be a great idea, and a great strategy to save until you have to cross the whole store for an item!
And the Wet Floor (Piso Mojado) card is a great idea! Maybe it should block off a certain like 4-tile area, and could be played by a cutthroat player to force people to detour around the aisle.
When played in conjunction with the Child Vomit or whatever we call that card, you could totally block off an item for a couple turns until it's cleaned up!
"So THAT's Where They Put These!"
Speaking of which, is there a card yet for those people who are too lazy to bring an item back and leave it other places?
Because we could have a card like: "You find an item left by a lazy shopper in the wrong shelf, but it's exactly what you needed!", so you could just get super lucky and find an item that way anywhere in the store.
Zem, that's the Abandoned Item card
Never thought of the Abandoned Item being any place other than the Cashier's counter, since that's where I find them most often. Could be interesting if we can come up with a mechanism that would allow it to be found in other locations though. I'd still like to see it most often at the Cashier.
Sick Child: place a vomit token in front of shopper. That shopper loses an action this turn.
Vomit: blocks an area until Janitor can come clean it up. After Janitor has cleaned it up, place a Wet Floor (Piso Mojado) token in its place.
Wet Floor (Piso Mojado): Roll a die. On 6, you may pass through unhindered, remove the token from the square. On 4 or 5, you may pass through at twice the normal actions to avoid slipping. On 1-3, the floor is obviously wet, and you must go around or find an alternate route
Janitor: Cleans up a mess. Always leaves a Wet Floor (Piso Mojado) token where the mess was
Other messes: Poop, diarrhea, blood
I'm adding the "Roving" descriptor to certain things. So far, I've got the Janitor, Gaggle of Teenagers, and Perfume Lady. The number next to the descriptor indicates how many spaces they move per activation
@LZ, I like it! Sick Child would only be one cause for Piso Mojado though. A Spilled Product could also create a mess requiring a Janitor.
I don't know about blood though. That might require a Biohazard sign.
I cleaned up blood when I was a janitor at Wal-Mart.
What I had in mind was bad attacks would lead to blood splatters, which wouldn't hinder anyone's movement, but the janitor would clean it up and leave a wet floor
I've started creating assets for all of the new cards. By my count, we added 11 new cards today!
Missed a few ... with all of the vqrious spills, we're up to 16 new cards today!
... various ...
My keyboard is evil today.
I almost never see misplaced items at the cash registers because that's where they're found and returned by an employee. But I do see things all the time in completely random shelves just because for whatever reason someone wanted to leave something and couldn't be bothered to return there.
Wow, that's some actual progress! We were just kidding around, but they turned into great viable rules!
Wait, that's kind of how this entire game began, isn't it?
Other people may be kidding around, but I've had a vision of actually bringing this game to life from day one, even if only as a Print and Play. I've even pledged to get a copy of "How to Create Your First Board Game" from a campaign that ends in three days.
It's OK with me if you just want to throw out ideas and see what happens. I don't expect everyone to have the same level of excitement about this as I do. This group of people is just too creative not to come out with something like this.
@Zem, I get where you're coming from. I've seen frozen foods abandoned in the bread aisle. My experience is just different from yours. Lots of items get left in the impulse racks too.
No, don't get me wrong, I love it, and I can't wait to see it become a real thing! And with all the progress we've made, it's already a mostly functioning boardgame as it is! I only ever made it a conditional statement if it ever would be created because it's a ton of work and extra organization and planning to really create, publish, manufacture, and distribute a game (as seen by EK and I've seen with a few others, one of which put up their experiences making a game and kickstarting in an update as a learning guide even!). But if we really make it all the way to trying to get this thing to be real (and of course releasing/having delivered it on/before Black Friday), it would be the coolest thing ever!
Heck, that could even beat out EK for the coolest online community project experience I've been a part of!
I'm not kidding around. I think Zem meant that the idea for the game was born out of us kidding around about French people getting violent over something so trivial as Nutella.
I think I'm abandoning the idea of tracking wounds with lost actions. I think it would be easier for players to each have a wound track.
Hey, it's all good. I like that this was born out of us kidding around. I didn't mean my comment as a criticism of anyone. We need all of us!
Looks like a game I'm backing could fall short of its funding goal by a couple hundred dollars. That's a shame, because I love the micro-sized box they put it in.
Oh well, there's still 24 hours left. Anything can happen.
Hoo boy. Better get sifting through all those pictures from Prague to upload!
The downside of not having a smartphone (yeah, the only downside) is that I can't upload on the go, I have to still save them all and sort through later, and being super busy this week, that means half a week, almost a week for the older pictures, before being able to upload them!
Yup, cut it almost in third. I didn't take nearly as many pictures there as I thought I did, but it was still plenty! Though I forgot to take pictures of some of the cooler things, I just wasn't thinking.
Zem, give me your email address and I'll send you my chili recipe
Today was super busy and productive, both here and at the clinic. I built presumptive drug tests into the system, put all those in a panel, created rules for automatically ordering confirmatory panels in the system, and tested the rules. I also finished up a draft protocol for urine drug monitoring. All while working on Blackest Friday.
Tomorrow's going to be a different kind of busy. I'm not going to work because I have to make about ten dozen dragon eggs for the Blue and Gold Banquet tomorrow. It's a recipe I invented a month ago for this occasion.
He said they'd have to adapt it to be vegetarian for her, though I suggested my brother have a steak on hand and just drop it in his bowl when he gets it.
Haha, "All while working on Blackest Friday." I know you're doing more work setting up the rules and stuff than most of us do goofing around and such, but this gave me an idea: When this gets published, will that make us eachother's bosses in a way?
I'm only asking because then we could use eachother as references on our resumes! ;)
That's easily accomplished. Just take the meat out. It will still taste great
I'll send it to them and see if it's something he could make! Though I probably shouldn't put my email here, maybe we should message on facebook or something. Heck, you could just copy/paste the recipe onto facebook messenger even.
Also, it's hard to think of because of all the time differences to think through, but 2 hours ago? You must've been up pretty late! It's 12:40 pm here, so... I dunno, that comment must have been from some time around like 2:30? Not super late, I guess, but it's uncommon for me to see a new comment here before after lunch!
Morning kittens!
I am also serious about helping to make this game! I've never tried to do something like this long distance before, so its a little bit harder than I'm used to. Also, I don't want to accidentally step on anyone's toes, as obviously I like and respect all of you, even Zem! ;) Have we figured out a way to start narrowing things down to get some sort of a working frame? Rough enough that there's still some loose ends to wrap up, but solid enough that we can start hashing out and creating/eliminating more rules? I'd love to help as much as I'm wanted to! I've got lots of ideas for the mechanics, etc., just not sure how much we will want out in the open?
@Zem, In my experience, to make something (easily) vegetarian, substitute the meat for the same volume of chick peas (garbanzo beans) and corn (also cauliflower, broccoli, if you're real adventurous, you could also try some jack fruit...). Basically, it shouldn't be too complicated! ;)
Chili is basically a vegetarian dish. The only thing that changes that is the addition of meat to the pot. Once you do that, you have "Texas chili." You can also add beans. There is quite a bit of controversy among chili heads whether or not this is a good idea, but at the end of the day, you can add or remove anything you want (except for the actual chili peppers) to arrive at your own "perfect" recipe.
-- just my tweo cents.
@CB, that is a good point! I'd never really thought of it that way, but I was raised pretty much as a meatatarian so... I hope my veggie friends don't hold it against me! I do try to cater to all types, if it is at all possible!
Wait, beans are controversial? I thought they were almost a necessity in chili! I was going to say I don't think I've ever had a good chili without beans, but come to think of it, I don't think I've HAD chili without beans!
@Zem, yeah. There are people, especially fans of Southwest-style chili, who will go so far as to say that chili with beans isn't chili at all. It's almost a religious obsession for them!
I just got Deja Vu; I'm almost certain we've had this exact same conversation about Chili before, probably when LZ was flaunting his recipe before KittenCon mk I
@Zem, that's funny. I always seem to get Deja Vu whenever I feel like I'm doing something that I've done before.
Interesting, I only typically get it when I'm doing something I feel like I've done before.
Seriously, though, I get pretty strong Deja Vu fairly often. Maybe only several times per year, but still, that can be quite a bit.
Not to mention I have the same Deja Vu over and over sometimes; I have Deja Deja Vu Vu! My record is one I think I had 13 times, 2 of those in dreams, in our family room even though the couches changed, all the rest of the furniture changed, we remodeled, and even took out the ceiling and let the ceiling be the roof! That room literally looks nothing like it did, but I had that one Deja Vu over probably 10 years sitting on the middle of a couch thinking about getting up, looking in a certain direction!
I often get Vuja De, that eerie feeling that you've never experienced anything like that before! ;)
How about Uv Ajed, the feeling that I'm living my life backwards?
We must all be really bored today. :-)
Dev Aju: the process of developing a new dish served "with juice"
Looks like that micro game is going to get funded after all.
I ache. I'm about to put the last dozen dragon eggs in the oven, though. I wasn't sure I'd finish them in time, but they'll be done with 2 hours to spare
Dang it, every day this week, just as I was finishing up to go to bed, I got caught up in the last minute and kept up till about 1, if not later!
Man, I was kind of upset about our UNL group here having a required trip saturday, so we can't go on the free Institute trip to Halle (birthplace of Händel, among many other things!), but now I think a calm weekend in which I can at least somewhat catch up on sleep is just what I need!
Plus catching up on youtube. I missed like 5 days of my subscription feed because of Prague, and it usually takes me as long as I was gone to catch up in my free time. (which is exciting and ironically helpful when I'm gone for a month or more in the summer, then have nothing better to do for the next month!)
Wait... Dragon Eggs? Man, LZ, I knew your cooking skills were legendary, but... not literally! ;)
Zem, I posted a couple pics of one on FB a month ago. Check it out
LZ, those look WAY too freaking amazing! Dangerously so; I'd gain a dozen pounds in as much time as it took to eat a dozen pounds' worth of those! Seems like the perfect weekend breakfast/brunch thing!
@LZ, don't heat those dragon eggs TOO much. You probably wouldn't want them to HATCH!
Morning kittens!
@LZ, so for those of us who don't FB, what is a dragon egg? Sounds amazballs!
OK, so now we're ALL going to need the recipe for Dragon Eggs! They look wonderful!
In case he doesn't get back on soon, just for the curious, they were like roast beef, egg, and spiced cream cheese in a pastry shell or something like that. Whatever they were, they looked like the perfect thing for a brunch, or really just any time!
Speaking of which, I wish I had some of LZ's hot sauce again! No reason in particular, it was just one of my favorite hot sauces ever and I wish I could have some more. Especially with some macaroni!
@Zem, how did you get the hot sauce? I pledged for it on KickStarter, but the campaign never funded, so I wasn't able to get it.
@CB, LZ was making a bunch up before he launched the ks, and a bunch of us paid him directly for it. He had made up three different types and I got three of each. The thing that makes his so special is he doesn't use vinegar, instead he uses citrus. So tasty, especially the Mad Cow on Mac 'n' Cheese! ;)
Sorry, should have been two of each. I should have gotten three... ;)
Wait, he did launch his KS? Did I know about this? I don't remember it, I thought he was about to launch it, but just then got diagnosed and put it on hold.
@Zem, lol, well you backed it... its in your backer history. ;)
Ah, hahaha, he did launch it, I just looked in my pledges and found it! Man, sometimes my memory is scary good, sometimes it just took a vacation for awhile.
In fact, I was the second backer! And maybe I didn't remember it so easily because he created a new account to launch it, so it's not on his profile.
BaKhan, just after I said that, I had the same idea and went to check. I should sort through my memory some day, I'd be amazed at the things I'd find! ;)
You think if we ask nicely, he'd send us all some more? Or... at least in the summer, when I'm back in the same hemisphere?
I say we dump some in city water supplies to get people hopelessly addicted, start the campaign back up with a half-million dollar goal, and watch it reach that in a few seconds! ;)
@Zem, LOL, That sounds like Slurm Sauce!
I had to add three m ore cards to the game.
Messy Baby: Produces Poop
Messy Adult: Produces Diarrhea
Oops!: Produces Spilled Product
I also Created a Blood card which will need to be activated when (if) there is a fight. We'll need to decide when/how this card comes into play.