Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-11T09:41:51-04:00
@BaKhan: I see my Peeps pagan sacrifices worked! *jk*
Seriously, I am so happy for you. I knew things would work out. Glad they are going to do the corrective surgery for Misty. I'd hate to see you guys not play in your band anymore.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-11T09:43:01-04:00
@GM: Is the "shop bitch" American? If so, he would have to wait until he was 66 to collect social security. (And this is another reason why I don't like big business)
@Geist: Nope, it's our shop here in Calgary. Some people can take early retirement(though the pension amount would be cut a bit), but at least give the guy something other than bare minimum.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-04-11T10:41:36-04:00
@GM, thank you sir! I just got the funds available last night, so I haven't even talked to the dealership yet. I didn't want to enter negotiations with my hat in my hand. Now that I have the money, I can dictate the terms, a much better position to be in, imo. And yes, muttering internally is always the safest route, I've just gotten used to quietly (very quietly, very occasionally) verbalizing them... ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-04-11T10:50:14-04:00
@Geist, thank you and the peeps for their brave and noble sacrifices on my behalf! ;) I'm very hopeful that this surgery for Misty will help her regain her confidence in singing again! That said, as the surgery isn't until September, I don't think we'll be playing this year at Halloween, you never know for sure, but I'm not counting on it. I do plan on spending this year, going deep on song writing though. Time to elevate my craft I think!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-11T12:26:39-04:00
@BaKhan: When will the party be this year? Don't know what my job situation will be like but I'd like to try to get there, if possible. I know that I will have to ask for that time off from my part time gig.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-04-11T12:37:09-04:00
@Geist, the party will be on the 27th of October this year. We would both be super excited to have you back again! Can't guarantee we'll let you go home though... ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-11T13:06:05-04:00
@BaKhan: Ha! Jokes on you! With Trump in power, I will most likely burrow into your basement and refuse to leave. ;-)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-04-11T13:26:28-04:00
@Geist, sounds good to me! Honestly, you are such a pure pleasure to have around! It always confuses the hell out of me that the folks you work with don't feel the same! We may need moar(!) of that fancy mumbo sauce though... ;)
Afternoon kittens. Well, I can stop packing for Chicago. I didn't get the assignment.
You'd think that if they're paying me to sit around on the bench they could come up with something that I didn't have to jump through hoops to "prove" that I am qualified. They liked my qualifications enough a year ago to hire me. Now nobody wants me if I don't have tons of Java, Agile, and Angular 2 experience and can pat my head and rub my belly at the same time.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-11T14:30:30-04:00
@BaKhan: Done! I will bring twice the amount this year.
The difference between your place and work is:
1. Because companies put people together based on their skill set, not how well they will work together. So if people are trying to get a promotion or a pay raise, they might not be so nice to each other.
2. Honestly, I'm such an introvert that it might put some people off. But I'm so socially awkward that I still might put people off.
Now in a social environment, I am a bit different. I tend to talk more, tell more jokes. There usually isn't any negativity when I go out to social events because everyone's goal is to have a good time. Not so in a work environment.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-11T14:33:30-04:00
@GM: Looks too much like a condom you can play with. No thanks.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-11T14:37:07-04:00
@CB: Cheer up. At least you are still getting your pay and benefits. I'm only getting a small full time check. I pray I don't get sick or hurt. The hospital bills would kill me.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-04-11T14:48:28-04:00
@GM, lol, well its unique I guess... but yeah, it looks way to much like a condom to me. Socially awkward at best... Those pics are hilarious too, the one where its just draped over a tree branch, so random! ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-04-11T14:52:40-04:00
@CB, sorry that one didn't pan out for you! I know that you were fairly keen on Chicago. I'm hoping that something comes up in your area, saving you the stress of moving! Honestly, I'd rather have someone older with more practical problem solving skills than some greenhorn fresh out of school. You get what you pay for, and you can never pay enough for experience! I wish more companies would see and recognize this. Fingers crossed that something worthwhile comes your way soon!
Mike Kabala 2018-04-11T15:05:05-04:00
@Geist yeah. A little bit of perspective goes a long way. The way I was stressing out about the move, I should be glad the position fell through. Right now, I'm being submitted for a position in Durham NC. It would still be a relocation to a city where I don't know anyone.
Mike Kabala 2018-04-11T15:33:35-04:00
Thanks for the kind words @BK. It's refreshing to see that some people value experience over resume stuffing. The darling children of software development right now are Java, Agile, and Angular 2/4/5. If you don't have these, nobody wants to talk to you any more.
... "Angular, Schmangular! Back when I was your age, we had to use GOTO statements to get anything done, and we LIKED it! ... young whippers-nappers think they know everything ..."
Mike Kabala 2018-04-11T15:43:32-04:00
LOL, whipper-nappers instead of whipper-snappers. I can't even blame that one on spell check because I have that turned off.
If God had intended us to use spell checkers, he'd have programmed it into our DNA. Then again, spell checker sounds like a job title for an employee of Hogwart's Academy.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-04-11T16:55:58-04:00
Wow, sorry, got caught up in a new game I got and other stuff!
Wow, BaKhan, so much great news to start off the day! Congratulations on both accounts! Glad to be part of the large group of friends hoping and praying for you throughout this time!
Also, dagnabbit, the 27th of October? Even if I was able to make it otherwise to the party this year for once, that's my little brother's birthday, the 21st this year at that! I definitely can't miss that, so looks like yet again I'll have to miss out on the notorious festivities!
Ah well, either way, this means all of my family will be over 21 now! It'll be a crazy party when finally everyone in my family can drink! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-04-11T17:06:34-04:00
Well that was certainly... one of the more interesting things I've seen in awhile. It's like they discovered the world's most ineffective condom, and decided to repurpose it as something to just play with or something, they weren't entirely convinced of what it could do either!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-04-11T17:45:06-04:00
@Zem, thank you! Also, the annual party is always the last Saturday before Halloween, which tends to work out the best for our extended group of friends. There are years where we do have less people overall because of it though. I'd also just like to let you know, that anytime of year, you were looking to get away to a cooler climate, you are more than welcome! As cool as it would be to have you up for the big party, there would be way more time, and therefore things we could do any other time. Before the party we're in full blown prep mode, and after we are typically in no shape to do much for a couple of days. At 43 I can not party like I did at 23 thats for sure... ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-04-11T18:00:05-04:00
BaKhan, well I'll only be 22 later next month, so I've still got my prime partying year ahead of me! ;)
Thanks, though! I really wish it were easier to go up there, it seems like it should be pretty easy to visit since you're not really *that* far away, but even with that first KittenCon, I had 2 different plans to make it there for that party, and both fell through just before. But I'd love to help set the party up! Or at least be there the day of, but I guess it just isn't meant to be; 3rd time's not the charm I hoped it'd be. Maybe next year, though!
Mike Kabala 2018-04-11T18:01:46-04:00
@GM, I have gone back to my favorite fidget: knitting.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-12T07:09:23-04:00
Morning kittens!
Today the temp is suppose to go as high as 75 degrees. Unfortunately, I was looking at the weather counter on my phone this morning and it said that it was 37 degrees outside so I wore my coat coming into work. Big mistake. Now I will have to carry it in my arms when I leave for home today. Might actually just keep it here and take it home on Friday.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-04-12T09:19:46-04:00
Morning kittens.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-04-12T09:24:29-04:00
So after dealing with the car dealership, I will have my vehicle back by this time next week, so I can finally stop hemorrhaging money on this darned rental. I will be so thankful to just put this whole event behind me, and hopefully move forward into a much more positive place. The stress has been soul crushing.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-12T09:40:44-04:00
Congrats BaKhan. I knew things would work out for you.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-04-12T10:57:25-04:00
That's great news, BaKhan, congrats! So glad it all worked out in the end!
Mike Kabala 2018-04-12T12:11:13-04:00
Good day kittens.
Mike Kabala 2018-04-12T17:22:40-04:00
Why is it that the pharmacies won't let me fill my prescriptions at my convenience? I'm not some drug seeking opioid user. I'm having severe withdrawal symptoms and they won't let me process a refill on one of my meds until tomorrow! Is this the US method of population control at work?
Lord Zombitten 2018-04-12T18:39:02-04:00
CB, I think it is.
I've also gotten back into knitting. I'm making an ugly Christmas sweater. It's a really big project. I currently have 4 strands of yarn feeding into the project. It will likely climb to 7 or 8 before I'm done.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-13T07:59:59-04:00
Morning kittens.
I'm pretty sure this company that I'm temping at isn't going to hire me. I've gotten less and less work to do this week and yesterday, I hardly any work at all. So it's back to the job hunting for me. Hopefully I can find something before this place gives me the boot.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-13T08:46:21-04:00
@Geist, I'm sorry to hear that! Here's hoping something much better for you is just around the corner!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-04-13T09:00:31-04:00
@Geist, oh I know that there's a new Zombicide. I'm thankful that I don't really care for the look of this new one, or I might have been upset to have to miss it. Certainly can't afford to drop $500 on a board game right now...
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-13T09:19:40-04:00
@BaKhan: I was looking at it. All those miniature details. I just don't see how you can paint on such a small scale. Makes my eyes hurt just to think about it. Even with a magnifying glass, I would struggle with the tiny brushes and models.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-04-13T09:38:13-04:00
@Geist, I think its like most hobbies, it seems intimidating until you have an idea of what you're doing. I've been painting minis for almost 30 years now... dang, like that didn't make me feel old all of a sudden... ;) I find my eyes can snap in and out of deep focus pretty easily, but the length of time that I can do that for has gone down. I'm actually painting a copy of the XCOM board game for a friend right now, and he's willing to pay $100 for it, so it can pay off too!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-13T10:06:56-04:00
@BaKhan: Wow. Your hobby pays well. I'm not skilled enough in my other interest to make money off of them. I'm still interested in improving my sewing skills. I just have to have the time and a steady job so that I can pay for classes.
Mike Kabala 2018-04-13T11:10:38-04:00
Morning kittens.
@LZ, with that many strands at once, I'm guessing it's a fair isle project?
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-13T11:49:30-04:00
@Geist, exactly! BTW, sewing would be another of those "life skills."
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-13T12:16:59-04:00
@CB: I'm trying to learn it. I took a sewing boot camp class last year. Made some pj pants that have a sugar skull design on them. There is a fabric store that teaches sewing. If I can get a stable job (and before I start school) I would love to take some of their courses.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-04-13T12:29:38-04:00
Sewing is one of those skills that I picked up a long time ago, back when I was sure that I'd be living alone for the rest of my life... ;) Still use it to this day though. I don't sew from patterns or anything, although I certainly can. I normally just do alterations, hemming, etc. I've got a fairly decent singer sewing machine and can make it do what I want. It even has some limited surging patterns that it can do.
Mike Kabala 2018-04-13T12:39:02-04:00
@BK, I believe you mean "serging."
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-04-13T13:02:37-04:00
Wow, suddenly my life has way more things to do than there's time for. I have normal assignments, yet another major project due tuesday-ish, a day-trip to Dresden that will take almost all of tomorrow, a huge and really important test next friday to prepare for, and most of all, a new game I just got that's blowing my mind and all I really want to do is stick my head in that world and never leave!
I really wish I could give some of this stuff to me from those times when there's absolutely nothing to do.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-04-13T13:39:00-04:00
@CB, you're not wrong... ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-13T14:05:34-04:00
@BaKhan: I want to learn to sew because fashion for larger women is usually heavy on the matronly side, the cut doesn't fit my shape or it does but they want $50 for one blouse. Rather just make my own wardrobe and custom make my own stuff.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-04-13T14:55:01-04:00
@Geist, lol, what you don't want to rock a moo-moo all the time? I totally get that. I don't know how many lessons you would actually need to take though. Normally, you just get a pattern from the store that you like, adjust as required, pin it to the material, cut it out, pin the material together and start sewing. Slow and steady to start, as you get more comfortable you can ramp up the speed. Really, on my part it wasn't lessons, just time in practicing.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-13T15:02:10-04:00
@BaKhan: But you have to learn how to make the garment fit you so measuring and doing it right is important. Plus, you don't want it to look "homemade" which is where a serger comes in. The pj pants that I have are actually too big for me but since I'm not going to wear them outside, I'm not disappointed they don't fit for my first sewing project.
Lord Zombitten 2018-04-13T15:10:28-04:00
@CB, it's actually a custom look. I found a pattern that I liked for a solid-colored cardigan, figured out exactly how many stitches would go into it, printed a grid, and started coloring squares. So far, it has two white stripes along the bottom with little zombie heads between them. Above the top white stripe, there are biohazard signs on either side of a zombie Santa face
Lord Zombitten 2018-04-13T15:11:25-04:00
I did know about the new Zombicide game. I don't have the money or the space for it right now, though
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-13T15:22:13-04:00
And for the record, some of the dresses I wore when I was a younger woman was kinda moo-mooish. Kinda hard to find a one piece dress that will fit my flesh rack.
Lord Zombitten 2018-04-13T18:08:43-04:00
So the app won't let me follow links. When I tried to get into the project via my mobile browser, it redirected me to the app! GAAAH!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-04-16T08:58:07-04:00
Morning kittens. 4-6 inches of the wet sticky stuff in the forecast for today... what a lovely spring...
@CB: A good 90% of the staff that are supposed to be at this one don't have company laptops, or access to their work emails, while at home. I do have a company laptop...but damn it, my weekend is my own time!
Mike Kabala 2018-04-16T10:15:09-04:00
I love the commercial that was on a while ago where a woman is in bed and her boss is there saying, "I just sent you a text and I need you to respond before you wake up."
We need clear boundaries between work time and personal time. If a person is "on call" they need to give you comp time off.
Well, that was a meeting that could have been sent out in an email...all to say "hey, we've been bought by this investor group, so we are operating under their umbrella, nothing is really changing other than shorter reporting times".
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-04-16T11:54:28-04:00
As for cubsubcorps, sadly, I don't think it's seen much use at all for some time now. I'd hate to see it simply go, though, maybe save a screenshot and put it on the kittencorps or something to remember it by. But yeah, unfortunately, so far as I know, there's no reason to keep it around if it costs something. Good memories though!
Mike Kabala 2018-04-16T12:27:31-04:00
@Zem, it's just the domain name that's expiring. The actual content is still being hosted on the kittencorps server, so if you know the subdirectory, ( you can still get there.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-04-16T13:02:30-04:00
Awesome, then, I didn't know it was actually a separate page on the same website registered to its own domain. In that case, yeah, there's almost certainly no reason to still host its own name, just let it live on archived on the major site.
Lord Zombitten 2018-04-16T15:47:31-04:00
Well, today's the day, and I'm anxious as can be. The bad apple that I tried to get permission to fire a few weeks ago has finally run out of chances. She's getting fired today, and I am super nervous about the whole thing. I hate having to do things like this, but it's better to not have her around.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-04-16T16:36:55-04:00
@LZ, I know how hard that is for you to have to do, best of luck with it bro! Sorry that person put you in this situation!
Lord Zombitten 2018-04-16T16:58:31-04:00
Thanks. It's time. Wish me luck!
Lord Zombitten 2018-04-16T17:18:55-04:00
It's done.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-04-16T17:33:21-04:00
@LZ, Hope it wasn't too bad for you!
Lord Zombitten 2018-04-16T17:41:04-04:00
It was certainly a lot better than it could have been
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-04-16T17:56:52-04:00
Well at least there's that then, now you can head home and hopefully forget about it for a while!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-04-17T06:58:35-04:00
LZ, I'm glad it went smoothly. I know how you feel, even when they absolutely shouldn't be there anymore, it's just not easy to be the one to tell them they have to go. At least things are usually much smoother once it's done.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-04-17T06:59:39-04:00
Kind of similar with me, I was super anxious because of a presentation I wasn't prepared for, my least prepared and well-made one yet. Just basic presenting for me is tough, but it went fairly smoothly (about as easily critiqued as I'd expected), and is now done.
I bring that up because this entire week was stressful for 3 reasons: 2 tests (one very important) and the presentation. Now one test and that are done, just the big one to look forward to on friday!
It's alot nicer to be able to focus on just one thing coming up, even if it'll be the hardest and most important, and isn't something like presenting.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-04-17T09:16:12-04:00
Morning kittens.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-04-17T09:17:18-04:00
@Zem, glad your presentation went well. Best of luck with your upcoming test! You must be getting close to done for the semester yeah?
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-17T09:48:53-04:00
Morning kittens.
This has not been a good weekend. On Friday, I lost my wallet. My whole life was in there. All of my bank cards, loyalty cards and ID. The really bad part, I was going to a commercial tax filing business so I had my SS card in there as well. The last time I remember holding my wallet, was at the grocery store when I went to purchase lunch for the weekend. I didn't discover my wallet gone until the next morning and by then I was out of time to do a through search because I had to go to work. I keep calling the bank and checking my balance. No one had tried to use the cards so I'm thinking that my wallet is somewhere in my apartment. I tore my apartment apart searching but couldn't find it. It's a good thing I'm old fashioned and keep a piggy bank full of change. It was all I had to use to get to and from my part time job.
I still haven't found it and I think I lost it in the cab I took going home. I suspect the cabbie threw it away because I didn't leave a big enough tip. Either way, it's not just the fact that I'm now vulnerable to identity thief but it's stuff in the wallet that I can't replace. Like the business card from the woman who gave me a homemade piece of jewelry she made that was from a beach in Australia. I was going to contact her when I visited there to take a picture on the beach where she got part of the necklace from. There was the recipe for a Pussycat Martini that one of my favorite bartenders gave me. There were other business cards that I lost as well that I don't think I can get back.
I know. It was stupid to carry around all that stuff and I should have backed them up or at least keep the cards at home. Bone headed thing to do on my part. I could just kick myself for doing it.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-04-17T09:57:50-04:00
@Geist, I'm so sorry to hear that! I can only imagine how stressed out you must feel! I know I would lose my sh*t if I lost my wallet! Have you tried calling the cab company? I really hope that they might still have it, or maybe its wedged in between the seats (and not just stolen). Here's hoping that its only misplaced/lost and you'll get it back soon!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-17T10:00:43-04:00
@BaKhan: I called the driver and he said he would look but he never called back. I don't think I was the only passenger he picked up that night and the fact that there wasn't any activity on my bank cards tells me, it's either lost because someone threw it away or it's hidden in my apartment and there are only so many places to look there since I'm in a studio.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-04-17T10:07:36-04:00
BaKhan, actually I'll be staying into the summer, until the end of June! Though yeah, for the people just here for the semester, this is their last week. I'll be here yet 10 more. Wow, I'm already 3/5 of my way through my half year here!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-04-17T10:10:15-04:00
@Geist, I'd still give the cab company a call, and let them know that the driver had never called you back. Its worth the call! Maybe give the grocery store where you last had your wallet a call as well. There are still good people in the world, I'm hoping one of them may have turned your wallet in.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-04-17T10:11:39-04:00
@Zem, well I'm happy for you! I'm sure these are times that will stay with you for the rest of your life! Make some memories!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-17T10:14:59-04:00
@BaKhan: I not only called the grocery store, I visited them yesterday to see if someone turned my wallet in. No dice. I'm going to call the driver and contact Uber to see if it was turned in. This has stressed me out to the point that I'm not getting much sleep.
Mike Kabala 2018-04-17T10:56:20-04:00
Morning kittens. Looks like an active day here today.
Mike Kabala 2018-04-17T11:03:49-04:00
@Geist, I don't want to sound preachy, but have you prayed about finding the wallet? I remember a time last year when I left my cell phone in . public restroom. When I discovered it missing, I began praying about it and when I got back to the convenience store where I had left it, it was still there in the restroom. I can't remember the number of times I'v lost phone, keys, wallet, etc. and was able to find them again after I prayed.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-17T11:22:14-04:00
@CB: Actually, I have thought about praying. Didn't think the creator would care since there are so many other pressing issues. "You want me to help you find a wallet and there are people starving in other parts of the world?! Pffft!"
Lord Zombitten 2018-04-17T12:25:26-04:00
@Geist, Matthew 10:29-31. I take this to mean that God considers sparrows important enough to notice when they are injured or die, and yet all the people on Earth are so much more important. The lesson Jesus was giving is that if it's important to you, it's important to Him. Yeah, there's poverty, natural disasters, war, etc., but if your whole livelihood was in that wallet, there's no reason to think that He won't help you find it, just because someone else has it worse.
I hope and pray that you can find it.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-04-18T08:48:34-04:00
Morning kittens. So today is the day! I'm supposed to be able to pick up my Journey today. Finally I can stop hemorrhaging money on this dang rental ($40 a day). For what its worth, I strongly recommend none of you ever buy a Chrysler 300s. Its not very sporty, its not very luxury, its like it doesn't even know what it is, but it hits every bump in the road as hard as it can... I will not miss driving this thing thats for sure.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-18T09:22:22-04:00
Morning kittens. I have prayed for the return/finding of my wallet. Hope I get it back.
Congrats BaKhan. Glad you get your car back. Bet it will feel wonderful to drive something familiar again.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-18T17:04:31-04:00
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-04-18T17:43:56-04:00
All the rest of the ones they mentioned definitely sound worth the trip!
Who even knew iguanas had enough meat to make a burger?!
Oh yeah, did I mention when I was in Hamburg, I of course had to get a hamburger? So that's off my bucket list now!
Next up: eating good food in Essen, Germany. Or in German, "Gutes Essen in Essen essen"!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-04-18T17:46:11-04:00
I love how when very literally translated, it sounds like "good eat in Eat to eat".
I love to food good food in Food!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-04-19T08:25:19-04:00
@BaKhan: I see my Peeps pagan sacrifices worked! *jk*
Seriously, I am so happy for you. I knew things would work out. Glad they are going to do the corrective surgery for Misty. I'd hate to see you guys not play in your band anymore.
@GM: Is the "shop bitch" American? If so, he would have to wait until he was 66 to collect social security. (And this is another reason why I don't like big business)
@Geist: Nope, it's our shop here in Calgary. Some people can take early retirement(though the pension amount would be cut a bit), but at least give the guy something other than bare minimum.
@GM, thank you sir! I just got the funds available last night, so I haven't even talked to the dealership yet. I didn't want to enter negotiations with my hat in my hand. Now that I have the money, I can dictate the terms, a much better position to be in, imo. And yes, muttering internally is always the safest route, I've just gotten used to quietly (very quietly, very occasionally) verbalizing them... ;)
@Geist, thank you and the peeps for their brave and noble sacrifices on my behalf! ;) I'm very hopeful that this surgery for Misty will help her regain her confidence in singing again! That said, as the surgery isn't until September, I don't think we'll be playing this year at Halloween, you never know for sure, but I'm not counting on it. I do plan on spending this year, going deep on song writing though. Time to elevate my craft I think!
@BaKhan: When will the party be this year? Don't know what my job situation will be like but I'd like to try to get there, if possible. I know that I will have to ask for that time off from my part time gig.
@Geist, the party will be on the 27th of October this year. We would both be super excited to have you back again! Can't guarantee we'll let you go home though... ;)
@BaKhan: Ha! Jokes on you! With Trump in power, I will most likely burrow into your basement and refuse to leave. ;-)
@Geist, sounds good to me! Honestly, you are such a pure pleasure to have around! It always confuses the hell out of me that the folks you work with don't feel the same! We may need moar(!) of that fancy mumbo sauce though... ;)
...I may have found the most interesting product on KS. It definitely...looks...interesting.…
Afternoon kittens. Well, I can stop packing for Chicago. I didn't get the assignment.
You'd think that if they're paying me to sit around on the bench they could come up with something that I didn't have to jump through hoops to "prove" that I am qualified. They liked my qualifications enough a year ago to hire me. Now nobody wants me if I don't have tons of Java, Agile, and Angular 2 experience and can pat my head and rub my belly at the same time.
@BaKhan: Done! I will bring twice the amount this year.
The difference between your place and work is:
1. Because companies put people together based on their skill set, not how well they will work together. So if people are trying to get a promotion or a pay raise, they might not be so nice to each other.
2. Honestly, I'm such an introvert that it might put some people off. But I'm so socially awkward that I still might put people off.
Now in a social environment, I am a bit different. I tend to talk more, tell more jokes. There usually isn't any negativity when I go out to social events because everyone's goal is to have a good time. Not so in a work environment.
@GM: Looks too much like a condom you can play with. No thanks.
@CB: Cheer up. At least you are still getting your pay and benefits. I'm only getting a small full time check. I pray I don't get sick or hurt. The hospital bills would kill me.
@GM, lol, well its unique I guess... but yeah, it looks way to much like a condom to me. Socially awkward at best... Those pics are hilarious too, the one where its just draped over a tree branch, so random! ;)
@CB, sorry that one didn't pan out for you! I know that you were fairly keen on Chicago. I'm hoping that something comes up in your area, saving you the stress of moving! Honestly, I'd rather have someone older with more practical problem solving skills than some greenhorn fresh out of school. You get what you pay for, and you can never pay enough for experience! I wish more companies would see and recognize this. Fingers crossed that something worthwhile comes your way soon!
@Geist yeah. A little bit of perspective goes a long way. The way I was stressing out about the move, I should be glad the position fell through. Right now, I'm being submitted for a position in Durham NC. It would still be a relocation to a city where I don't know anyone.
Thanks for the kind words @BK. It's refreshing to see that some people value experience over resume stuffing. The darling children of software development right now are Java, Agile, and Angular 2/4/5. If you don't have these, nobody wants to talk to you any more.
... "Angular, Schmangular! Back when I was your age, we had to use GOTO statements to get anything done, and we LIKED it! ... young whippers-nappers think they know everything ..."
LOL, whipper-nappers instead of whipper-snappers. I can't even blame that one on spell check because I have that turned off.
If God had intended us to use spell checkers, he'd have programmed it into our DNA. Then again, spell checker sounds like a job title for an employee of Hogwart's Academy.
Wow, sorry, got caught up in a new game I got and other stuff!
Wow, BaKhan, so much great news to start off the day! Congratulations on both accounts! Glad to be part of the large group of friends hoping and praying for you throughout this time!
Also, dagnabbit, the 27th of October? Even if I was able to make it otherwise to the party this year for once, that's my little brother's birthday, the 21st this year at that! I definitely can't miss that, so looks like yet again I'll have to miss out on the notorious festivities!
Ah well, either way, this means all of my family will be over 21 now! It'll be a crazy party when finally everyone in my family can drink! ;)
Well that was certainly... one of the more interesting things I've seen in awhile. It's like they discovered the world's most ineffective condom, and decided to repurpose it as something to just play with or something, they weren't entirely convinced of what it could do either!
@Zem, thank you! Also, the annual party is always the last Saturday before Halloween, which tends to work out the best for our extended group of friends. There are years where we do have less people overall because of it though. I'd also just like to let you know, that anytime of year, you were looking to get away to a cooler climate, you are more than welcome! As cool as it would be to have you up for the big party, there would be way more time, and therefore things we could do any other time. Before the party we're in full blown prep mode, and after we are typically in no shape to do much for a couple of days. At 43 I can not party like I did at 23 thats for sure... ;)
BaKhan, well I'll only be 22 later next month, so I've still got my prime partying year ahead of me! ;)
Thanks, though! I really wish it were easier to go up there, it seems like it should be pretty easy to visit since you're not really *that* far away, but even with that first KittenCon, I had 2 different plans to make it there for that party, and both fell through just before. But I'd love to help set the party up! Or at least be there the day of, but I guess it just isn't meant to be; 3rd time's not the charm I hoped it'd be. Maybe next year, though!
@GM, I have gone back to my favorite fidget: knitting.
Morning kittens!
Today the temp is suppose to go as high as 75 degrees. Unfortunately, I was looking at the weather counter on my phone this morning and it said that it was 37 degrees outside so I wore my coat coming into work. Big mistake. Now I will have to carry it in my arms when I leave for home today. Might actually just keep it here and take it home on Friday.
Morning kittens.
So after dealing with the car dealership, I will have my vehicle back by this time next week, so I can finally stop hemorrhaging money on this darned rental. I will be so thankful to just put this whole event behind me, and hopefully move forward into a much more positive place. The stress has been soul crushing.
Congrats BaKhan. I knew things would work out for you.
That's great news, BaKhan, congrats! So glad it all worked out in the end!
Good day kittens.
Why is it that the pharmacies won't let me fill my prescriptions at my convenience? I'm not some drug seeking opioid user. I'm having severe withdrawal symptoms and they won't let me process a refill on one of my meds until tomorrow! Is this the US method of population control at work?
CB, I think it is.
I've also gotten back into knitting. I'm making an ugly Christmas sweater. It's a really big project. I currently have 4 strands of yarn feeding into the project. It will likely climb to 7 or 8 before I'm done.
Morning kittens.
I'm pretty sure this company that I'm temping at isn't going to hire me. I've gotten less and less work to do this week and yesterday, I hardly any work at all. So it's back to the job hunting for me. Hopefully I can find something before this place gives me the boot.
Did you guys know there is another Zombicide game?…
Morning kittens.
@Geist, I'm sorry to hear that! Here's hoping something much better for you is just around the corner!
@Geist, oh I know that there's a new Zombicide. I'm thankful that I don't really care for the look of this new one, or I might have been upset to have to miss it. Certainly can't afford to drop $500 on a board game right now...
@BaKhan: I was looking at it. All those miniature details. I just don't see how you can paint on such a small scale. Makes my eyes hurt just to think about it. Even with a magnifying glass, I would struggle with the tiny brushes and models.
@Geist, I think its like most hobbies, it seems intimidating until you have an idea of what you're doing. I've been painting minis for almost 30 years now... dang, like that didn't make me feel old all of a sudden... ;) I find my eyes can snap in and out of deep focus pretty easily, but the length of time that I can do that for has gone down. I'm actually painting a copy of the XCOM board game for a friend right now, and he's willing to pay $100 for it, so it can pay off too!
@BaKhan: Wow. Your hobby pays well. I'm not skilled enough in my other interest to make money off of them. I'm still interested in improving my sewing skills. I just have to have the time and a steady job so that I can pay for classes.
Morning kittens.
@LZ, with that many strands at once, I'm guessing it's a fair isle project?
@CB & LZ: I think you both would like this.
@Geist, exactly! BTW, sewing would be another of those "life skills."
@CB: I'm trying to learn it. I took a sewing boot camp class last year. Made some pj pants that have a sugar skull design on them. There is a fabric store that teaches sewing. If I can get a stable job (and before I start school) I would love to take some of their courses.
Sewing is one of those skills that I picked up a long time ago, back when I was sure that I'd be living alone for the rest of my life... ;) Still use it to this day though. I don't sew from patterns or anything, although I certainly can. I normally just do alterations, hemming, etc. I've got a fairly decent singer sewing machine and can make it do what I want. It even has some limited surging patterns that it can do.
@BK, I believe you mean "serging."
Wow, suddenly my life has way more things to do than there's time for. I have normal assignments, yet another major project due tuesday-ish, a day-trip to Dresden that will take almost all of tomorrow, a huge and really important test next friday to prepare for, and most of all, a new game I just got that's blowing my mind and all I really want to do is stick my head in that world and never leave!
I really wish I could give some of this stuff to me from those times when there's absolutely nothing to do.
@CB, you're not wrong... ;)
@BaKhan: I want to learn to sew because fashion for larger women is usually heavy on the matronly side, the cut doesn't fit my shape or it does but they want $50 for one blouse. Rather just make my own wardrobe and custom make my own stuff.
@Geist, lol, what you don't want to rock a moo-moo all the time? I totally get that. I don't know how many lessons you would actually need to take though. Normally, you just get a pattern from the store that you like, adjust as required, pin it to the material, cut it out, pin the material together and start sewing. Slow and steady to start, as you get more comfortable you can ramp up the speed. Really, on my part it wasn't lessons, just time in practicing.
@BaKhan: But you have to learn how to make the garment fit you so measuring and doing it right is important. Plus, you don't want it to look "homemade" which is where a serger comes in. The pj pants that I have are actually too big for me but since I'm not going to wear them outside, I'm not disappointed they don't fit for my first sewing project.
@CB, it's actually a custom look. I found a pattern that I liked for a solid-colored cardigan, figured out exactly how many stitches would go into it, printed a grid, and started coloring squares. So far, it has two white stripes along the bottom with little zombie heads between them. Above the top white stripe, there are biohazard signs on either side of a zombie Santa face
I did know about the new Zombicide game. I don't have the money or the space for it right now, though
And for the record, some of the dresses I wore when I was a younger woman was kinda moo-mooish. Kinda hard to find a one piece dress that will fit my flesh rack.
So the app won't let me follow links. When I tried to get into the project via my mobile browser, it redirected me to the app! GAAAH!
Morning kittens. 4-6 inches of the wet sticky stuff in the forecast for today... what a lovely spring...
Morning kittens.
Nothing like coming in on a Monday and having a team meeting at 8:30am...that the invite for was sent out on Sun at 3:15pm.
Morning kittens.
Does anyone still use It's set to expire in June.
@GM, I hear ya. I just missed a town hall meeting that started at 5:30 AM.
@CB: A good 90% of the staff that are supposed to be at this one don't have company laptops, or access to their work emails, while at home. I do have a company laptop...but damn it, my weekend is my own time!
I love the commercial that was on a while ago where a woman is in bed and her boss is there saying, "I just sent you a text and I need you to respond before you wake up."
We need clear boundaries between work time and personal time. If a person is "on call" they need to give you comp time off.
Well, that was a meeting that could have been sent out in an email...all to say "hey, we've been bought by this investor group, so we are operating under their umbrella, nothing is really changing other than shorter reporting times".
As for cubsubcorps, sadly, I don't think it's seen much use at all for some time now. I'd hate to see it simply go, though, maybe save a screenshot and put it on the kittencorps or something to remember it by. But yeah, unfortunately, so far as I know, there's no reason to keep it around if it costs something. Good memories though!
@Zem, it's just the domain name that's expiring. The actual content is still being hosted on the kittencorps server, so if you know the subdirectory, ( you can still get there.
Awesome, then, I didn't know it was actually a separate page on the same website registered to its own domain. In that case, yeah, there's almost certainly no reason to still host its own name, just let it live on archived on the major site.
Well, today's the day, and I'm anxious as can be. The bad apple that I tried to get permission to fire a few weeks ago has finally run out of chances. She's getting fired today, and I am super nervous about the whole thing. I hate having to do things like this, but it's better to not have her around.
@LZ, I know how hard that is for you to have to do, best of luck with it bro! Sorry that person put you in this situation!
Thanks. It's time. Wish me luck!
It's done.
@LZ, Hope it wasn't too bad for you!
It was certainly a lot better than it could have been
Well at least there's that then, now you can head home and hopefully forget about it for a while!
LZ, I'm glad it went smoothly. I know how you feel, even when they absolutely shouldn't be there anymore, it's just not easy to be the one to tell them they have to go. At least things are usually much smoother once it's done.
Kind of similar with me, I was super anxious because of a presentation I wasn't prepared for, my least prepared and well-made one yet. Just basic presenting for me is tough, but it went fairly smoothly (about as easily critiqued as I'd expected), and is now done.
I bring that up because this entire week was stressful for 3 reasons: 2 tests (one very important) and the presentation. Now one test and that are done, just the big one to look forward to on friday!
It's alot nicer to be able to focus on just one thing coming up, even if it'll be the hardest and most important, and isn't something like presenting.
Morning kittens.
@Zem, glad your presentation went well. Best of luck with your upcoming test! You must be getting close to done for the semester yeah?
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens.
This has not been a good weekend. On Friday, I lost my wallet. My whole life was in there. All of my bank cards, loyalty cards and ID. The really bad part, I was going to a commercial tax filing business so I had my SS card in there as well. The last time I remember holding my wallet, was at the grocery store when I went to purchase lunch for the weekend. I didn't discover my wallet gone until the next morning and by then I was out of time to do a through search because I had to go to work. I keep calling the bank and checking my balance. No one had tried to use the cards so I'm thinking that my wallet is somewhere in my apartment. I tore my apartment apart searching but couldn't find it. It's a good thing I'm old fashioned and keep a piggy bank full of change. It was all I had to use to get to and from my part time job.
I still haven't found it and I think I lost it in the cab I took going home. I suspect the cabbie threw it away because I didn't leave a big enough tip. Either way, it's not just the fact that I'm now vulnerable to identity thief but it's stuff in the wallet that I can't replace. Like the business card from the woman who gave me a homemade piece of jewelry she made that was from a beach in Australia. I was going to contact her when I visited there to take a picture on the beach where she got part of the necklace from. There was the recipe for a Pussycat Martini that one of my favorite bartenders gave me. There were other business cards that I lost as well that I don't think I can get back.
I know. It was stupid to carry around all that stuff and I should have backed them up or at least keep the cards at home. Bone headed thing to do on my part. I could just kick myself for doing it.
@Geist, I'm so sorry to hear that! I can only imagine how stressed out you must feel! I know I would lose my sh*t if I lost my wallet! Have you tried calling the cab company? I really hope that they might still have it, or maybe its wedged in between the seats (and not just stolen). Here's hoping that its only misplaced/lost and you'll get it back soon!
@BaKhan: I called the driver and he said he would look but he never called back. I don't think I was the only passenger he picked up that night and the fact that there wasn't any activity on my bank cards tells me, it's either lost because someone threw it away or it's hidden in my apartment and there are only so many places to look there since I'm in a studio.
BaKhan, actually I'll be staying into the summer, until the end of June! Though yeah, for the people just here for the semester, this is their last week. I'll be here yet 10 more. Wow, I'm already 3/5 of my way through my half year here!
@Geist, I'd still give the cab company a call, and let them know that the driver had never called you back. Its worth the call! Maybe give the grocery store where you last had your wallet a call as well. There are still good people in the world, I'm hoping one of them may have turned your wallet in.
@Zem, well I'm happy for you! I'm sure these are times that will stay with you for the rest of your life! Make some memories!
@BaKhan: I not only called the grocery store, I visited them yesterday to see if someone turned my wallet in. No dice. I'm going to call the driver and contact Uber to see if it was turned in. This has stressed me out to the point that I'm not getting much sleep.
Morning kittens. Looks like an active day here today.
@Geist, I don't want to sound preachy, but have you prayed about finding the wallet? I remember a time last year when I left my cell phone in . public restroom. When I discovered it missing, I began praying about it and when I got back to the convenience store where I had left it, it was still there in the restroom. I can't remember the number of times I'v lost phone, keys, wallet, etc. and was able to find them again after I prayed.
@CB: Actually, I have thought about praying. Didn't think the creator would care since there are so many other pressing issues. "You want me to help you find a wallet and there are people starving in other parts of the world?! Pffft!"
@Geist, Matthew 10:29-31. I take this to mean that God considers sparrows important enough to notice when they are injured or die, and yet all the people on Earth are so much more important. The lesson Jesus was giving is that if it's important to you, it's important to Him. Yeah, there's poverty, natural disasters, war, etc., but if your whole livelihood was in that wallet, there's no reason to think that He won't help you find it, just because someone else has it worse.
I hope and pray that you can find it.
Morning kittens. So today is the day! I'm supposed to be able to pick up my Journey today. Finally I can stop hemorrhaging money on this dang rental ($40 a day). For what its worth, I strongly recommend none of you ever buy a Chrysler 300s. Its not very sporty, its not very luxury, its like it doesn't even know what it is, but it hits every bump in the road as hard as it can... I will not miss driving this thing thats for sure.
Morning kittens. I have prayed for the return/finding of my wallet. Hope I get it back.
Congrats BaKhan. Glad you get your car back. Bet it will feel wonderful to drive something familiar again.
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens. @Geist, I am also praying that your wallet will be returned. @BK, glad to hear that your car situation is finally getting resolved.
@BaKhan: That is good news.
@Geist: Hopefully it turns up soon. I've not had to replace cards that are in my wallet, but from people I know it can be a really big hassle.
BaKhan, that's great, so glad that epic is finally coming to an end!
I saw this article and thought of CB.
Hmm... Durham is only three hours away ...
All the rest of the ones they mentioned definitely sound worth the trip!
Who even knew iguanas had enough meat to make a burger?!
Oh yeah, did I mention when I was in Hamburg, I of course had to get a hamburger? So that's off my bucket list now!
Next up: eating good food in Essen, Germany. Or in German, "Gutes Essen in Essen essen"!
I love how when very literally translated, it sounds like "good eat in Eat to eat".
I love to food good food in Food!
Morning kittens.