Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-29T10:33:14-04:00
Morning kittens.
I had a long and weird weekend. Long story short:
I had submitted my resignation to the original pt job and had every intention to quit but the manager blew enough quality smoke up my butt so that he convinced me to stick around until June 23rd.
I started the 2nd pt job this past weekend and I have to say, it's pretty laid back. Really not much to do most of the time except make sure that only home owners enter the building. I figured out how to log into the WiFi and half way through my shift, I was watching Netflix on my phone. The gig is located near some night clubs and the amount of female half naked flesh that was on display was staggering. An emergency happened on my 2nd night there and when I called to let the manager and dispatch know, they complimented me on my handling of the situation. Was a pain in the ass to write the report up though.
So I survived working two 16 hour shifts this weekend with only 6 hours of sleep thanks to a generous cup of cold brewed Deathwish coffee. Coffee usually doesn't have an effect on me but this stuff advertises has having 3 times the amount of caffeine in it and I gotta tell you, it worked. I didn't drift off to sleep during either shift.
Still, I was grateful for Monday off. I didn't do anything but sleep, watch a movie and order takeaway.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-29T11:00:02-04:00
YES! On that note, I finally perfected this sentence:
"Wenn man Kinder umfährt, muss man darauf achten, dass man keine umfährt."
That either means:
"When you're driving around children, you have to be careful that you don't run over any of them"
"When you're running over kids, make sure you don't miss any"
It at the same means its own opposite, but the way it's written, it's impossible to tell what the person who said it meant!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-29T11:01:27-04:00
@Geist, you go girl! I'm glad to hear that you're kicking ass and taking names! Its also nice to hear that you are getting some appreciation finally!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-29T11:03:17-04:00
Geist, good to know things are looking up! Though now you still have to worry about the original job for a month, but hey, it's extra money. I just hope you don't get overbooked like this again! Even having a day off to look forward to at the end, it's so hard to do so much work on so little sleep.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-29T11:17:28-04:00
A fun fact that I left out: part of my duties on the 2nd pt job is to patrol the area once every hour, including the stairwells from top to bottom. The building has 10 floors, a penthouse and 3 basement levels. 14 floors in all. I start from the top walk down all 14 levels and do it again for the other stairwell. You'd think it would be easy but you have no idea how doing that works your thigh muscles. The muscles located on the front part of my legs are so sore. Won't make me quit the job though and at least I'm getting some exercise.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-29T11:34:06-04:00
@Geist, well, at least you don't just have to sit in one place the whole time. Stairs though, oof, yeah your legs will hate your for a while, and then they'll be awesome, and you'll love it!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-29T12:04:11-04:00
@BaKhan: I can only hope.
How are things in the land of maple syrup? How is the model painting coming along?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-29T12:19:19-04:00
@Geist, well I finished off that last commission, handed if over last Friday, and was paid, so that was good. I also managed to take in 20 bags of cans to recylcing and the netted me another 150, so I actually made $250 last weekend. Not too shabby! I'm still looking for more commissions, and was thinking about posting an add up at a couple of the game stores in town, if they'll let me. Its not a bad way to make some extra dough thats for sure! I even had enough time to paint a couple minis of my own! Pretty excited for the dragons I have coming, they are my all time favourite thing to paint! By the end of the year, I'll have 5 huge dragons! I can't wait!
I had a great weekend. I finally started painting the window in my bedroom. We haven't had curtains over it since the ceiling collapsed quite a while ago, and the sun come in and falls right on my face. Instead of painting it all one color, though, I'm doing a lighthouse at night kind of thing. I have the sky, ocean, and the start of a cliff done. I need to finish the cliff and get the lighthouse in there. I'm also going to see if I can get a windmill in there. It looks completely different during the day. The moon looks more like the sun, and you can't see the stars. It's a really nifty effect.
I got the first box from Hunt A Killer. I cracked two codes already. I need to look at things again to see if there are any others.
I went to Lagoon with my family yesterday. It was great until the rain came. Roller coasters are not fun when it's raining. The nice thing was that the bad weather wasn't steady so we only had to wait in line for five minutes to ride Cannibal. Look up that ride; it was featured on some travel vlog because it has the world's highest beyond vertical drop. It was a good day.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-29T12:30:16-04:00
I should also add that the guy who I did the commission for, is a very stoic reserved kinda guy, and he was grinning ear to ear when he got to see them in person!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-29T12:32:57-04:00
@GM, three of them will be in the Dark Souls stuff The Black Dragon Kalmeet, The Gaping Dragon, and the Guardian Dragon, the other two are for Zombicide Green Horde, the Feral Dragon and the Necromantic Dragon (which I should be getting very very soon!).
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-29T12:37:04-04:00
@LZ, that window sounds cool! Good for you! Checked out the Cannibal on youtube, looks more than just a little awesome! Nice one bro, hope you guys all had a great time!
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-29T12:40:01-04:00
We did. James (the 9-year-old) James Cannibal for some reason. Kyle (the almost 7-year-old) loves it. I think it's a great ride
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-29T12:40:40-04:00
We let James wait on the ground while the three of us went on it
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-29T12:57:25-04:00
I think maybe he's just getting old enough to psyche himself out? I think its too early to say he'll never like those big awesome roller coasters. I'm really afraid of heights so I think thats why I actually love roller coasters as much as I do. Once you're strapped in, you can't back out, chicken out, or anything else, you just have to hold on and let it happen. For me, its a freeing feeling. I get to acknowledge my fear, and then tell it to piss off! ;)
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-29T13:33:23-04:00
I'm also terrified of heights. I have chickened out of going on one ride after being strapped in. It was Tatsu at Six Flags San Diego. We had waited in line for two or three hours. I was psyching myself out the whole time. If the ride operators had done all the checks just a little faster, I would have gone on it. As it was, they took several minutes to do it, so I started hyperventilating. Then I full on panicked. They decided it was in my best interest not to go on the ride and let me off
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-29T13:50:21-04:00
The max I will wait to get on a ride is 1 hour and I can only tolerate that if I'm with someone/group of people I can talk to. Anything after that, the ride better last 10 minutes at least.
I'm not a fan of rollercoasters...but I do go on them every now and then to affirm my dislike of them(usually dragged on to them by others).
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-29T14:33:27-04:00
@Geist, if you come to Disney with Misty and I, thats actually doable! Plus waiting in line with us is an experience in and of itself! ;) Honestly though, its not about how long the wait is, or how long the ride is, its how much you enjoy doing it!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-29T14:41:10-04:00
@LZ, they were probably worried you were going to have a heart attack or something. Thats a shame that they took so long. When I feel the anxiety hitting critical levels, I close my eyes and count off my breathing, trying to bring it back down to normal pace/levels. It doesn't always work, but it is a good tool to have in the kit. Maybe you'll get another chance one day?
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-29T16:01:58-04:00
I'm sure that's what they were thinking. It would be great to get another chance. That's a good technique to use. I'll keep it in mind if I do get another chance
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-29T16:06:26-04:00
I love coasters, though I live a long ways even from the nearest park, Worlds of Fun in Kansas City, so I don't go often. Though I used to be terribly afraid of them. I'm glad I made myself go on one or two eventually, though, because now they're endless fun!
Though I've never had to wait that long. The longest I've waited for a ride was maybe 1 hour once or twice, and that was even at Disney World! I don't have patience for long lines, so I'd actually rather just skip it most of the time, but usually I go to places like that at odd times of year, outside of the main tourist season or during the week or something, so it's never really been such a huge problem for me, thankfully.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-29T16:09:54-04:00
I remember one entire time I was at Worlds of Fun and just didn't go on any of the roller coasters! I was separate from all the other groups our group of people broke into, and I just couldn't bring myself to go on one. The next time, I stayed with a group at Disney World and forced myself to go on them and couldn't stop.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-29T16:10:34-04:00
One of the cool things about Disney, is if you stay on the property at one of their resorts, you get access to "Magic Hours" which is basically a couple hours before and after normal closing time that only resort guests get to go, and during those times, you had pretty much zero waiting lines. I remember one time with Misty just going on Space mountain, over and over and over... ah yes, love me some roller coasters!
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-29T16:12:32-04:00
That is one thing I'm grateful for: we live really close to an amusement park. When I was a little kid, I thought it was normal to live so close to one. It wasn't until I was a teenager and my brother's fianceé (from Idaho) told us about how her family would occasionally plan trips to Utah to go to Lagoon that I learned it's not so normal, after all.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-29T16:17:02-04:00
@LZ, thats awesome, we have a little rinky dink park just on the outskirts of Calgary (Calaway Park), but its more like a permant fair or one of those expos that they have in mall parking lots... its great for kids under 10... pretty boring if you've ever been anywhere else though. ;) There is technically a roller coaster there, but its a very very tame one. We have a long ways to go to get to a real park, so when we make our plans, we like to go somewhere with a lot of stuff to do, and between Florida and California is the typical choice. I do dream of hitting up many more of the awesome parks you guys have down there though!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-29T18:07:48-04:00
BaKhan, when I was there, of course the big ones like the Harry Potter one were packed (we went there as soon as the park opened and walked faster than everyone else, so we only had to wait like 15 minutes!), but several other pretty cool ones only had maybe 10-20 minute lines!
I know I would have gone on the Hulk dozens of times if the line were that long, though!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-30T07:06:09-04:00
Morning kittens.
@BaKhan: There are magic hours?! I didn't know that when I went to Disney back in 2009. It would have been nice to do some shopping before the rush of the crowds came through the doors. The next time you and Misty go to Disney, let me know. I'd love to tag along.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-30T08:04:47-04:00
Why is it that things to do can't just come regularly? They have to pile up. Today, after everything, I have to watch a movie for my german classes (only bad in that it takes up 2 hours), and then I'll have less than 3 hours to have posted an essay for my university class, and after all that I'll finally have time to try to work with my bank so that I don't get a huge fee from my university, so long as it's all done before the 12th, though these things usually take a good month or so because banks.
I just want a nap. No, need one. I've needed one for the past 2 weeks now. Just let me rest in peace!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-30T09:08:57-04:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-30T09:10:14-04:00
@Zem, you're talking Universal Studios there man! I'm not sure if they also have some early / late hour perks for people who stay at their resorts, maybe. Either way though, Universal has some cool stuff for sure, but they're no Disney! ;p
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-30T09:12:12-04:00
@Geist, I would absolutely love for you to come with us, I can just imagine how sore our faces will be from laughing so much! ;) Another cool thing about staying in the Disney resorts, is that for shopping, why carry it around with you, when you can just have it sent back to the resort? You can just pick it up the next day from the store in your resort! That way you're not packing stuff all day through the park! ;) Seriously though, Misty has this whole Disney thing figured right out! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-30T09:24:27-04:00
@BaKhan: What?! I didn't know this and I stayed at their All Star Resort when I was last there in 2009. I wish I would have known that so I wouldn't have been carrying my back pack from one ride to another in the hot Florida sun.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-30T09:35:52-04:00
@Geist, lol, I know exactly what you mean! I'm that guy, packing around the backpack, mostly filled with stuff for my wife... ;) I tried to convince her that she should be the one carrying it... we all know how that worked out! ;p I normally carry the smaller stuff, cause its fun to look at when we rest or eat some food, but the bigger stuff, yeah, its getting sent back. Depending on what it is, and how big it is, we might just have it shipped home as we've done with the art that we've purchased there over the years. I love browsing the different art galleries that they have there. I always see too much cool stuff though, especially since they've picked up the Starwars license. ;) Also, Misty and my first trip to Disney together, in 2009 we stayed at the All Star Music resort! Go figure, a chance of fate, and we could have met you way back then!
So what took 2 hours to not be figured out yesterday before leaving work, took me 30min to love when your brain turns to mush and you can't even think straight.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-30T10:12:42-04:00
@GM, it happens to us all! Thats why I have a top on my desk. It helps to crush the mush! ;) When I'm struggling with something that I know should have an easy answer, but just can't crunch it out, I spin the top. I watch it for 20 - 30 seconds and you can almost hear the bell ring out when the answer comes to me! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-30T10:20:28-04:00
@BaKhan: Which resort did you guys stay in? I was at the movie themed one. Specifically, my room was near the Toy Story part. I got to walk past Woody and Buzz Lightyear every night. It was great!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-30T10:21:03-04:00
got to love when your brain turns to mush and you can't even think straight
So every day for me.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-30T10:35:33-04:00
@Geist, we stayed at the music one, along with every fricken teenage cheerleader from all around the states and mexico... I had a great time with Misty, but those cheerleaders (and their moms) drove us both totally nuts. I know some guys would have been in their glory, living out some weird fantasy or something, to me it was a nightmare. Rah rah rahrahrah, clap clap clapclapclap! Everywhere you went, it was too much by the end. ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-30T10:49:29-04:00
@BaKhan: I remember that I took the Disney bus from the airport to the resort. As the bus was going by on the highway, I could swear I could hear the screams from the people on the Tower of Terror ride. Scared me silly when I went on it the first time. So much so that I had to do it twice. ;-)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-30T10:51:09-04:00
For the record, I thought most of the food that I ate at the Disney park wasn't that great. The breakfast at the resort wasn't all that and was over priced to boot. There was an Italian restaurant that I had a meal in that I enjoyed. Other than that, I went to the free Disney boardwalk and ate there.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-30T11:09:53-04:00
@Geist, they have put a lot of work into the food that you get at the parks now. Its much much better than it was in 2009! There are also a lot of different restaurants (real sit down ones) that you can go to, including the Beast's castle (Beauty and the Beast), Tony's (Lady and the Tramp), and on and on. In every park there are at least two really good restraunts (imo). Fast food is fast food, but even that has gotten better. Also, when you stay at the bigger resorts (as we tend to) there is a real restaurant, and a quick service area. Quick service is ok, the restaurants are pretty good! And each one is themed to the resort. The higher end resorts you have to book tables in advance or you can be out of luck. When we stayed at the Polynesian we didn't even get to eat at the restaurant there as it was booked solid the whole time.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-30T11:11:52-04:00
Oh and I love the tower of terror! Anything with height and speed gets me every time! I remember I went on that once, and the seat belt was really loose, I actually floated above my seat on the drops! You can probably still see my finger imprints on the holy sh*t bars on the seats... ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-30T11:22:23-04:00
@BaKhan: did you get on the Areorsmith roller coaster? Zipping along at high speeds in a spiral and I don't even remember seeing the flash go off but there was a picture of me at the end of the ride.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-30T11:26:26-04:00
@Geist, the Rockin' Roller Coaster, heck yes! Thats one of Misty's favourites! The change the lyrics to love in an elevator, to love on a roller coaster... I enjoy it!
Mike Kabala 2018-05-30T11:55:54-04:00
Good morning kittens. Good news never lasts long enough, does it? After I arrived home last night, I discovered that the neighborhood burglar had again visited my place. I got him on video helping himself to a few of my things before stealing the camera that recorded him too. I shared the video with the police, but I just wish this would quit happening altogether. I'm thinking of adding screws to my upstairs windows to keep him from entering the same way in the future.
... sigh ...
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-30T12:01:10-04:00
@CB: I am so sorry this keeps happening to you. How come the cops didn't catch him the first time? Do you have a house alarm installed?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-30T12:11:44-04:00
BaKhan, was I? I went to all of both parks, so they kind of ran together. I was going to mention a few other rides, but I knew they were Universal and didn't pertain. Either way, I loved both parks a ton for sure!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-30T12:14:06-04:00
GM, brain turning to mush describes my entire last week and a half. 3-day weekend hopefully this weekend, though, if I can secure it. I'll finally get to sleep!
Not because I'll have time, rather because it'll be cooler this weekend, so I'll be able to sleep much more easily. Also the time, though.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-30T12:16:21-04:00
Heck yeah! The Aerosmith one was one I was going to mention, because it had the shortest line that day, so I just wanted to keep going on it, but the other person I was with didn't, so I was so sad!
Also, Tower of Terror is amazing! That had the longest line, but it was definitely worth waiting for that one once!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-30T12:18:39-04:00
CB, oh my gosh, really? I'm so sorry, that's horrible! Especially if it's been multiple times now! I really hope they find him soon!
That or you could hire Kevin McCallister to guard your house Home Alone style.
Mike Kabala 2018-05-30T13:07:50-04:00
@Geist, no home alarm system, just a security camera in the living room. Last time I didn't even have that. The police keep blaming me for taking too long to notice that a robbery has occurred, so they just take a statement from me and don't bother gathering any additional evidence. To be fair, my phone did warn me that my camera was offline at about 9 AM but it wasn't until I got home from work at 6 PM that I noticed something was amiss. Still, I wish the police would do a more thorough job. I did manage to get a relatively clear shot of his face in spite of the fact that he had one of my own shirts draped over his head to "conceal" his identity.
I'd like to go all HAM on him the next time I see him around the neighborhood, but he's a lot younger than me.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-30T13:26:16-04:00
CB, hence hiring Kevin McCallister. I swear that kid was an absolute psychopath in the movie! ;)
But really? That shouldn't be "too long" before reporting it, if the thief knows what he's doing, you won't notice for at least hours, if not much longer. But if you have to go to work, that's unavoidable, of course you won't notice it before that.
Oh well, I'm praying they'll find that guy soon and maybe even be able to return some of your stuff!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-30T14:11:04-04:00
@CB, nothing worse than a thief! Thats so sad, I'm sorry that happened to you, even more so that its again. If I was you, I'd do it a little different though. I super secure every other area so that spot he broke in is the only way in, and then have consequences for doing so. Such as having marbles or caltrops all over the floor.... and a nice locked door and no way to get out through the way he got in kinda thing. I think that might be one of the reasons why I've always had big dogs. Not vicious dogs by any means, but intimidating/scary dogs to those that don't know them. Makes people think twice. Are you friendly with your neighbours? Would it be possible if your camera detects someone to ask them to look into it for you (or call the cops)? Anyways, very sorry this happened to you, you certainly don't deserve it!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-30T15:12:12-04:00
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-30T15:19:49-04:00
CB, marbles and caltrops? Like... Kevin McCallister?
Wait, no, that's blowtorches and literal ironworking anvils. That kid was definitely a psychopath!
Mike Kabala 2018-05-30T16:06:55-04:00
@BK, how about a giant boulder like the one in "Raiders of the Lost Ark" that gets released when he'd reached the middle of the roof? ... to far away to reach the window, but too far from the edge for him to scramble back ... That would produce a satisfying "SQUISH!!!"
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-30T16:15:14-04:00
Kevin didn't use any anvils; he used paint cans. Don't forget the micro machines at the bottom of the stairs or the glass ornaments right below the window.
Oh, and the iron hooked up to the pullchain so it looked like a light...
Definitely something wrong with that kid!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-30T16:39:01-04:00
@CB, now you're talking! Or maybe some more elaborate traps like from The Last Crusade? That way you could hide outside the door, and say "only the penitent thief shall cross" maybe have a friend over to help repeat penitent... ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-31T06:43:31-04:00
LZ, I love the theories about him turning into the guy in Saw. I can absolutely see that happening.
Morning kittens. I picked up0 a replacement video surveillance camera last night at Best Buy, so my apartment is again being monitored.
THe next order of business is preventing entry in the first place. After finally figuring out how the thief has been able to get in, I inspected the bedroom windows and, sure enough, they were unlocked. In fact, the latch doesn't line up correctly to allow me to engage it as intended. (... probably why it was unlocked in the FIRST place! ...) I tried last night to get it to line up, but the upper window does not fully slide up into place. In fact, as I was banging on the window frame to try to force it into place I suddenly got stung by two wasps I had not noticed previously. Looking up, I discovered that they have built a nest INSIDE the apartment attached to the top of the window frame! Time out, I do not have the skill to successfully remove a wasp's nest without risking further injury.
I called the apartment office this morning requesting a visit from pest control to remove the nest followed by a visit from building maintenance to fix the windows so that they can be locked from the inside. If I can prevent someone from even getting in I should be able to avoid further losses any time he decides to "help himself" again in the future.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-31T12:01:37-04:00
And then mount a BB gun trap. No wait, that's illegal.
@CB: Hopefully they can get it fixed soon.
Today is great lunch. Leftover fried chicken, that has Sriracha powder in the flour that was used in the breading.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-31T13:23:34-04:00
Howdy kittens.
It's been nice having the supervisor on vacation. Lets me just goof around more.
@CB: not sure how another camera will help. Especially if the thief covers his face next time.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-31T13:24:00-04:00
@GM: I didn't know Sriracha came in powder form. I'll have to look into that.
Mike Kabala 2018-05-31T13:52:34-04:00
@Zem, since a BB gun is illegal anyway, why not go all out and construct the booby trap using deadly force, like an assault rifle?
Mike Kabala 2018-05-31T13:56:25-04:00
@Geist, you may be right about the surveillance camera, but I still think I'd be better off having a video of a thief wearing a ski mask than not having a video at all. At least I can prove that SOMEONE came into my home and made off with a bunch of stuff.
Gotta get that window secured though. A crime prevented is much better than a crime recorded.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-05-31T14:00:30-04:00
@BaKhan: I found this article and after our Disney discussion yesterday, just make me want to visit this place all the sooner. Sorry I didn't try the turkey leg when I was there last.
@Geist: The powder didn't really give that any flavour to the chicken, at least not this time. Next time I will be adding more to it. I'm actually planning on making some Sriracha Mayo sometime when we have leftover roast beef.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-31T14:28:24-04:00
CB, nah, just get good at convincing a jury that you have a terrible habit of leaving out your brand new razor sharp steel caltrops hooked up to a car battery in your concertina-wire playpen that just happens to be hidden clandestinely around that window. Happens all the time.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-05-31T14:37:27-04:00
Geist, that looks totally awesome! If I had any money, it'd surely be lost super immediately if I ever got the chance to go back there!
Funny, though, the Wurst on a bun is so normal here that for a second it surprised me to be on that list! I can literally walk next door and get a pretty good one cheap!
I'd love to go to the German pavilion now, though. Can you see the menus from them? There are a few things I'd love to see if they made sure to have on them! As well as knowing what types, since German food changes fairly dramatically just traveling a few dozen kilometers to the next large town over!
For instance, every town has its own style of beer and sausage; the one in the image looked like a strange Bockwurst, similar to one I had in Leipzig, but definitely nothing like what you'd find in Berlin.
Mike Kabala 2018-05-31T14:38:26-04:00
@Zem, and of course it's not my fault that those caltrops are red hot from being hooked up to that battery. which acts like an electric heating element. That sort of thing just can't be avoided.
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-31T15:57:45-04:00
Concertina wire? I didn't think concertina had wires...
Mike Kabala 2018-05-31T16:07:11-04:00
From Wikipedia:
Concertina wire or Dannert Wire is a type of barbed wire or razor wire that is formed in large coils which can be expanded like a concertina ...
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-31T16:32:12-04:00
@Geist, lol, the funny thing about that article is that I've had almost all of the nut free stuff on the list! ;) I know of lots of other super tasty goodies there too!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-31T16:34:25-04:00
@CB, I'm glad you got the new security camera, it won't stop it, but it may deter, either way though, no camera has no benefits at all. I'm more glad that you've found the source of the thief's entry! Get that window fixed stat! Maybe make up a small sticker for the window, saying "not this time pal!"
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-31T16:36:08-04:00
Funny story... grocery shopping last week, and found (and procured)... powdered sriracha! Too funny!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-05-31T16:37:48-04:00
@GM, make that sriracha mayo at least a full day before you plan on using it, so the flavours can mellow. Otherwise it won't have its full flavour profile, like making homemade dips and such.
Lord Zombitten 2018-05-31T17:50:52-04:00
CB, that makes sense. I didn't have the time to look up what it might be, but I knew what a concertina is, so I was a little confused
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-06-01T09:41:02-04:00
Morning kittens.
Mike Kabala 2018-06-01T12:00:55-04:00
Morning kittens.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-06-01T12:01:45-04:00
Morning kittens.
I'm feeling really sick today. Felt pukey since this morning. I wanna curl up and lay down somewhere and not move for the rest of the day.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-06-01T12:21:39-04:00
@Geist, sorry to hear that! Hope you feel better soon!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2018-06-01T12:29:12-04:00
@BaKhan: My fault. I think I ate some beyond shelf life food in my laziness to just stuff my mouth when I was hungry. That will teach me slow down and double check before chowing down.
Mike Kabala 2018-06-01T13:21:16-04:00
@Geist, food poisoning is definitely no fun. Hope you feel better soon.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-06-01T13:51:03-04:00
Ooh, and here I thought I was feeling bad after drinking so much yesterday after not drinking almost at all for a month or so!
Hope it gets better soon, Geist! That's one of the worst feelings in the world, but the only thing you can do is wait until it heals.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-06-01T14:03:36-04:00
@Geist, ughhh. Thats the worst! Try and just eat some simple foods for the next couple of days, and drink lots of water. Thats about all you can do really. Hope you feel better soon!
Mike Kabala 2018-06-01T15:02:28-04:00
I just talked with the insurance company and they had good news. They are sending me a payment of just over $2,500 to cover my losses from this week's robbery. Looks like I did things right this time!
Lord Zombitten 2018-06-01T15:07:07-04:00
Geist, that's terrible. I hope you feel better soon!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-06-01T15:09:42-04:00
CB, congratulations! At least you got that out of this! It's usually hard to replace stolen things, but it's always better to be compensated than to just have outright lost the things!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2018-06-01T15:10:56-04:00
By which I mean you can't replace things with personal value, but it's at least nice to have a chance.
Lord Zombitten 2018-06-01T15:33:24-04:00
Indeed, CB, I echo Zem's sentiments
Lord Zombitten 2018-06-01T15:36:17-04:00
I was officially diagnosed with migraine today. I'm really hoping the medicine works.
In the TMI news, I probably get to be scoped because the steroid cream didn't stop the bleeding after BMs
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2018-06-01T16:07:46-04:00
@CB, thats great news! Its always good to see things work the way they should. Having coverage, but not being covered is a very betrayed feeling. Like why was I paying for insurance?
Morning kittens.
@Zem, I'm afraid that Germany is making you even stranger than you were! Don't worry though, its a good thing... ;)
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens.
I had a long and weird weekend. Long story short:
I had submitted my resignation to the original pt job and had every intention to quit but the manager blew enough quality smoke up my butt so that he convinced me to stick around until June 23rd.
I started the 2nd pt job this past weekend and I have to say, it's pretty laid back. Really not much to do most of the time except make sure that only home owners enter the building. I figured out how to log into the WiFi and half way through my shift, I was watching Netflix on my phone. The gig is located near some night clubs and the amount of female half naked flesh that was on display was staggering. An emergency happened on my 2nd night there and when I called to let the manager and dispatch know, they complimented me on my handling of the situation. Was a pain in the ass to write the report up though.
So I survived working two 16 hour shifts this weekend with only 6 hours of sleep thanks to a generous cup of cold brewed Deathwish coffee. Coffee usually doesn't have an effect on me but this stuff advertises has having 3 times the amount of caffeine in it and I gotta tell you, it worked. I didn't drift off to sleep during either shift.
Still, I was grateful for Monday off. I didn't do anything but sleep, watch a movie and order takeaway.
YES! On that note, I finally perfected this sentence:
"Wenn man Kinder umfährt, muss man darauf achten, dass man keine umfährt."
That either means:
"When you're driving around children, you have to be careful that you don't run over any of them"
"When you're running over kids, make sure you don't miss any"
It at the same means its own opposite, but the way it's written, it's impossible to tell what the person who said it meant!
@Geist, you go girl! I'm glad to hear that you're kicking ass and taking names! Its also nice to hear that you are getting some appreciation finally!
Geist, good to know things are looking up! Though now you still have to worry about the original job for a month, but hey, it's extra money. I just hope you don't get overbooked like this again! Even having a day off to look forward to at the end, it's so hard to do so much work on so little sleep.
A fun fact that I left out: part of my duties on the 2nd pt job is to patrol the area once every hour, including the stairwells from top to bottom. The building has 10 floors, a penthouse and 3 basement levels. 14 floors in all. I start from the top walk down all 14 levels and do it again for the other stairwell. You'd think it would be easy but you have no idea how doing that works your thigh muscles. The muscles located on the front part of my legs are so sore. Won't make me quit the job though and at least I'm getting some exercise.
@Geist, well, at least you don't just have to sit in one place the whole time. Stairs though, oof, yeah your legs will hate your for a while, and then they'll be awesome, and you'll love it!
@BaKhan: I can only hope.
How are things in the land of maple syrup? How is the model painting coming along?
@Geist, well I finished off that last commission, handed if over last Friday, and was paid, so that was good. I also managed to take in 20 bags of cans to recylcing and the netted me another 150, so I actually made $250 last weekend. Not too shabby! I'm still looking for more commissions, and was thinking about posting an add up at a couple of the game stores in town, if they'll let me. Its not a bad way to make some extra dough thats for sure! I even had enough time to paint a couple minis of my own! Pretty excited for the dragons I have coming, they are my all time favourite thing to paint! By the end of the year, I'll have 5 huge dragons! I can't wait!
@BaKhan: Are those the dragons from Dark Souls?
I had a great weekend. I finally started painting the window in my bedroom. We haven't had curtains over it since the ceiling collapsed quite a while ago, and the sun come in and falls right on my face. Instead of painting it all one color, though, I'm doing a lighthouse at night kind of thing. I have the sky, ocean, and the start of a cliff done. I need to finish the cliff and get the lighthouse in there. I'm also going to see if I can get a windmill in there. It looks completely different during the day. The moon looks more like the sun, and you can't see the stars. It's a really nifty effect.
I got the first box from Hunt A Killer. I cracked two codes already. I need to look at things again to see if there are any others.
I went to Lagoon with my family yesterday. It was great until the rain came. Roller coasters are not fun when it's raining. The nice thing was that the bad weather wasn't steady so we only had to wait in line for five minutes to ride Cannibal. Look up that ride; it was featured on some travel vlog because it has the world's highest beyond vertical drop. It was a good day.
I should also add that the guy who I did the commission for, is a very stoic reserved kinda guy, and he was grinning ear to ear when he got to see them in person!
@GM, three of them will be in the Dark Souls stuff The Black Dragon Kalmeet, The Gaping Dragon, and the Guardian Dragon, the other two are for Zombicide Green Horde, the Feral Dragon and the Necromantic Dragon (which I should be getting very very soon!).
@LZ, that window sounds cool! Good for you! Checked out the Cannibal on youtube, looks more than just a little awesome! Nice one bro, hope you guys all had a great time!
We did. James (the 9-year-old) James Cannibal for some reason. Kyle (the almost 7-year-old) loves it. I think it's a great ride
We let James wait on the ground while the three of us went on it
I think maybe he's just getting old enough to psyche himself out? I think its too early to say he'll never like those big awesome roller coasters. I'm really afraid of heights so I think thats why I actually love roller coasters as much as I do. Once you're strapped in, you can't back out, chicken out, or anything else, you just have to hold on and let it happen. For me, its a freeing feeling. I get to acknowledge my fear, and then tell it to piss off! ;)
I'm also terrified of heights. I have chickened out of going on one ride after being strapped in. It was Tatsu at Six Flags San Diego. We had waited in line for two or three hours. I was psyching myself out the whole time. If the ride operators had done all the checks just a little faster, I would have gone on it. As it was, they took several minutes to do it, so I started hyperventilating. Then I full on panicked. They decided it was in my best interest not to go on the ride and let me off
The max I will wait to get on a ride is 1 hour and I can only tolerate that if I'm with someone/group of people I can talk to. Anything after that, the ride better last 10 minutes at least.
I'm not a fan of rollercoasters...but I do go on them every now and then to affirm my dislike of them(usually dragged on to them by others).
@Geist, if you come to Disney with Misty and I, thats actually doable! Plus waiting in line with us is an experience in and of itself! ;) Honestly though, its not about how long the wait is, or how long the ride is, its how much you enjoy doing it!
@LZ, they were probably worried you were going to have a heart attack or something. Thats a shame that they took so long. When I feel the anxiety hitting critical levels, I close my eyes and count off my breathing, trying to bring it back down to normal pace/levels. It doesn't always work, but it is a good tool to have in the kit. Maybe you'll get another chance one day?
I'm sure that's what they were thinking. It would be great to get another chance. That's a good technique to use. I'll keep it in mind if I do get another chance
I love coasters, though I live a long ways even from the nearest park, Worlds of Fun in Kansas City, so I don't go often. Though I used to be terribly afraid of them. I'm glad I made myself go on one or two eventually, though, because now they're endless fun!
Though I've never had to wait that long. The longest I've waited for a ride was maybe 1 hour once or twice, and that was even at Disney World! I don't have patience for long lines, so I'd actually rather just skip it most of the time, but usually I go to places like that at odd times of year, outside of the main tourist season or during the week or something, so it's never really been such a huge problem for me, thankfully.
I remember one entire time I was at Worlds of Fun and just didn't go on any of the roller coasters! I was separate from all the other groups our group of people broke into, and I just couldn't bring myself to go on one. The next time, I stayed with a group at Disney World and forced myself to go on them and couldn't stop.
One of the cool things about Disney, is if you stay on the property at one of their resorts, you get access to "Magic Hours" which is basically a couple hours before and after normal closing time that only resort guests get to go, and during those times, you had pretty much zero waiting lines. I remember one time with Misty just going on Space mountain, over and over and over... ah yes, love me some roller coasters!
That is one thing I'm grateful for: we live really close to an amusement park. When I was a little kid, I thought it was normal to live so close to one. It wasn't until I was a teenager and my brother's fianceé (from Idaho) told us about how her family would occasionally plan trips to Utah to go to Lagoon that I learned it's not so normal, after all.
@LZ, thats awesome, we have a little rinky dink park just on the outskirts of Calgary (Calaway Park), but its more like a permant fair or one of those expos that they have in mall parking lots... its great for kids under 10... pretty boring if you've ever been anywhere else though. ;) There is technically a roller coaster there, but its a very very tame one. We have a long ways to go to get to a real park, so when we make our plans, we like to go somewhere with a lot of stuff to do, and between Florida and California is the typical choice. I do dream of hitting up many more of the awesome parks you guys have down there though!
BaKhan, when I was there, of course the big ones like the Harry Potter one were packed (we went there as soon as the park opened and walked faster than everyone else, so we only had to wait like 15 minutes!), but several other pretty cool ones only had maybe 10-20 minute lines!
I know I would have gone on the Hulk dozens of times if the line were that long, though!
Morning kittens.
@BaKhan: There are magic hours?! I didn't know that when I went to Disney back in 2009. It would have been nice to do some shopping before the rush of the crowds came through the doors. The next time you and Misty go to Disney, let me know. I'd love to tag along.
Why is it that things to do can't just come regularly? They have to pile up. Today, after everything, I have to watch a movie for my german classes (only bad in that it takes up 2 hours), and then I'll have less than 3 hours to have posted an essay for my university class, and after all that I'll finally have time to try to work with my bank so that I don't get a huge fee from my university, so long as it's all done before the 12th, though these things usually take a good month or so because banks.
I just want a nap. No, need one. I've needed one for the past 2 weeks now. Just let me rest in peace!
Morning kittens!
@Zem, you're talking Universal Studios there man! I'm not sure if they also have some early / late hour perks for people who stay at their resorts, maybe. Either way though, Universal has some cool stuff for sure, but they're no Disney! ;p
@Geist, I would absolutely love for you to come with us, I can just imagine how sore our faces will be from laughing so much! ;) Another cool thing about staying in the Disney resorts, is that for shopping, why carry it around with you, when you can just have it sent back to the resort? You can just pick it up the next day from the store in your resort! That way you're not packing stuff all day through the park! ;) Seriously though, Misty has this whole Disney thing figured right out! ;)
@BaKhan: What?! I didn't know this and I stayed at their All Star Resort when I was last there in 2009. I wish I would have known that so I wouldn't have been carrying my back pack from one ride to another in the hot Florida sun.
@Geist, lol, I know exactly what you mean! I'm that guy, packing around the backpack, mostly filled with stuff for my wife... ;) I tried to convince her that she should be the one carrying it... we all know how that worked out! ;p I normally carry the smaller stuff, cause its fun to look at when we rest or eat some food, but the bigger stuff, yeah, its getting sent back. Depending on what it is, and how big it is, we might just have it shipped home as we've done with the art that we've purchased there over the years. I love browsing the different art galleries that they have there. I always see too much cool stuff though, especially since they've picked up the Starwars license. ;) Also, Misty and my first trip to Disney together, in 2009 we stayed at the All Star Music resort! Go figure, a chance of fate, and we could have met you way back then!
Morning kittens.
So what took 2 hours to not be figured out yesterday before leaving work, took me 30min to love when your brain turns to mush and you can't even think straight.
@GM, it happens to us all! Thats why I have a top on my desk. It helps to crush the mush! ;) When I'm struggling with something that I know should have an easy answer, but just can't crunch it out, I spin the top. I watch it for 20 - 30 seconds and you can almost hear the bell ring out when the answer comes to me! ;)
@BaKhan: Which resort did you guys stay in? I was at the movie themed one. Specifically, my room was near the Toy Story part. I got to walk past Woody and Buzz Lightyear every night. It was great!
got to love when your brain turns to mush and you can't even think straight
So every day for me.
@Geist, we stayed at the music one, along with every fricken teenage cheerleader from all around the states and mexico... I had a great time with Misty, but those cheerleaders (and their moms) drove us both totally nuts. I know some guys would have been in their glory, living out some weird fantasy or something, to me it was a nightmare. Rah rah rahrahrah, clap clap clapclapclap! Everywhere you went, it was too much by the end. ;)
@BaKhan: I remember that I took the Disney bus from the airport to the resort. As the bus was going by on the highway, I could swear I could hear the screams from the people on the Tower of Terror ride. Scared me silly when I went on it the first time. So much so that I had to do it twice. ;-)
For the record, I thought most of the food that I ate at the Disney park wasn't that great. The breakfast at the resort wasn't all that and was over priced to boot. There was an Italian restaurant that I had a meal in that I enjoyed. Other than that, I went to the free Disney boardwalk and ate there.
@Geist, they have put a lot of work into the food that you get at the parks now. Its much much better than it was in 2009! There are also a lot of different restaurants (real sit down ones) that you can go to, including the Beast's castle (Beauty and the Beast), Tony's (Lady and the Tramp), and on and on. In every park there are at least two really good restraunts (imo). Fast food is fast food, but even that has gotten better. Also, when you stay at the bigger resorts (as we tend to) there is a real restaurant, and a quick service area. Quick service is ok, the restaurants are pretty good! And each one is themed to the resort. The higher end resorts you have to book tables in advance or you can be out of luck. When we stayed at the Polynesian we didn't even get to eat at the restaurant there as it was booked solid the whole time.
Oh and I love the tower of terror! Anything with height and speed gets me every time! I remember I went on that once, and the seat belt was really loose, I actually floated above my seat on the drops! You can probably still see my finger imprints on the holy sh*t bars on the seats... ;)
@BaKhan: did you get on the Areorsmith roller coaster? Zipping along at high speeds in a spiral and I don't even remember seeing the flash go off but there was a picture of me at the end of the ride.
@Geist, the Rockin' Roller Coaster, heck yes! Thats one of Misty's favourites! The change the lyrics to love in an elevator, to love on a roller coaster... I enjoy it!
Good morning kittens. Good news never lasts long enough, does it? After I arrived home last night, I discovered that the neighborhood burglar had again visited my place. I got him on video helping himself to a few of my things before stealing the camera that recorded him too. I shared the video with the police, but I just wish this would quit happening altogether. I'm thinking of adding screws to my upstairs windows to keep him from entering the same way in the future.
... sigh ...
@CB: I am so sorry this keeps happening to you. How come the cops didn't catch him the first time? Do you have a house alarm installed?
BaKhan, was I? I went to all of both parks, so they kind of ran together. I was going to mention a few other rides, but I knew they were Universal and didn't pertain. Either way, I loved both parks a ton for sure!
GM, brain turning to mush describes my entire last week and a half. 3-day weekend hopefully this weekend, though, if I can secure it. I'll finally get to sleep!
Not because I'll have time, rather because it'll be cooler this weekend, so I'll be able to sleep much more easily. Also the time, though.
Heck yeah! The Aerosmith one was one I was going to mention, because it had the shortest line that day, so I just wanted to keep going on it, but the other person I was with didn't, so I was so sad!
Also, Tower of Terror is amazing! That had the longest line, but it was definitely worth waiting for that one once!
CB, oh my gosh, really? I'm so sorry, that's horrible! Especially if it's been multiple times now! I really hope they find him soon!
That or you could hire Kevin McCallister to guard your house Home Alone style.
@Geist, no home alarm system, just a security camera in the living room. Last time I didn't even have that. The police keep blaming me for taking too long to notice that a robbery has occurred, so they just take a statement from me and don't bother gathering any additional evidence. To be fair, my phone did warn me that my camera was offline at about 9 AM but it wasn't until I got home from work at 6 PM that I noticed something was amiss. Still, I wish the police would do a more thorough job. I did manage to get a relatively clear shot of his face in spite of the fact that he had one of my own shirts draped over his head to "conceal" his identity.
I'd like to go all HAM on him the next time I see him around the neighborhood, but he's a lot younger than me.
CB, hence hiring Kevin McCallister. I swear that kid was an absolute psychopath in the movie! ;)
But really? That shouldn't be "too long" before reporting it, if the thief knows what he's doing, you won't notice for at least hours, if not much longer. But if you have to go to work, that's unavoidable, of course you won't notice it before that.
Oh well, I'm praying they'll find that guy soon and maybe even be able to return some of your stuff!
@CB, nothing worse than a thief! Thats so sad, I'm sorry that happened to you, even more so that its again. If I was you, I'd do it a little different though. I super secure every other area so that spot he broke in is the only way in, and then have consequences for doing so. Such as having marbles or caltrops all over the floor.... and a nice locked door and no way to get out through the way he got in kinda thing. I think that might be one of the reasons why I've always had big dogs. Not vicious dogs by any means, but intimidating/scary dogs to those that don't know them. Makes people think twice. Are you friendly with your neighbours? Would it be possible if your camera detects someone to ask them to look into it for you (or call the cops)? Anyways, very sorry this happened to you, you certainly don't deserve it!
After all this time, there're still Monty Python sketches I haven't seen?!…
CB, marbles and caltrops? Like... Kevin McCallister?
Wait, no, that's blowtorches and literal ironworking anvils. That kid was definitely a psychopath!
@BK, how about a giant boulder like the one in "Raiders of the Lost Ark" that gets released when he'd reached the middle of the roof? ... to far away to reach the window, but too far from the edge for him to scramble back ... That would produce a satisfying "SQUISH!!!"
Kevin didn't use any anvils; he used paint cans. Don't forget the micro machines at the bottom of the stairs or the glass ornaments right below the window.
Oh, and the iron hooked up to the pullchain so it looked like a light...
Definitely something wrong with that kid!
@CB, now you're talking! Or maybe some more elaborate traps like from The Last Crusade? That way you could hide outside the door, and say "only the penitent thief shall cross" maybe have a friend over to help repeat penitent... ;)
LZ, I love the theories about him turning into the guy in Saw. I can absolutely see that happening.
Morning kittens.
Morning Kittens.
Morning kittens. I picked up0 a replacement video surveillance camera last night at Best Buy, so my apartment is again being monitored.
THe next order of business is preventing entry in the first place. After finally figuring out how the thief has been able to get in, I inspected the bedroom windows and, sure enough, they were unlocked. In fact, the latch doesn't line up correctly to allow me to engage it as intended. (... probably why it was unlocked in the FIRST place! ...) I tried last night to get it to line up, but the upper window does not fully slide up into place. In fact, as I was banging on the window frame to try to force it into place I suddenly got stung by two wasps I had not noticed previously. Looking up, I discovered that they have built a nest INSIDE the apartment attached to the top of the window frame! Time out, I do not have the skill to successfully remove a wasp's nest without risking further injury.
I called the apartment office this morning requesting a visit from pest control to remove the nest followed by a visit from building maintenance to fix the windows so that they can be locked from the inside. If I can prevent someone from even getting in I should be able to avoid further losses any time he decides to "help himself" again in the future.
And then mount a BB gun trap. No wait, that's illegal.
... if you're caught.
@CB: Hopefully they can get it fixed soon.
Today is great lunch. Leftover fried chicken, that has Sriracha powder in the flour that was used in the breading.
Howdy kittens.
It's been nice having the supervisor on vacation. Lets me just goof around more.
@CB: not sure how another camera will help. Especially if the thief covers his face next time.
@GM: I didn't know Sriracha came in powder form. I'll have to look into that.
@Zem, since a BB gun is illegal anyway, why not go all out and construct the booby trap using deadly force, like an assault rifle?
@Geist, you may be right about the surveillance camera, but I still think I'd be better off having a video of a thief wearing a ski mask than not having a video at all. At least I can prove that SOMEONE came into my home and made off with a bunch of stuff.
Gotta get that window secured though. A crime prevented is much better than a crime recorded.
@BaKhan: I found this article and after our Disney discussion yesterday, just make me want to visit this place all the sooner. Sorry I didn't try the turkey leg when I was there last.
@Geist: The powder didn't really give that any flavour to the chicken, at least not this time. Next time I will be adding more to it. I'm actually planning on making some Sriracha Mayo sometime when we have leftover roast beef.
CB, nah, just get good at convincing a jury that you have a terrible habit of leaving out your brand new razor sharp steel caltrops hooked up to a car battery in your concertina-wire playpen that just happens to be hidden clandestinely around that window. Happens all the time.
Geist, that looks totally awesome! If I had any money, it'd surely be lost super immediately if I ever got the chance to go back there!
Funny, though, the Wurst on a bun is so normal here that for a second it surprised me to be on that list! I can literally walk next door and get a pretty good one cheap!
I'd love to go to the German pavilion now, though. Can you see the menus from them? There are a few things I'd love to see if they made sure to have on them! As well as knowing what types, since German food changes fairly dramatically just traveling a few dozen kilometers to the next large town over!
For instance, every town has its own style of beer and sausage; the one in the image looked like a strange Bockwurst, similar to one I had in Leipzig, but definitely nothing like what you'd find in Berlin.
@Zem, and of course it's not my fault that those caltrops are red hot from being hooked up to that battery. which acts like an electric heating element. That sort of thing just can't be avoided.
Concertina wire? I didn't think concertina had wires...
From Wikipedia:
Concertina wire or Dannert Wire is a type of barbed wire or razor wire that is formed in large coils which can be expanded like a concertina ...
@Geist, lol, the funny thing about that article is that I've had almost all of the nut free stuff on the list! ;) I know of lots of other super tasty goodies there too!
@CB, I'm glad you got the new security camera, it won't stop it, but it may deter, either way though, no camera has no benefits at all. I'm more glad that you've found the source of the thief's entry! Get that window fixed stat! Maybe make up a small sticker for the window, saying "not this time pal!"
Funny story... grocery shopping last week, and found (and procured)... powdered sriracha! Too funny!
@GM, make that sriracha mayo at least a full day before you plan on using it, so the flavours can mellow. Otherwise it won't have its full flavour profile, like making homemade dips and such.
CB, that makes sense. I didn't have the time to look up what it might be, but I knew what a concertina is, so I was a little confused
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens.
I'm feeling really sick today. Felt pukey since this morning. I wanna curl up and lay down somewhere and not move for the rest of the day.
@Geist, sorry to hear that! Hope you feel better soon!
@BaKhan: My fault. I think I ate some beyond shelf life food in my laziness to just stuff my mouth when I was hungry. That will teach me slow down and double check before chowing down.
@Geist, food poisoning is definitely no fun. Hope you feel better soon.
Ooh, and here I thought I was feeling bad after drinking so much yesterday after not drinking almost at all for a month or so!
Hope it gets better soon, Geist! That's one of the worst feelings in the world, but the only thing you can do is wait until it heals.
@Geist, ughhh. Thats the worst! Try and just eat some simple foods for the next couple of days, and drink lots of water. Thats about all you can do really. Hope you feel better soon!
I just talked with the insurance company and they had good news. They are sending me a payment of just over $2,500 to cover my losses from this week's robbery. Looks like I did things right this time!
Geist, that's terrible. I hope you feel better soon!
CB, congratulations! At least you got that out of this! It's usually hard to replace stolen things, but it's always better to be compensated than to just have outright lost the things!
By which I mean you can't replace things with personal value, but it's at least nice to have a chance.
Indeed, CB, I echo Zem's sentiments
I was officially diagnosed with migraine today. I'm really hoping the medicine works.
In the TMI news, I probably get to be scoped because the steroid cream didn't stop the bleeding after BMs
@CB, thats great news! Its always good to see things work the way they should. Having coverage, but not being covered is a very betrayed feeling. Like why was I paying for insurance?