I think the Intergalactic SpaceBoat of Light and Wonder could take you to the future, and peak at the top 3 cards.
Brett MacDonald 2015-01-21T15:09:44-05:00
@Grace. I am not complaining about the current project but I totally see where those we are... are coming from. The creators have backed a lot of KS so they know how this place works... and really should have had some SG prepared. Then when they finally do post one... they set it at 2,000,000 and don't offer any new ones? Instead saying they will post one again tomorrow and make it harder to achieve? Harder than 2,000,000? I can see how that would make some people question it.
Again I'm fine with the base pledge as it was... but can see how this latest SG could come off poorly.
Zlatko Unger 2015-01-21T15:09:57-05:00
I hope this saves the Tesla Musem ;)
Shannon Claire Miller 2015-01-21T15:10:12-05:00
NSFW attack card- The Motherfucking Pterodactyl, here to tear you a new asshole.
Brett MacDonald 2015-01-21T15:10:33-05:00
err those who are... not we are
Jennifer Theinert 2015-01-21T15:10:51-05:00
I have to agree with many of the suggestions for making more durable, coated cards. But please, please, please do include Jibbers Crabst, the Blerch, Gayroller2000, Tesla, and Mantis Shrimp. If I only had a choice of two things, I would go with more durable cards and a Jibbers Crabst card. PLEASE!
Nate Baker 2015-01-21T15:10:58-05:00
Mantis Shrimp and Bobracha please
Jed Farrell 2015-01-21T15:13:55-05:00
Definitely the Japanese Hornet vs. a swarm each of Euro (fail) & Japanese honeybees (murdersquish)
Grace Lezetc 2015-01-21T15:14:45-05:00
@Brett. I get people may be disappointed...but really they aren't obligated to even do SG, even though they "know" how kickstarter works. I personally think people should just be happy with the base deck, and stop trying to get freebies just because they reached 2 mil in a day. That being said, everyone wants something for free! I'm just happy to get the deck :P
Andy Lyne 2015-01-21T15:15:33-05:00
Due to the high postage is it possible I can buy two or more decks so that the postage doesn't hurt as much?
Jeff Richards 2015-01-21T15:15:38-05:00
Folks, there really isn't a reason to complain about the stretch goals. Stretch goals are to encourage the continued growth of the project, and right now its own momentum is doing that just fine. And don't forget, something this massive, yes the per unit costs do come down in manufacturing, but other costs might go up, like storage during fulfilment. So they have to be careful, and if the initial cost was a sensible one, it doesn't mean automatically that they can offer expensive boxes or free international shipping or free decks & t-shirts to 55,000 people. I think the stretch goal of doubling the NSFW cards is generous, since we already had cleared the mark and it was just a gift. Awesome work, Exploding Kittens Team!
Adam Berns 2015-01-21T15:15:47-05:00
Character wishlist:
Mantis Shrimp
Giant Japanese Wasps
The Sriracha Rooster
Grammar Nazi/Police/SWAT
Jeebus Crabst
Nikola Telsa/Nikola's Tesla
Edison's Elephant
@Brett: I agree about the stretch goals. I've backed multiple projects, some with SGs some without, but when the SGs were posted(sometimes the second day of project starting up) it didn't take into account the amount currently pledged, and one or two of the goals were met within that time frame.
It seems like the SGs were a very last minute thing, since it was the backers requesting it after it had already met the goal, and passed it by being 1000% the original goal.
The SGs should be based on a % oncrease from the first goal, then continue in such a fashion from there in my opinion.
Michael Tuchfarber 2015-01-21T15:18:38-05:00
My serious advice to the creators (because I am of course working under the assumption that they are reading every....single....comment) is to start planning to beg for local volunteers once you get product in hand because packing/labelling/shipping this mess is going to be heinous.
A good stretch goal would be bourbon and pizza for whatever poor sods get stuck with the handling part of this mess.
And to all the people complaining about a 2mil stretch goal - these poor misguided geniuses were clearly working under the grossly mistaken supposition that they would be in the 30-40k range of total funding...over a month. Deciding on, designing, and then advertising stretch goals does take some time. I can only assume that the creators do have something resembling their normal work to still be doing. Cut them some slack.
And PS I will be wearing my Sriracha "Respect the hot c*ck" boxers in 29 days to celebrate this KS.
Mona Nãmo Malmedal 2015-01-21T15:18:45-05:00
Can we have, like a tote back to carry the box of cards in? With a choice of characters? Maybe like a tablecloth thing to play on...or A TOTE BAG THAT TURNS INTO A TABLETOP TABLECLOTH TO PLAY ON!....Yes?
Matt Wettlaufer 2015-01-21T15:19:18-05:00
The Bobcats need to be in the NSFW deck somewhere.
Matt Brenton 2015-01-21T15:20:11-05:00
Please make one of the NSFW cards Godzilla flipping the double bird and noping out. When I read "The Terrible and Wonderful Reasons Why I Run Long Distances" I laughed so hard I almost cried on that page...
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-21T15:21:31-05:00
@Michael Tuchfarber has a very good point.
John Foster 2015-01-21T15:21:54-05:00
Character requests...
Jibbers Crabst
Tesla (man)
Tesla (car)
Barbara Palace 2015-01-21T15:21:55-05:00
Good work Exploding Kittens team! Dear Jibbers, how on earth to choose favourite characters for the extra cards..... Hmmm...Mantis Shrimp, Paradox Dog, Blerch, Special Ops Bunny, Baby owl in underpants, Bobracha.....Too. Many. To. Name. And of course, our lord and saviour, Jibbers Crabst (TM).
Gareth Evans 2015-01-21T15:22:15-05:00
If due to volume reducing costs, you find that you can just simply increase the pack size for everyone (both the NSFW and standard deck) then I think that's the best outcome possible.
To me, the stretch goal posted at the 2 million mark is perfect.
Character wishlist for additional cards:
The Sriracha Rooster
Flamethrower bears
Mark Kessell 2015-01-21T15:22:39-05:00
collectors edition card box as an addon.
David Moses 2015-01-21T15:25:01-05:00
Lenticular cards for epic power cards!
Wookie Jesus!
Mantis Shrimp
The Bobs
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-21T15:25:27-05:00
I think a good combination of add-ons and goals would be great.
Rolf Jacobson 2015-01-21T15:26:12-05:00
@Michael Tuchfarber - as big as this is blowing up, they should easily be able to hire a staff, no real reason to rely on volunteers for beer and pizza at this point (although I'll happily volunteer to consume beer and pizza)
Jonathan Govednik 2015-01-21T15:26:24-05:00
Enos the Masturbating Monkey
Dolphin BBQ card
Owen Soren 2015-01-21T15:26:47-05:00
A polar vortex card with the swirling polar bears would make my girlfriend very happy.
Charmaine Wiggins 2015-01-21T15:27:05-05:00
Character wishlist:
Baby owl smoking crack
The Blerch
Water skiing chinchillas
Mantis shrimp
Nikola Tesla
K. L. 2015-01-21T15:27:20-05:00
@Michael Tuchfarber
I think this is an awesome idea! Start it early enough and they could have a pretty good sized work crew.
"My serious advice to the creators (because I am of course working under the assumption that they are reading every....single....comment) is to start planning to beg for local volunteers once you get product in hand because packing/labelling/shipping this mess is going to be heinous.
A good stretch goal would be bourbon and pizza for whatever poor sods get stuck with the handling part of this mess."
edward b 2015-01-21T15:29:04-05:00
does no-one think of the fruity blergs??
Perhaps "dragon kick a baby" for the awesomeness (or if Jibbers Crabst wills it)
Christian Enrique Bontá 2015-01-21T15:30:16-05:00
Cade Curtis 2015-01-21T15:30:33-05:00
Ideas for MOAR CARDS - Just like you asked!
The all-seeing Eye of Jibbers
Pooping and/or barfing babies of friends
A Luck Dragon porking things
The preserved Brain and Mustache of Tesla
Giant Goddamn Japanese Wasps
Hipsters being thrown into wood chippers, just like on my favorite birthday card
and finally, horrible bulging calves.
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-21T15:30:36-05:00
Cat Blerch - Makes it too lazy to explode
Rolf Jacobson 2015-01-21T15:31:46-05:00
Now what would be really cool is a "Live Launch" event (maybe in Seattle and L.A.) where people can go pick up their decks and have some kind of a meet and greet. Make it somewhat exclusive , sell tickets (with funds going to charity) etc...
Cade Curtis 2015-01-21T15:31:49-05:00
The big fat rocket powered Seahawk!
Alexander Sears 2015-01-21T15:32:26-05:00
There should definitely be a card about shitty clients on web site redesigns!
Dominatro 2015-01-21T15:33:46-05:00
You must have a mantis shrimp kicking the shit out of something...possibly the world because it is so dang awesome
Michael Neal 2015-01-21T15:34:20-05:00
So when's the movie?
Philip Campbell 2015-01-21T15:34:24-05:00
Now that we have a stretch goal and such...
Make another one to double the size of deck available in the original game. FFS I need more than 4 players, and I don't want to double my order just to do that.
Thomas Walker 2015-01-21T15:35:21-05:00
Mantis Shrimp
The crazy thing from step three of how to load the dishwasher.
A badly loaded dishwasher.
Poseidon's salty butthole!
Barry Somers 2015-01-21T15:35:48-05:00
You have to add Mantis Shrimp!
Ellie ratza 2015-01-21T15:36:20-05:00
My boyfriend noticed my overuse of "we" when talking about reaching goals.
I'm pretty sure he things we're a cult.
Dominatro 2015-01-21T15:36:57-05:00
o and musk introducing the future to peasants(us)
and tesla with his wireless energy machine
and a tesla car laughing at oil powered cars
yanshuly 2015-01-21T15:37:16-05:00
crazy ink eating printer card
Wes Ewing 2015-01-21T15:37:52-05:00
Project creators of this magnitude generally don't package / label / ship their own goods. Therefore, volunteers / a large crew to help out aren't necessary.
These kinds of projects are manufactured by the lowest bidder (usually in China), and then distributed by a specialty fulfillment company.
The project creators mainly create, then manage the various aspects of elements of work conducted by contracted third parties.
Jason Batai 2015-01-21T15:38:05-05:00
Would it be possible for a deluxe box that includes both the base and NSFW decks, and a partition between them?
It's a lot nicer to have all the game contents in a single box instead of spread between two.
Erik Penkert 2015-01-21T15:38:40-05:00
Grump the undead parrot needs a card!!
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-21T15:39:33-05:00
@Ellie, One of us, One of us, One of us. A cult....please.... hahahaha
Amanda LaPage 2015-01-21T15:39:53-05:00
Jibbers Crabst must scuttle through the surf and turf of my soul! If he hasn't already, 'cuz God is awesome like that. He can bring Saturn-orbiting bombardier beetles, too.
A luck dragon and a Ferrari breeding baby Teslas will not be amiss either.
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-21T15:39:54-05:00
How about a stretch goal to have the cards manufactured in the USA?
Anthony Neil Walker 2015-01-21T15:40:17-05:00
Umm what do stretch goals matter... I don't think they were expecting this to blow up like it has, just give them time to sort out what exactly the estimated costs would be (yes they have 2 million, but they're making decks for 50,000 people, they will need to figure out costs for that, get a team together to pack the boxes and help send the boxes, it's not a simple task, I think the whole getting the actual process sorted out is more important really
Rolf Jacobson 2015-01-21T15:40:32-05:00
@John Kelly - totally down with that, +1
Ellie ratza 2015-01-21T15:40:33-05:00
I'd like to see a Manbat card.
Also, the Bob Cats!
Charles Warren 2015-01-21T15:41:00-05:00
The Gayroller 2000 would make an excellent card, I do believe.
Ellie ratza 2015-01-21T15:42:44-05:00
@Charles YESSSS
Tyler Anthony Edwards 2015-01-21T15:44:14-05:00
Personally one of my favorite characters was the evil clown from minor differences, or the biker with the Rip Willy tattoo... Their is so many awesome ones to choose from I can hardly decide...
Nicolás K. Gutiérrez 2015-01-21T15:44:34-05:00
I would like a Door-to-Door Jew card personally, as well as Wookiechrist. Also, some sort of box that houses the NSFW cards along with the normal deck. If it's possible, can the deck be beefed up to make the game longer than 10-20min? More like half an hour? That'd be pretty neat!
Blinky 2015-01-21T15:45:10-05:00
Please include Operation bear love good, cancer bad and of course sriracha
Actually I take it back, my all time favorite comic has to be how everything goes to heck in a zombie apocalypse, anything from that would be amazing... Like the zombie gorilla, a zombie gorilla would be awesome!
The Blerch!!!! I'm a runner. I need me some Blerch!! Also, you should have a marathon for the release if the game and backers get firsties for registration!!!!
jon sweyn nelson 2015-01-21T15:50:54-05:00
the blerch, mantis shrimp, jibbers crabst, ball of yarn(defuse), puking babies hugging cats
David Hesson 2015-01-21T15:51:08-05:00
Question for Elan - now that you're millionaires and have time to sign more copies of the game, would you reconsider the quantities offered for the 100$ pledge? I'd really like to get that set :(
Barbara Palace 2015-01-21T15:51:49-05:00
Yes @ Tyler.... Zombie anything!
Dawn Wise 2015-01-21T15:51:52-05:00
I second David Hesson's comment. Need more signed copies!!!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-21T15:52:47-05:00
@K.L., saw that article earlier, it killed me! Its like uno... ummm no....
Kelsey Luongo 2015-01-21T15:52:48-05:00
The alot and the mantis shrimp please!!!
Chris S Luzynski 2015-01-21T15:53:38-05:00
Mantis Shrimp & The Bobs
Michael Bisbjerg 2015-01-21T15:53:45-05:00
For update #3:
Rambo (most of all)
Jibbers crabst
Good luck! :)
AJ Staley H 2015-01-21T15:53:51-05:00
Hey Matt and Elan! So since you have already made a couple million $$ on this you should throw a bonus in with the cards when shipping, like a nuclear kitten t-shirt. I wear a small or medium. ;)
Gabriel Stockman 2015-01-21T15:54:24-05:00
My idea for a defuse card would be something with the Bob-cats, maybe having to go to work or something? I know that kinda sounds boring but I'd love to see them in there.
Chris S Luzynski 2015-01-21T15:55:20-05:00
Well with that update, just had to change my pledge to the NSFW level...
Nick Guy 2015-01-21T15:55:52-05:00
Maybe a collaboration with some other comic artists on cards? SMBC, PBF, PAX, etc?
K. L. 2015-01-21T15:57:00-05:00
@Rod Mitchell
Haha, you don't remember the bomb cards in UNO? That's why the game is called UNO, because there's only one survivor...
Gambler's Warehouse 2015-01-21T15:57:05-05:00
Just pledged. Its a wonderful campaign..
We just launched our playing cards project yesterday & would like to share :
Dave Marcus 2015-01-21T15:57:56-05:00
Turkey T-Rex
Realistic Batman
Jason Powell 2015-01-21T15:58:55-05:00
I would like see a cat's schrodinger card
Richard Veroszlinden 2015-01-21T15:59:28-05:00
Bear-O-Dactyl! Hey, does that come in a halloween costume for a toddler?
Jessica 2015-01-21T15:59:31-05:00
Can you do Uncut Decks? I would love to purchase uncut decks for both the NSFW and the original deck. So excited to get my cards.....
ya a Schrodinger's box diffusal card would be awesome. You diffuse the cat by tossing him in the box.
Iain Michael Alan Mackay 2015-01-21T16:00:07-05:00
Google self driving car
Nancy Harris 2015-01-21T16:01:58-05:00
The Blerch and of course Bobcats! Oooh - Pelvic thrusting cats!
Kevin Dragotto 2015-01-21T16:04:54-05:00
Add a Christopher Columbus card. If you get it, it not only enslaves all future kitten cards you draw (allowing you to hand them out to others), but it allows you to steal other peoples good resource cards and regardless of who wins, in the end, you get to scream "Not only have I won the game, but we're all not working tomorrow to celebrate me!" Seriously.
Patrick Reeves 2015-01-21T16:04:54-05:00
The upset dishwasher lady. She loads a dishwasher like Jesus on Adderall.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-21T16:06:21-05:00
I don't know if i have seen this yet, but maybe a PnP as a SG?
Matthew Juergens 2015-01-21T16:07:08-05:00
An awesome stretch goal prize would be having additional cards so up to 6 or 8 people could play!
Hallur Hallsson 2015-01-21T16:07:32-05:00
SWeet Sweet! I cant bloody wait! :D
Khaliela Wright 2015-01-21T16:08:33-05:00
I like +Nancy Harries Idea, but I would add that the pelvic thrusting cats need to be in fish-net stockings, corsets and dancing to the theme music from the Rocky Horror Picture show. (Time Warp.)
Jeremy Fitch 2015-01-21T16:09:14-05:00
Wookie Jesus needs to make an appearance. Also the Godzilla from the running comic please!
Aleksandar Arsovski 2015-01-21T16:10:01-05:00
Cards (other people have said them, just adding these to my vote):
Tesla (both car and man)
Cat's Schrodinger
Japanese Giant Hornets (along with Japanese hugging honeybees)
Kickstart Mart :P
Khaliela Wright 2015-01-21T16:10:11-05:00
There should also be a litter box card for when the player next to you makes a move that really stinks!
Natac24 2015-01-21T16:12:13-05:00
Nikola tesla who could use a tesla coil to defuse the kitten. Schrödingers cat wich lets you flip a coin to peek in the box and depending on outcome determines wich state the kitty is in
Natac24 2015-01-21T16:12:56-05:00
Oh, mantis shrimp!
Jack 2015-01-21T16:13:09-05:00
Is there any chance of setting up foreign distributors? Specifically with regards to the UK/EU, as this would help with escaping an import tax (which would effectively double the cost of a pack in the UK).
Also, can we add a regular pack as an addon at the NSFW tier? I assume so but wish to be sure.
Jodie White 2015-01-21T16:14:58-05:00
Kitten Bomb card: Sriracha Overdose Explosion (should have that sriracha addiction looked at)
Kitten Bomb card: Kitten Cannon (for high thrill kitten seekers)
Kaitlynn 2015-01-21T16:15:23-05:00
You should include DOMINO! Also mantis shrimp and turkey t-rex :D
I think the Intergalactic SpaceBoat of Light and Wonder could take you to the future, and peak at the top 3 cards.
@Grace. I am not complaining about the current project but I totally see where those we are... are coming from. The creators have backed a lot of KS so they know how this place works... and really should have had some SG prepared. Then when they finally do post one... they set it at 2,000,000 and don't offer any new ones? Instead saying they will post one again tomorrow and make it harder to achieve? Harder than 2,000,000? I can see how that would make some people question it.
Again I'm fine with the base pledge as it was... but can see how this latest SG could come off poorly.
I hope this saves the Tesla Musem ;)
NSFW attack card- The Motherfucking Pterodactyl, here to tear you a new asshole.
err those who are... not we are
I have to agree with many of the suggestions for making more durable, coated cards. But please, please, please do include Jibbers Crabst, the Blerch, Gayroller2000, Tesla, and Mantis Shrimp. If I only had a choice of two things, I would go with more durable cards and a Jibbers Crabst card. PLEASE!
Mantis Shrimp and Bobracha please
Definitely the Japanese Hornet vs. a swarm each of Euro (fail) & Japanese honeybees (murdersquish)
@Brett. I get people may be disappointed...but really they aren't obligated to even do SG, even though they "know" how kickstarter works. I personally think people should just be happy with the base deck, and stop trying to get freebies just because they reached 2 mil in a day. That being said, everyone wants something for free! I'm just happy to get the deck :P
Due to the high postage is it possible I can buy two or more decks so that the postage doesn't hurt as much?
Folks, there really isn't a reason to complain about the stretch goals. Stretch goals are to encourage the continued growth of the project, and right now its own momentum is doing that just fine. And don't forget, something this massive, yes the per unit costs do come down in manufacturing, but other costs might go up, like storage during fulfilment. So they have to be careful, and if the initial cost was a sensible one, it doesn't mean automatically that they can offer expensive boxes or free international shipping or free decks & t-shirts to 55,000 people. I think the stretch goal of doubling the NSFW cards is generous, since we already had cleared the mark and it was just a gift. Awesome work, Exploding Kittens Team!
Character wishlist:
Mantis Shrimp
Giant Japanese Wasps
The Sriracha Rooster
Grammar Nazi/Police/SWAT
Jeebus Crabst
Nikola Telsa/Nikola's Tesla
Edison's Elephant
@Brett: I agree about the stretch goals. I've backed multiple projects, some with SGs some without, but when the SGs were posted(sometimes the second day of project starting up) it didn't take into account the amount currently pledged, and one or two of the goals were met within that time frame.
It seems like the SGs were a very last minute thing, since it was the backers requesting it after it had already met the goal, and passed it by being 1000% the original goal.
The SGs should be based on a % oncrease from the first goal, then continue in such a fashion from there in my opinion.
My serious advice to the creators (because I am of course working under the assumption that they are reading every....single....comment) is to start planning to beg for local volunteers once you get product in hand because packing/labelling/shipping this mess is going to be heinous.
A good stretch goal would be bourbon and pizza for whatever poor sods get stuck with the handling part of this mess.
And to all the people complaining about a 2mil stretch goal - these poor misguided geniuses were clearly working under the grossly mistaken supposition that they would be in the 30-40k range of total funding...over a month. Deciding on, designing, and then advertising stretch goals does take some time. I can only assume that the creators do have something resembling their normal work to still be doing. Cut them some slack.
And PS I will be wearing my Sriracha "Respect the hot c*ck" boxers in 29 days to celebrate this KS.
Can we have, like a tote back to carry the box of cards in? With a choice of characters? Maybe like a tablecloth thing to play on...or A TOTE BAG THAT TURNS INTO A TABLETOP TABLECLOTH TO PLAY ON!....Yes?
The Bobcats need to be in the NSFW deck somewhere.
Please make one of the NSFW cards Godzilla flipping the double bird and noping out. When I read "The Terrible and Wonderful Reasons Why I Run Long Distances" I laughed so hard I almost cried on that page...
@Michael Tuchfarber has a very good point.
Character requests...
Jibbers Crabst
Tesla (man)
Tesla (car)
Good work Exploding Kittens team! Dear Jibbers, how on earth to choose favourite characters for the extra cards..... Hmmm...Mantis Shrimp, Paradox Dog, Blerch, Special Ops Bunny, Baby owl in underpants, Bobracha.....Too. Many. To. Name. And of course, our lord and saviour, Jibbers Crabst (TM).
If due to volume reducing costs, you find that you can just simply increase the pack size for everyone (both the NSFW and standard deck) then I think that's the best outcome possible.
To me, the stretch goal posted at the 2 million mark is perfect.
Character wishlist for additional cards:
The Sriracha Rooster
Flamethrower bears
collectors edition card box as an addon.
Lenticular cards for epic power cards!
Wookie Jesus!
Mantis Shrimp
The Bobs
I think a good combination of add-ons and goals would be great.
@Michael Tuchfarber - as big as this is blowing up, they should easily be able to hire a staff, no real reason to rely on volunteers for beer and pizza at this point (although I'll happily volunteer to consume beer and pizza)
Enos the Masturbating Monkey
Dolphin BBQ card
A polar vortex card with the swirling polar bears would make my girlfriend very happy.
Character wishlist:
Baby owl smoking crack
The Blerch
Water skiing chinchillas
Mantis shrimp
Nikola Tesla
@Michael Tuchfarber
I think this is an awesome idea! Start it early enough and they could have a pretty good sized work crew.
"My serious advice to the creators (because I am of course working under the assumption that they are reading every....single....comment) is to start planning to beg for local volunteers once you get product in hand because packing/labelling/shipping this mess is going to be heinous.
A good stretch goal would be bourbon and pizza for whatever poor sods get stuck with the handling part of this mess."
does no-one think of the fruity blergs??
Perhaps "dragon kick a baby" for the awesomeness (or if Jibbers Crabst wills it)
Ideas for MOAR CARDS - Just like you asked!
The all-seeing Eye of Jibbers
Pooping and/or barfing babies of friends
A Luck Dragon porking things
The preserved Brain and Mustache of Tesla
Giant Goddamn Japanese Wasps
Hipsters being thrown into wood chippers, just like on my favorite birthday card
and finally, horrible bulging calves.
Cat Blerch - Makes it too lazy to explode
Now what would be really cool is a "Live Launch" event (maybe in Seattle and L.A.) where people can go pick up their decks and have some kind of a meet and greet. Make it somewhat exclusive , sell tickets (with funds going to charity) etc...
The big fat rocket powered Seahawk!
There should definitely be a card about shitty clients on web site redesigns!
You must have a mantis shrimp kicking the shit out of something...possibly the world because it is so dang awesome
So when's the movie?
Now that we have a stretch goal and such...
Make another one to double the size of deck available in the original game. FFS I need more than 4 players, and I don't want to double my order just to do that.
Mantis Shrimp
The crazy thing from step three of how to load the dishwasher.
A badly loaded dishwasher.
Poseidon's salty butthole!
You have to add Mantis Shrimp!
My boyfriend noticed my overuse of "we" when talking about reaching goals.
I'm pretty sure he things we're a cult.
o and musk introducing the future to peasants(us)
and tesla with his wireless energy machine
and a tesla car laughing at oil powered cars
crazy ink eating printer card
Project creators of this magnitude generally don't package / label / ship their own goods. Therefore, volunteers / a large crew to help out aren't necessary.
These kinds of projects are manufactured by the lowest bidder (usually in China), and then distributed by a specialty fulfillment company.
The project creators mainly create, then manage the various aspects of elements of work conducted by contracted third parties.
Would it be possible for a deluxe box that includes both the base and NSFW decks, and a partition between them?
It's a lot nicer to have all the game contents in a single box instead of spread between two.
Grump the undead parrot needs a card!!
@Ellie, One of us, One of us, One of us. A cult....please.... hahahaha
Jibbers Crabst must scuttle through the surf and turf of my soul! If he hasn't already, 'cuz God is awesome like that. He can bring Saturn-orbiting bombardier beetles, too.
A luck dragon and a Ferrari breeding baby Teslas will not be amiss either.
How about a stretch goal to have the cards manufactured in the USA?
Umm what do stretch goals matter... I don't think they were expecting this to blow up like it has, just give them time to sort out what exactly the estimated costs would be (yes they have 2 million, but they're making decks for 50,000 people, they will need to figure out costs for that, get a team together to pack the boxes and help send the boxes, it's not a simple task, I think the whole getting the actual process sorted out is more important really
@John Kelly - totally down with that, +1
I'd like to see a Manbat card.
Also, the Bob Cats!
The Gayroller 2000 would make an excellent card, I do believe.
@Charles YESSSS
Personally one of my favorite characters was the evil clown from minor differences, or the biker with the Rip Willy tattoo... Their is so many awesome ones to choose from I can hardly decide...
I would like a Door-to-Door Jew card personally, as well as Wookiechrist. Also, some sort of box that houses the NSFW cards along with the normal deck. If it's possible, can the deck be beefed up to make the game longer than 10-20min? More like half an hour? That'd be pretty neat!
Please include Operation bear love good, cancer bad and of course sriracha
The all almighty Tesla card!
Actually I take it back, my all time favorite comic has to be how everything goes to heck in a zombie apocalypse, anything from that would be amazing... Like the zombie gorilla, a zombie gorilla would be awesome!
Article on the CNN website should slows things down:
The Blerch!!!! I'm a runner. I need me some Blerch!! Also, you should have a marathon for the release if the game and backers get firsties for registration!!!!
the blerch, mantis shrimp, jibbers crabst, ball of yarn(defuse), puking babies hugging cats
Question for Elan - now that you're millionaires and have time to sign more copies of the game, would you reconsider the quantities offered for the 100$ pledge? I'd really like to get that set :(
Yes @ Tyler.... Zombie anything!
I second David Hesson's comment. Need more signed copies!!!
@K.L., saw that article earlier, it killed me! Its like uno... ummm no....
The alot and the mantis shrimp please!!!
Mantis Shrimp & The Bobs
For update #3:
Rambo (most of all)
Jibbers crabst
Good luck! :)
Hey Matt and Elan! So since you have already made a couple million $$ on this you should throw a bonus in with the cards when shipping, like a nuclear kitten t-shirt. I wear a small or medium. ;)
My idea for a defuse card would be something with the Bob-cats, maybe having to go to work or something? I know that kinda sounds boring but I'd love to see them in there.
Well with that update, just had to change my pledge to the NSFW level...
Maybe a collaboration with some other comic artists on cards? SMBC, PBF, PAX, etc?
@Rod Mitchell
Haha, you don't remember the bomb cards in UNO? That's why the game is called UNO, because there's only one survivor...
Just pledged. Its a wonderful campaign..
We just launched our playing cards project yesterday & would like to share :
Turkey T-Rex
Realistic Batman
I would like see a cat's schrodinger card
Bear-O-Dactyl! Hey, does that come in a halloween costume for a toddler?
Can you do Uncut Decks? I would love to purchase uncut decks for both the NSFW and the original deck. So excited to get my cards.....
ya a Schrodinger's box diffusal card would be awesome. You diffuse the cat by tossing him in the box.
Google self driving car
The Blerch and of course Bobcats! Oooh - Pelvic thrusting cats!
Add a Christopher Columbus card. If you get it, it not only enslaves all future kitten cards you draw (allowing you to hand them out to others), but it allows you to steal other peoples good resource cards and regardless of who wins, in the end, you get to scream "Not only have I won the game, but we're all not working tomorrow to celebrate me!" Seriously.
The upset dishwasher lady. She loads a dishwasher like Jesus on Adderall.
I don't know if i have seen this yet, but maybe a PnP as a SG?
An awesome stretch goal prize would be having additional cards so up to 6 or 8 people could play!
SWeet Sweet! I cant bloody wait! :D
I like +Nancy Harries Idea, but I would add that the pelvic thrusting cats need to be in fish-net stockings, corsets and dancing to the theme music from the Rocky Horror Picture show. (Time Warp.)
Wookie Jesus needs to make an appearance. Also the Godzilla from the running comic please!
Cards (other people have said them, just adding these to my vote):
Tesla (both car and man)
Cat's Schrodinger
Japanese Giant Hornets (along with Japanese hugging honeybees)
Kickstart Mart :P
There should also be a litter box card for when the player next to you makes a move that really stinks!
Nikola tesla who could use a tesla coil to defuse the kitten. Schrödingers cat wich lets you flip a coin to peek in the box and depending on outcome determines wich state the kitty is in
Oh, mantis shrimp!
Is there any chance of setting up foreign distributors? Specifically with regards to the UK/EU, as this would help with escaping an import tax (which would effectively double the cost of a pack in the UK).
Also, can we add a regular pack as an addon at the NSFW tier? I assume so but wish to be sure.
Kitten Bomb card: Sriracha Overdose Explosion (should have that sriracha addiction looked at)
Kitten Bomb card: Kitten Cannon (for high thrill kitten seekers)
You should include DOMINO! Also mantis shrimp and turkey t-rex :D
+1 for UK distribution!