@Roberto: +1 for better quality cards or plastic cards. Seriously who doesn't want quality cards?
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-23T13:04:20-05:00
New update!
Ollie 'Reach' Denning 2015-01-23T13:05:00-05:00
I think it's a poor choice to use backer numbers rather than cash for the next stretch goal, surely 1.3 million past the last stretch goal is good enough.
Justin 2015-01-23T13:08:50-05:00
it wouldn't be a stretch goal if it wasn't a stretch to get to :P
Paul Alan Bean Jr 2015-01-23T13:10:36-05:00
I have to say Im completely dissapointed in the fact that stretch goals are being set at near insane levels. This is just a card game that has reached over 3 million in funding. For christ sake Every single stretch goal they can think of needs to be added as fulfilled. Give us the bigger deck, design an expansion, give us a jibbers crabst prayer box for the cards or even better quality cards and just get over it.
Brandon Guthrie 2015-01-23T13:12:19-05:00
So I guess "The core game is so so good, and we don't want to muck that up by expanding it." means the 6,200 of us that pledged at the $20 level aren't getting any stretch goal perks. That's not cool at all.
Brian Dickinson 2015-01-23T13:12:33-05:00
@Paul Alan Bean Jr: No, they don't have to give us anything other than the original project. And even then, with crowd funding, that's not a guaranteed. You are freely donating money to the project. You aren't purchasing the game, they are giving you a reward for donating. That reward is up to the creator.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-23T13:13:22-05:00
@Paul If you don't like it don't back it. They just updated us stating that they just finished getting done with emails from day 1! I doubt they thought that this would get over in 3 mill. They have to change their plans some. Give them a break.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-23T13:14:15-05:00
I think what people need to get over is the "We deserve moar stuffs nao!" mentality. Just because a lot of people have backed a project, and therefore the project has raised a lot of money, doesn't mean the backers should get tons of free stuff. You're pledging for a certain thing (card game), and if that's not good enough for you, you shouldn't back the project.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-23T13:16:02-05:00
Also there have been a number of projects that have never had SG but have been funded. This isn't a first.
@Cal Rasmussen; Hear, hear! I never understood this odd desire to get MORE than you paid for based on the level of support for a project. Much of the infamous schedule delays for every. Single PROJECT on this site are almost always a case of fulfillment timing issues (the tee-shirts arrived but the decals are hung up at the printers, the medallions are ready but the coffe mugs are the wrong (much smaller) size, etc, etc.).
As it is, the full size NSFW deck will DOUBLE what I paid for, as I added the extra 35 for another set so I could play this with up to 8 people. Now I can either give the second set as a gift, or use the "age safe" cards to play with my 9 (going on 30) year old daughter.
Jeremy Oliver 2015-01-23T13:17:56-05:00
@BruceP I agree. People need to stop acting like spoiled children.
Heather Munday-McGinley 2015-01-23T13:18:30-05:00
Please tell me there will be an all-powerful Jibbers card!!!
Amy Goersch 2015-01-23T13:18:43-05:00
Why don't you stop adding cards to the NSFW deck and add some to the regular deck. Some people with more than one kid might like to play it with their families.
(Seriously, you can tell where the nerds be; where else would two completely different commentators use a phrase like "hear, hear!" in a sentence?)
Adam Suhy 2015-01-23T13:19:44-05:00
Probably already suggested, but can you include a box large enough to contain both decks?
Grace Lezetc 2015-01-23T13:20:11-05:00
@BruceP Agreed!
Griffin Patterson 2015-01-23T13:20:26-05:00
Can there be add ons? I'd like a second set of the base game, but aren't really fussed about signatures since I plan on using the two base games or the one of each (depending on the group of people)
Andre "Silver Ninjatten" Bernier 2015-01-23T13:20:41-05:00
If you put both decks in the same box do they still exist?
Bruce Sobocinski 2015-01-23T13:20:48-05:00
Next stretch goal... Plastic Cards for the 35$ backer :)
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-23T13:21:46-05:00
@Griffin Patterson,
People have been adding the cost of another deck to their pledge to account for multiples. Click the blue Manage button up on the right to edit your pledge total. :)
Brandon Guthrie 2015-01-23T13:21:58-05:00
@Amy Goersch - Agreed. Looks like the regular deck backers are getting left out entirely.
Barry Molenwijk 2015-01-23T13:22:04-05:00
I absolutely loved Oat's pissed off/on version of Cthulhu, that was hilarious. I'd say put that one inthere ;)
Grace Lezetc 2015-01-23T13:22:07-05:00
@Amy they've already designed the full main deck game...the NSFW deck is just extra cards to add to the main deck. This is like asking regular card makers to add another suit to the deck...stupid
John blacknall 2015-01-23T13:22:49-05:00
I would love to see even a small addition to the standard deck. Also it would be a cool idea to add an option for a wood box to hold the decks in as an add on.
Paul Alan Bean Jr 2015-01-23T13:23:24-05:00
@cal and @Brian I'm not asking for anything extra, I backed the standard and NSFW deck thats all I expect. I never cared about stretch goals, nor do I care for stretch goals now. What I am saying is that this adding stretch goals after the project was put together is fine and all but for any other project on this site or the planet the reasonable "goals" have already been met and exceeded by an EXTREME amount. Deciding that 80 thousand backers and 3 million dollars just isn't enough to justify another "stretch goal" whether post mortem or not at the minimum another 20 thousand in funding($1 backing) would however make it reasonable is ridiculous. As far as I'm concerned if the stretch goals we're just hey we now have enough money to take time and design a new expansion so we'll have one out hopefully 6 months after release that you can purchase seperately is more than reasonable including the expanded NSFW deck(we'd have to buy those extra cards ourselves) I don't feel stretch goals in this kind of project should mean free stuff. But, it should entail the development of new stuff on a nice timeline to continue the project.
@griffen if you want two copies of the SFW version then you would just pick the $20 pledge level and change your pledge to $40. If you don't live in the USA then you would also pay shipping as well.
Andre "Silver Ninjatten" Bernier 2015-01-23T13:24:00-05:00
All they would really need to do is change the art for some of the kitten cards.... Instead of the same card 4 times add in 3 additional artworks.
Grace Lezetc 2015-01-23T13:24:03-05:00
You guys sure do have a sense of entitlement for only pledging $20...It's day 3 and so many complaints over SG and not having enough cards in the main deck. You should all try designing and game, draw up every single card for it, talk to a printing company and then see how many SG you can do.
Alex Miller 2015-01-23T13:27:13-05:00
On most kickstarters the lower pledge levels don't get much of a stretch goal. the idea of a stretch goal is to get you to pledge up and spend more money, to stretch the funds further... I don't understand all the complaints about the $20 pledge levels.
JusticeBolt 2015-01-23T13:27:15-05:00
@Andre: wait.. Some cards are duplicate artwork in the deck like 4x? If yes I would like a stretch goal for unique arts and funny text for each card.
Brian Dickinson 2015-01-23T13:27:32-05:00
@Paul: When does that mentallity stop? "They made $3 million so we should get premium cards... and a poster... and diecast models of the kittens... and a computer app version of the game... and....." You saying that their success is enough to justify adding every stretch goal is literally a sense of entitlement to something that you haven't earned. They will reach the 100,000 backers, and then we will get to see if there is anything else that they choose to add for stretch goals.
Grace Lezetc 2015-01-23T13:27:41-05:00
Thank you Exploding Kitten Team for even doing SGs, all the work that is involved in this project is monumental and everyone here being unappreciative nobs can take a long walk off a very short pier :)
Michael O 2015-01-23T13:27:45-05:00
@Conrad Schmidt, I like your idea to support nobler causes and backed the cinema in Belgrade. My own nobler cause is this project to capture potable water from the air by collecting rain, harvesting fog and dew for rural communities in Ethiopia: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/366225655/warka-water-each-drop-counts.
Paul Alan Bean Jr 2015-01-23T13:28:29-05:00
@brian dickinson. Did you not read anything I said? Just picked up on a few keywords for speed reading? Reread my post before you try to light a flamethrower and burn your own eyebrows off again.
Aaron Rieniets 2015-01-23T13:28:30-05:00
Can there be an @explodingkitten card that breaks the internet?
Greg Hancock 2015-01-23T13:29:44-05:00
Okay... a Red Velvet Mite card HAS to be made! (I'm guessing for the NSFW deck....)
Brian Dickinson 2015-01-23T13:30:56-05:00
@Paul: No
Bryan Lipscy 2015-01-23T13:30:58-05:00
@Bruce_P: Thank you. Now just need @explodingkitten to add more $100 packages.
I would suggest, similar to CAH (and other games like Magic), a small "expansion pack" symbol or something on the card details (front) side (not the back), for the NSFW deck.
That way people can easily remove the NSFW deck from the main deck between playing with friends vs kids.
@robert um no the cost of the play mat would eat away at their profit margin. As for limited edition cards just buy the NSWF tier at $35. The NSWF deck will never be sold again after this campaign is over so it is a Limited Edition.
@Cristina they cant change where pledges go to after the campaign has been started. Also there was a previous KS that tried to do that and was caught up in a costly legal fight because of it.
Arjan Timmerman 2015-01-23T13:43:31-05:00
Hi Guys, did not believe the amount it already made when I stepped in... Then looked at the graphics, concept, and immediately backed the project myself. Great work... and keep breaking these records! Greetz.
Xander K 2015-01-23T13:47:53-05:00
33,000+% funded! Holy exploding kittens! :-D
Michael Kidd 2015-01-23T13:48:50-05:00
While I watched the video, 17 people pledged a cumulative $1000. While I wrote this 4 more people pledged $300
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-23T13:49:18-05:00
I like the idea of an expansion symbol but it the NSFW deck has a different back do we really need it. But if it has the same back I'm totally for it.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-23T13:51:09-05:00
but if*
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-23T13:51:47-05:00
@Cal R,
It's likely both decks have the same back. Otherwise, you'd be able to tell you were about to draw a card from a certain deck. ;) They'll probably have differences on the faces (different colors/borders, etc).
Christopher J Mischler 2015-01-23T13:52:08-05:00
To those asking for stretch goals for the kid-friendly deck – the NSFW(+KF) deck has brought in over 95% of the funding, so it's probably not a priority to put more into the KF version. It's obvious where most of the fans of this project want it to go (which makes sense when it's a game about exploding kittens).
LordCrash - OD | OOoE | WoOS 2015-01-23T13:55:01-05:00
I say it again: please offer a new ($5-10) all digital tier that gives a translated/international (English, Spanish, French, German, ...) PnP version (pdf for manual print) to backers. :)
Robin McNicoll 2015-01-23T13:56:52-05:00
I think that, raising so much more than what you were asking for, we should have some retroactive and future stretch goals.
You're making history here, so the backers deserve more. Maybe a kitty keychain, or a special holo card.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-23T13:59:03-05:00
Any one have any ideas on the "a yet-to-be-revealed-thing-of-incredible-delight." in the FAQ is?
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-23T13:59:47-05:00
Again with the "deserve". The backers deserve what they pledged. Nothing more. They'll already be giving us almost 3x the cards in the NSFW deck for free. If you don't feel you're getting your money's worth with what comes in the pledge tier you backed, don't back the project.
Doug Johnson 2015-01-23T14:00:25-05:00
Maybe you can add a wing to the Tesla Museum?
Sun Kim 2015-01-23T14:00:29-05:00
Definitely have cards with bears doing awesome things - bears with flamethrowers, bears with the boombox after the slaughter!
Brian Dickinson 2015-01-23T14:00:43-05:00
@Paul: Fine, I reread your post. While I understand what you are saying, I don't agree with it. I think the success of this project will naturally lead to future products/expansions. I am incredibly leary of anything that will postpone the delivery of the game due to a previous project that I backed. The project was fully funded, stretch goals were met, but then they had to redevelop the game to make sure the balance was correct with the new add-ons. Then they went silent, then the head of the company disappeared with all of the money. I would rather this one just stick with the original project that is advertised. Everyone has their own perspective though. Sorry for being short.
Everette Graydon 2015-01-23T14:01:30-05:00
A lot of people are complaining that the stretch goals are a stretch (exactly what they are supposed to be) but I don't think they realize that originally they were just going to double the nsfw pack (to 20) and NOW they're making it a whole deck. Come on guys, you're already getting more than what you backed.
Retroactive SG's are something for them to think about, but not a priority nor a necessity. A digital version of the game would be cool, but also might be a pain in the butt...
Teddy Pilz 2015-01-23T14:03:41-05:00
Really awesome success story that truly makes one happy for reminding that passion and support make all the difference and fascinating things happen! Well done Exploding Kittens team!
Even the current SG's aren't a necessity, but I do like them as they stand. Especially given that we only started off with like 20 (?) cards for the NSFW deck and it's soon to be a full deck. Since the NSFW deck is KS exclusive that's 56 cards unique to all backers at that level.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-23T14:04:26-05:00
As a retroactive sg I would like them to charge $10 extra to each person who is demanding free stuff!
lets see 80k (rounding down) backers for the NSFW deck and 6k backers for the kid friendly deck. Since the majority of the backers are at the NSFW pledge level I think they have done the right thing with the current stretch goals.
K. L. 2015-01-23T14:09:30-05:00
With crazy amount of extra money, I think each of them should buy themselves something pretty.
Daniel Chang 2015-01-23T14:09:50-05:00
Question about the attack card. If player 1 plays the attack card, does that mean player 2 cannot play the attack card? or they could, but they still have another turn?
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-23T14:09:56-05:00
I know i know. How about a SG to take away the keyboards of those demanding more. hahaha
Thomas 2015-01-23T14:13:26-05:00
Please no need to respond to an answer other backers:
I backed for the awesome game,
I daily check for the awesome updates and watching the reign of backening terror that you preparing war with.
Serious as happy backer you guys rock!
David Leo 2015-01-23T14:14:39-05:00
@Josh Durban - How do you know the NSFW deck won't be sold again after the campaign? If this is true, based on the current demand, it would prob. be wise to grab another copy and hold on to it while it appreciates in value?
How awesome would it be to make an Android /iOS / PC / osx version of the card game.
Like Hearthstone, with sweet animations, graphics and audio!
Daisy Brown 2015-01-23T14:17:34-05:00
If you make your NSFW challenge, set another one and add vinyl decals. I'd love to add them to my already cat-theme decal friendly PT Cruiser. Blow them up!
LordCrash - OD | OOoE | WoOS 2015-01-23T14:18:53-05:00
With "digital" version I've meant a pdf version that the backers could print out themselves at home. That way there would be no physical fulfilment and Elan and the gang could even offer translated versions because there are no additional printing costs. That would be a huge deal for international backers like me who don't want to pay a lot of shipping costs (or even VATS) for an all English version...
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-23T14:19:41-05:00
@Steve I don't under stand why that would slow the backers....
Maybe a pack of just like four individual extra kitty bombs to increase difficulty or player count as said player desires? That would be pretty exclusive right? I get that some people are get people are buying multiple decks to expand the number of players, but that could expand and alter playability
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-23T14:22:12-05:00
ha....@BruceP good call. Guess that's what I get for watching the comments and trying to work at the same time.
@LordCrash: I understood you, and I like that idea. I just also think that an actual digital version (like an app game) has potential, but could a pain in the butt.
@chris if it was reasonably priced sure
@Roberto: +1 for better quality cards or plastic cards. Seriously who doesn't want quality cards?
New update!
I think it's a poor choice to use backer numbers rather than cash for the next stretch goal, surely 1.3 million past the last stretch goal is good enough.
it wouldn't be a stretch goal if it wasn't a stretch to get to :P
I have to say Im completely dissapointed in the fact that stretch goals are being set at near insane levels. This is just a card game that has reached over 3 million in funding. For christ sake Every single stretch goal they can think of needs to be added as fulfilled. Give us the bigger deck, design an expansion, give us a jibbers crabst prayer box for the cards or even better quality cards and just get over it.
So I guess "The core game is so so good, and we don't want to muck that up by expanding it." means the 6,200 of us that pledged at the $20 level aren't getting any stretch goal perks. That's not cool at all.
@Paul Alan Bean Jr: No, they don't have to give us anything other than the original project. And even then, with crowd funding, that's not a guaranteed. You are freely donating money to the project. You aren't purchasing the game, they are giving you a reward for donating. That reward is up to the creator.
@Paul If you don't like it don't back it. They just updated us stating that they just finished getting done with emails from day 1! I doubt they thought that this would get over in 3 mill. They have to change their plans some. Give them a break.
I think what people need to get over is the "We deserve moar stuffs nao!" mentality. Just because a lot of people have backed a project, and therefore the project has raised a lot of money, doesn't mean the backers should get tons of free stuff. You're pledging for a certain thing (card game), and if that's not good enough for you, you shouldn't back the project.
Also there have been a number of projects that have never had SG but have been funded. This isn't a first.
@BruceP Hear hear!! Agreed.
@Cal Rasmussen; Hear, hear! I never understood this odd desire to get MORE than you paid for based on the level of support for a project. Much of the infamous schedule delays for every. Single PROJECT on this site are almost always a case of fulfillment timing issues (the tee-shirts arrived but the decals are hung up at the printers, the medallions are ready but the coffe mugs are the wrong (much smaller) size, etc, etc.).
As it is, the full size NSFW deck will DOUBLE what I paid for, as I added the extra 35 for another set so I could play this with up to 8 people. Now I can either give the second set as a gift, or use the "age safe" cards to play with my 9 (going on 30) year old daughter.
@BruceP I agree. People need to stop acting like spoiled children.
Please tell me there will be an all-powerful Jibbers card!!!
Why don't you stop adding cards to the NSFW deck and add some to the regular deck. Some people with more than one kid might like to play it with their families.
@Barbara Palace: JINX!! ;-)
(Seriously, you can tell where the nerds be; where else would two completely different commentators use a phrase like "hear, hear!" in a sentence?)
Probably already suggested, but can you include a box large enough to contain both decks?
@BruceP Agreed!
Can there be add ons? I'd like a second set of the base game, but aren't really fussed about signatures since I plan on using the two base games or the one of each (depending on the group of people)
If you put both decks in the same box do they still exist?
Next stretch goal... Plastic Cards for the 35$ backer :)
@Griffin Patterson,
People have been adding the cost of another deck to their pledge to account for multiples. Click the blue Manage button up on the right to edit your pledge total. :)
@Amy Goersch - Agreed. Looks like the regular deck backers are getting left out entirely.
I absolutely loved Oat's pissed off/on version of Cthulhu, that was hilarious. I'd say put that one inthere ;)
@Amy they've already designed the full main deck game...the NSFW deck is just extra cards to add to the main deck. This is like asking regular card makers to add another suit to the deck...stupid
I would love to see even a small addition to the standard deck. Also it would be a cool idea to add an option for a wood box to hold the decks in as an add on.
@cal and @Brian I'm not asking for anything extra, I backed the standard and NSFW deck thats all I expect. I never cared about stretch goals, nor do I care for stretch goals now. What I am saying is that this adding stretch goals after the project was put together is fine and all but for any other project on this site or the planet the reasonable "goals" have already been met and exceeded by an EXTREME amount. Deciding that 80 thousand backers and 3 million dollars just isn't enough to justify another "stretch goal" whether post mortem or not at the minimum another 20 thousand in funding($1 backing) would however make it reasonable is ridiculous. As far as I'm concerned if the stretch goals we're just hey we now have enough money to take time and design a new expansion so we'll have one out hopefully 6 months after release that you can purchase seperately is more than reasonable including the expanded NSFW deck(we'd have to buy those extra cards ourselves) I don't feel stretch goals in this kind of project should mean free stuff. But, it should entail the development of new stuff on a nice timeline to continue the project.
@griffen if you want two copies of the SFW version then you would just pick the $20 pledge level and change your pledge to $40. If you don't live in the USA then you would also pay shipping as well.
All they would really need to do is change the art for some of the kitten cards.... Instead of the same card 4 times add in 3 additional artworks.
You guys sure do have a sense of entitlement for only pledging $20...It's day 3 and so many complaints over SG and not having enough cards in the main deck. You should all try designing and game, draw up every single card for it, talk to a printing company and then see how many SG you can do.
On most kickstarters the lower pledge levels don't get much of a stretch goal. the idea of a stretch goal is to get you to pledge up and spend more money, to stretch the funds further... I don't understand all the complaints about the $20 pledge levels.
@Andre: wait.. Some cards are duplicate artwork in the deck like 4x? If yes I would like a stretch goal for unique arts and funny text for each card.
@Paul: When does that mentallity stop? "They made $3 million so we should get premium cards... and a poster... and diecast models of the kittens... and a computer app version of the game... and....." You saying that their success is enough to justify adding every stretch goal is literally a sense of entitlement to something that you haven't earned. They will reach the 100,000 backers, and then we will get to see if there is anything else that they choose to add for stretch goals.
Thank you Exploding Kitten Team for even doing SGs, all the work that is involved in this project is monumental and everyone here being unappreciative nobs can take a long walk off a very short pier :)
@Conrad Schmidt, I like your idea to support nobler causes and backed the cinema in Belgrade. My own nobler cause is this project to capture potable water from the air by collecting rain, harvesting fog and dew for rural communities in Ethiopia: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/366225655/warka-water-each-drop-counts.
@brian dickinson. Did you not read anything I said? Just picked up on a few keywords for speed reading? Reread my post before you try to light a flamethrower and burn your own eyebrows off again.
Can there be an @explodingkitten card that breaks the internet?
Okay... a Red Velvet Mite card HAS to be made! (I'm guessing for the NSFW deck....)
@Paul: No
@Bruce_P: Thank you. Now just need @explodingkitten to add more $100 packages.
I cant wait to see this break all KS records :-)
I would suggest, similar to CAH (and other games like Magic), a small "expansion pack" symbol or something on the card details (front) side (not the back), for the NSFW deck.
That way people can easily remove the NSFW deck from the main deck between playing with friends vs kids.
@Chris K.: That's a really great idea.
And THIS is why KS needs "reply to" and comment threading. This is almost as bad as IRC. ;-)
Please, consider to translate to Spanish. We can help with it. Only include translation of instructions, not of cards
How about a game mat to play on or a couple limited edition cards exclusive to backers?
I wish I could upvote the comment below made by Chris
And still no real stretch goals.......
@robert um no the cost of the play mat would eat away at their profit margin. As for limited edition cards just buy the NSWF tier at $35. The NSWF deck will never be sold again after this campaign is over so it is a Limited Edition.
grr ment to say NSFW not NSWF
@Joshua Durben profit margin?! have you seen these numbers?! that is of little worry for this campaign
I could be wrong but I was under the impression that the 4 kitten cards that eliminate people were the same card art...
It would be great if you donate part of the profits to cat rescue groups. Have you thought about this? If so, it would be great to make this public.
@andre you can see them on the front page they are each different. one is walking over a keyboard another has a grenade in his mouth.. ect...
I see. I still think having more kittens to choose from would be fun though.
@Christina, that is against ks policy. Why don't you just donate to your local shelter instead?
+1 to expansion symbol... that will be VERY helpful in separating the decks...
@Cristina they cant change where pledges go to after the campaign has been started. Also there was a previous KS that tried to do that and was caught up in a costly legal fight because of it.
Hi Guys, did not believe the amount it already made when I stepped in... Then looked at the graphics, concept, and immediately backed the project myself. Great work... and keep breaking these records! Greetz.
33,000+% funded! Holy exploding kittens! :-D
While I watched the video, 17 people pledged a cumulative $1000. While I wrote this 4 more people pledged $300
I like the idea of an expansion symbol but it the NSFW deck has a different back do we really need it. But if it has the same back I'm totally for it.
but if*
@Cal R,
It's likely both decks have the same back. Otherwise, you'd be able to tell you were about to draw a card from a certain deck. ;) They'll probably have differences on the faces (different colors/borders, etc).
To those asking for stretch goals for the kid-friendly deck – the NSFW(+KF) deck has brought in over 95% of the funding, so it's probably not a priority to put more into the KF version. It's obvious where most of the fans of this project want it to go (which makes sense when it's a game about exploding kittens).
I say it again: please offer a new ($5-10) all digital tier that gives a translated/international (English, Spanish, French, German, ...) PnP version (pdf for manual print) to backers. :)
I think that, raising so much more than what you were asking for, we should have some retroactive and future stretch goals.
You're making history here, so the backers deserve more. Maybe a kitty keychain, or a special holo card.
Any one have any ideas on the "a yet-to-be-revealed-thing-of-incredible-delight." in the FAQ is?
Again with the "deserve". The backers deserve what they pledged. Nothing more. They'll already be giving us almost 3x the cards in the NSFW deck for free. If you don't feel you're getting your money's worth with what comes in the pledge tier you backed, don't back the project.
Maybe you can add a wing to the Tesla Museum?
Definitely have cards with bears doing awesome things - bears with flamethrowers, bears with the boombox after the slaughter!
@Paul: Fine, I reread your post. While I understand what you are saying, I don't agree with it. I think the success of this project will naturally lead to future products/expansions. I am incredibly leary of anything that will postpone the delivery of the game due to a previous project that I backed. The project was fully funded, stretch goals were met, but then they had to redevelop the game to make sure the balance was correct with the new add-ons. Then they went silent, then the head of the company disappeared with all of the money. I would rather this one just stick with the original project that is advertised. Everyone has their own perspective though. Sorry for being short.
A lot of people are complaining that the stretch goals are a stretch (exactly what they are supposed to be) but I don't think they realize that originally they were just going to double the nsfw pack (to 20) and NOW they're making it a whole deck. Come on guys, you're already getting more than what you backed.
Retroactive SG's are something for them to think about, but not a priority nor a necessity. A digital version of the game would be cool, but also might be a pain in the butt...
Really awesome success story that truly makes one happy for reminding that passion and support make all the difference and fascinating things happen! Well done Exploding Kittens team!
Even the current SG's aren't a necessity, but I do like them as they stand. Especially given that we only started off with like 20 (?) cards for the NSFW deck and it's soon to be a full deck. Since the NSFW deck is KS exclusive that's 56 cards unique to all backers at that level.
As a retroactive sg I would like them to charge $10 extra to each person who is demanding free stuff!
Here Here I agree with Rod
lol Rod
lets see 80k (rounding down) backers for the NSFW deck and 6k backers for the kid friendly deck. Since the majority of the backers are at the NSFW pledge level I think they have done the right thing with the current stretch goals.
With crazy amount of extra money, I think each of them should buy themselves something pretty.
Question about the attack card. If player 1 plays the attack card, does that mean player 2 cannot play the attack card? or they could, but they still have another turn?
I know i know. How about a SG to take away the keyboards of those demanding more. hahaha
Please no need to respond to an answer other backers:
I backed for the awesome game,
I daily check for the awesome updates and watching the reign of backening terror that you preparing war with.
Serious as happy backer you guys rock!
@Josh Durban - How do you know the NSFW deck won't be sold again after the campaign? If this is true, based on the current demand, it would prob. be wise to grab another copy and hold on to it while it appreciates in value?
Another article that should slow down backers:
Please let there be a Cheshire Cat card
@David Leo,
On the front page, it says 'Kickstarter Exclusive' about the NSFW deck. That means it won't be available anywhere else.
@David Leo: If you scroll down the page to the picture showing off the NSFW (story section) bundle it says that the bundle is Kickstarter Exclusive.
I would love to see a parrot-related card. Those guys can be pretty ridiculous:
How awesome would it be to make an Android /iOS / PC / osx version of the card game.
Like Hearthstone, with sweet animations, graphics and audio!
If you make your NSFW challenge, set another one and add vinyl decals. I'd love to add them to my already cat-theme decal friendly PT Cruiser. Blow them up!
With "digital" version I've meant a pdf version that the backers could print out themselves at home. That way there would be no physical fulfilment and Elan and the gang could even offer translated versions because there are no additional printing costs. That would be a huge deal for international backers like me who don't want to pay a lot of shipping costs (or even VATS) for an all English version...
@Steve I don't under stand why that would slow the backers....
He was probably being facetious. ;)
Maybe a pack of just like four individual extra kitty bombs to increase difficulty or player count as said player desires? That would be pretty exclusive right? I get that some people are get people are buying multiple decks to expand the number of players, but that could expand and alter playability
ha....@BruceP good call. Guess that's what I get for watching the comments and trying to work at the same time.
@LordCrash: I understood you, and I like that idea. I just also think that an actual digital version (like an app game) has potential, but could a pain in the butt.