best tax advice I can give ya is to move out of state :-) California has the 2nd highest state tax rate in the country.
Heck if you qualify and move to New York they will give you a 10 year tax free incentive to make the move.
Kat 2015-01-23T18:57:08-05:00
it's weird to just sit for a little bit on this page and watch the number of backers climb and the $$ go up and up. Great job, guys! Inspiring! :)
alice 2015-01-23T18:59:44-05:00
Any possibility for a print and play (PnP) stretch goal so we don't have to wait for these to ship to play?
Justine Mathers 2015-01-23T19:15:50-05:00
Just curious, with the upgrade of the NSFW deck does that mean it stops being a 2-4 player game and becomes a 4-8 player game? If I wanted to play with 2-4 would I then drop a deck? Thanks in advanced (✿´‿`)
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-23T19:20:58-05:00
@Juzzle M,
Just play with the regular deck if you want to play with 2-4.
Carrie Archer 2015-01-23T19:26:05-05:00
Card with Drunken Malt Liquor Panda Bear, p&ty
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-23T19:26:13-05:00
Or the NSFW deck. Both should be fine for a standalone 2-4. Combine for up to 8 player goodness.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-23T19:27:23-05:00
@Eric A,
Not sure if the NSFW deck will have all the cards necessary to be a complete game by itself, since it wasn't originally designed to be that way, but perhaps. :)
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-23T19:29:24-05:00
Per the SG: (and let's face it, unless there is a massive solar flare that kills all electricity for the next 27 days we'll hit it)
We will upgrade your expansion to a FULL NSFW DECK.
Not a booster, not just an add on, not a smaller deck.
56 stand-alone NSFW cards.
That’s enough to play an entirely raunchy game for 2 to 4 players OR to combine with any other deck and play with up to 8 sadistic kitten killers.
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-23T19:30:23-05:00
Boom. 90K.
Jeanine 2015-01-23T19:30:34-05:00
4:30pm PST We just hit 90K! I can practically taste my full NSFW deck! (Cardboard. It tastes like cardboard.)
@Jordan Hess, omg that is hilarious and I'm a Seahawks fan!!
Yes to a bacon card as I'm also a Canadian (living in Cali) and we Loooovvveeee bacons! More yummy crispy baconsss. Where would one procure these chocolate bacon bon bons?!
I am now an indentured servant to my hubby because I made him back this. Lmao
There's no doubt in my mind we'll hit the 100K backer goal soon. For one, this will be the first weekend during this 'Starter, when people start to tell their friends during games, parties, cons, drunk tanks, and the other things they try not to do on school nights. When that all shakes out this could be one of the most backed 'Starter ever. Oh, and as a side effect the pledge amount could beat the 5 million mark by next week.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-23T20:41:56-05:00
Actually, Kickstarters are usually slower during the weekend. ;) But we'll see... And I have no doubt this will be the most-backed Kickstarter ever. Just need to pass $105k, I think, to beat Reading Rainbow.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-23T20:42:36-05:00
Oops, that should read "105k". No dollar sign
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-23T20:44:28-05:00
So I was thinking about starting up a ks for chocolate bacon bon bons...
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-23T20:53:52-05:00
Why not? Hell of a lot better than potato salad!
@BruceP Huh, that would be an interesting study... though you never know, the dynamics could change with numbers. The "OMG, peer pressure!" effect, as it were. :P
Re: "Reading Rainbow" -- the BACKER number was 105K-ish. The pledged amount was a mind melting $5,408,916.00, and I think it came in at number 7 or 8 for all time pledge amount KickStarter. Everything over it starts to make those bizarre jumps, until you have over 13 million at number one... for a cooler.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-23T21:09:13-05:00
Yeah, I meant the most number of backers by "most-backed". :) As is shown on this site, it's currently Reading Rainbow: But we'll beat that easily. We'd have to go past $13mil to have the most funded campaign ever, and that won't happen.
@BruceP Yeah, I tend to agree it won't beat 13 million... but 6 million would make it a top ten, and that's all the more remarkable considering that each backer is currently averaging around 39 dollars for pledging.
That's amazing when you think that everything over that is electronic/hardware, like the Pebble smart watch, the Ouya video game console, the Pono Music player and that portable drunken brawl waiting to happen at the top. :D
I just got the NSFW Deck :D get to the 100,000 backers!
Peter S. 2015-01-23T23:22:20-05:00
Here is what I think would be awesome for backers of both decks: each deck will have its own tuck box and a card with the rules. Both will fit together in an awesome box with a magnetic clasp or a tin. All covered with EL art.
Az4r0th 2015-01-23T23:30:09-05:00
Congrats on the 9k to go to reach 100k backers. Also Exploding kittens is now in the top 10 of most backed in ks history.
i've been mostly silent on the card suggestions, but i think a Dr Tran card would be awesome. He is America's #1 action hero. And he has a PH.D in kicking ass.
ashley edwards 2015-01-23T23:32:18-05:00
I just want a Nopezilla card, maybe for skipping a turn?
Robin York 2015-01-23T23:38:01-05:00
I hope to see Grump!!! (quoting Rorschach from "The Watchmen" at the cats, "...I'm not locked in here with you... You're locked in here with me!")
Dom Colling 2015-01-23T23:44:26-05:00
Sooo excited for this game
Robert Pena 2015-01-23T23:55:39-05:00
A Grumpy Cat card would be cool
Hal 2015-01-24T00:11:53-05:00
Don't know if it has been suggested but maybe a Chuck Norris defuse card Or maybe to use it to chuck a few of your opponents cards.
Paul O'Malley 2015-01-24T00:17:50-05:00
Any chance of more Collectors Editions up for grabs? I'd happily upgrade my pledge if I could....
Chris Bobb 2015-01-24T00:20:04-05:00
Make a card about herding cats. Where if you have that card and draw an exploding cat you can pass it off on to someone else.
Higster 2015-01-24T00:24:52-05:00
MacGyver diffuse card to turn the exploding cat into a helicopter with just a paperclip
Benjamin Chernik 2015-01-24T00:34:27-05:00
@paul they stated earlier in these comments not to expect any more collector's editions unless they explicitly announce it because they don't want to get peoples' hopes up if they are not 100% sure they can deliver
Andre "Silver Ninjatten" Bernier 2015-01-24T00:43:21-05:00
They should just add some with more staggered deliver dates
Daniel Williams 2015-01-24T00:43:42-05:00
As far as I can tell, this is now the second most backed project already. Go us!
If you do add more limited editions , can we get a notice before ? So we all have a shot.
And a "Sorry Charle Tuna" card �
BlazinJsin 2015-01-24T01:01:19-05:00
Feel free to add a third expansion deck or a booster pack that works with et
either as a stretch goal. Gonna keep suggesting things, keep up the good work
Michael Lewis 2015-01-24T01:18:35-05:00
I hope that this kickstarter shatters the record for the most funded ever!
Simon Williams 2015-01-24T01:26:33-05:00
Top10. Just. Wow.
Quelyn Gretsky 2015-01-24T01:30:18-05:00
So close to 100,000 backers! I can just smell that full game NSFW deck now! It smells sticky though, I don't know how I feel about that.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-24T01:44:08-05:00
I can't believe the momentum on this one! It's a beast!
Kirk Nelson 2015-01-24T01:54:36-05:00
I know I am missing something seeing as how a a card game has managed to generate $3.5 MILLION(!!) in only a few days with a pledge amount of $35 for the whole kit(ten) and kaboodle. I don't know what it is about the game and I definitely don't know WHY it is so friggin' popular but I'm in for one. How could I pass up this historic landmark in the KS World.
Somebody needs to tell me what I'm missing here. Or...maybe I don't want to know.
Congrats to you fortunate crazies that put this together. You, sirs, have struck gold.
ANDRES P. S. 2015-01-24T01:55:37-05:00
3,75K SG... 10$ shipping and EU FRIENDLY.... pleeeeese
ANDRES P. S. 2015-01-24T01:58:35-05:00
@kirk - I cant understand too... This case should be studied at university...
ANDRES P. S. 2015-01-24T02:04:06-05:00
I wish 3,5 M to Conan game too
Anthony Nelson 2015-01-24T02:12:36-05:00
As long as Jibbers Crabst shows up somewhere in the two decks I'll be happy. :)
Well done on such a fast growing KS guys!
Nate Outland 2015-01-24T02:40:37-05:00
This is now the 10th most funded project, with plenty of time still left. I don't totally understand either!
Buddy Bouncer 2015-01-24T02:45:27-05:00
Just put down $70. Two decks are required. Always.
Creators, you may thank the great country we live in for my funding, since part of their Pell Grant money I am getting on top of my tuition being paid for is why I can even afford to entertain this idea. I may easily get a third deck just because.
Buddy Bouncer 2015-01-24T02:48:24-05:00
I definitely think you should extend the number of available signed decks at the $100 level - I've always loved Matt's work and will soon investigate Elan and Shane's. I have a terrible habit of spending too much money.
This This is what happens when you let kittens invade kickstarter :-) just watch out for the cute one carrying a grenade
Dave Vernon 2015-01-24T03:26:24-05:00
This is the work of Jibbers Crabst!
Dawn_ 2015-01-24T04:03:02-05:00
it'd be nice if they could offer the shipping's not like they don't have the money now..
Elissa Pendragon 2015-01-24T04:04:32-05:00
Tesla cat cards!
Andy - sinner of Original Sin ^^ 2015-01-24T04:07:02-05:00
Yeah Tesla sounds goood! And evil enough... ;-D
Buddy Bouncer 2015-01-24T04:12:36-05:00
Nearly 1000 backers since I got in the shower. Holy hell.
Mad Clown Miniatures 2015-01-24T04:31:26-05:00
Reminds me of Bunny Suicides, but with kittens. Win!
Steven Rogers 2015-01-24T05:03:21-05:00
Woot! I was originally getting the $20 one, but $35 for two decks (one NSFW) sounds awesome to me. Less than 8,000 away from that now.
Holly-Anne 2015-01-24T05:19:17-05:00
Is the $20 one the only one that comes with a nifty box to put all of your goodies in? :)
Corneal Pendulum 2015-01-24T05:25:29-05:00
@Holly-Anne That is a good question... I've never thought about that... I bought the NSFW package... maybe once we reach 100,000 the NSFW deck will have its own box?
Corneal Pendulum 2015-01-24T05:28:57-05:00
Also once the NSFW expansion becomes a FULL deck.. wonder if we would have to pay more for international shipping?
Because if it does increase... HAAAAAHHHHAAAAA oh woe is me... $20 already for Japan... if this increases any more I'm going to cry...
John Manek 2015-01-24T05:51:29-05:00
Anna - If you read the update pages it says this "Both decks will fit in one box, and still come in under our needed shipping weight, so there’s no extra charge." So your safe.
We're all going to be patient about getting our decks, aren't we?
@Monica, some of us will be....then there will be those that aren't. I assume those will be the ones that are demanding more SGs
I pledged 55 to get two base decks and a NSFW deck I hope that works lol
@Jim that should be fine. They will probably use backerkit or a similar service to collect surveys and fulfil the orders.
It's probably been said already, but "high quality card stock" would be a great stretch goal :)
I would suggest getting some tax advice on how to handle your profit!
This is insane! I bet you'll reach 8 millions.
Not you can afford a 25k Savanna Wild cat
best tax advice I can give ya is to move out of state :-) California has the 2nd highest state tax rate in the country.
Heck if you qualify and move to New York they will give you a 10 year tax free incentive to make the move.
it's weird to just sit for a little bit on this page and watch the number of backers climb and the $$ go up and up. Great job, guys! Inspiring! :)
Any possibility for a print and play (PnP) stretch goal so we don't have to wait for these to ship to play?
Just curious, with the upgrade of the NSFW deck does that mean it stops being a 2-4 player game and becomes a 4-8 player game? If I wanted to play with 2-4 would I then drop a deck? Thanks in advanced (✿´‿`)
@Juzzle M,
Just play with the regular deck if you want to play with 2-4.
Card with Drunken Malt Liquor Panda Bear, p&ty
Or the NSFW deck. Both should be fine for a standalone 2-4. Combine for up to 8 player goodness.
@Eric A,
Not sure if the NSFW deck will have all the cards necessary to be a complete game by itself, since it wasn't originally designed to be that way, but perhaps. :)
Per the SG: (and let's face it, unless there is a massive solar flare that kills all electricity for the next 27 days we'll hit it)
We will upgrade your expansion to a FULL NSFW DECK.
Not a booster, not just an add on, not a smaller deck.
56 stand-alone NSFW cards.
That’s enough to play an entirely raunchy game for 2 to 4 players OR to combine with any other deck and play with up to 8 sadistic kitten killers.
Boom. 90K.
4:30pm PST We just hit 90K! I can practically taste my full NSFW deck! (Cardboard. It tastes like cardboard.)
Oh yeah 90k. Only 10k left people!
90000 - happy days!!
awesome we will probably hit 100k backers between 4 and 8 PM PST tomorrow.
Sweet jibbers! That's alot (see what I did there?) of backers!
Well about 20 hours from now ( depends where you live ;) we'll be at 100k backers!
@Eric A,
Ah yeah, forgot that bit. :) So either deck could be played as a 2-4 player game.
Yay I want my full NSFW deck. This is going to be AWESOME! Praise Jibbers!
I came to the conclusion that 90,238 people can't be wrong.
I can't wait to see you all hit 100,000 backers! 90,281 RIGHT NOW!
So many first-time Kickstarter newbs. Welcome! :)
Is there a rule book for exploding kittens at the moment ?
Less than 10k to go!
@Jordan Hess, omg that is hilarious and I'm a Seahawks fan!!
Yes to a bacon card as I'm also a Canadian (living in Cali) and we Loooovvveeee bacons! More yummy crispy baconsss. Where would one procure these chocolate bacon bon bons?!
I am now an indentured servant to my hubby because I made him back this. Lmao
There's no doubt in my mind we'll hit the 100K backer goal soon. For one, this will be the first weekend during this 'Starter, when people start to tell their friends during games, parties, cons, drunk tanks, and the other things they try not to do on school nights. When that all shakes out this could be one of the most backed 'Starter ever. Oh, and as a side effect the pledge amount could beat the 5 million mark by next week.
Actually, Kickstarters are usually slower during the weekend. ;) But we'll see... And I have no doubt this will be the most-backed Kickstarter ever. Just need to pass $105k, I think, to beat Reading Rainbow.
Oops, that should read "105k". No dollar sign
So I was thinking about starting up a ks for chocolate bacon bon bons...
Why not? Hell of a lot better than potato salad!
@BruceP Huh, that would be an interesting study... though you never know, the dynamics could change with numbers. The "OMG, peer pressure!" effect, as it were. :P
Re: "Reading Rainbow" -- the BACKER number was 105K-ish. The pledged amount was a mind melting $5,408,916.00, and I think it came in at number 7 or 8 for all time pledge amount KickStarter. Everything over it starts to make those bizarre jumps, until you have over 13 million at number one... for a cooler.
Yeah, I meant the most number of backers by "most-backed". :) As is shown on this site, it's currently Reading Rainbow:
But we'll beat that easily. We'd have to go past $13mil to have the most funded campaign ever, and that won't happen.
@BruceP Yeah, I tend to agree it won't beat 13 million... but 6 million would make it a top ten, and that's all the more remarkable considering that each backer is currently averaging around 39 dollars for pledging.
That's amazing when you think that everything over that is electronic/hardware, like the Pebble smart watch, the Ouya video game console, the Pono Music player and that portable drunken brawl waiting to happen at the top. :D
Check this project on kickstarter!! A perfect gift...
790 backers away from 2nd place for most backed.
thanks @Gambler's Warehouse... hey do you know they guys from Digital Mavericks?
Oh we can link other projects here?? haha
For a defuse card: A boot or shoe that lets you give the exploding kitten to another player.
Just curious abt how large the party can get.
I'm making the safe assumption that we'll blow past the stretch goal and get full NSFW decks.
That means its potentially infinitely scalable? If u ignore the turn waiting times.
Just throw more decks into play?
1 regular deck = 2-4 players
1 reg + nsfw = up to 8
2 reg = up to 8
2 reg + 2 nsfw = up to 16...??
Anybody else excited to be getting the 56 card NSFW pack? I am. Just minutes away....
Thanks folks, Looking forward to having a complete NSFW deck, even more excited to see what other stretch goals can be brewed up!
How about a Bob Cat card that does "Bat, bat, bat.....SHOOOOM!" to defuse a kitten with?
Booya. 100K
I only see 91k....
Oooopps. Okay, 91K
Over excited I guess. It's my first Kickstarter, be kind.
@Bob, lol! Easy fella!
@Bob well then welcome to the family!
@Bob, I do that all the time! haha.. 91k is exciting! It was 80k this morning, no?
Still rolling! Went up about 40 or so while I caught up on posts. Should be at 100K sometime tomorrow. PJC!
Check this project on kickstarter!! A perfect gift...
I just got the NSFW Deck :D get to the 100,000 backers!
Here is what I think would be awesome for backers of both decks: each deck will have its own tuck box and a card with the rules. Both will fit together in an awesome box with a magnetic clasp or a tin. All covered with EL art.
Congrats on the 9k to go to reach 100k backers. Also Exploding kittens is now in the top 10 of most backed in ks history.
i've been mostly silent on the card suggestions, but i think a Dr Tran card would be awesome. He is America's #1 action hero. And he has a PH.D in kicking ass.
I just want a Nopezilla card, maybe for skipping a turn?
I hope to see Grump!!!
(quoting Rorschach from "The Watchmen" at the cats, "...I'm not locked in here with you... You're locked in here with me!")
Sooo excited for this game
A Grumpy Cat card would be cool
Don't know if it has been suggested but maybe a Chuck Norris defuse card Or maybe to use it to chuck a few of your opponents cards.
Any chance of more Collectors Editions up for grabs? I'd happily upgrade my pledge if I could....
Make a card about herding cats. Where if you have that card and draw an exploding cat you can pass it off on to someone else.
MacGyver diffuse card to turn the exploding cat into a helicopter with just a paperclip
@paul they stated earlier in these comments not to expect any more collector's editions unless they explicitly announce it because they don't want to get peoples' hopes up if they are not 100% sure they can deliver
They should just add some with more staggered deliver dates
As far as I can tell, this is now the second most backed project already. Go us!
this boner bunny needs to be on the NSFW deck
If you do add more limited editions , can we get a notice before ? So we all have a shot.
And a "Sorry Charle Tuna" card �
Feel free to add a third expansion deck or a booster pack that works with et
either as a stretch goal. Gonna keep suggesting things, keep up the good work
I hope that this kickstarter shatters the record for the most funded ever!
Top10. Just. Wow.
So close to 100,000 backers! I can just smell that full game NSFW deck now! It smells sticky though, I don't know how I feel about that.
I can't believe the momentum on this one! It's a beast!
I know I am missing something seeing as how a a card game has managed to generate $3.5 MILLION(!!) in only a few days with a pledge amount of $35 for the whole kit(ten) and kaboodle. I don't know what it is about the game and I definitely don't know WHY it is so friggin' popular but I'm in for one. How could I pass up this historic landmark in the KS World.
Somebody needs to tell me what I'm missing here. Or...maybe I don't want to know.
Congrats to you fortunate crazies that put this together. You, sirs, have struck gold.
3,75K SG... 10$ shipping and EU FRIENDLY.... pleeeeese
@kirk - I cant understand too... This case should be studied at university...
I wish 3,5 M to Conan game too
As long as Jibbers Crabst shows up somewhere in the two decks I'll be happy. :)
Well done on such a fast growing KS guys!
This is now the 10th most funded project, with plenty of time still left. I don't totally understand either!
Just put down $70. Two decks are required. Always.
Creators, you may thank the great country we live in for my funding, since part of their Pell Grant money I am getting on top of my tuition being paid for is why I can even afford to entertain this idea. I may easily get a third deck just because.
I definitely think you should extend the number of available signed decks at the $100 level - I've always loved Matt's work and will soon investigate Elan and Shane's. I have a terrible habit of spending too much money.
Also, Moose Pellets.
This This is what happens when you let kittens invade kickstarter :-) just watch out for the cute one carrying a grenade
This is the work of Jibbers Crabst!
it'd be nice if they could offer the shipping's not like they don't have the money now..
Tesla cat cards!
Yeah Tesla sounds goood! And evil enough... ;-D
Nearly 1000 backers since I got in the shower. Holy hell.
Reminds me of Bunny Suicides, but with kittens. Win!
Woot! I was originally getting the $20 one, but $35 for two decks (one NSFW) sounds awesome to me. Less than 8,000 away from that now.
Is the $20 one the only one that comes with a nifty box to put all of your goodies in? :)
@Holly-Anne That is a good question... I've never thought about that... I bought the NSFW package... maybe once we reach 100,000 the NSFW deck will have its own box?
Also once the NSFW expansion becomes a FULL deck.. wonder if we would have to pay more for international shipping?
Because if it does increase... HAAAAAHHHHAAAAA oh woe is me... $20 already for Japan... if this increases any more I'm going to cry...
Anna - If you read the update pages it says this "Both decks will fit in one box, and still come in under our needed shipping weight, so there’s no extra charge." So your safe.