@Adrian, those may be your reasons, however many people would disagree. Sg's are primarily designed to convince people to back and or spend more money. This project hasn't needed to resort to those measures. (yay!) All the things you are talking about are not required and would only inevitably delay this shipping of the project (last thing that we want). I think the level of comments from the creator are perfect. The only thing being more active here would bring for them is grief. Grief about shipping costs, sg's, swag, and all the other things that can not be changed. I fully support he ExK crew for their awesome campaign!
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-28T10:03:54-05:00
+1. Yes, smooth rollout, reinvest profits. EXACTLY what KS was originally intended for. Thank you!
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T10:04:59-05:00
+1 @Chris
David K. 2015-01-28T10:05:11-05:00
@Adrian, I'm not new at all to Kickstarter, and couldn't disagree more. The original purpose of kickstarter is to open the market to games that wouldn't be made following traditional channels for a wide variety of reasons. Rod Mitchell, Chris Loth, and Eric Aschner are spot on about stretch goals.
@eric aschner you forget that the total amountbackers x standard pledge is about $3533000, which means theres 700000 going to shipping costs outside of us and people who ordered decks.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-28T10:05:46-05:00
+1 Chris L
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T10:06:26-05:00
+4 @DavidK, but you will need to share with @Rod @Chris $ @Eric A
Like I said, I just want a goal marker. Anything else is just a bonus, and one I hardly view as a necessity. Stretch GOAL: I just want the goal part, I don't really care about the rest.
Adrian 2015-01-28T10:15:19-05:00
You backed this for the sake of the game? Really? No offense, but I don't see this game having much of a life as far as gameplay is concerned. It's about as basic a concept as could be conceived for a game. It's a novelty. I don't think it's something that will get played more than a few times, and then the novelty will wear off and the humor will get old and everybody will move on to the next thing. It's the same with Cards Against Humanity (and I have all of the content ever offered for that game, too). Don't get me wrong. I love The Oatmeal. It's the reason I backed the game. I hope that the success of this project will mean that The Oatmeal lives on forever. However, I have zero expectations for the replayability of this game. Maybe they'll prove me wrong. Maybe I've been spoiled by other, more well-prepared Kickstarter creators. Whatever the excuse, I just think that they are lacking in all departments when it comes to this project, regardless of whether they decide to invest some of this money into stretch goals, or future expansions, or whatever. I just know that it takes exactly $0 to create a post that shows us a card every once in awhile or give us a clue about the future development or support of this game. It's free press. Why not take advantage of it while the hype is there?
"Göttingetten” 2015-01-28T10:15:58-05:00
Rod, you so right. I was happy with the original package from the first day and now there are extras. I'm more than happy. It’s Team Exploding Kittens’ game and their Kickstarter campaign. Turns out they have been pretty smart so far so let’s cheer them on and enjoy the ride.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-28T10:19:19-05:00
$0 to show a card every once in awhile? That assumes cards are already made, which costs $$. That also assumes someone has the time to photograph said cards. Time = $$.
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-28T10:19:21-05:00
Just surpassed 100K NSFW backers
@Adrian, I'd say you're in luck dude, if the creators SG's don't meet your expectations you can always pull out.
@Adrian: Why so serious buddy? You haven't realized that we're [backing] this project? Backing, as in that thing someone does where they support something? SG's do offer incentive, but outside of that we're helping to fund the creation of the game and nothing more.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-28T10:19:53-05:00
I don't know about the game mechanics, yes I backed it blindly. However simple games with variations of subtle strategy are my absolute favorite games to play. Games like Dominion, or Munchkin, or MtG have less replayability in my mind than classics.
I mean, nobody ever plays more than a few games of poker, right? Or chess. Or spades or hearts... the rules are so simple and no expansion packs have EVER come out.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T10:20:49-05:00
@Adrian, yes this is more of a novelty game. That is totally part of the draw. There's a TON of games that are heavy into its depth and replayability. It's nice to see one that you can break out once in a while for a few god laughs.
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-28T10:21:51-05:00
@Eric A +1*10^42, I'm right there with you. I love those games as well. These types of games can be the best type of games for a low key night with friends. There's some strategy but you don't have to devote a ton of brain power to the game.
Sometime you just want a game you can mill through a bunch of times. It brings to mind other games from childhood: go-fish, old maid, slap jack, ect.
Adrian 2015-01-28T10:25:39-05:00
@Evan. Not serious. I don't really even care that much. They'll have my $35 no matter what they decide to do from here. Online threaded discussions are such a weird thing. Everybody just automatically assumes that the other person is just sitting there furiously banging away at the keyboard, all pissed off at the world. It's not like that at all. I just feel like these creators have chosen Kickstarter as their venue. Those of us that enjoy Kickstarter have an idea how good campaigns are run (not successful in terms of $$$, but successful in terms of goodwill and interaction with the fans). This game could have been released independently of Kickstarter and been just as successful. But, since they're here, why not take advantage of the situation and get the word out, interact with the fans, give back to the community, show some goodwill. That is all. It doesn't have to cost more than a few minutes of their time. Really. That's it.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-28T10:26:10-05:00
There's also something to be said for fast games. I mean with experienced players and two decks I can bust through a 500 pt. game of Spades in 10-15 minutes at most. Conan supposedly takes an hour, and I'd bet that's only after a few games. It's not like you could just bring in a brand new player and get through a game during lunch.
Adrian 2015-01-28T10:27:27-05:00
@Eric. It is a novelty. So why not add to that novelty by throwing in a few other novelty items. Yes, it costs money. But, for every pledge they are raking in the dollars. Put it to use. They are creative, funny dudes. Let's see some of that creativity with their Kickstarter project. It's why they chose this venue.
@Adrian: My assumption was an incorrect one then, but it's usually the case that people are in fact a little too serious though... such is the internet. It might have done very well outside of KS, but I don't think even they were expecting it to blow up quite as much as it has.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-28T10:29:33-05:00
Also KS = free advertising and they don't have to bother with seed money.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-28T10:30:20-05:00
So what kind of SGs do you want? I'm genuinely curious. Most things people have asked for just ain't gonna happen, I would like to hear some reasonable ideas.
Adrian 2015-01-28T10:31:43-05:00
@Evan They obviously were not prepared for the response. That is clear. And, how could they? However, they've had a week now. It's time to regroup and take advantage of the situation. I don't feel like they've done very good in that area. And, what's the harm in adding Kickstarter exclusive content. It will give those of us that have already chosen to support them a reason to be happy with our investment. It will encourage others to invest. It will provide them with additional revenue to continue the dream forever. It's a win-win-win.
Nicole Sigman 2015-01-28T10:31:55-05:00
Was just wondering, do you guys plan on doing more collector's edition tier? If, so that would be awesome, and I'm sure more people would change their pledge for it. I would.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T10:32:01-05:00
As a strech goal, I would like to see world peace! (brought on of course by world domination!)
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-28T10:32:54-05:00
That could happen. Cats already own most of the world. (or at least think they do)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T10:33:48-05:00
Thats the primary difference between cats and dogs. Dogs have owners, cats have staff!
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-28T10:34:18-05:00
The whole NSFW deck is Kickstarter-exclusive
Adrian 2015-01-28T10:35:38-05:00
@Eric I already posted a couple of ideas. A commemorative Kickstarter exclusive tin (with room for expansion). Make the stretch goal a high one. Get the revenue necessary to make it happen. Give more people a reason to jump on board. Make it an add-on and charge $5. I bet half the people here, especially those familiar with Kickstarter would gladly jump on that. Maybe a player token/kitten statue. I obviously don't know the mechanics. They've told us next to nothing. Maybe that doesn't make sense. But, it is a collectible. And, many Kickstarter vets are in it for the collectibles. Check my backer history. I obviously am. It's The Oatmeal. Make it funny. People will buy it. They don't even have to give it away. Like I said. Add it as a stretch goal and charge an add-on price. People will buy it.
A new stretch goal.... Maybe an expansion [SFW], like the NSFW deck was going to be originally. No theme currently springs to mind though... They could do an [add-on] function or tier for stuff, but that could get complicated and convoluted quickly. If they aren't careful about planning things out it could delay the project, and they don't want that.
Shannon Cross 2015-01-28T10:40:10-05:00
Yes, let's KISS. At least, as simple as possible. Keep this in mind:
Matt has to produce or re-purpose artwork, create print-ready files of both sides of all cards, design the box around die art supplied by the box vendor, and approve final proofs from the printer (there will probably be two print vendors, one for the box, one for the cards).
Meanwhile, a list must be compiled of all of the backers' addresses; this list has to be cleaned and formatted. Shipping labels will be generated from this list, and if you don't want a crappy label covering up Matt's cool art on the box, the cool box has to go into a plain shipping box. That means hand insertion = time and more money. Every single THING that goes in the COOL box that then goes into the plain box will be built into the fulfillment charges these guys will pay, so please don't ask for 100K + "thingies" to commemorate your participation. That's just selfish.
Quality printing on quality paper costs money. We have a saying in the industry (yes, 35 years in printing talking here): Quality, Price, Speed - Pick Two. I choose quality and price, so please folks, lets not bog down the process by demanding extras that could further compromise the deadline. The cards are what I want, and they should be what everyone who backed the project wants.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T10:40:37-05:00
@Adrian, I fail to understand your logic. You have already given up on the game having any replay value (which I strongly disagree with btw), and yet you want memorabilia for it? So what you want a t-shirt, etc. for a game you only plan on playing a few times, where is the logic in that? Why so much fuss for a project you obviously don't care about? Why the need for a trinket to remind you of the game you never play? Is it just because you have been groomed to expect it?
It's also one of the reason I requested a video of the creators dancing. There's no shame in the internet, and I would think it to be amusing... that's the perfect goal.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-28T10:45:40-05:00
From the sample game play mechanics we have, gameplay tokens or markers probably don't make a lot of sense.
They do have a yet-to-be-named thing-of-incredible-delight which presumably has already been accounted for in packaging and shipping. (i.e. the box will already fit it and it will still make FC post in the states) This very well COULD be a tin or figurine of some sort. If not, I could see a figurine added but the box would have to be redesigned. This may delay fulfillment though. If the box wasn't already designed for a tin, I doubt one could be easily added and it would probably push over the weight as well. So it would probably have to be shipped separately, handled separately, and fulfilled separately. So even as a $5 add-on, they'd be losing money.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T10:47:35-05:00
Lets just take a moment to appreciate the awesomeness of 108 000 backers!
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-28T10:48:08-05:00
Woohoo, 108k!
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-28T10:48:14-05:00
*yawn* wake me up when we hit 150,000. ;)
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-28T10:48:45-05:00
I'm amazed how far beyond the Reading Rainbow backer goal we'll go.
Adrian 2015-01-28T10:49:52-05:00
@Rod You guys keep saying stuff like "fuss" and "serious", like I'm just sitting here on the other side of the keyboard and this is the only thing I do with my life. In reality, I'm sitting here getting paid and wasting a few minutes reading comments. This is not a "fuss". If you feel it is, maybe it's you that need to take a step back and not take everything so serious. Relax. It's a few comments on an Internet message board. That is all. Nothing more. Nothing less.
I gave a couple of suggestions to the creators to maybe make their game more successful. That is all. No agenda. They have said right on the bottom of the front page of their campaign, that they want fans to help make this a success. I have provided a few suggestions that I feel will make this more of a success. If you don't agree, then go away. Or post something that you feel is constructive.
I like collectible stuff. To put on a shelf. To give to the dog to chew on. To take out and play with friends once a year. The possibilities are endless. And, if you think that a project of this scale (and I'm talking numbers now) is not going to be delayed, then you're seriously kidding yourselves. Nothing on Kickstarter ever gets released on time. And, their obvious lack of preparation for a response like this will only add to that. Why not throw in a few novelty items while we wait? It's going to take awhile regardless.
Cherie Dickey 2015-01-28T10:50:29-05:00
I have a card idea...how about the purchase order packaging exploding kitten. You know...three kittens sitting in a warehouse packaging and shipping 200,000 decks of cards individually to private addresses...and then their heads explode from the stress.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T10:58:20-05:00
@Adrian, you've got me wrong, I love to debate, and I also am very curious where exactly individuals entilement issues come from, which is legitimately why I ask. Not only am I chill, but interested, hence, my questions.
If the creators needed to cajole new backers to pledge or for existing backers to increase their pledge $. then I agree that sg's, more communication, etc would be beneficial. 108k backers don't seem to need those things. In fact, I think more communication would actually hurt them here as I'm sure it would just encourage the sg seeking, free shipping, and charity requests. Not to mention a whole slew of other silly requests as well. I come from a buisness admin background and I can tell you their approach has been amazing, inspiring, and instructive!
Collectible stuff is cool, however, if I really want that kind of thing I would be more than happy to buy it after the ks, from the store or my flgs. Just saying...
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T11:03:00-05:00
For an extended game, have a 10 pack of "lives". Whenever you are ko'd, draw one of the cards at random. 9 will grant staying alive, one of the 10 will be the "kill card".
Adrian 2015-01-28T11:07:49-05:00
@Rod If you come from a business background and this project has been inspiring, then I've got some swampland in Florida to sell you. IMO this has been the most lackluster, blase project ever brought to Kickstarter. Sure, The Oatmeal has it's fans. And, so does Cards Against Humanity. That's why this is a success. They have posted almost nothing to inspire us during the past week. Take a look at any of the $1 million dollar plus Kickstarter campaigns and check out the creator interactions. Those are inspiring. Here, we've had almost nothing...7 updates. And, almost no creator posts in the comments. It's the opposite of almost every million dollar campaign ever. Of course, they're successful, but it's based on reputation alone, not based on how they've come to Kickstarter and posted the most unique project ever. Far from it.
Mike Ketelaars 2015-01-28T11:14:32-05:00
@Adrian - it's successful because it's simple and fun which many Kickstarter campaigns lack and yes everyone needs a good dose of The Oatmeal in their lives - so reputation helps. It is a good example though of how simplicity wins. There was never a doubt this campaign would get funded and funders would receive their product.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T11:15:11-05:00
@Adrian, lol! If you can't see what I can, then that speaks volumes to me. The numbers don't lie. They have followed their vision and been extremely successful in doing so. All without the useless trinkets that inevitably delay projects and add little to no value.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-28T11:16:41-05:00
Why is the project so popular? Because the internet love kittens and explosions. There is no real reason to have this have gotten so big besides that, and that The Oatmeal already has a follow.
We don't need updates all the time. They post stuff on Twitter and Facebook too. Some of those things they have never posted here. They are getting bombed by emails, trying to get things worked out with the printer, etc. They don't have time to post updates all the time like some of these other projects.
BruceP - The Chameleon 2015-01-28T11:17:01-05:00
Seems different people have different ideas of what "success" means. Who'd-a-thunk it? ;)
Adrian 2015-01-28T11:18:53-05:00
@Rod We'll have to agree to disagree. I believe that there's value in having an interaction with your fans and gives potential customers reason to invest as well. Sure, there's something to be said about jumping on the viral hype machine and letting it roll, but I think that this successful project could be that much more successful if we had more interaction with the creators and got a little bit more information from them. It's free advertising and they are failing to take advantage of it. You see a success in that. I see a missed opportunity.
@Adrian I love the whole Kittens thing and all the backer interaction, but I tend to agree with you. Bottom line --> More creator interaction could only be a good thing for both backers & creators.
David Muncaster 2015-01-28T11:24:17-05:00
@Evan Weideman
That is awesome. I downloaded it and am plotting it out 3'x2' and posting it in our back shop... unless you have a higher res?
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T11:25:03-05:00
@Adrian. +2 I wholeheartedly agree and have posted in the past that the lack of communication between the EK team and the backers seems like a missed opportunity for them personally. Not that they need to do hundreds of posts/updates and I know they are probably uber swamped with emails and logistics, but maybe it's just what they need to balance out the insanity that this game has brought them.
Jonathan Brown 2015-01-28T11:25:16-05:00
Oh an I think there should be a t-shirt add-on with all of the backer toons they have released. The price should be $15 minus $1 for every million they raise (with a minimum price based on cost).
Everybody keeps saying "But it's simple. It's so simple." If it really were simple, then everybody would do it and $4.5 million dollars would mean nothing.
Sure, adding novelty items would complicate things, but not in an unmanageable way. There are tons of successful Kickstarter projects where the creators were able to hustle and get things added last minute to add significant value to their project. That's just my selfish suggestion because I like stuff.
However, my suggestion that the creators spend a few minutes with the fans and interact with us costs nothing but a few minutes of their time; however, the good will that this shows provides more than you know. And, it doesn't complicate anything. It's simply a way that they can take advantage of this massive hype and show us how cool they are. That can only help them to gain more fans. Costs nothing. And adds no complications to the logistics of the project. For those that don't see this, I've got nothing else to provide you to convince you otherwise.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T11:27:22-05:00
ma_parker 2015-01-28T11:29:16-05:00
Maybe I'm a lone wolf (and maybe not since reading every single comment all over this amazing Kickstarter is beyond my attention span and available time at present), but I don't want anything else from this project other than what was originally promised. I don't need or want stretch goals. I hopped on board last week because I adore The Oatmeal and I love fun and stupid strategy card games and I thought this would be an awesome thing to fund for my first Kickstarter and I think I was right! This is awesome. Can't wait. *bounce*
John "Collar Stay" Kelly 2015-01-28T11:29:51-05:00
Don't forget the Lobstrocity card!
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T11:30:19-05:00
No bouncing allowed. It might explode the kittens prematurely.
ma_parker 2015-01-28T11:32:27-05:00
@Eric ::muffled bounce::
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T11:32:40-05:00
@John, maybe it would make the player have to play with their off hand only. ie: if you're a lefty you have to play the rest of the game right handed.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-28T11:36:14-05:00
Just wondering out loud.... what percentage of backers have to have international shipping? Is this 90% US backed or way less?
David Muncaster 2015-01-28T11:37:28-05:00
I dunno guys, I watched a CNET interview of the oatmeal and he seemed genuinely surprised by the success.
If I personally had a project explode to OVER 9000, unexpectedly at that, and then had to start wrapping my head around:
-Re designing a fun expansion into a stand alone game
-manage the logistics of dealing with numbers that went from hundreds of cards to hundreds of thousands.
-purchasing a quarter of a million packs of cards
-ensuring that my supplier can handle making that many cards... quickly
-have a birthday party, that I am sure involved minor "celebrating"
I personally would not have updated that much, and I would probably be breathing into a paper bag.
BUT it is the oatmeal... the guy who wrote FU in over $200,000 of cold hard cash and then donated it to a charity. So I could see why we expect more :D
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T11:38:15-05:00
@Eric B, thats a good question! I'm from Canada and don't mind a bit paying the $5 for shipping. I'm used to having to order things from other countries, so its expected.
Peter S. 2015-01-28T11:38:36-05:00
Agree with @Adrian! Echoing things I have been saying. Interaction needed.
David Muncaster 2015-01-28T11:40:03-05:00
@ Rod LOL, yeah, like everything, food, music, clothing, games, the only thing we don't have to import is snow and mosquitos.... thank god not at the same time... snow mosquitos would be horrendous... furry, but horrendous. (Canadian here as well :D)
Peter S. 2015-01-28T11:40:49-05:00
Shipping rates for the base are high. For me highest I usually pay on KS is 15 dollars. And this is a small card game. Can't weigh very much. Not even sure yet if we are getting quality printed cards and box....
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T11:42:01-05:00
@David, and from Calgary to! Whoo hoo! Maybe we'll have to throw down on some exploding kittens in a few months!
Lior Kravitz 2015-01-28T11:42:15-05:00
@Eric B the average pledge seems to be around 39USD. Since most of the backers (over 90%) are taking the NSFW pack, we can guess that somewhere between 20% and 35% are international. I'm assuming that a) most international orders are either EU (15USD) or farther out (20USD), and b) need to take some margin for Canadian orders (5USD) on the low side, and c) that multiple-deck orders are uncommon enough to not make much of a difference.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T11:44:04-05:00
@Peter S, the reason the shipping rates are as "high" as they are is because its a small card game. What many people don't realize is that most games hide a protion of the shipping in the cost of game itself. There is no room to do that here. Hence the shipping costs seem higher, even though they are not.
David Muncaster 2015-01-28T11:44:16-05:00
@rod, LOL that is funny stuff. sounds like a plan
Lior Kravitz 2015-01-28T11:46:22-05:00
Did the math again, it seems like average shipping per backer has risen to almost 5.5USD. Maybe the international percentage has risen...
David Muncaster 2015-01-28T11:47:57-05:00
To be honest though, as much as I would love more trinkets that my wife would glare at me for. I would really just like more Higher Pledge tiers. Or maybe a Exploding kitten themed tin/box to store the game in as an add on.
I get that we can't get all the things for free, and everything costs money... I would pay $10 for a tin/plastic storage box!
Jonathan Brown 2015-01-28T11:48:55-05:00
@David If 100,000 people got together and paid me $4mm, you can bet your ass I would interact with them regardless of my schedule. Just saying.
What they need is to temporarily hire a community manager
Thewarstore.com 2015-01-28T11:51:13-05:00
@Lior or many poeple are buying 10 copies like we are, don't forget that variable as well.
David Muncaster 2015-01-28T11:52:44-05:00
@Jonathan our "christmas party" was just this past friday and trust me... I did not want to interact with anything except water and tylenol until Monday... So with Elans birthday being just two days ago, I can cut them a little slack.
But yeah, going forward, I would love more updates, Tiers, etc. Heck just to get a taste of the game! Maybe a video showing a game start to finish? That would be neat.
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-28T11:53:20-05:00
@Thewarstore.com Very true. I have added a sfw deck to my $35 level. Because i have friends that will want to play up to 8 people without the nsfw deck..
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-28T11:54:47-05:00
They did say a bigger update was coming today.....
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-28T11:55:25-05:00
Ok not bigger. But updates besides us making history.
Jonathan Brown 2015-01-28T11:56:40-05:00
@David sounds good. A video would be awesome. An update saying which suggestions they may be considering, that could start a discussion, would be great too. Maybe they good do one of those live Facebook Q&A's.
JusticeBolt 2015-01-28T11:56:53-05:00
I would just like new information about the game. Maybe in the next update:
- Cards stock used ( quality) ?
- Cats cards activate special Powers when used as multiples... Can we have an example? Thanks!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2015-01-28T11:57:58-05:00
We still have 22 days to go. Lots of time for these things to happen, ie: game play examples, additional pledge tiers, even adjusted shipping costs. Lets give them some more time. I think one the reasons for the percieved radio silence is because they are busy answering private messages. Remember they said it took three days to answer all of the day one messages!
Peter S. 2015-01-28T11:58:36-05:00
@Rod. I'm backing a deck of cards now that is charging me 3 bucks to ship it. Whatever. If EK can do a bulk rate it will help. Plus an RE friendly system. Will also help a lot (alot) of people.
I will probably get one more SFW and NSFW deck added to my order which will increase my pledge for $70. I want to keep one of the NSFW decks un-opened and this will allow me to play with upto 8 people using just the two SFW decks
we should shoot for a goal of 10k comments by the end of the campaign :-)
Chris Kunkel 2015-01-28T12:05:54-05:00
You guys are all getting way too serious about all this. It's a card game. That being said its an amazing success no matter how you analyze it. Maybe too successful, I can certainly understand if at this point they are concentrating on being able to deliver a quality product on time at such huge quantities, rather than further promoting it or stroking our egos.
I didn't know who any of these people were before this, In fact I came to kickstarter curious about 3d printers. This game is a simple and unique idea that looks like a lot of fun to play. I would be just as likely to buy this if i saw it on a store shelf or Amazon. I've had time to browse other kickstarters, very few others did even half as good a job of making me interested in supporting them. They have a winner I think.
For me the video intro was what sold it, it was very entertaining, well done, and does a perfect job of showcasing the game idea and story. Matt has the delivery of a stand up comedian. Sure he has his own fan base that contributed to this, but just having fans is no guarantee of anything. The game stands on its own, I wouldn't be getting one if i didn't think it was going to be great.
While I certainly won't turn down anything else the team decides to grant us, I fail to see how further success entitles me to anything, if there was a popular item at walmart for example you wouldn't be demanding a bonus just because they sold a lot. Each pledge still requires the time and cost of producing a quality game by the deadline for an enormous number of people, it's not just extra free money for them, not to mention the time and cost they have already put into it and the seed capitol they will need to turn this into an ongoing business.
Bottom line, great game, great marketing, amazing success, looking forward to getting my decks and kudos to the team for an awesome idea. Best of luck to them, they have quite a logistical challenge ahead of them but it sure seems like they are up to it.
David Perry 2015-01-28T12:10:41-05:00
I'm with Chris. I pledged on the basis of what was offered not in expectation of getting anything more if a lot of other people pledged!
Scott Godin 2015-01-28T12:12:41-05:00
One of the strech goals should be a button activated sound maker the size of a key chain that makes a mrroooowBOOM! sound, so the surviving players can rub it in a bit.
Scott Viverito 2015-01-28T12:13:38-05:00
Ok, did a little looking. The update level is a little low compared to the other top projects, but not as bad as some seem to feel. Remember there are 22 days left. but some numbers to compare:
Coolest Cooler 20 Updates
Pebble 53 updates
Ouya 30 updates
Pono 52 updates
Veronica Mars 102 updates
Reading Rainbow 39 updates
Now remember some of these projects were more than 30 days and some like Reading Rainbow had some updates after the campaign. So on average I think were good on updates in general, though having said that I would love to see more communication as well.
Jonathan Brown 2015-01-28T12:15:32-05:00
I agree that I pledged with no further expectations. That said...
We are not just buying a game on Amazon, we are providing start-up capital for a venture that otherwise would likely never exist. Uno costs $6 on Amazon, with free shipping if you are a prime member. Success on a Kickstarter should be shared, if not through "extras" then at least through creative interaction.
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-28T12:18:18-05:00
You kids these days, with your Stretch Goals and your cellular phones. I pledged back in the old days, you know, January 20th. Back when the NSFW pack was only 20 CARDS, when we had to walk 10 miles, up hill through the snow to work and back. Now we have a full extra NSFW playable game! Why, if I'd of only known then what I know now.... I realize the NSFW game doesn't help those of you who only purchased the KF game. But my goodness, the way things change nowadays.
Nate Outland 2015-01-28T12:20:10-05:00
It's tough to compare updates of projects purely on numbers and not quality of updates. Not that it's relevant for this, but I think the Coolest campaign is still an unfolding disaster
Scott Viverito 2015-01-28T12:20:57-05:00
@Bob lol, and just for bringing out the "uphill through snow " old saw, I send you an Exploding Snow Kitten .... "He has gotten so cold he welcomes the heat of an explosion" ;)
Cal "Blackhawk" Rasmussen 2015-01-28T12:21:14-05:00
@bob haha. I'm right behind you on that.
Scott Viverito 2015-01-28T12:22:54-05:00
I agree but just felt someone should inject some numbers. On the plus side for this campaign I think most of the updates have been good ones compared to the average updates I see on a lot of projects.
Bob "Powers of Tesla" Lindley 2015-01-28T12:24:57-05:00
@ Scott... @ Cal... :::Tipping hat::: Thank you, I'll be here all week.
Nate Outland 2015-01-28T12:28:48-05:00
Agreed these updates have been in line with what I'd expect from a campaign for a game. There aren't any physical moving parts, and while printing and shipping will take longer than originally planned, delivery a month or two late should be very doable
dns12999 2015-01-28T12:29:03-05:00
So I figured I'd put my two cents(American) in...
I'm excited to be getting what seems like a fun game even if it looses its luster after a few games
I contacted them about the possibility of buying the game post KS and for now they have no plans of it so as far as KS exclusives go the whole game is(for now) and they're not wasting marketing opportunity.
They are busy people with a lot of stuff going on.(Matt is in final stages of a book ect) so they can't just be updating all the time.
That being said anything they graciously add on to our orders or give us the opportunity to get from changing existing orders is a bonus.
@Adrian, those may be your reasons, however many people would disagree. Sg's are primarily designed to convince people to back and or spend more money. This project hasn't needed to resort to those measures. (yay!) All the things you are talking about are not required and would only inevitably delay this shipping of the project (last thing that we want). I think the level of comments from the creator are perfect. The only thing being more active here would bring for them is grief. Grief about shipping costs, sg's, swag, and all the other things that can not be changed. I fully support he ExK crew for their awesome campaign!
+1. Yes, smooth rollout, reinvest profits. EXACTLY what KS was originally intended for. Thank you!
+1 @Chris
@Adrian, I'm not new at all to Kickstarter, and couldn't disagree more. The original purpose of kickstarter is to open the market to games that wouldn't be made following traditional channels for a wide variety of reasons. Rod Mitchell, Chris Loth, and Eric Aschner are spot on about stretch goals.
@eric aschner you forget that the total amountbackers x standard pledge is about $3533000, which means theres 700000 going to shipping costs outside of us and people who ordered decks.
+1 Chris L
+4 @DavidK, but you will need to share with @Rod @Chris $ @Eric A
Like I said, I just want a goal marker. Anything else is just a bonus, and one I hardly view as a necessity. Stretch GOAL: I just want the goal part, I don't really care about the rest.
You backed this for the sake of the game? Really? No offense, but I don't see this game having much of a life as far as gameplay is concerned. It's about as basic a concept as could be conceived for a game. It's a novelty. I don't think it's something that will get played more than a few times, and then the novelty will wear off and the humor will get old and everybody will move on to the next thing. It's the same with Cards Against Humanity (and I have all of the content ever offered for that game, too). Don't get me wrong. I love The Oatmeal. It's the reason I backed the game. I hope that the success of this project will mean that The Oatmeal lives on forever. However, I have zero expectations for the replayability of this game. Maybe they'll prove me wrong. Maybe I've been spoiled by other, more well-prepared Kickstarter creators. Whatever the excuse, I just think that they are lacking in all departments when it comes to this project, regardless of whether they decide to invest some of this money into stretch goals, or future expansions, or whatever. I just know that it takes exactly $0 to create a post that shows us a card every once in awhile or give us a clue about the future development or support of this game. It's free press. Why not take advantage of it while the hype is there?
Rod, you so right. I was happy with the original package from the first day and now there are extras. I'm more than happy. It’s Team Exploding Kittens’ game and their Kickstarter campaign. Turns out they have been pretty smart so far so let’s cheer them on and enjoy the ride.
$0 to show a card every once in awhile? That assumes cards are already made, which costs $$. That also assumes someone has the time to photograph said cards. Time = $$.
Just surpassed 100K NSFW backers
@Adrian, I'd say you're in luck dude, if the creators SG's don't meet your expectations you can always pull out.
@Adrian: Why so serious buddy? You haven't realized that we're [backing] this project? Backing, as in that thing someone does where they support something? SG's do offer incentive, but outside of that we're helping to fund the creation of the game and nothing more.
I don't know about the game mechanics, yes I backed it blindly. However simple games with variations of subtle strategy are my absolute favorite games to play. Games like Dominion, or Munchkin, or MtG have less replayability in my mind than classics.
I mean, nobody ever plays more than a few games of poker, right? Or chess. Or spades or hearts... the rules are so simple and no expansion packs have EVER come out.
@Adrian, yes this is more of a novelty game. That is totally part of the draw. There's a TON of games that are heavy into its depth and replayability. It's nice to see one that you can break out once in a while for a few god laughs.
@Eric A +1*10^42, I'm right there with you. I love those games as well. These types of games can be the best type of games for a low key night with friends. There's some strategy but you don't have to devote a ton of brain power to the game.
Sometime you just want a game you can mill through a bunch of times. It brings to mind other games from childhood: go-fish, old maid, slap jack, ect.
@Evan. Not serious. I don't really even care that much. They'll have my $35 no matter what they decide to do from here. Online threaded discussions are such a weird thing. Everybody just automatically assumes that the other person is just sitting there furiously banging away at the keyboard, all pissed off at the world. It's not like that at all. I just feel like these creators have chosen Kickstarter as their venue. Those of us that enjoy Kickstarter have an idea how good campaigns are run (not successful in terms of $$$, but successful in terms of goodwill and interaction with the fans). This game could have been released independently of Kickstarter and been just as successful. But, since they're here, why not take advantage of the situation and get the word out, interact with the fans, give back to the community, show some goodwill. That is all. It doesn't have to cost more than a few minutes of their time. Really. That's it.
There's also something to be said for fast games. I mean with experienced players and two decks I can bust through a 500 pt. game of Spades in 10-15 minutes at most. Conan supposedly takes an hour, and I'd bet that's only after a few games. It's not like you could just bring in a brand new player and get through a game during lunch.
@Eric. It is a novelty. So why not add to that novelty by throwing in a few other novelty items. Yes, it costs money. But, for every pledge they are raking in the dollars. Put it to use. They are creative, funny dudes. Let's see some of that creativity with their Kickstarter project. It's why they chose this venue.
@Adrian: My assumption was an incorrect one then, but it's usually the case that people are in fact a little too serious though... such is the internet. It might have done very well outside of KS, but I don't think even they were expecting it to blow up quite as much as it has.
Also KS = free advertising and they don't have to bother with seed money.
So what kind of SGs do you want? I'm genuinely curious. Most things people have asked for just ain't gonna happen, I would like to hear some reasonable ideas.
@Evan They obviously were not prepared for the response. That is clear. And, how could they? However, they've had a week now. It's time to regroup and take advantage of the situation. I don't feel like they've done very good in that area. And, what's the harm in adding Kickstarter exclusive content. It will give those of us that have already chosen to support them a reason to be happy with our investment. It will encourage others to invest. It will provide them with additional revenue to continue the dream forever. It's a win-win-win.
Was just wondering, do you guys plan on doing more collector's edition tier? If, so that would be awesome, and I'm sure more people would change their pledge for it. I would.
As a strech goal, I would like to see world peace! (brought on of course by world domination!)
That could happen. Cats already own most of the world. (or at least think they do)
Thats the primary difference between cats and dogs. Dogs have owners, cats have staff!
The whole NSFW deck is Kickstarter-exclusive
@Eric I already posted a couple of ideas. A commemorative Kickstarter exclusive tin (with room for expansion). Make the stretch goal a high one. Get the revenue necessary to make it happen. Give more people a reason to jump on board. Make it an add-on and charge $5. I bet half the people here, especially those familiar with Kickstarter would gladly jump on that. Maybe a player token/kitten statue. I obviously don't know the mechanics. They've told us next to nothing. Maybe that doesn't make sense. But, it is a collectible. And, many Kickstarter vets are in it for the collectibles. Check my backer history. I obviously am. It's The Oatmeal. Make it funny. People will buy it. They don't even have to give it away. Like I said. Add it as a stretch goal and charge an add-on price. People will buy it.
A new stretch goal.... Maybe an expansion [SFW], like the NSFW deck was going to be originally. No theme currently springs to mind though... They could do an [add-on] function or tier for stuff, but that could get complicated and convoluted quickly. If they aren't careful about planning things out it could delay the project, and they don't want that.
Yes, let's KISS. At least, as simple as possible. Keep this in mind:
Matt has to produce or re-purpose artwork, create print-ready files of both sides of all cards, design the box around die art supplied by the box vendor, and approve final proofs from the printer (there will probably be two print vendors, one for the box, one for the cards).
Meanwhile, a list must be compiled of all of the backers' addresses; this list has to be cleaned and formatted. Shipping labels will be generated from this list, and if you don't want a crappy label covering up Matt's cool art on the box, the cool box has to go into a plain shipping box. That means hand insertion = time and more money. Every single THING that goes in the COOL box that then goes into the plain box will be built into the fulfillment charges these guys will pay, so please don't ask for 100K + "thingies" to commemorate your participation. That's just selfish.
Quality printing on quality paper costs money. We have a saying in the industry (yes, 35 years in printing talking here): Quality, Price, Speed - Pick Two. I choose quality and price, so please folks, lets not bog down the process by demanding extras that could further compromise the deadline. The cards are what I want, and they should be what everyone who backed the project wants.
@Adrian, I fail to understand your logic. You have already given up on the game having any replay value (which I strongly disagree with btw), and yet you want memorabilia for it? So what you want a t-shirt, etc. for a game you only plan on playing a few times, where is the logic in that? Why so much fuss for a project you obviously don't care about? Why the need for a trinket to remind you of the game you never play? Is it just because you have been groomed to expect it?
It's also one of the reason I requested a video of the creators dancing. There's no shame in the internet, and I would think it to be amusing... that's the perfect goal.
From the sample game play mechanics we have, gameplay tokens or markers probably don't make a lot of sense.
They do have a yet-to-be-named thing-of-incredible-delight which presumably has already been accounted for in packaging and shipping. (i.e. the box will already fit it and it will still make FC post in the states) This very well COULD be a tin or figurine of some sort. If not, I could see a figurine added but the box would have to be redesigned. This may delay fulfillment though. If the box wasn't already designed for a tin, I doubt one could be easily added and it would probably push over the weight as well. So it would probably have to be shipped separately, handled separately, and fulfilled separately. So even as a $5 add-on, they'd be losing money.
Lets just take a moment to appreciate the awesomeness of 108 000 backers!
Woohoo, 108k!
*yawn* wake me up when we hit 150,000. ;)
I'm amazed how far beyond the Reading Rainbow backer goal we'll go.
@Rod You guys keep saying stuff like "fuss" and "serious", like I'm just sitting here on the other side of the keyboard and this is the only thing I do with my life. In reality, I'm sitting here getting paid and wasting a few minutes reading comments. This is not a "fuss". If you feel it is, maybe it's you that need to take a step back and not take everything so serious. Relax. It's a few comments on an Internet message board. That is all. Nothing more. Nothing less.
I gave a couple of suggestions to the creators to maybe make their game more successful. That is all. No agenda. They have said right on the bottom of the front page of their campaign, that they want fans to help make this a success. I have provided a few suggestions that I feel will make this more of a success. If you don't agree, then go away. Or post something that you feel is constructive.
I like collectible stuff. To put on a shelf. To give to the dog to chew on. To take out and play with friends once a year. The possibilities are endless. And, if you think that a project of this scale (and I'm talking numbers now) is not going to be delayed, then you're seriously kidding yourselves. Nothing on Kickstarter ever gets released on time. And, their obvious lack of preparation for a response like this will only add to that. Why not throw in a few novelty items while we wait? It's going to take awhile regardless.
I have a card idea...how about the purchase order packaging exploding kitten. You know...three kittens sitting in a warehouse packaging and shipping 200,000 decks of cards individually to private addresses...and then their heads explode from the stress.
@Adrian, you've got me wrong, I love to debate, and I also am very curious where exactly individuals entilement issues come from, which is legitimately why I ask. Not only am I chill, but interested, hence, my questions.
If the creators needed to cajole new backers to pledge or for existing backers to increase their pledge $. then I agree that sg's, more communication, etc would be beneficial. 108k backers don't seem to need those things. In fact, I think more communication would actually hurt them here as I'm sure it would just encourage the sg seeking, free shipping, and charity requests. Not to mention a whole slew of other silly requests as well. I come from a buisness admin background and I can tell you their approach has been amazing, inspiring, and instructive!
Collectible stuff is cool, however, if I really want that kind of thing I would be more than happy to buy it after the ks, from the store or my flgs. Just saying...
For an extended game, have a 10 pack of "lives". Whenever you are ko'd, draw one of the cards at random. 9 will grant staying alive, one of the 10 will be the "kill card".
@Rod If you come from a business background and this project has been inspiring, then I've got some swampland in Florida to sell you. IMO this has been the most lackluster, blase project ever brought to Kickstarter. Sure, The Oatmeal has it's fans. And, so does Cards Against Humanity. That's why this is a success. They have posted almost nothing to inspire us during the past week. Take a look at any of the $1 million dollar plus Kickstarter campaigns and check out the creator interactions. Those are inspiring. Here, we've had almost nothing...7 updates. And, almost no creator posts in the comments. It's the opposite of almost every million dollar campaign ever. Of course, they're successful, but it's based on reputation alone, not based on how they've come to Kickstarter and posted the most unique project ever. Far from it.
@Adrian - it's successful because it's simple and fun which many Kickstarter campaigns lack and yes everyone needs a good dose of The Oatmeal in their lives - so reputation helps. It is a good example though of how simplicity wins. There was never a doubt this campaign would get funded and funders would receive their product.
@Adrian, lol! If you can't see what I can, then that speaks volumes to me. The numbers don't lie. They have followed their vision and been extremely successful in doing so. All without the useless trinkets that inevitably delay projects and add little to no value.
Why is the project so popular? Because the internet love kittens and explosions. There is no real reason to have this have gotten so big besides that, and that The Oatmeal already has a follow.
We don't need updates all the time. They post stuff on Twitter and Facebook too. Some of those things they have never posted here. They are getting bombed by emails, trying to get things worked out with the printer, etc. They don't have time to post updates all the time like some of these other projects.
Seems different people have different ideas of what "success" means. Who'd-a-thunk it? ;)
@Rod We'll have to agree to disagree. I believe that there's value in having an interaction with your fans and gives potential customers reason to invest as well. Sure, there's something to be said about jumping on the viral hype machine and letting it roll, but I think that this successful project could be that much more successful if we had more interaction with the creators and got a little bit more information from them. It's free advertising and they are failing to take advantage of it. You see a success in that. I see a missed opportunity.
@Everyone: http://replycandy.com/wp-content/uploads/Star-Wars-Emperor-The-Butthurt-Is-Strong-Within-You.jpg
@Adrian I love the whole Kittens thing and all the backer interaction, but I tend to agree with you. Bottom line --> More creator interaction could only be a good thing for both backers & creators.
@Evan Weideman
That is awesome. I downloaded it and am plotting it out 3'x2' and posting it in our back shop... unless you have a higher res?
@Adrian. +2 I wholeheartedly agree and have posted in the past that the lack of communication between the EK team and the backers seems like a missed opportunity for them personally. Not that they need to do hundreds of posts/updates and I know they are probably uber swamped with emails and logistics, but maybe it's just what they need to balance out the insanity that this game has brought them.
Oh an I think there should be a t-shirt add-on with all of the backer toons they have released. The price should be $15 minus $1 for every million they raise (with a minimum price based on cost).
@David: http://imgur.com/bUNXwFD
Everybody keeps saying "But it's simple. It's so simple." If it really were simple, then everybody would do it and $4.5 million dollars would mean nothing.
Sure, adding novelty items would complicate things, but not in an unmanageable way. There are tons of successful Kickstarter projects where the creators were able to hustle and get things added last minute to add significant value to their project. That's just my selfish suggestion because I like stuff.
However, my suggestion that the creators spend a few minutes with the fans and interact with us costs nothing but a few minutes of their time; however, the good will that this shows provides more than you know. And, it doesn't complicate anything. It's simply a way that they can take advantage of this massive hype and show us how cool they are. That can only help them to gain more fans. Costs nothing. And adds no complications to the logistics of the project. For those that don't see this, I've got nothing else to provide you to convince you otherwise.
Maybe I'm a lone wolf (and maybe not since reading every single comment all over this amazing Kickstarter is beyond my attention span and available time at present), but I don't want anything else from this project other than what was originally promised. I don't need or want stretch goals. I hopped on board last week because I adore The Oatmeal and I love fun and stupid strategy card games and I thought this would be an awesome thing to fund for my first Kickstarter and I think I was right! This is awesome. Can't wait. *bounce*
Don't forget the Lobstrocity card!
No bouncing allowed. It might explode the kittens prematurely.
@Eric ::muffled bounce::
@John, maybe it would make the player have to play with their off hand only. ie: if you're a lefty you have to play the rest of the game right handed.
Just wondering out loud.... what percentage of backers have to have international shipping? Is this 90% US backed or way less?
I dunno guys, I watched a CNET interview of the oatmeal and he seemed genuinely surprised by the success.
If I personally had a project explode to OVER 9000, unexpectedly at that, and then had to start wrapping my head around:
-Re designing a fun expansion into a stand alone game
-manage the logistics of dealing with numbers that went from hundreds of cards to hundreds of thousands.
-purchasing a quarter of a million packs of cards
-ensuring that my supplier can handle making that many cards... quickly
-have a birthday party, that I am sure involved minor "celebrating"
I personally would not have updated that much, and I would probably be breathing into a paper bag.
BUT it is the oatmeal... the guy who wrote FU in over $200,000 of cold hard cash and then donated it to a charity. So I could see why we expect more :D
@Eric B, thats a good question! I'm from Canada and don't mind a bit paying the $5 for shipping. I'm used to having to order things from other countries, so its expected.
Agree with @Adrian! Echoing things I have been saying. Interaction needed.
@ Rod LOL, yeah, like everything, food, music, clothing, games, the only thing we don't have to import is snow and mosquitos.... thank god not at the same time... snow mosquitos would be horrendous... furry, but horrendous. (Canadian here as well :D)
Shipping rates for the base are high. For me highest I usually pay on KS is 15 dollars. And this is a small card game. Can't weigh very much. Not even sure yet if we are getting quality printed cards and box....
@David, and from Calgary to! Whoo hoo! Maybe we'll have to throw down on some exploding kittens in a few months!
@Eric B the average pledge seems to be around 39USD. Since most of the backers (over 90%) are taking the NSFW pack, we can guess that somewhere between 20% and 35% are international. I'm assuming that a) most international orders are either EU (15USD) or farther out (20USD), and b) need to take some margin for Canadian orders (5USD) on the low side, and c) that multiple-deck orders are uncommon enough to not make much of a difference.
@Peter S, the reason the shipping rates are as "high" as they are is because its a small card game. What many people don't realize is that most games hide a protion of the shipping in the cost of game itself. There is no room to do that here. Hence the shipping costs seem higher, even though they are not.
@rod, LOL that is funny stuff. sounds like a plan
Did the math again, it seems like average shipping per backer has risen to almost 5.5USD. Maybe the international percentage has risen...
To be honest though, as much as I would love more trinkets that my wife would glare at me for. I would really just like more Higher Pledge tiers. Or maybe a Exploding kitten themed tin/box to store the game in as an add on.
I get that we can't get all the things for free, and everything costs money... I would pay $10 for a tin/plastic storage box!
@David If 100,000 people got together and paid me $4mm, you can bet your ass I would interact with them regardless of my schedule. Just saying.
What they need is to temporarily hire a community manager
@Lior or many poeple are buying 10 copies like we are, don't forget that variable as well.
@Jonathan our "christmas party" was just this past friday and trust me... I did not want to interact with anything except water and tylenol until Monday... So with Elans birthday being just two days ago, I can cut them a little slack.
But yeah, going forward, I would love more updates, Tiers, etc. Heck just to get a taste of the game! Maybe a video showing a game start to finish? That would be neat.
@Thewarstore.com Very true. I have added a sfw deck to my $35 level. Because i have friends that will want to play up to 8 people without the nsfw deck..
They did say a bigger update was coming today.....
Ok not bigger. But updates besides us making history.
@David sounds good. A video would be awesome. An update saying which suggestions they may be considering, that could start a discussion, would be great too. Maybe they good do one of those live Facebook Q&A's.
I would just like new information about the game. Maybe in the next update:
- Cards stock used ( quality) ?
- Cats cards activate special Powers when used as multiples... Can we have an example? Thanks!
We still have 22 days to go. Lots of time for these things to happen, ie: game play examples, additional pledge tiers, even adjusted shipping costs. Lets give them some more time. I think one the reasons for the percieved radio silence is because they are busy answering private messages. Remember they said it took three days to answer all of the day one messages!
@Rod. I'm backing a deck of cards now that is charging me 3 bucks to ship it. Whatever. If EK can do a bulk rate it will help. Plus an RE friendly system. Will also help a lot (alot) of people.
I will probably get one more SFW and NSFW deck added to my order which will increase my pledge for $70. I want to keep one of the NSFW decks un-opened and this will allow me to play with upto 8 people using just the two SFW decks
we should shoot for a goal of 10k comments by the end of the campaign :-)
You guys are all getting way too serious about all this. It's a card game. That being said its an amazing success no matter how you analyze it. Maybe too successful, I can certainly understand if at this point they are concentrating on being able to deliver a quality product on time at such huge quantities, rather than further promoting it or stroking our egos.
I didn't know who any of these people were before this, In fact I came to kickstarter curious about 3d printers. This game is a simple and unique idea that looks like a lot of fun to play. I would be just as likely to buy this if i saw it on a store shelf or Amazon. I've had time to browse other kickstarters, very few others did even half as good a job of making me interested in supporting them. They have a winner I think.
For me the video intro was what sold it, it was very entertaining, well done, and does a perfect job of showcasing the game idea and story. Matt has the delivery of a stand up comedian. Sure he has his own fan base that contributed to this, but just having fans is no guarantee of anything. The game stands on its own, I wouldn't be getting one if i didn't think it was going to be great.
While I certainly won't turn down anything else the team decides to grant us, I fail to see how further success entitles me to anything, if there was a popular item at walmart for example you wouldn't be demanding a bonus just because they sold a lot. Each pledge still requires the time and cost of producing a quality game by the deadline for an enormous number of people, it's not just extra free money for them, not to mention the time and cost they have already put into it and the seed capitol they will need to turn this into an ongoing business.
Bottom line, great game, great marketing, amazing success, looking forward to getting my decks and kudos to the team for an awesome idea. Best of luck to them, they have quite a logistical challenge ahead of them but it sure seems like they are up to it.
I'm with Chris. I pledged on the basis of what was offered not in expectation of getting anything more if a lot of other people pledged!
One of the strech goals should be a button activated sound maker the size of a key chain that makes a mrroooowBOOM! sound, so the surviving players can rub it in a bit.
Ok, did a little looking. The update level is a little low compared to the other top projects, but not as bad as some seem to feel. Remember there are 22 days left. but some numbers to compare:
Coolest Cooler 20 Updates
Pebble 53 updates
Ouya 30 updates
Pono 52 updates
Veronica Mars 102 updates
Reading Rainbow 39 updates
Now remember some of these projects were more than 30 days and some like Reading Rainbow had some updates after the campaign. So on average I think were good on updates in general, though having said that I would love to see more communication as well.
I agree that I pledged with no further expectations. That said...
We are not just buying a game on Amazon, we are providing start-up capital for a venture that otherwise would likely never exist. Uno costs $6 on Amazon, with free shipping if you are a prime member. Success on a Kickstarter should be shared, if not through "extras" then at least through creative interaction.
You kids these days, with your Stretch Goals and your cellular phones. I pledged back in the old days, you know, January 20th. Back when the NSFW pack was only 20 CARDS, when we had to walk 10 miles, up hill through the snow to work and back. Now we have a full extra NSFW playable game! Why, if I'd of only known then what I know now.... I realize the NSFW game doesn't help those of you who only purchased the KF game. But my goodness, the way things change nowadays.
It's tough to compare updates of projects purely on numbers and not quality of updates. Not that it's relevant for this, but I think the Coolest campaign is still an unfolding disaster
@Bob lol, and just for bringing out the "uphill through snow " old saw, I send you an Exploding Snow Kitten .... "He has gotten so cold he welcomes the heat of an explosion" ;)
@bob haha. I'm right behind you on that.
I agree but just felt someone should inject some numbers. On the plus side for this campaign I think most of the updates have been good ones compared to the average updates I see on a lot of projects.
@ Scott... @ Cal... :::Tipping hat::: Thank you, I'll be here all week.
Agreed these updates have been in line with what I'd expect from a campaign for a game. There aren't any physical moving parts, and while printing and shipping will take longer than originally planned, delivery a month or two late should be very doable
So I figured I'd put my two cents(American) in...
I'm excited to be getting what seems like a fun game even if it looses its luster after a few games
I contacted them about the possibility of buying the game post KS and for now they have no plans of it so as far as KS exclusives go the whole game is(for now) and they're not wasting marketing opportunity.
They are busy people with a lot of stuff going on.(Matt is in final stages of a book ect) so they can't just be updating all the time.
That being said anything they graciously add on to our orders or give us the opportunity to get from changing existing orders is a bonus.
Heres to blowing up kittens!