Peter 'General Calculus' W. 2015-01-30T15:05:00-05:00
New Top10 list (2015-01-30 20:00 UTC):
BruceP - The Chameleon 508
Rod "EU friendly" Mitchell 496
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 438
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 293
Chris "The Historian" Loth 255
Melissa "The Creeper" Fahlstrom 246
Joshua Durben 243
Evan "Potatten™" Weideman 237
Cal Rasmussen 213
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 197
you don't double a vowel that isn't doubled in the word.... that would be silly
Katie Pants Cheery Pie 2015-01-30T15:06:44-05:00
What thaaaaa ?!? Man, I guess I need to look at the comments more than twice a day. I'm on some back road now.
"My Corps! Your Corps! Our Corps! Kitten Corps!
I don't know, but I've been told
fruitcake don't grow no mold!
Kitten corps' a crazy bunch
You miss all if out for lunch!
Kitten corps' beyond compare
Feel our hair in your underwear!
lick, and sick with hairy holes
we don't care for stretchy goals!
We don't smoke, we chew on nip
kitten corps is uber hip
We shed hair where ever we please
if you got allergies, prepare to sneeze!
Potattens, fruitattens, kitzels too
we know where you bury your poo!"
And someone said they were going to Subway... my addiction. Bring me back a rootbeer with a 6" chicken on honey oat, toasted with pepper jack cheese, with spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes, olives, green pepper, oregano, with just a little tiny bit of sweet onion sauce.
Peter 'General Calculus' W. 2015-01-30T15:13:52-05:00
@Trinkets, yes it was.
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T15:14:18-05:00
Random wickedness : Let’s loose an EMP in a No-Electronics Zone
I predict a new dialect, a pig Latin but with kittens
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T15:15:27-05:00
Random wickedness : Keys your new iphone6
Andre "Silver Ninjatten" Bernier 2015-01-30T15:15:34-05:00
1871 comments away from 10,000
LadyZ of the house Vampitten 2015-01-30T15:15:39-05:00
Welcome back, Trinx! And yes, it was. Cheetah Butt created a web page of Creeper's notes. And the Historian created a Google Docs page. We've been busy!
Nate Outland 2015-01-30T15:15:41-05:00
please make shipping free and when will there be the next update with stretch goals?
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-30T15:16:07-05:00
@PeterW sweet!!
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T15:16:11-05:00
@Nate, please remove your pledge
Andre "Silver Ninjatten" Bernier 2015-01-30T15:16:22-05:00
And there is a song now.
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 2015-01-30T15:16:50-05:00
Andre "Silver Ninjatten" Bernier 2015-01-30T15:16:52-05:00
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-30T15:17:13-05:00
Bye, Nate.
You'll be missed.
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T15:17:21-05:00
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-30T15:17:40-05:00
Good job gang!!
Andre "Silver Ninjatten" Bernier 2015-01-30T15:17:42-05:00
@Nate have you tried sending them a message instead of just posting in the comments section?
It won't be so bad....I won't get buried alive by it. And if U do...I'll just use ny powers to dig a tunnel out.
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 2015-01-30T15:21:01-05:00
Yeah, got nothing against Nate. He hasn't been whiney or EU-friendly-post-y. However, that ultimatum just ain't gonna happen. :P
"Diamond Dan" Drake 2015-01-30T15:21:08-05:00
Should probably add Nate to the documentation, so the EK team can issue an all caps formal apology to him.
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-30T15:21:21-05:00
I to say that @Nate has frustrations that are legit. But @Nate, sending them a message directly from the links in the FAQ will likely get you an eventual response. The EK team probably won't post a response to your inquiries here in the comments section.
Andre "Silver Ninjatten" Bernier 2015-01-30T15:21:28-05:00
I dunno there is still time left.
Nate Outland 2015-01-30T15:21:41-05:00
Thought that comment would be blatantly obvious enough that it wasn't serious. Was trying to point out (apparently failed hard) that people who ask any specific questions in the comment section are idiots, because even if Elan didn't have interviews and logistics to figure out, theres no way he could read 1,000+ comments each day.
Andre "Silver Ninjatten" Bernier 2015-01-30T15:22:22-05:00
Horror Junky - Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2015-01-30T15:22:28-05:00
Since we have passed this milestone, how about jello shots for everyone? (Over the age of 21, of course unless you are from France. I think you can drink when you are 16 there)
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T15:22:28-05:00
I could add an all caps ultimatum line to the doc, but I don't want to specifically call anyone out (whether we feel they should be or not).
Andre "Silver Ninjatten" Bernier 2015-01-30T15:22:52-05:00
Canadians can drink too
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 2015-01-30T15:22:54-05:00
I stand're out!!! ;-P
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T15:22:57-05:00
you forgot to mention in the document that all KittenCorps members were branded with a tattoo, compliments of Professor F and his mental projection abilities.
Nate Outland 2015-01-30T15:23:06-05:00
Btw, I ain't even mad about no updates, or no additional stretch goals. They're answering questions quickly on Twitter. My all CAPS rage was a failed attempt at a joke :(
Προφέσσορ Φ 2015-01-30T15:23:33-05:00
Greeks drink ouzo at the age of 10, so I'm safe
Andre "Silver Ninjatten" Bernier 2015-01-30T15:23:54-05:00
I wouldn't say faild attempt. It was funny once we knew it was a joke.
"Diamond Dan" Drake 2015-01-30T15:24:04-05:00
Nice. Haha, I forgot how the internet worked for a second. Welcome Nate.
Chris "The Historian" Loth 2015-01-30T15:24:29-05:00
@Nate... now I may just have to call you out on the doc... ;)
Horror Junky - Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2015-01-30T15:24:33-05:00
@Professor F
Nice! I was a wimp and actually waited until I was 21 to drink.
When you drink since age of 10, Kitten Corps becomes Be Mine on your own chest. Imagine ours.
LadyZ of the house Vampitten 2015-01-30T15:28:32-05:00
@Nate, we're not that bright, really. That went right over our heads. Haha, did you guys see Guardians of the Galaxy? "Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast. I would catch it." *wipes tear from eye. Gets me every time.
Yes, but so is don't and doesn't in that case.
New Top10 list (2015-01-30 20:00 UTC):
BruceP - The Chameleon 508
Rod "EU friendly" Mitchell 496
Eric 'Trinkets' Baumgarten 438
Eric 'Tchotchke' Aschner 293
Chris "The Historian" Loth 255
Melissa "The Creeper" Fahlstrom 246
Joshua Durben 243
Evan "Potatten™" Weideman 237
Cal Rasmussen 213
Kevin "Lord Zombitten" Buckner 197
Also: json dump:
Yes its a double negative, we're not talking about english majors here!
ok last post of this. I am off to lunch now.
My Corps! Your Corps! Our Corps! Kitten Corps!
I don't know, but I've been told
fruitcake does not grow no mold!
Kitten corps' a crazy bunch
You miss all if out for lunch!
Kitten corps' beyond compare
Feel our hair in your underwear!
lick, and stick with hairy holes
we don't care for stretchy goals!
We don't smoke, we chew on nip
kitten corps is uber hip
We shed hair where ever we please
if you got allergies, prepare to sneeze!
Potattens, fruitattens, kitzels too
we know where you bury your poo!
Zombittens, vampittens, they're undead
don't mess with them, you'll lose your head!
Does not grow mold.
Gro-ow or
To make for the missing syllable in both cases.
woot I am in the top 10 comments list :-)
you don't double a vowel that isn't doubled in the word.... that would be silly
What thaaaaa ?!? Man, I guess I need to look at the comments more than twice a day. I'm on some back road now.
"My Corps! Your Corps! Our Corps! Kitten Corps!
I don't know, but I've been told
fruitcake don't grow no mold!
Kitten corps' a crazy bunch
You miss all if out for lunch!
Kitten corps' beyond compare
Feel our hair in your underwear!
lick, and sick with hairy holes
we don't care for stretchy goals!
We don't smoke, we chew on nip
kitten corps is uber hip
We shed hair where ever we please
if you got allergies, prepare to sneeze!
Potattens, fruitattens, kitzels too
we know where you bury your poo!"
When you're singing it, not writing it.
For future poetic usage, the ü for "über" is Alt +0252
any word on an update?
we'll get the cadence part in there later... I can't add it...
thanks for taking over Cadence duty. I am off to Subway now for reals
It's good anyway. Now, on t-shirts!
Holy Shiiiiiiiiiiii........ you guys were busy as a cave full of potattens. There's a SONG??!!!
maan 1000 coments in the past 24 hours or so
non-euclitten is pleased
Random wickedness : Bombs a couple of planets with basic single-cell lifeforms
You don't really sing like that in cadence, it's more literal. No one is really thinking about the words....
add this to the bottom of the cadence.
Zombittens, vampittens, they're undead
don't mess with them, you'll lose your head!
lol I like this song
I like "a little yellow birdie" l... but it's not very PG
Was that a Dropbox link with all of our comments?
I shudder to think what this comment section is going to look like in 20 days
@Evan "Potatten" - uh... reading it... (thanks)... Uh... zombie kittens... potato kittens... ninja kittens... yeah.. yup... WHAT? WHAT!
MOOD RINGS?!? Shiiiiinnney things.... ooOOooo.
And someone said they were going to Subway... my addiction. Bring me back a rootbeer with a 6" chicken on honey oat, toasted with pepper jack cheese, with spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes, olives, green pepper, oregano, with just a little tiny bit of sweet onion sauce.
@Trinkets, yes it was.
Random wickedness : Let’s loose an EMP in a No-Electronics Zone
I predict a new dialect, a pig Latin but with kittens
Random wickedness : Keys your new iphone6
1871 comments away from 10,000
Welcome back, Trinx! And yes, it was. Cheetah Butt created a web page of Creeper's notes. And the Historian created a Google Docs page. We've been busy!
please make shipping free and when will there be the next update with stretch goals?
@PeterW sweet!!
@Nate, please remove your pledge
And there is a song now.
Bye, Nate.
You'll be missed.
Good job gang!!
@Nate have you tried sending them a message instead of just posting in the comments section?
@Allsion: at the rate were going were half way there....
why do you think we came up with this? -->
@Tchotchke: He will?
9 minutes left
He's there, in the WineCorner with Poz
@Prof F, that sounds like fun though, shouldn't it be WhineCorner?
Oh, looks like it's almost time for the monthly safety meeting. I shall return in about an hour.
Damn! I missed the 123,456 moment. Fricking RL.
@Katie, here's the google doc link:…
The site and the doc are more or less the same content.
@Great Mountain" Good luck with the text wall when you get back.
@EUF, was trying to rebrand it
@Da Horror, both the site and doc have screen shots of the historic event.
@Geist de la Muerte there is a link to a screencap somewhere
8 minutes left
It won't be so bad....I won't get buried alive by it. And if U do...I'll just use ny powers to dig a tunnel out.
Yeah, got nothing against Nate. He hasn't been whiney or EU-friendly-post-y. However, that ultimatum just ain't gonna happen. :P
Should probably add Nate to the documentation, so the EK team can issue an all caps formal apology to him.
I to say that @Nate has frustrations that are legit. But @Nate, sending them a message directly from the links in the FAQ will likely get you an eventual response. The EK team probably won't post a response to your inquiries here in the comments section.
I dunno there is still time left.
Thought that comment would be blatantly obvious enough that it wasn't serious. Was trying to point out (apparently failed hard) that people who ask any specific questions in the comment section are idiots, because even if Elan didn't have interviews and logistics to figure out, theres no way he could read 1,000+ comments each day.
Since we have passed this milestone, how about jello shots for everyone? (Over the age of 21, of course unless you are from France. I think you can drink when you are 16 there)
I could add an all caps ultimatum line to the doc, but I don't want to specifically call anyone out (whether we feel they should be or not).
Canadians can drink too
I stand're out!!! ;-P
you forgot to mention in the document that all KittenCorps members were branded with a tattoo, compliments of Professor F and his mental projection abilities.
Btw, I ain't even mad about no updates, or no additional stretch goals. They're answering questions quickly on Twitter. My all CAPS rage was a failed attempt at a joke :(
Greeks drink ouzo at the age of 10, so I'm safe
I wouldn't say faild attempt. It was funny once we knew it was a joke.
Nice. Haha, I forgot how the internet worked for a second. Welcome Nate.
@Nate... now I may just have to call you out on the doc... ;)
@Professor F
Nice! I was a wimp and actually waited until I was 21 to drink.
proof :
I was trying to be over the top enough (while also using demands, and other tactics) that other idiots on here have used
21 limit is funny. You can get married and not allowed to drink at the wedding.
So, Prof F, is this tattoo real or just them believing they have it? I didn't get one, because my lady Wicked Felina protects me from such.
my good grief... you all have been a busy bunch of kittehs... :D
I feel as though I've missed out on some cool "insider party"... any catnip left for me?
ᵗᶦᶰʸ ᵗᵉˣᵗ > ᶜᵃᵖˢ
@Tchotchke, I don't have a PHD in marital problems
woah how did you do tiny text??
Not sure "cool" is the right word. But I like it nonetheless.
Historian, the count on update requests is 500,458. We should get that added to tge website
Subway sandwich bread is made with material that yoga mats are made of. True story.
I rejected it with the shield I made to counter Professor F's powers, rivals can do that after all.
Random Wickedness : Exchanged hand lotion with instant glue at a sperm clinic
@Chris "The Historian" Loth - thanks for the doc link.
@Steve Adamo here's a synopsis, as well as a link to webpage version of the info:…
When you drink since age of 10, Kitten Corps becomes Be Mine on your own chest. Imagine ours.
@Nate, we're not that bright, really. That went right over our heads. Haha, did you guys see Guardians of the Galaxy? "Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast. I would catch it." *wipes tear from eye. Gets me every time.
@Prof F: Elmer's would have been funnier...
@Steve, remember that you asked for it!
KittenCorp Cadence added to the website. (Click on the link.)
correction, at a sperm donation center
Smoked all the catnip this morning. Gotta grow some more
@Katie, anytime, the formatting is horrid at the moment (my boss actually wants me to work for some strange reason) but I'll clean it up this weekend.
@Da Horror Junkie - yeah I know. We eat a lot of stuff that is in a lot of other stuff. ;-) My yoga mat approves.
@LadyZ, I LOVE that movie :)