@GM, I suppose it is. It's just that my employees have usually gotten along pretty well, but now there are two who are feuding. Then there's the issue of trying to get a service agreement signed on one of our analyzers that keeps giving us trouble...
Lord Zombitten 2017-03-20T17:42:39-04:00
Basically, it's been one of those "if anything can go wrong, it will!" kind of days. What with the QC issues on one analyzer, the suction errors on another, and two others not transmitting results properly, all while I'm trying to review last month's QC! I just need today to be over.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-21T09:07:39-04:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-21T09:08:29-04:00
@LZ, sorry to hear about your work struggles. Probably the last thing you want to deal with when your energy is low! Hope it straightens out sooner rather than later bro!
...Nevermind, I can't stupid retraining on stuff that I honestly don't have the mental ability to actually retain at the moment with everything else that is being shoved onto me.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-21T14:04:42-04:00
BaKhan, that's awesome! Have way too much fun with that! Heck, go to Didney Worl or something!
As for everyone else, keep fighting it. Eventually, you'll teach your life who's boss and it'll slack off and give you a break! Unfortunately, most people only reach that retirement in their late 60s.... ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-22T09:11:37-04:00
Morning kittens!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-22T09:14:31-04:00
@Zem, lol, well I'm heading to Banff on Thrusday, and coming home on Sunday next week, so not Disney, but still, not too shabby. Disney will have to wait till May. Its been over two years now, so much new stuff to see there! The day we get back to Disney is the opening day for their new Avatar expansion in the Animal Kingdom, Pandora! It looks so awesome, I can't wait! Also, its going to be their spring festival, so lots of cool topiaries and a butterfly garden! So excited!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-22T09:33:56-04:00
"Hey, spring break? Awesome! No better place to spend it than the top of a snowy mountain!"
I do love skiing though. Only that, living in one of the flattest areas in the universe, it's like an 8 or 9 hour drive to the Rockies. :)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-22T09:37:41-04:00
@Zem, no skiing for me, haven't been able to since I was 11, due to a childhood illness. I'll be checking out the shops, rocking the hot tub, eating some good eats, and maybe even getting some miniature painting in! My wife has a medical update training thing there next weekend so, I tag along to enjoy Banff while she learns! ;)
The fun part is when you get in in the morning, and looking through the approval emails from the night before you notice three things:
1. A terminal manager, who you sent the payroll to for approval apparently isn't the one who should receive it - no idea if they are even still with the company
2. Another salaried employee may, or may not, have left the company a "couple of weeks" - no paperwork to speak of
3. Two other employees are being coded to the wrong divisions because, again, no paperwork
If my manager doesn't realize I CAN'T take on the Canadian side while dealing with all this crap, ten there is no hope for this company.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-22T11:23:59-04:00
@GM, it just sounds like a very frustrating place to work. A job is a job, but it shouldn't be a nightmare like that all the time. It almost sounds like they are trying to find your breaking point to me. I'm not sure why, but they give you little support, don't let you enforce standards or create new practices, and yet, blame you when things go awry. Seems like a lose lose scenario to me. One day, you will realize that you deserve better, and then find it!
@BaKhan: Not entirely. Actually had to come in to work, but definitely leaving soon as this training is done(for the first time in probably 4 years I almost threw up this morning).
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-03-24T14:49:00-04:00
@GM, aww shucks, I probably missed you! Sorry to hear about the tummy troubles, hope you're feeling better soon!
SOOOOO!!! I have an announcement! And I know many of you aren't on at the moment..but I'm going to be busy all next week.
I'm opening my own bakery!!!! I'm moving back to Kansas City and opening a bakery in a small town outside of it. I'll be 15 minutes from my parents house!
This is huge for me and something I've dreamt about for years. I'm terrified and excited and all of the things. I have a gripping fear that I won't be able to get it running... but I know once I do, I will be fine. I just have to get over that hump!
I really wanted to tell you guys and hate that I've been so absent. I've just been working a lot and trying to do what I could to cut down distractions. But even If I haven't said anything, I still creep in from time to time, lIke classic Creeper.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-27T02:03:52-04:00
Wow, a full week of me not checking in?! I don't know how you guys coped! You must feel deaf without me blowing your ears off!
Really, though, I was pretty busy last week. Sorry for not checking in, I only even got on my computer once in the past... since over a week ago, and that was just to talk about skiing! Anyways, your reprieve is up, back to me being here. Sorry! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-27T02:05:49-04:00
And don't worry, it's like 1 am here right now before a monday, but I'll be sure to try to read the past week and catch up on everything I missed. Happy monday, everyone!
(yeah, sure, that's what I'll be telling myself tomorrow!)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-27T02:12:22-04:00
Okay, wait, I lied, I read one or two comments, and... Creeper, that's amazing!!! That's so cool! Sorry I wasn't here to see it earlier, but now that I am, congratulations! And hey, if it's near KC, I might even possibly be able to come visit sometime somehow... someway... you get my point, finally someone is in my neck of the world and is serving food. ;)
But yeah, that's totally awesome, Creeper, and we're here with you every step of the way!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-27T02:24:23-04:00
Okay, total lie, I noticed the past week was pretty light here, so I read it all.
BaKhan, actually, I said that because I was skiing, and had a great time with it too. In all likelihood, I broke 55 mph a few times!
Sorry to hear you can't ski. But I hope your weekend getaway to Banff was all that and a bag of chips (or your choice of snack that comes in a bag)! Sounds like a great way to spend a weekend, just chilling there! (no, climate pun not intended)
Sorry to hear about the troubles last week, GM, and even more sorry we weren't here to hear about them. Hope all is a bit better though. Haha, if anyone I know deserves/needs a nice relaxing vacation, it's you.
LZ, *grumble, sympathy, encouragement, grumble*
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-27T07:35:00-04:00
Morning kittens
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-27T07:40:58-04:00
Congratulations Creeper! I am so flipping happy for you! Of course you will be successful. Never doubt that.
Looks like we need to have a Kitten Con in Kansas sometime in the near future so we can support your bakery. Will there be seating or is it carry out?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-27T09:41:12-04:00
My idea exactly, Geist. Definitely all having a Kitten Con there as soon as the bakery opens!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-27T09:47:00-04:00
@Creeper: That is awesome news! Best of luck with getting it started, and definitely let us know when you are open.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-27T12:34:39-04:00
So it would appear our hot-sauce/maple-bacon-brittle/cupcake Kitten Corps conglomerate empire is well on its way to taking over the world! And by that I mean one branch of it has plans to start a branch. We gotta start somewhere! ;)
Lord Zombitten 2017-03-27T13:17:47-04:00
Congratulations, Creeper!! I'm super excited for you!
Lord Zombitten 2017-03-27T13:19:45-04:00
Zem, I read an interesting thing the other day, and wanted your take on it. The gist of the article is that 42 is how to express * in (I think) ASCII. If not ASCII, then in some computer script.
@LZ: I remember reading something about that. If I remember correctly, the * is representative of whatever you want it to be in that computer script.
Lord Zombitten 2017-03-27T13:31:40-04:00
@GM, exactly!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-27T14:38:44-04:00
And thusly 42, because that not only encompasses whatever you want * to be in that script, it also includes Life, the Universe, and Everything! Kind of like how on an everything bagel, each of those dots is an individual universe with literally everything contained within, hundreds of universes sprinkled on that bagel so it includes everything that ever existed! Including the kitchen sink!
Haha, now you'll never get that thought out of your head when you see an everything bagel!
Lord Zombitten 2017-03-27T15:16:39-04:00
Yay! I'm so glad that mystery has been solved!
Seriously, I always thought there had to be more to it than just a silly joke to make people wonder.
@LZ: For the longest time, I didn't think there was anything more to it...then that article came out. That is one mystery, that honestly, only those adept at various obscure computer codings could have known/figured out without the information that was released.
Zem!!! Thank you so much!!! At first I was like "who is Micah?" Hahaha. That means a lot to me! Every dollar is a huge help!
And thank you all so much for your sweet words! Plattsburg is close to Kansas City! North east of it. I'll tell you guys more a little later tonight.
I am so excited and so scared! But I trust my craft. It's just getting there. I know there's going to be so many hidden expenses so I'm already having money panicks. I'm flying home this weekend to sign the papers. Look at me! I'll have a mortgage!! Hahahaha. *vomit*
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-27T21:53:06-04:00
Haha, like I said, we're all here for you! I'd donate more if I could. Kind of one of the reasons I wish I were rich is so I'd never have to say that, I could help people all I wanted.
And I know you'll be fully able to sustain the place once you get it up and running, but I know for sure that the first difficulty in starting a business is getting it pushed off the ground and running in the first place, but also about a year or two in when you're no longer a new, interesting place. But you should be able to drum up enough of a name in the meantime to stay up and at 'em, especially if you'll be making small, daily things like cupcakes and stuff, but that all comes later anyways, I'm just rambling and thinking right now, pay no mind to the mattress behind the curtain. ;)
One thing I was wondering because I don't know gofundme too well is what kind of fundraising it is. But considering you get charged instantly, I'd say it's not all-or-nothing like kickstarter with its goals, which is super helpful. Is there a time limit to goals on gofundme, or is it just open until you close the campaign? Because I don't see anything of the sort, which is even more helpful in cases like yours.
But yeah, super glad to help in every way I can! Sorry to talk your eyes off. Eew, now that I look at it... don't bother reading all of this comment; it's so long! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-27T21:56:45-04:00
Yeah, now that I see it in full context, just skim that comment! Man, I can ramble when I have a mind to! ;)
Doesn't help that you can't see it all at once in the typing box, just 4 lines at once.
But yeah, I had a few questions, but they can wait until you tell us that exciting more later tonight. Just don't overwork yourself in the meantime! I know you've already been super, super busy most of the time (heck, you haven't even been able to be on here much in awhile!), and on top of that, going out to open a new place can be a TON of work, so don't burn yourself out.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-28T02:33:57-04:00
Oh god, not again. I got a cold in the mountains, but it turns out it's the same one I had. Twice. Just in the past month or month and a half. Looks like I'm in for yet another week or so of dry eyes, nose alternating between a faucet and a desert making me sneeze, sore throat, and my all-time favorite, losing my sense of smell!
Yup, I think I mentioned it last time. Literally lost my sense of smell temporarily. Eating sucks because food doesn't taste like food. Even when I can breathe through my nose, I can't smell anything, and now nothing tastes good. Dammit I can't wait for this to get over with!
And Zem don't apologize for all the questions! Yes - that's why I went with gofundme. I can withdraw the money when I need to (though I'm waiting until it's emergent), There's no time limit and I don't have to raise the full amount.
I considered kickstarter, but i would have to keep the goal low, and then deal with rewards. It would be a long time before I could work on rewards and I don't know how busy or broke i would be when that time came.
oh! Zem - if you go back to my campaign page, you'll see a little kitty convict creeping in the background!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-28T11:46:32-04:00
@Creeper: I'll donate to your GoFundMe page when I get my next paycheck. I'm so happy you are going into business for yourself. I assume little Leo is going with you?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-28T13:10:42-04:00
Ooh, Leo! He could be the sort of mascot, haha. Then again, I don't think most people like animals in their food stores. ;)
Haha, I like the picture with the escaped convict staring at you from the background. And heck yeah, you're trending now! And someone just gave you a huge donation!
my roommate took a bunch of pictures for me when I announced on facebook. I'm actually holding a cake that says "Congrats on your bakery!" She had a few, then leo jumped up there and she started laughing. "We got our picture!"
and once i was decorating cookies, leo jumped up and stepped on one. He left the cutest little paw imprint.... but i couldn't share that photo!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-28T14:38:08-04:00
Oh boy, it's supposed to rain nonstop from this evening through all of tomorrow and until thursday just before noon. Whoopee.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-28T15:19:24-04:00
@Creeper: Count on me to eat my weight in pastries when I visit. I'll even take a bunch back home with me even though my coworkers don't deserve to taste your delicious pastries. Will you be able to replicate that pastry you had in France (I think it was France) where people think you're having an affair? ;-) I'll take a dozen of those.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-28T23:53:19-04:00
*sigh* Why am I still awake and working?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-29T00:10:41-04:00
You're still working? Wow, yeah, awake is one thing, but being awake now and first off doing work and second off not drinking is a whole 'nother deal!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-29T01:12:36-04:00
Wow, Creeper, the campaign is doing so well! At this rate, it could easily pass $1,000 before morning!
And I Ann continually surprised by the people who have contributed!! I kinda did it because I have some very wealthy clients and was hoping they would chip in... shocker... none have (yet?) ... old saying goes "that's why they're rich"
I just am so panicked that I'll have a building.... but no money left to get an oven or a fridge!!!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-29T14:38:58-04:00
You know, if it were just misting, not drizzling, today's weather would be perfect; it's cool, cloudy, and not very windy! Unfortunately, though, you need an umbrella or raincoat, but just barely so.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-29T14:40:15-04:00
And who needs ovens or fridges? They're overrated! That's what good 'ol midwestern snow and summer sun are for! Heck, they often get just as cold and hot! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-29T17:48:58-04:00
Woohoo, over $1,000!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-30T14:40:46-04:00
So, uhh... *hrmm* not a busy day for anyone? Or super busy?
Man, the weather here is perfect today! I love it so much! Lower 40s, cloudy, not too windy, no rain.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-30T21:04:23-04:00
I was curious as to the bowhunting poundage limits in nebraska, so I looked up the deer regulations, and... I hadn't really considered this last option.
" Long bow, compound bow, recurve bow, shoulderfired non-electronic crossbow (with a draw weight of at least 125 pounds), hand-thrown spear"
So... you can just go hunting like Kraven or something? Just go kick the deer in the nuts?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-31T00:58:07-04:00
Wow, this looks like spam, but it's been over 2 days now, probably 3 by the time anyone else sees this.
Glacial spam! I told you all I play the long game! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-03-31T12:26:38-04:00
Did I sleep through the Kitten Apocalypse or something?!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-03-31T15:31:27-04:00
@BaKhan: This article was posted on the NPR website. Please give it a listen and double check with an American embassy to see if you are clear to come to into the U.S.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-01T01:46:04-04:00
Is that why nobody's on here recently?!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-01T17:22:57-04:00
Aaah... you're all april foolsing me, aren't you? >.>
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-04-01T21:57:20-04:00
@Creeper: I just visited your GoFundMe page. Good grief, is that Leo in the background? My goodness, he has gotten BIG! I now officially give up on trying to steal your precious. Leo would totally tackle me.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-02T03:02:07-04:00
And it looks like due to the optical illusion of distance, he might even be much larger, like a medium dog or something. ;)
Man, yeah, the campaign is thriving! Even through the weekend! Sure, the donations have slowed a tad, they only come in bursts mostly anyways, but the shares and likes are just increasing! I mean, not like they could decrease, but the rate is increasing.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-02T16:18:25-04:00
Hope everyone had a great April Fools. I love looking at all the fun things online. One game company actually said it was cancelling a huge, popular project and making it into a first-person zombie shooting survival game, but actually went all the way and released a real game! THAT'S how you do April Fools!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-03T09:32:00-04:00
Morning kittens! So I take a week off and you all do cool and interesting stuff... sure, I get it... ;)
@Creeper! Congrats! That is so flippin cool! I know you gonna totally rock that bakery!
@Geist, yeah, no worries there, I had that experience 7 years ago, and have the proper paper work. Glass room, with scary "you're going to jail" posters up, huge ass homeland security dudes (seriously, they made me feel small, and you know that isn't easy...), it hasn't been an issue, and if it does pop up again, as I said, I do have the paper work that they are looking for. But thanks for the heads up!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-03T09:44:00-04:00
Huzzah, at least one other person isn't dead! I mean seriously, almost 5 days of just me and occasionally Geist.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-03T09:54:10-04:00
@Zem, nope not dead! I wasn't expecting to hear that for a few more years, like 40 or so... Is Uncle Rod dead? Nope, not dead! yay (hopefully)! ;)
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-04-03T12:15:44-04:00
@BaKhan: How was your week off, you lucky ducky? I usually don't take vacation days until after September (my birthday month). And now that Creeper will be opening her own business, the Corps should pay her a surprise visit.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-03T12:35:40-04:00
Surprise? Heck, let's just have the Kitten Con there!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-03T14:11:15-04:00
@Geist, it was good, a nice stress relieving break. I took my first upright bass lesson last Wednesday as well! Making that my first actual music lesson since I was 14... ;) So far so good, but it does make me feel like I don't even have a clue what the heck I'm doing! ;) I don't normally take that much time off if I'm not going anywhere, but last week was actually carried over vacation days from last year, and it was a use it or lose it scenario, so duh, use it right? ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-03T16:03:53-04:00
Upright bass? That sounds cool! Also, of course use it, what else is it used for?! Of course, you could always lend some to a friend. *hrrm hrrrm*
Upright bass is interesting to play. It was the instrument I played in high school for band. Never did get the hang of using the bow, but that didn't stop me from playing it.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-03T16:46:31-04:00
@Zem, yes, yes it is!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-03T16:49:46-04:00
@GM, its a real doozy! I'm currently relearning fingering positions, as I've never played any fretless stings before, it almost feels like starting over. That and the action on the strings is really high, about three times what I'm used to, so developing more hand strength as well. For the bow, my instructor just wants me using it on open strings for now, to get used to it, and to practice form. I just love how it sounds when you get those strings into high gear, all those reverberations!!! ;) I am self taught on guitar and bass, and can pretty much play any rock type song, but this is some next level stuff! I'm really enjoying the challange though!
@BaKhan: If you want to check out how awesome it can get, there is a group that has covered many a metal band...with just strings(cello, violin, bass, etc) and percussion. They are called The Angry Strings Orchestra. I personally enjoy their rendition of Unforgiven by Metallica
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-03T17:02:59-04:00
@GM, I'll have to check them out, would you say that they sound like Apocolyptica?
Haven't listened to Apocolyptica. But there is absolutely no vocals in any of the Metallica songs(other than Enter Sandman at the middle verse).
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-03T17:20:41-04:00
Apocolyptica do it all on 4 cellos, no vocals at all but a cello does play the vocal line, its pretty awesome, and they thrash around like crazy, long hair, etc. Check out their version of Metallica's One. I think its pretty epic. I'll check out Angry strings when I get home, looking forward to it actually! ;)
@Geist- I know! He's a big boy now! Nearly 13 pounds of fuzzy attack kitten love bug. I miiiissss him. it's my last day in kansas city until I move here! AAAGH! That sounds so crazy!!!
@Zem - yeah, donations usually slow down. It's totally to be expected. I am shocked every time someone new donates. It's always so sweet and touching. But I'll keep posting updates through there. It's just easier for people who aren't on facebook.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-03T19:08:46-04:00
GM, angry strings orchestra reminds me of 2Cellos, who did Thunderstruck by AC/DC, and it sounds surprisingly amazing on cello! https://www.youtube.com/watch… I love how frayed their bows get!
Though I've seen those other guys as well, I love their Metallica stuff.
@LZ: Isn't that the meaning of work though?
@GM, I suppose it is. It's just that my employees have usually gotten along pretty well, but now there are two who are feuding. Then there's the issue of trying to get a service agreement signed on one of our analyzers that keeps giving us trouble...
Basically, it's been one of those "if anything can go wrong, it will!" kind of days. What with the QC issues on one analyzer, the suction errors on another, and two others not transmitting results properly, all while I'm trying to review last month's QC! I just need today to be over.
Morning kittens!
@LZ, sorry to hear about your work struggles. Probably the last thing you want to deal with when your energy is low! Hope it straightens out sooner rather than later bro!
Morning kittens.
So guess who has two thumbs up and next week off? ;P
Not this guy!
Man, I need it! I'm starting to get a little squirrely! I'm hoping to actually get my Z:BP finished off, I've only got 11 left to go!
I might see about taking Friday off.
...Nevermind, I can't stupid retraining on stuff that I honestly don't have the mental ability to actually retain at the moment with everything else that is being shoved onto me.
BaKhan, that's awesome! Have way too much fun with that! Heck, go to Didney Worl or something!
As for everyone else, keep fighting it. Eventually, you'll teach your life who's boss and it'll slack off and give you a break! Unfortunately, most people only reach that retirement in their late 60s.... ;)
Morning kittens!
@Zem, lol, well I'm heading to Banff on Thrusday, and coming home on Sunday next week, so not Disney, but still, not too shabby. Disney will have to wait till May. Its been over two years now, so much new stuff to see there! The day we get back to Disney is the opening day for their new Avatar expansion in the Animal Kingdom, Pandora! It looks so awesome, I can't wait! Also, its going to be their spring festival, so lots of cool topiaries and a butterfly garden! So excited!
"Hey, spring break? Awesome! No better place to spend it than the top of a snowy mountain!"
I do love skiing though. Only that, living in one of the flattest areas in the universe, it's like an 8 or 9 hour drive to the Rockies. :)
@Zem, no skiing for me, haven't been able to since I was 11, due to a childhood illness. I'll be checking out the shops, rocking the hot tub, eating some good eats, and maybe even getting some miniature painting in! My wife has a medical update training thing there next weekend so, I tag along to enjoy Banff while she learns! ;)
I may end up taking Friday after all....as a mental health day.
@GM, I feel for you. That job of yours doesn't really sound ideal tbh. I hope that the day off helps you!
The fun part is when you get in in the morning, and looking through the approval emails from the night before you notice three things:
1. A terminal manager, who you sent the payroll to for approval apparently isn't the one who should receive it - no idea if they are even still with the company
2. Another salaried employee may, or may not, have left the company a "couple of weeks" - no paperwork to speak of
3. Two other employees are being coded to the wrong divisions because, again, no paperwork
If my manager doesn't realize I CAN'T take on the Canadian side while dealing with all this crap, ten there is no hope for this company.
@GM, it just sounds like a very frustrating place to work. A job is a job, but it shouldn't be a nightmare like that all the time. It almost sounds like they are trying to find your breaking point to me. I'm not sure why, but they give you little support, don't let you enforce standards or create new practices, and yet, blame you when things go awry. Seems like a lose lose scenario to me. One day, you will realize that you deserve better, and then find it!
@BaKhan: Oh, I know I deserve better. The economy doesn't agree with that right now though.
@GM, alright, I don't argue with that, but its good to know you are aware of your value!
*grumble, grumble, whine and groan,*
*complain, complain, bitch and moan!*
Where the heck is Geist? She hasn't popped in for 8 days now! I hope everything is alright!
@BaKhan: That's a good point...what's the weather like in her area now?
@GM, summer like (for us), daytime highs in the mid 70's
Well, that's not too much warmer than what we have right now(14 downtown)
@GM, yeah, its more like 22-23 there right now, but yeah.
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens.
It seems I'm all by myself... All by myseeeeeeelf, all byyyyyyyyyy myyy selffff....
@BaKhan: Not entirely. Actually had to come in to work, but definitely leaving soon as this training is done(for the first time in probably 4 years I almost threw up this morning).
@GM, aww shucks, I probably missed you! Sorry to hear about the tummy troubles, hope you're feeling better soon!
SOOOOO!!! I have an announcement! And I know many of you aren't on at the moment..but I'm going to be busy all next week.
I'm opening my own bakery!!!! I'm moving back to Kansas City and opening a bakery in a small town outside of it. I'll be 15 minutes from my parents house!
You can read more about it here: https://www.gofundme.com/help-sugar-whipped-bakery
or if you follow my business on facebook - facebook.com/sugarwhippednyc
This is huge for me and something I've dreamt about for years. I'm terrified and excited and all of the things. I have a gripping fear that I won't be able to get it running... but I know once I do, I will be fine. I just have to get over that hump!
I really wanted to tell you guys and hate that I've been so absent. I've just been working a lot and trying to do what I could to cut down distractions. But even If I haven't said anything, I still creep in from time to time, lIke classic Creeper.
Wow, a full week of me not checking in?! I don't know how you guys coped! You must feel deaf without me blowing your ears off!
Really, though, I was pretty busy last week. Sorry for not checking in, I only even got on my computer once in the past... since over a week ago, and that was just to talk about skiing! Anyways, your reprieve is up, back to me being here. Sorry! ;)
And don't worry, it's like 1 am here right now before a monday, but I'll be sure to try to read the past week and catch up on everything I missed. Happy monday, everyone!
(yeah, sure, that's what I'll be telling myself tomorrow!)
Okay, wait, I lied, I read one or two comments, and... Creeper, that's amazing!!! That's so cool! Sorry I wasn't here to see it earlier, but now that I am, congratulations! And hey, if it's near KC, I might even possibly be able to come visit sometime somehow... someway... you get my point, finally someone is in my neck of the world and is serving food. ;)
But yeah, that's totally awesome, Creeper, and we're here with you every step of the way!
Okay, total lie, I noticed the past week was pretty light here, so I read it all.
BaKhan, actually, I said that because I was skiing, and had a great time with it too. In all likelihood, I broke 55 mph a few times!
Sorry to hear you can't ski. But I hope your weekend getaway to Banff was all that and a bag of chips (or your choice of snack that comes in a bag)! Sounds like a great way to spend a weekend, just chilling there! (no, climate pun not intended)
Sorry to hear about the troubles last week, GM, and even more sorry we weren't here to hear about them. Hope all is a bit better though. Haha, if anyone I know deserves/needs a nice relaxing vacation, it's you.
LZ, *grumble, sympathy, encouragement, grumble*
Morning kittens
Congratulations Creeper! I am so flipping happy for you! Of course you will be successful. Never doubt that.
Looks like we need to have a Kitten Con in Kansas sometime in the near future so we can support your bakery. Will there be seating or is it carry out?
My idea exactly, Geist. Definitely all having a Kitten Con there as soon as the bakery opens!
Hee hee, the KC having KC in KC!
Morning kittens.
@Creeper: That is awesome news! Best of luck with getting it started, and definitely let us know when you are open.
So it would appear our hot-sauce/maple-bacon-brittle/cupcake Kitten Corps conglomerate empire is well on its way to taking over the world! And by that I mean one branch of it has plans to start a branch. We gotta start somewhere! ;)
Congratulations, Creeper!! I'm super excited for you!
Zem, I read an interesting thing the other day, and wanted your take on it. The gist of the article is that 42 is how to express * in (I think) ASCII. If not ASCII, then in some computer script.
@LZ: I remember reading something about that. If I remember correctly, the * is representative of whatever you want it to be in that computer script.
@GM, exactly!
And thusly 42, because that not only encompasses whatever you want * to be in that script, it also includes Life, the Universe, and Everything! Kind of like how on an everything bagel, each of those dots is an individual universe with literally everything contained within, hundreds of universes sprinkled on that bagel so it includes everything that ever existed! Including the kitchen sink!
Haha, now you'll never get that thought out of your head when you see an everything bagel!
Yay! I'm so glad that mystery has been solved!
Seriously, I always thought there had to be more to it than just a silly joke to make people wonder.
@LZ: For the longest time, I didn't think there was anything more to it...then that article came out. That is one mystery, that honestly, only those adept at various obscure computer codings could have known/figured out without the information that was released.
Zem!!! Thank you so much!!! At first I was like "who is Micah?" Hahaha. That means a lot to me! Every dollar is a huge help!
And thank you all so much for your sweet words! Plattsburg is close to Kansas City! North east of it. I'll tell you guys more a little later tonight.
I am so excited and so scared! But I trust my craft. It's just getting there. I know there's going to be so many hidden expenses so I'm already having money panicks. I'm flying home this weekend to sign the papers. Look at me! I'll have a mortgage!! Hahahaha. *vomit*
Haha, like I said, we're all here for you! I'd donate more if I could. Kind of one of the reasons I wish I were rich is so I'd never have to say that, I could help people all I wanted.
And I know you'll be fully able to sustain the place once you get it up and running, but I know for sure that the first difficulty in starting a business is getting it pushed off the ground and running in the first place, but also about a year or two in when you're no longer a new, interesting place. But you should be able to drum up enough of a name in the meantime to stay up and at 'em, especially if you'll be making small, daily things like cupcakes and stuff, but that all comes later anyways, I'm just rambling and thinking right now, pay no mind to the mattress behind the curtain. ;)
One thing I was wondering because I don't know gofundme too well is what kind of fundraising it is. But considering you get charged instantly, I'd say it's not all-or-nothing like kickstarter with its goals, which is super helpful. Is there a time limit to goals on gofundme, or is it just open until you close the campaign? Because I don't see anything of the sort, which is even more helpful in cases like yours.
But yeah, super glad to help in every way I can! Sorry to talk your eyes off. Eew, now that I look at it... don't bother reading all of this comment; it's so long! ;)
Yeah, now that I see it in full context, just skim that comment! Man, I can ramble when I have a mind to! ;)
Doesn't help that you can't see it all at once in the typing box, just 4 lines at once.
But yeah, I had a few questions, but they can wait until you tell us that exciting more later tonight. Just don't overwork yourself in the meantime! I know you've already been super, super busy most of the time (heck, you haven't even been able to be on here much in awhile!), and on top of that, going out to open a new place can be a TON of work, so don't burn yourself out.
Oh god, not again. I got a cold in the mountains, but it turns out it's the same one I had. Twice. Just in the past month or month and a half. Looks like I'm in for yet another week or so of dry eyes, nose alternating between a faucet and a desert making me sneeze, sore throat, and my all-time favorite, losing my sense of smell!
Yup, I think I mentioned it last time. Literally lost my sense of smell temporarily. Eating sucks because food doesn't taste like food. Even when I can breathe through my nose, I can't smell anything, and now nothing tastes good. Dammit I can't wait for this to get over with!
Morning kittens.
And Zem don't apologize for all the questions! Yes - that's why I went with gofundme. I can withdraw the money when I need to (though I'm waiting until it's emergent), There's no time limit and I don't have to raise the full amount.
I considered kickstarter, but i would have to keep the goal low, and then deal with rewards. It would be a long time before I could work on rewards and I don't know how busy or broke i would be when that time came.
oh! Zem - if you go back to my campaign page, you'll see a little kitty convict creeping in the background!
@Creeper: I'll donate to your GoFundMe page when I get my next paycheck. I'm so happy you are going into business for yourself. I assume little Leo is going with you?
Ooh, Leo! He could be the sort of mascot, haha. Then again, I don't think most people like animals in their food stores. ;)
Haha, I like the picture with the escaped convict staring at you from the background. And heck yeah, you're trending now! And someone just gave you a huge donation!
Hiya Geist! i've missed you!!!! I miss virtually drinking with you!
That's so sweet of you! I totally understand if people can't donate. I do not intend to guilt anyone at all!!!
And of course my baby boy is coming with me! My parents have a screened in gazebo that he can hang out in. :):):)
my roommate took a bunch of pictures for me when I announced on facebook. I'm actually holding a cake that says "Congrats on your bakery!" She had a few, then leo jumped up there and she started laughing. "We got our picture!"
and once i was decorating cookies, leo jumped up and stepped on one. He left the cutest little paw imprint.... but i couldn't share that photo!
Oh boy, it's supposed to rain nonstop from this evening through all of tomorrow and until thursday just before noon. Whoopee.
@Creeper: Count on me to eat my weight in pastries when I visit. I'll even take a bunch back home with me even though my coworkers don't deserve to taste your delicious pastries. Will you be able to replicate that pastry you had in France (I think it was France) where people think you're having an affair? ;-) I'll take a dozen of those.
*sigh* Why am I still awake and working?
You're still working? Wow, yeah, awake is one thing, but being awake now and first off doing work and second off not drinking is a whole 'nother deal!
Wow, Creeper, the campaign is doing so well! At this rate, it could easily pass $1,000 before morning!
I'm so tired!!! Worked my shift, got home at 1:30 am, and am now working on cookies. Sleep a few hours then work a double shift tomorrow. �
And I Ann continually surprised by the people who have contributed!! I kinda did it because I have some very wealthy clients and was hoping they would chip in... shocker... none have (yet?) ... old saying goes "that's why they're rich"
I just am so panicked that I'll have a building.... but no money left to get an oven or a fridge!!!
You know, if it were just misting, not drizzling, today's weather would be perfect; it's cool, cloudy, and not very windy! Unfortunately, though, you need an umbrella or raincoat, but just barely so.
And who needs ovens or fridges? They're overrated! That's what good 'ol midwestern snow and summer sun are for! Heck, they often get just as cold and hot! ;)
Woohoo, over $1,000!
So, uhh... *hrmm* not a busy day for anyone? Or super busy?
Man, the weather here is perfect today! I love it so much! Lower 40s, cloudy, not too windy, no rain.
I was curious as to the bowhunting poundage limits in nebraska, so I looked up the deer regulations, and... I hadn't really considered this last option.
" Long bow, compound bow, recurve bow, shoulderfired non-electronic crossbow (with a draw weight of at least 125 pounds), hand-thrown spear"
So... you can just go hunting like Kraven or something? Just go kick the deer in the nuts?
Wow, this looks like spam, but it's been over 2 days now, probably 3 by the time anyone else sees this.
Glacial spam! I told you all I play the long game! ;)
Did I sleep through the Kitten Apocalypse or something?!
@BaKhan: This article was posted on the NPR website. Please give it a listen and double check with an American embassy to see if you are clear to come to into the U.S.
Is that why nobody's on here recently?!
Aaah... you're all april foolsing me, aren't you? >.>
@Creeper: I just visited your GoFundMe page. Good grief, is that Leo in the background? My goodness, he has gotten BIG! I now officially give up on trying to steal your precious. Leo would totally tackle me.
And it looks like due to the optical illusion of distance, he might even be much larger, like a medium dog or something. ;)
Man, yeah, the campaign is thriving! Even through the weekend! Sure, the donations have slowed a tad, they only come in bursts mostly anyways, but the shares and likes are just increasing! I mean, not like they could decrease, but the rate is increasing.
Hope everyone had a great April Fools. I love looking at all the fun things online. One game company actually said it was cancelling a huge, popular project and making it into a first-person zombie shooting survival game, but actually went all the way and released a real game! THAT'S how you do April Fools!
Morning kittens! So I take a week off and you all do cool and interesting stuff... sure, I get it... ;)
@Creeper! Congrats! That is so flippin cool! I know you gonna totally rock that bakery!
@Geist, yeah, no worries there, I had that experience 7 years ago, and have the proper paper work. Glass room, with scary "you're going to jail" posters up, huge ass homeland security dudes (seriously, they made me feel small, and you know that isn't easy...), it hasn't been an issue, and if it does pop up again, as I said, I do have the paper work that they are looking for. But thanks for the heads up!
Huzzah, at least one other person isn't dead! I mean seriously, almost 5 days of just me and occasionally Geist.
@Zem, nope not dead! I wasn't expecting to hear that for a few more years, like 40 or so... Is Uncle Rod dead? Nope, not dead! yay (hopefully)! ;)
@BaKhan: How was your week off, you lucky ducky? I usually don't take vacation days until after September (my birthday month). And now that Creeper will be opening her own business, the Corps should pay her a surprise visit.
Surprise? Heck, let's just have the Kitten Con there!
@Geist, it was good, a nice stress relieving break. I took my first upright bass lesson last Wednesday as well! Making that my first actual music lesson since I was 14... ;) So far so good, but it does make me feel like I don't even have a clue what the heck I'm doing! ;) I don't normally take that much time off if I'm not going anywhere, but last week was actually carried over vacation days from last year, and it was a use it or lose it scenario, so duh, use it right? ;)
Upright bass? That sounds cool! Also, of course use it, what else is it used for?! Of course, you could always lend some to a friend. *hrrm hrrrm*
Upright bass is interesting to play. It was the instrument I played in high school for band. Never did get the hang of using the bow, but that didn't stop me from playing it.
@Zem, yes, yes it is!
@GM, its a real doozy! I'm currently relearning fingering positions, as I've never played any fretless stings before, it almost feels like starting over. That and the action on the strings is really high, about three times what I'm used to, so developing more hand strength as well. For the bow, my instructor just wants me using it on open strings for now, to get used to it, and to practice form. I just love how it sounds when you get those strings into high gear, all those reverberations!!! ;) I am self taught on guitar and bass, and can pretty much play any rock type song, but this is some next level stuff! I'm really enjoying the challange though!
@BaKhan: If you want to check out how awesome it can get, there is a group that has covered many a metal band...with just strings(cello, violin, bass, etc) and percussion. They are called The Angry Strings Orchestra. I personally enjoy their rendition of Unforgiven by Metallica
@GM, I'll have to check them out, would you say that they sound like Apocolyptica?
Haven't listened to Apocolyptica. But there is absolutely no vocals in any of the Metallica songs(other than Enter Sandman at the middle verse).
Apocolyptica do it all on 4 cellos, no vocals at all but a cello does play the vocal line, its pretty awesome, and they thrash around like crazy, long hair, etc. Check out their version of Metallica's One. I think its pretty epic. I'll check out Angry strings when I get home, looking forward to it actually! ;)
@Geist- I know! He's a big boy now! Nearly 13 pounds of fuzzy attack kitten love bug. I miiiissss him. it's my last day in kansas city until I move here! AAAGH! That sounds so crazy!!!
@Zem - yeah, donations usually slow down. It's totally to be expected. I am shocked every time someone new donates. It's always so sweet and touching. But I'll keep posting updates through there. It's just easier for people who aren't on facebook.
GM, angry strings orchestra reminds me of 2Cellos, who did Thunderstruck by AC/DC, and it sounds surprisingly amazing on cello! https://www.youtube.com/watch…
I love how frayed their bows get!
Though I've seen those other guys as well, I love their Metallica stuff.