Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-03T19:15:10-04:00
At least I think I've heard of Angry Strings. Definitely have seen Apocalyptia, though. I just think metal made into classical string ensembles is really funny.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-03T19:32:55-04:00
Plus, Creeper, most of the donations are so large! I'd've expected WAY more $1-5 donations! I wonder what your average donation is?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-03T19:38:11-04:00
So, Creeper... in calculating your average donation, I added every donation, came up with $50 more than you had, and realized... I could have just used your freaking total and divided by how many donations it said you have. Duh.
By the way, it's $63.8! Almost 64 dollars as just your average! Dude, I think those high-roller clientele you talked about must've pulled through for you because that's really good for just the average!
zem- I still haven't even heard from them! These have all been from friends and family! Which is why i'm so stupidly touched by it all.
There are even a few friends of mine that I chipped in to their kickstarters... none of them have contributed. But I totally understand that they may not be able to afford it at this time.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-04T03:42:11-04:00
Yeah, man, your campaign is going so much better than I might've thought! You're already nearly 1/5 the way to an already pretty lofty goal of 5 digits! I hope it stays trending for a long time!
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-04-04T05:33:37-04:00
Morning kittens! Winter is officially over. It's going to be nearly 80 degrees and I will most likely be sleeping with the window open and looking forward to cheaper electric bills.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-04-04T05:36:46-04:00
@Creeper: 13 pounds?! Wow. I remember when he was a little ball of fluff.
Post some pictures of your bakery in the litter box so that we can see how it's going.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-04T13:08:11-04:00
Ooh, yeah, the litterbox still exists, we could use it!
Here, it's supposed to be in the mid-50s, then this weekend crawl up to the mid-70s, but then rain its way back down to 60, which is all well and good with me!
Though they refilled the large fountain in front of the Union yesterday, so you know they don't think it'll freeze again as well.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-04T19:44:40-04:00
Noo, what happened to the Top Commenters file? It's not there anymore! Anyone know what happened?
Now I have no way to know how many comments I have here! I mean, it's just annoying, but I always love seeing if that refreshed because it's interesting to see how much we've talked here over the last couple years. Still, it's so sad to see it not exist anymore.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-04T19:46:35-04:00
Actually... all of the dropbox files linked to on the site are gone. What happened? Any link that leads to a dropbox file doesn't exist anymore.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-05T09:05:56-04:00
Morning kittens.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-05T09:44:09-04:00
Unfortunately so. Not even a particularly good one at that. Come back when you have the decency to be enjoyable, morning!
@Creeper: I did see something about that this morning. When was she supposed to have given birth?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-05T14:46:24-04:00
So a few days ago my room was super warm for no reason. Now it switched, and since last night it's been the coldest place outside of refrigerators! It somehow got colder than outside, even though somehow a wide-open window with a fan in front of it doesn't ever make a difference at all.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-05T14:51:15-04:00
You may be thinking, "Oh sure, but you're the one who LIKES the cold! Suffer for your insolence!" and you'd be right, it's kinda nice, but seriously, it's even a bit cold in here for me. When I say it's been colder than outside most of the time... it's been in the mid-30s outside. My room was in the low 40s last night! And the only time I hate cold is in the mornings! I repent! I don't want cold anymore! ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-05T15:43:47-04:00
@Zem, what style of heating do you guys have there? Radiators? If so, its because they probably turned the boilers off. Heat, moves towards cold, so any heat in the buildings will get sucked outside faster than your bodies can create it. Fun fact, you will create approx. 2 btus, per pound, per hour! ;) Also, suffer! Suffer in the cold! ;) Also, are you coming up this weekend, cause I swear the 4 inches of snow we have coming is just for you! ;p
@GM, looks like they changed the forcast since this morning now, it looks like the snow will wait till monday/tuesday and not 10cm anymore only a chance. Well, give it another 5 minutes... ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-05T16:58:37-04:00
BaKhan, that same kind of thing happened in a forecast here a few weeks ago. All week, we were to get snow on a day and super cold. All the way up until after like 10 am that morning, because I checked then as well. Then... nope, like in the 50s and sunny!
Also, no clue as to the specifics here, but if there's any way that it could in one day go from super warm inside to warming up a little outside but becoming super cold inside when all the rest of the year, even in the middle of winter with the window in the same open-with-fan configuration, the temperature didn't change almost at all, that might be it.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-05T20:06:46-04:00
I forgot to mention that the forecast was the same all week, until late that morning when they updated it to suddenly be warm. The forecast somehow had no clue until it was already warm!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-05T20:07:30-04:00
Huzzah! Creeper's campaign passed $2,000, 1/5 the goal!
@GM, so about that for my part, I just been dealing with things and not want to only post complaints and such. In some sort of positive news, I had my second bass lesson yesterday, and apparently I'm doing better than I thought, so thats good!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-06T18:06:12-04:00
Aaw, you ruined the perfect thread of "Morning, kittens."!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-06T18:06:30-04:00
It's not often that all the morning greetings are the exact same.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-07T02:00:01-04:00
But yeah, overall, kinda quiet. I guess work must finally be going pretty well for GM and Geist. Though in all likelihood it's the exact opposite. I also kinda miss LZ checking in. Why am I still awake? I should remedy that.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-07T09:08:22-04:00
Morning kittens.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-07T09:41:28-04:00
How are you today, BaKhan and all other kittens who file in?
It's Friday, and you know what that means...anything can happen.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-07T10:19:32-04:00
@Zem, 60/40... We've got inventory at my work today so, we work a half day, then we start counting... I'll be doing data entry, so at least I won't be climbing ladders or counting endless fittings, so thats good. If things go smoothly (like the last couple of years) we'll be done by 8pm and that will be all, if not, we could be here all weekend. Fingers crossed! ><
@BaKhan: I always hated doing inventory. Especially when you are still needing to use/remove things because it's being counted while still normal operations are going on.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-07T10:50:55-04:00
@GM, normally, its not too bad as our customers have other branches that they can go to, to get most stuff. Due to the nature of our business, we would only have to keep track of one or two things, so at least we won't have that particular nightmare to deal with... ;)
@BaKhan: It was always a pain when working in the kitchen. Sometimes the chef would just tell us to 86 the item until he was done, sometimes he would say keep track of what you take so he can account for it.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-07T11:41:59-04:00
@GM, yeah I can see that as being zero fun! I really dislike inventory, but we only have to do it once a year, so I can suck it up. ;)
Best part of today(so far), lunch. Got me a donnair from just downstairs
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-07T16:20:30-04:00
I ask a question like that and then aren't even here to respond for 7 hours! Oh well, at least you have the weekend to look forward to, BaKhan! Hopefully something didn't roll under a shelf and will keep you all there forever. ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-07T22:41:49-04:00
Just like me to kickstart the conversation, go do stuff and not come back for 7 hours, and then have come back on the start of the weekend just as nobody's here!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-08T16:09:27-04:00
Oh boy, I'm also super sick this weekend. This is what you get when you look forward to the weekend. And I was supposed to do something really important today! Oh well, there're other other dates to do it. But yeah, super not fun.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-04-08T20:23:48-04:00
Sorry kittens that I haven't been chatty lately. It's been a really rough week. I mean really really bad. I have to work out a few things. I'll be back on once I know how the wind is blowing.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-09T03:12:21-04:00
Sorry to hear about that, Geist, seems like all around here it must've been a fairly hard time. Hope things work out nicer soon!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-10T09:07:40-04:00
Morning kittens.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-10T09:08:29-04:00
@Geist, I'm so sorry to hear that! Hopefully whatever is happening, it leads to good things! You trully deserve good things to happen, enough of this crappy stuff! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-10T12:32:01-04:00
Morning, everyone. How's the weather for everyone? Yesterday got just above 80 here! Great for early spring enjoyment, and my favorite for spring is coming once or twice more this week, thunderstorms, which'll cool it back down just a tad.
So, I just got a call from some number in Nevada. It rang twice, then they hung up. And just last week, same thing, but from Pennsylvania.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-10T12:49:51-04:00
Why is weather such a common conversation topic? And almost always a welcome one, because most people like to either complain, ponder, or love the current weather. I don't even do it as small talk, I use it as a full conversation often, but I happen to love watching weather patterns.
Just seems weird that it's such a common, easy topic in almost any situation, so much so that it's a cliche.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-10T12:52:57-04:00
That's weird, GM, but most likely just spam callers using some way to bounce or scramble their number, or having tons of different numbers reserved to use. I would know; I gave up on looking up the area codes long ago. From last February to just 2 days ago, I've had maybe like 5 calls that weren't spam, and looking through my "recent", I can see a myriad map of all sorts of area codes of spam. I just never pick up my phone anymore unless it's from my area code or a recognized number.
@Zem: I don't need to look it up, my phone tells me where the area code is from(not down to the county/city, but just the state/province). I wouldn't have answered it anyway since I don't know the number.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-10T14:07:41-04:00
The last "good" scam call I got was from "Revenue Canada" claiming that I was going to be in big trouble and I'd better get a lawyer lined up, etc... Looked into it and discovered its quite a common scam. Boy did I have a field day with those guys... obviously esl as well as they didn't get all the insults I was hurling at them... ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-10T14:11:08-04:00
@Zem, because its a neutral topic that people can have their own opinions on, and its ok. Unlike many other polarizing topics; politics, religion, etc. I doubt any (ok,ok, many) friendships ended over a weather discussion... ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-10T14:42:31-04:00
Heehee, I've always wanted to mess with spam/scam calls, but I never pick them up, and 90% of the time it's just a machine nowadays. It's unfortunate.
I dunno, BaKhan, if we hadn't made this deal to ship all your snow to me and all my warm air up to you, I shudder to think what state our relationship would be in! ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-10T17:02:48-04:00
@Zem, in this case they left a call back number (long distance, first tip off) and a message. So I did some quick googling, and sure enough found out it was a scam. So once I knew it was a scam, and not just RevCanada being dumb... It was game on. Good times were had, I wish I would have had some way of recording it! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-11T14:41:53-04:00
Afternoon kittens. Kittens of the afternoon. Taking over for the afternoon shift from the Morning kittens.
Commas are pretty important when you think about it.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-11T20:57:00-04:00
Evening kittens.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-11T23:01:31-04:00
Night kittens.
Bob Seger's lesser known follow-up to Night moves.
Having an official breakdown panic stricken heart attack and holy crap what the hell am I doing. Chemical fire suppression system. That's what I learned about today. I also learned how much it would cost. But my insurance agent wants me to install it if I'm going to have a deep fryer.
I'm going to be sitting alone in my kitchen with a microwave and my cat.
Having an official breakdown panic stricken heart attack and holy crap what the hell am I doing. Chemical fire suppression system. That's what I learned about today. I also learned how much it would cost. But my insurance agent wants me to install it if I'm going to have a deep fryer.
I'm going to be sitting alone in my kitchen with a microwave and my cat.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-12T09:17:52-04:00
@Creeper, oh my goodness! Yeah, I can only imagine how much that might cost, but also how much it would cost not to have it! There are so many hidden costs to getting a project like that off the ground, I imagine that this wasn't one that would have imediately come to mind! Best of luck Creeper! The harder the stuggle, the sweeter the victory!
I spent much of yesterday crying and panicking. I'm still swamped... i haven't even done my taxes yet, which also makes me think "Oh yeah, you're an awful business person." The town is so sweet and i get messages every day from people excited for me to open. But sweet lord, my brain and heart are going to explode before i unlock the door!
I can't wait for leo to move in to my parent's house with me, though. The little boy will love running around an entire house! And a screened in gazebo!
He's been feeling neglected because I've been working so much or on the computer all the time. He's been parkour'ing off the walls lately!!
And thanks BaKhan... I know every single business owner goes through this sort of thing. It's just hard being halfway across teh country from it, while maintaining my full time job. I'm at work - unable to use my phone or a computer and I just want to scream!
Also, I keep trying to figure out a way to tell celebrity clientele about my gofundme page. There is yet to be a smooth way of doing it. hahahaha. Also would totally get fired for something like that.
I'm also so stressed about pricing! I know it's going to be cheaper in missouri than in new york. But the previous owners bought a lot of stuff from a wholesale place and priced stuff cheap. I'm making everything from scratch. It's artisinal AF!
@GM - very true! He'll have two doting grandparents! who have two GIANT dogs... A newfoundland and a great pryranees. I still don't know how that's going to work out. Slow introduction and lots of treats.
@Creeper: That is one thing I could never properly get my head around, the costing of recipes. For some reason, even following the exact steps from examples the instructor would give us, I always would end up with the wrong numbers.
@BaKhan: True, but then the cost of the custom bass would shoot through your dream like a hot knife through butter. ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-12T10:33:00-04:00
@Creeper, none the less, I can only imagine how hard it must be, and how excited you must feel after the completion of each of these hurdles! Your endorphins must be going through the roof! As far as a smooth way or approaching your customers, in a hopefully non-fireable way... maybe get some buisness cards made up, with your bakery name and go fund me page on it? You could end your conversation with your customer with something like "It was great seeing you today, will you be in before xyz day, as that will be my last day before I head off the my new bakery..." If they show intrest you then give them the card, and a 5 seconds schpiel, and see how it goes. That way you're not really crossing a line, and you know that they're interested in helping (as you said, any amount helps). Even if they aren't uber rich or a celebrity.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-12T10:35:32-04:00
@GM, lol, true true, but as I said its a dream. Right now I couldn't even afford the student bass (read low end) that I'm renting. Its $3800 and its the bottom end of them. That bat one is around $6000, plus shipping, from Germany (I can only imagine)! Yikes!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-12T10:38:35-04:00
@Creeper, people will pay for quality, as long as they know about it! Charge a premium, and have some sort of customer rewards for loyalty. Also, get your name out there, walk some of the busier lunch areas with samples and a card. Blow them away, and they will come! People are willing to drive pretty far for a good bakery!
haha...busier lunch areas... it's a small town. I'm on Main Street. i AM the busier lunch area! They are having a ribbon cutting ceremony for me! I'm the only bakery in town. :):):)
And so far, my regular customers that I feel comfortable with, I tell them that I'm leaving soon, why, and then I refer them to my facebook bakery page - the pinned post has the gofundme link on it....although it's a bit further down...
I should update my website with the link as a pop up.... *adds to her list of a million things to do*
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-12T10:44:52-04:00
Oh wow, I just got whiplash after yesterday! Man, this went from no comments to all over the place!
You know you'll make it through this, Creeper, and the other side is the best place you'll ever have been. But yeah, those things are both necessary and expensive in part because they're necessary.
Hahaha, that should be your slogan: "Artisinal AF!"
Also, I've been wondering about Leo. When does he pack his little bags and move out to the homestead?
But I am having someone write up a press release for me, with photos, to have in the Kansas City Star and the food magazine. I think people in KC will drive the 30-60 minutes to check it out. I have a pretty big fan base already with relatives and friends. :) And since I specialize in Cake design, i think i'll have a wider customer base than the usual bakery.
my parents are driving to new york, and then we're renting a moving truck and driving both back to KC. Leo will be in his little astronaut bag with me in the car.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-12T10:46:58-04:00
@Creeper, ok, lol! Just trying to brainstorm without any facts... ;) I still think the card idea would help, as a physical reminder. It would increase your chances of follow through, especially if you can get them to buy into your enthusiasm for your dream. People love dreamers and Creepers... ;)
I have business cards. I should just make sure my gofundme is pinned to the top of EVERY page. :)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-12T14:35:05-04:00
Your slogan: People love dreams and creepers!
Your motto: Artisinal AF!
Aw, Leo's first roadtrip! Though, man, I mean I've driven most of that distance even in one go, but it'll be an interesting experience to drive a moving truck halfway across the states!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-12T23:29:00-04:00
Creeper, it's awesome having you around here so much again!
Also, when do you think you'll open the shop officially? Have everything renovated and start selling baked heaven?
And by heaven, I mean cakes either made with cocaine instead of sugar or baked stuff so good it may as well have been baked with cocaine instead of (or as well as) sugar. Obviously.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-13T17:55:57-04:00
And in the ultimate twist of irony after that comment, not only does she not check in, nobody does. Quiet day all around? Or ones more like mine? I guess my day being like it is is the reason I've been checking here, though.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-14T01:11:41-04:00
Show up where? Here? Because I was the only one reporting for duty here today.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-14T10:41:31-04:00
Gluten morgning, kittens.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-14T14:42:38-04:00
Aaw, don't tell me nobody's going to be here all today either! And then it's the weekend, when nobody shows up, so then it'll be 4 days in a row with only me.
On an unrelated note, I'm bringing back the All Zem All Nite Show! You guys remember that? If not, you will soon!
Just kidding. Though that was just what I called it when nobody checked in for extensive periods of time like this. One time I marathoned the AZAN Show for almost a full week!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-15T13:45:14-04:00
Woo! About 3 days into the AZANs Marathon with a special guest appearance from Creeper!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-17T01:37:34-04:00
Well, dangit, I broke the marathon. Oh well, I hope it's not just me tomorrow as well, I hope not everyone was wiped from the face of the earth suddenly. You can't leave me alone for nearly 5 days and expect my sanity to be intact!
At least I think I've heard of Angry Strings. Definitely have seen Apocalyptia, though. I just think metal made into classical string ensembles is really funny.
Plus, Creeper, most of the donations are so large! I'd've expected WAY more $1-5 donations! I wonder what your average donation is?
So, Creeper... in calculating your average donation, I added every donation, came up with $50 more than you had, and realized... I could have just used your freaking total and divided by how many donations it said you have. Duh.
By the way, it's $63.8! Almost 64 dollars as just your average! Dude, I think those high-roller clientele you talked about must've pulled through for you because that's really good for just the average!
zem- I still haven't even heard from them! These have all been from friends and family! Which is why i'm so stupidly touched by it all.
There are even a few friends of mine that I chipped in to their kickstarters... none of them have contributed. But I totally understand that they may not be able to afford it at this time.
Yeah, man, your campaign is going so much better than I might've thought! You're already nearly 1/5 the way to an already pretty lofty goal of 5 digits! I hope it stays trending for a long time!
Morning kittens! Winter is officially over. It's going to be nearly 80 degrees and I will most likely be sleeping with the window open and looking forward to cheaper electric bills.
@Creeper: 13 pounds?! Wow. I remember when he was a little ball of fluff.
Post some pictures of your bakery in the litter box so that we can see how it's going.
Ooh, yeah, the litterbox still exists, we could use it!
Here, it's supposed to be in the mid-50s, then this weekend crawl up to the mid-70s, but then rain its way back down to 60, which is all well and good with me!
Though they refilled the large fountain in front of the Union yesterday, so you know they don't think it'll freeze again as well.
Noo, what happened to the Top Commenters file? It's not there anymore! Anyone know what happened?
Now I have no way to know how many comments I have here! I mean, it's just annoying, but I always love seeing if that refreshed because it's interesting to see how much we've talked here over the last couple years. Still, it's so sad to see it not exist anymore.
Actually... all of the dropbox files linked to on the site are gone. What happened? Any link that leads to a dropbox file doesn't exist anymore.
Morning kittens.
Unfortunately so. Not even a particularly good one at that. Come back when you have the decency to be enjoyable, morning!
Morning kittens.
April the Giraffe is still pregnant.
@Creeper: I did see something about that this morning. When was she supposed to have given birth?
So a few days ago my room was super warm for no reason. Now it switched, and since last night it's been the coldest place outside of refrigerators! It somehow got colder than outside, even though somehow a wide-open window with a fan in front of it doesn't ever make a difference at all.
You may be thinking, "Oh sure, but you're the one who LIKES the cold! Suffer for your insolence!" and you'd be right, it's kinda nice, but seriously, it's even a bit cold in here for me. When I say it's been colder than outside most of the time... it's been in the mid-30s outside. My room was in the low 40s last night! And the only time I hate cold is in the mornings! I repent! I don't want cold anymore! ;)
@Zem, what style of heating do you guys have there? Radiators? If so, its because they probably turned the boilers off. Heat, moves towards cold, so any heat in the buildings will get sucked outside faster than your bodies can create it. Fun fact, you will create approx. 2 btus, per pound, per hour! ;) Also, suffer! Suffer in the cold! ;) Also, are you coming up this weekend, cause I swear the 4 inches of snow we have coming is just for you! ;p
@BaKhan: Wait, what snow?
@GM, looks like they changed the forcast since this morning now, it looks like the snow will wait till monday/tuesday and not 10cm anymore only a chance. Well, give it another 5 minutes... ;)
BaKhan, that same kind of thing happened in a forecast here a few weeks ago. All week, we were to get snow on a day and super cold. All the way up until after like 10 am that morning, because I checked then as well. Then... nope, like in the 50s and sunny!
Also, no clue as to the specifics here, but if there's any way that it could in one day go from super warm inside to warming up a little outside but becoming super cold inside when all the rest of the year, even in the middle of winter with the window in the same open-with-fan configuration, the temperature didn't change almost at all, that might be it.
I forgot to mention that the forecast was the same all week, until late that morning when they updated it to suddenly be warm. The forecast somehow had no clue until it was already warm!
Huzzah! Creeper's campaign passed $2,000, 1/5 the goal!
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens.
So quiet around these parts these days.
@GM, so about that for my part, I just been dealing with things and not want to only post complaints and such. In some sort of positive news, I had my second bass lesson yesterday, and apparently I'm doing better than I thought, so thats good!
Aaw, you ruined the perfect thread of "Morning, kittens."!
It's not often that all the morning greetings are the exact same.
But yeah, overall, kinda quiet. I guess work must finally be going pretty well for GM and Geist. Though in all likelihood it's the exact opposite. I also kinda miss LZ checking in. Why am I still awake? I should remedy that.
Morning kittens.
How are you today, BaKhan and all other kittens who file in?
Morning kittens.
It's Friday, and you know what that means...anything can happen.
@Zem, 60/40... We've got inventory at my work today so, we work a half day, then we start counting... I'll be doing data entry, so at least I won't be climbing ladders or counting endless fittings, so thats good. If things go smoothly (like the last couple of years) we'll be done by 8pm and that will be all, if not, we could be here all weekend. Fingers crossed! ><
@GM, oh you know it!
@BaKhan: I always hated doing inventory. Especially when you are still needing to use/remove things because it's being counted while still normal operations are going on.
@GM, normally, its not too bad as our customers have other branches that they can go to, to get most stuff. Due to the nature of our business, we would only have to keep track of one or two things, so at least we won't have that particular nightmare to deal with... ;)
@BaKhan: It was always a pain when working in the kitchen. Sometimes the chef would just tell us to 86 the item until he was done, sometimes he would say keep track of what you take so he can account for it.
@GM, yeah I can see that as being zero fun! I really dislike inventory, but we only have to do it once a year, so I can suck it up. ;)
Best part of today(so far), lunch. Got me a donnair from just downstairs
I ask a question like that and then aren't even here to respond for 7 hours! Oh well, at least you have the weekend to look forward to, BaKhan! Hopefully something didn't roll under a shelf and will keep you all there forever. ;)
Just like me to kickstart the conversation, go do stuff and not come back for 7 hours, and then have come back on the start of the weekend just as nobody's here!
Oh boy, I'm also super sick this weekend. This is what you get when you look forward to the weekend. And I was supposed to do something really important today! Oh well, there're other other dates to do it. But yeah, super not fun.
Sorry kittens that I haven't been chatty lately. It's been a really rough week. I mean really really bad. I have to work out a few things. I'll be back on once I know how the wind is blowing.
Sorry to hear about that, Geist, seems like all around here it must've been a fairly hard time. Hope things work out nicer soon!
Morning kittens.
@Geist, I'm so sorry to hear that! Hopefully whatever is happening, it leads to good things! You trully deserve good things to happen, enough of this crappy stuff! ;)
Morning, everyone. How's the weather for everyone? Yesterday got just above 80 here! Great for early spring enjoyment, and my favorite for spring is coming once or twice more this week, thunderstorms, which'll cool it back down just a tad.
So, I just got a call from some number in Nevada. It rang twice, then they hung up. And just last week, same thing, but from Pennsylvania.
Why is weather such a common conversation topic? And almost always a welcome one, because most people like to either complain, ponder, or love the current weather. I don't even do it as small talk, I use it as a full conversation often, but I happen to love watching weather patterns.
Just seems weird that it's such a common, easy topic in almost any situation, so much so that it's a cliche.
That's weird, GM, but most likely just spam callers using some way to bounce or scramble their number, or having tons of different numbers reserved to use. I would know; I gave up on looking up the area codes long ago. From last February to just 2 days ago, I've had maybe like 5 calls that weren't spam, and looking through my "recent", I can see a myriad map of all sorts of area codes of spam. I just never pick up my phone anymore unless it's from my area code or a recognized number.
@Zem: I don't need to look it up, my phone tells me where the area code is from(not down to the county/city, but just the state/province). I wouldn't have answered it anyway since I don't know the number.
The last "good" scam call I got was from "Revenue Canada" claiming that I was going to be in big trouble and I'd better get a lawyer lined up, etc... Looked into it and discovered its quite a common scam. Boy did I have a field day with those guys... obviously esl as well as they didn't get all the insults I was hurling at them... ;)
@Zem, because its a neutral topic that people can have their own opinions on, and its ok. Unlike many other polarizing topics; politics, religion, etc. I doubt any (ok,ok, many) friendships ended over a weather discussion... ;)
Heehee, I've always wanted to mess with spam/scam calls, but I never pick them up, and 90% of the time it's just a machine nowadays. It's unfortunate.
I dunno, BaKhan, if we hadn't made this deal to ship all your snow to me and all my warm air up to you, I shudder to think what state our relationship would be in! ;)
@Zem, in this case they left a call back number (long distance, first tip off) and a message. So I did some quick googling, and sure enough found out it was a scam. So once I knew it was a scam, and not just RevCanada being dumb... It was game on. Good times were had, I wish I would have had some way of recording it! ;)
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens
Afternoon kittens. Kittens of the afternoon. Taking over for the afternoon shift from the Morning kittens.
Commas are pretty important when you think about it.
Evening kittens.
Night kittens.
Bob Seger's lesser known follow-up to Night moves.
Having an official breakdown panic stricken heart attack and holy crap what the hell am I doing. Chemical fire suppression system. That's what I learned about today. I also learned how much it would cost. But my insurance agent wants me to install it if I'm going to have a deep fryer.
I'm going to be sitting alone in my kitchen with a microwave and my cat.
Having an official breakdown panic stricken heart attack and holy crap what the hell am I doing. Chemical fire suppression system. That's what I learned about today. I also learned how much it would cost. But my insurance agent wants me to install it if I'm going to have a deep fryer.
I'm going to be sitting alone in my kitchen with a microwave and my cat.
@Creeper, oh my goodness! Yeah, I can only imagine how much that might cost, but also how much it would cost not to have it! There are so many hidden costs to getting a project like that off the ground, I imagine that this wasn't one that would have imediately come to mind! Best of luck Creeper! The harder the stuggle, the sweeter the victory!
Morning kittens.
I spent much of yesterday crying and panicking. I'm still swamped... i haven't even done my taxes yet, which also makes me think "Oh yeah, you're an awful business person." The town is so sweet and i get messages every day from people excited for me to open. But sweet lord, my brain and heart are going to explode before i unlock the door!
Morning kittens.
@Creeper: Those things are not cheap, sadly, they are necessary though.
I can't wait for leo to move in to my parent's house with me, though. The little boy will love running around an entire house! And a screened in gazebo!
He's been feeling neglected because I've been working so much or on the computer all the time. He's been parkour'ing off the walls lately!!
Not only will he have more room to parkour off of, he will have more people to pester too.
@Creeper, I'm sorry that its at that stage for you right now! I certainly don't want to hear that its making you cry! Big bear hugs from the north! ;)
@GM, hey, check this bass out! https://duke-bass.jimdo.com/
Hmmm.... the link didn't work properly, I was trying to show off the one with bats instead of f holes! It looks so awesome!
And now leo is in time out. I just had to peel him from my legs and arms. He gets a bit worked up at times.
@BaKhan: That looked pretty sweet.
And thanks BaKhan... I know every single business owner goes through this sort of thing. It's just hard being halfway across teh country from it, while maintaining my full time job. I'm at work - unable to use my phone or a computer and I just want to scream!
Also, I keep trying to figure out a way to tell celebrity clientele about my gofundme page. There is yet to be a smooth way of doing it. hahahaha. Also would totally get fired for something like that.
@GM, yeah, a guy can dream right? ;)
I'm also so stressed about pricing! I know it's going to be cheaper in missouri than in new york. But the previous owners bought a lot of stuff from a wholesale place and priced stuff cheap. I'm making everything from scratch. It's artisinal AF!
@GM - very true! He'll have two doting grandparents! who have two GIANT dogs... A newfoundland and a great pryranees. I still don't know how that's going to work out. Slow introduction and lots of treats.
@Creeper: That is one thing I could never properly get my head around, the costing of recipes. For some reason, even following the exact steps from examples the instructor would give us, I always would end up with the wrong numbers.
@BaKhan: True, but then the cost of the custom bass would shoot through your dream like a hot knife through butter. ;)
@Creeper, none the less, I can only imagine how hard it must be, and how excited you must feel after the completion of each of these hurdles! Your endorphins must be going through the roof! As far as a smooth way or approaching your customers, in a hopefully non-fireable way... maybe get some buisness cards made up, with your bakery name and go fund me page on it? You could end your conversation with your customer with something like "It was great seeing you today, will you be in before xyz day, as that will be my last day before I head off the my new bakery..." If they show intrest you then give them the card, and a 5 seconds schpiel, and see how it goes. That way you're not really crossing a line, and you know that they're interested in helping (as you said, any amount helps). Even if they aren't uber rich or a celebrity.
@GM, lol, true true, but as I said its a dream. Right now I couldn't even afford the student bass (read low end) that I'm renting. Its $3800 and its the bottom end of them. That bat one is around $6000, plus shipping, from Germany (I can only imagine)! Yikes!
@Creeper, people will pay for quality, as long as they know about it! Charge a premium, and have some sort of customer rewards for loyalty. Also, get your name out there, walk some of the busier lunch areas with samples and a card. Blow them away, and they will come! People are willing to drive pretty far for a good bakery!
haha...busier lunch areas... it's a small town. I'm on Main Street. i AM the busier lunch area! They are having a ribbon cutting ceremony for me! I'm the only bakery in town. :):):)
And so far, my regular customers that I feel comfortable with, I tell them that I'm leaving soon, why, and then I refer them to my facebook bakery page - the pinned post has the gofundme link on it....although it's a bit further down...
I should update my website with the link as a pop up.... *adds to her list of a million things to do*
Oh wow, I just got whiplash after yesterday! Man, this went from no comments to all over the place!
You know you'll make it through this, Creeper, and the other side is the best place you'll ever have been. But yeah, those things are both necessary and expensive in part because they're necessary.
Hahaha, that should be your slogan: "Artisinal AF!"
Also, I've been wondering about Leo. When does he pack his little bags and move out to the homestead?
But I am having someone write up a press release for me, with photos, to have in the Kansas City Star and the food magazine. I think people in KC will drive the 30-60 minutes to check it out. I have a pretty big fan base already with relatives and friends. :) And since I specialize in Cake design, i think i'll have a wider customer base than the usual bakery.
my parents are driving to new york, and then we're renting a moving truck and driving both back to KC. Leo will be in his little astronaut bag with me in the car.
@Creeper, ok, lol! Just trying to brainstorm without any facts... ;) I still think the card idea would help, as a physical reminder. It would increase your chances of follow through, especially if you can get them to buy into your enthusiasm for your dream. People love dreamers and Creepers... ;)
lol "people love dreams and creepers" my new logo!
I have business cards. I should just make sure my gofundme is pinned to the top of EVERY page. :)
Your slogan: People love dreams and creepers!
Your motto: Artisinal AF!
Aw, Leo's first roadtrip! Though, man, I mean I've driven most of that distance even in one go, but it'll be an interesting experience to drive a moving truck halfway across the states!
Creeper, it's awesome having you around here so much again!
Also, when do you think you'll open the shop officially? Have everything renovated and start selling baked heaven?
And by heaven, I mean cakes either made with cocaine instead of sugar or baked stuff so good it may as well have been baked with cocaine instead of (or as well as) sugar. Obviously.
And in the ultimate twist of irony after that comment, not only does she not check in, nobody does. Quiet day all around? Or ones more like mine? I guess my day being like it is is the reason I've been checking here, though.
But really, not even a "Morning kittens."?!
I show up and no one else does!
Show up where? Here? Because I was the only one reporting for duty here today.
Gluten morgning, kittens.
Aaw, don't tell me nobody's going to be here all today either! And then it's the weekend, when nobody shows up, so then it'll be 4 days in a row with only me.
On an unrelated note, I'm bringing back the All Zem All Nite Show! You guys remember that? If not, you will soon!
Just kidding. Though that was just what I called it when nobody checked in for extensive periods of time like this. One time I marathoned the AZAN Show for almost a full week!
Woo! About 3 days into the AZANs Marathon with a special guest appearance from Creeper!
Well, dangit, I broke the marathon. Oh well, I hope it's not just me tomorrow as well, I hope not everyone was wiped from the face of the earth suddenly. You can't leave me alone for nearly 5 days and expect my sanity to be intact!
Morning kittens.