Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-17T10:39:32-04:00
Huzzah! Lonliness-B-Gone!
Also, Morgen.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-17T12:38:22-04:00
How's the upright bass coming along, BaKhan?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-17T12:57:35-04:00
@Zem, According to my wife and my teacher very well. According to me, still light years away from being as comfortable as the electric bass. The sound though! The sound! ;) My teacher asked me to show her one of my songs and she was able to show me some tricks to get it to sound better. You play things quite differently on the upright from the electric. She even put a sticker beside the sound board, so I would know where my "second postion" read as third fret was to make it easier for me. So I'm practicing everything that she's taught me, both finger picking and with a bow. Honestly, I'm so glad I decided to do this! Huzzah for learning! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-17T13:14:15-04:00
That sounds awesome BaKhan! Keep it up! And just remember, every musician is their own biggest critic. ;)
I'd imagine that, as different as it tries to be from the electric bass, all your experience with that was sort of a huge shortcut to learning upright, so you probably are actually doing quite well even though you just started learning. I'd bet the hardest part for you would be just getting the muscle memory for where the notes are, and after that, you'll be first chair in the Philharmonic in no time! Glad to hear you're having so much fun with it, though!
My dad recently decided to add violin and piano to the long, long list of instruments he can play (basically most all brass, any instrument in rock music ever, and a few others) but was also considering learning the upright considering how much he's played bass. Though to be honest, he's spent plenty of money on new instruments recently!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-17T14:56:34-04:00
@Zem, thanks for your support! ;) I doubt I'll ever be anything other than "acceptable" with a bow, but it is starting to feel natural to hold it. Even picking it up, I don't have to rearrange my hand, I just grab it in the right position. Back in junior high I played almost all of the different brass and woodwind instruments. Brass instruments have almost exactly the same finger positions, so as long as you have good embouchure, you're in! ;) Violin and piano are two that I would also like to learn. I've been teaching myself piano very slowly, but I can make chords and hack around, so for what I do, its good enough for now... ;) Violin, is almost as expensive as bass to get into, and hard to learn.... Tell your dad good luck!
Lord Zombitten 2017-04-17T15:47:38-04:00
Sorry for the extended absence, but I'm sure you all understand.
BaKhan, it's super cool that you're learning to play new instruments! I really need to get back into that and actually learn the banjo.
Lord Zombitten 2017-04-17T15:51:47-04:00
Couple of things: it appears from my company's website that I'm hiring a tech to work at another location. It's really interesting because I didn't think I was hiring anyone, and I'm pretty sure the location in question doesn't have a lab...
Also, my FitBit is falling apart again. I've decided FitBit doesn't make very good quality products, so I want to get a smart watch to replace it. I need something affordable that has a silent alarm. Recommendations?
@LZ: I've heard nothing but negative regarding Fitbit, good thing I haven't actually bought one. As for one to replace it, I can't really say. I have two watches on the way from a KS project, but they aren't smart watches. Just regular analog watches. So I have no recommendations on that end.
As for the company hiring at a location that most likely doesn't have a lab...maybe they want someone there to make sure everything is in order before sending it to the lab for testing? Or looking to put a lab in there?
Lord Zombitten 2017-04-17T16:04:44-04:00
Yeah, I wouldn't have gotten the FitBit to begin with if I didn't get a huge discount through my employer. I got the Charge HR for about $45, and already had it replaced once for free because it was still under warranty. I don't think it's under warranty anymore.
I think what's actually going on is that the location filled out a job posting form for another job, and HR made a mistake when actually posting it.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-17T16:06:45-04:00
@LZ, thanks brother! Hey, have you ever played the ukulele? If you have, its chords are layed out pretty much the same way as the banjo, you just have the octive string in the mix as well, like on a 12 string guitar. The biggest challange there is the thumb pick! I had some nerve damage on my right hand, making it impossible to hold a pick (for 2 months!) so I had to find an alternative. I tried to use a thumb pick and just sorta pinch it against my index finger. It worked ok, but every once in a while I would catch the string with it, and it would become a projectile! ;) Good luck with your banjo! Quick banjo joke for you. What do you throw to a drowning banjo player?
His banjo! ;P
Lord Zombitten 2017-04-17T16:13:22-04:00
I haven't played the ukelele. It could be worth a look. The plan my friend and I have is that he'll learn the guitar part and I'll learn the banjo part of Dueling Banjos and then go on a camping trip together...
What's the difference between a Harley and a banjo?
...you can tune a Harley!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-17T16:16:27-04:00
lol! Have you ever listened to Hayseed Dixie? They do bluegrass covers of 70's rock (and newer stuff too) songs, they started as an AC/DC cover band... They are awesome at what they do, and so damn funny too! Anyways, the banjo player's grandfather wrote dueling banjo's! They do a version that is really good, and the guitar player has a hard time keeping up to the banjo! Check it out if you get the chance.
Lord Zombitten 2017-04-17T16:19:23-04:00
I'm making a note right now to check them out
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-17T18:26:28-04:00
Hey, LZ, glad to see you again!
As for smart watches, mine's a smart choice because it can set things on fire, but I have no experience in the smart watch field; I don't even have a smartphone!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-17T18:31:50-04:00
Great, thanks BaKhan, now I'm going to have that song in my head all day, and I'm so conflicted I don't even know whether this is sarcastic or genuine!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-17T19:53:48-04:00
@Zem, don't blame me, @LZ brought it up... ;) Heck, say what you will about it, you gotta respect the talent!
Lord Zombitten 2017-04-17T21:01:48-04:00
I think I'll get the Pebble Time. It has all the features I want, and it's only $57 on Amazon right now.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-18T09:10:57-04:00
Morning kittens.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-18T09:11:35-04:00
@LZ, I've never tried anything like that before, so I'm not much help, sorry bro!
@LZ: I'm not sure about the Pebble. I had backed the Pebble Time 2, but Pebble got sold to Fitbit, and stopped production of the Time2. Here is the update that they sent regarding it:
That's super lame! But, it helps to explain the low, low price...
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-18T12:50:50-04:00
Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that buyout! Yeah, I heard the quality went straight downhill right after it. A good, homegrown, local kickstarter company, sad to hear about that.
Oh well, but yeah, smart watches are still a bit of a small market, especially variety-wise. Hate to say it, but the best ones may honestly be apple watches, assuming you have an iPhone to go with it of course. If you don't, you'll have to get something that just has all the features you want and not worry if it's a bit cheaply made.
Unless of course you stumble upon that magical oasis of a small company with incredibly large pockets to fund high-quality merchandise without selling out and lowering production costs.
@LZ: I only use an iPod, other than that, I don't like Apple products.
@Creeper: Hello.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-18T14:36:58-04:00
Howdy, Creeper! How're things on your end recently? Not over-stressing yourself, I hope.
Saw the update, and I realized you always get a boost of donations when you update, so there's the key! Just update the gofundme every day or two and you'll be a millionaire in no time! ;)
@BaKhan: I only have an iPod because the Microsoft Zune, after the first generation of them, was no longer available in Canada due to some of our media related laws.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-18T15:00:10-04:00
@GM, I only have Apple products as Microsoft doesn't cut it for me. I like that all my electronics talk well with each other. I also like having exactly zero issues with my stuff, vs. the almost endless hassle that I had with PC/Microsoft. ;) Honestly, pc doesn't even compare to mac when it comes to music recording/software/functionality. Made the change years ago, enjoyed it ever since, and will never look back.
@BaKhan: That's the main thing. Each is good for different things. Apple is better for music related things 99.9999~% of the time. And it also comes down to preference.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-18T15:20:38-04:00
@GM, I agree. I also think that there is an anit-Apple sentiment out there, like its somehow cool to be different (like everyone else...) and not use Apple products, because they are Apple products... informed preference is fine, sheepledom, less so. After all these years, the only thing that I miss from PC is the delete button... ;)
@BaKhan: I just don't like the OS of the Apple products(even the iPod, but I just click the music icon and go to town with listening, that's it, that's all). I've tried using them, and always go back to PC because it's what I finf easier myself
I'm an apple girl. Wouldn't call myself a fangirl about it... but just what I use, and I don't like change! It took me forever to switch from PC - and I feel like I don't even still know how to use my laptop completely! but I guess I'm happy with it! and i like my phone to match with my computer. Just makes it easier, I think. I'm not a tech person by any means.
I just don't want to over do it on the updates to where people may get annoyed. I wanted to check in becasue it had been awhile. But I think every week or every 10 days is decent - if i have something to report.
I agree that donations usually perk up when I post. But not so much this time around! I don't want to get to pleading with people! But I still can't get past the fact that all my very wealthy clients/friends have not contributed. They've always been big supporters of mine... i guess that's why their rich? But the whole purpose of me setting it up with a sort of passive way to ask my rich friends for money. None of them took the bait!! hahaha
LZ! Nice to see you again! Hope you're doing alright.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-18T17:08:32-04:00
BaKhan, if it were cool to be different, on the internet it'd be cool to love apple. The thing is that it's sort of the McDonalds of tech, but it is good if you don't actually want to have to fiddle with your computer all the time, but rather that it runs smoothly consistently, has great support, and communicates really well with everything else you own (but only with other things from Apple. That's another thing; Apple only works with Apple). For those reasons, Apple is perfect for anyone who doesn't know a whole lot about computers, or doesn't want to worry about trying to get things to work manually and just have it all work as it comes.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-18T17:11:35-04:00
Haha, Creeper, you'll have to rebait the hook and just pick their pocket when they're not looking. And yeah, I agree about 1-2 weeks per update, depending on how much is going on, is pretty good. But it can't be a coincidence that the one supporter in nearly 2 weeks came just when you updated. I wonder if that just gives it better visibility on the website somehow.
Lord Zombitten 2017-04-18T23:09:24-04:00
My whole issue is the price. For what I use computers for, it's not worth it to drop $1k on a computer that I could get for half the price or less with a PC. That being said, if I was into recording music or editing video, the extra money would be money well-spent. I tried recording with Windows; bought a $500 Focusrite Saffire and everything. The master recordings sounded great. The mp3 and wav files, on the other hand, sounded terrible. It was like listening through a wall.
Now I'm boring. I use computers for Excel, writing novels (very off-and-on), and playing the occasional game. I find the extra buttons on the PC mouse handy when gaming, though.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-19T01:18:15-04:00
Plus, with PC, you can customize it for what you're going to need to use it for. Like I said, Apple is best for a large portion of the market, but PCs also provide benefits to those who want them. Obviously both are important, because both are huge markets. Apple for simplicity, support, and interconnecting devices, and PC for customization, price, and control.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-19T09:22:47-04:00
Morning kittens!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-19T09:42:27-04:00
Guten tag, you're it.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-19T09:56:13-04:00
Ok, so full disclosure on computer gate... ;) I use a PC at work, so almost everything you see me post here, is actually done on a pc. So it does what I need it to do "real" work wise, excel, word, heatloss/looplayout programs, autocad, etc. But, for personal use, I want something that works every single time, without fail, and if it costs a bit more I'm good with it. My problem (lifelong, been working on it, still have a long way to go) is frustration. Once I give into frustration, my productivity drops to pretty much nil. If my computer didn't work the way that I need it to at home, for recording and such, I'd never get anything done, and that wouldn't be any good. So I get that they seem expensive, but for me, its well worth the extra dollars to not have the frustration and unneccessary down time.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-19T09:58:40-04:00
@LZ, If you still have the masters of your recordings, I can take a look and see what I can do to improve your end product for you, at no cost. Just putting that out there, I'm a total music junky so remastering, is actually fun for me! I know, crazy right? But for whatever reason, I love minutia, spend 2 hours to clean up 10 seconds of audio? Sounds like a fun night! ;)
Lord Zombitten 2017-04-19T10:50:53-04:00
Thanks, but the hard drive for that computer failed about 8 years ago, and I was too dumb to get a backup.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-19T11:36:31-04:00
Ooooh! The pain! Sorry to hear that, or not hear that, you know... ;)
I love when people blow things WAY out of proportion, when the logical thing to do was to remove the entire site from the regular pay run(there were multiple employees that the manager didn't agree with the hours that were on the payroll register, and didn't specify names/how many) and pay them on an off-cycle.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-19T12:20:27-04:00
@GM, you should know by now that using logic isn't a manager's go to proceedure. Its more in their wheel house to blow things WAY (sometimes WAY WAY, and of course WAY WAY WAY) out of proportion. If there is an easy way for the company that takes them any (even one key stroke) more effort than the easy thing for them, its the easy thing for them, thats it. In my experience anyways... ;)
@BaKhan: Thing is, it's more work for me, about the same amount for my manager. Especially since she doesn't really check things as closely as I know she should...we've had a few issues with her not verifying I keyed something correctly.
So far so good...though every time I go to type good I am always starting food instead...and I'm not even hungry. Also, I might end up house sitting for a month for one of my mom's co-workers from May 4 to about June 6.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-20T10:40:17-04:00
For a whole month? That's a long time to housesit; hope it's a really big, nice house with good wifi!
@Zem: My mom doesn't even know where the lady lives, she speculates it's one community in the NW(almost directly north of my work), and if it is, it could take up to an hour on the bus to get to work(and that's from the school at the farthest North part of that community).
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-20T10:47:50-04:00
Wow, that'd just be really annoying. And you're the only person who could do it?
"It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it!"
Yeah, I mean, I'm no expert, but I shudder to imagine what your days would be like if work was just as annoying and terrible, but you had to also wake up an hour earlier for a month!
@BaKhan: Hidden Valley(she thinks, I still need to get in touch with the lady to confirm where, so I can see if it's viable).
@Zem: I actually wouldn't need to get up any earlier, or leave any earlier. I would still arrive at work around the same time I normally do if I leave at 7am(which is actually 15min - approximately - later than I currently leave home).
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-20T11:06:57-04:00
@GM, yep, thats pretty far out there for sure! My sister lives even further north and west from there in Creek Side... I lived with them for awhile and even driving it took forever to get anywhere. I much prefer where I live now. Unless its rush hour I can get pretty much anywhere, except the deep south, in under a half hour.
The good news, if it is Hidden Valley where she lives, it's one bus, no transfers directly to and from work. The bad news, is it's one bus directly to and from work.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-20T11:54:01-04:00
@GM, lol, damned if you do, damned if you don't... ;)
At least I would get a decent amount of reading in every day. When I need to transfer, there isn't much reading while waiting for the second vehicle to show up(and not always able to read on train anyway).
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-20T14:42:47-04:00
Well, so long as it's a super nice house, and especially if you get payed, that could make up for it. Perfect opportunity to throw a party! And if you're out of ideas, we could always hold KittenCon mk. II there! ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-20T15:03:48-04:00
@Zem, they will be nice houses up there, its a upper middle class neighbourhood. 2000+ square feet.
Lord Zombitten 2017-04-20T15:16:06-04:00
Shorter commutes are always nice. I don't understand why not having any transfers is a bad thing, though.
@LZ: Mostly it depends on what type of other people are on the bus as well. There have been times where I've been stuck on a bus with people who didn't use deodorant(or reek of booze/mouthwash). So, depending on those it could be good not to if there is no one like that, or it could be VERY bad if there are.
Lord Zombitten 2017-04-20T16:05:18-04:00
That makes sense. I hadn't considered it from that angle because when I relied on public transit, it seemed like there was always at least one of those people on board.
There's normally at least one person like that on any form of public transit. And if not, they are the idiots who decide to stand in the middle of the street during rush hours blocking the path of the trains(there were two such idiots yesterday when I left work - and our trains are above ground which is stupid in our climate since they always break down due to the weather).
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-20T16:18:22-04:00
Yeah, I'd think that the great white north would be the place you'd most expect to find trains adapted to burrowing underground where the big bad ice can't get to them. Plus, then in transit, you can be in a much warmer area in the tunnels.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-21T10:05:00-04:00
Just 2 exams and the last week of classes is done! Well... official week of classes; we're not supposed to learn anything during Dead Week, but that's never stopped a few professors in particular.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-21T10:39:33-04:00
@Zem, best of luck! My wife would totally be jealous of "Dead Week"! ;)
7 hours 18 minutes, and 1 hour of that is my lunch. God I'm so tired! But, I can do this! We can do this kittens!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-21T10:44:20-04:00
BaKhan, "Dead Week" is right with the quotes; I only have one class treating it as such even though the rules say to. I wish dead week were dead!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-21T10:47:30-04:00
@Zem, you can do it man! You got this! Only one more week, think of it like a race, don't slow down, till you cross that finish line! (I'm just about out of positivity, so I hope that's enough...) ;)
@BaKhan: About an hour of my day is also my lunch...might try jumping out by 3:30, but not likely.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-21T10:55:31-04:00
@GM, no bailing early for me. :( My boss is away, so I have to cover everything... oh well, not like its busy in the heating department at this time of year or anything... but, I will persevere!
My boss is here today, her car is in the shop right now, so she will probably be bailing a bit early(hopefully early enough for me to be able to bail early...).
Not sure...she asked how much I charge, and wasn't sure what to say...but after talking to my dad, Phil, and looking on google, the average is anywhere from $25 a day to $50 a day. I'm probably going to say around $20 a day.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-21T12:10:22-04:00
@GM, depends, how nice was she to you in school? ;) But seriously, don't undersell yourself, if you thing $20 a day is fair then thats fine, but to me, for the inconvinience additonal travel time, etc., I think it sound pretty light to me.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-21T14:28:13-04:00
Oh yeah, alongside the 2 exams, a 4 page essay by midnight. Can't wait till today's over! Then it's smooth(er[ish]) sailing!
Lord Zombitten 2017-04-21T20:51:28-04:00
I decided on a Martian hybrid smartwatch. Also, today was one of those days that made me regret becoming a manager
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-22T00:54:10-04:00
Oooh... that doesn't sound like a good kinda day, LZ. I'm going to cut this comment short because I realized, having watched the Spongebob Movie again with my roommate a few days ago, it's harder than I would have thought to refrain from making a "Kidager" joke.
On a more positive note, all that work I mentioned earlier is done, huzzah. Now just finals to look forward to...
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-22T07:03:04-04:00
6 am? Oh, maybe time for sleep.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-23T10:43:53-04:00
Woo, Creeper! 1/4 the way to the goal!
Just saw that and thought I should mini-celebrate.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-24T09:04:24-04:00
Morning kittens.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-24T09:05:10-04:00
@LZ, sorry to hear that man. Hopefully, there are days that make you glad as well. Hoping things get better for you!
I'm glad to be the manager on most days. Friday was just a bad day. Lots of problems and lots of bickering. I'm waiting on documentation of an incident so I can begin disciplinary action with an employee. That's never fun.
Lord Zombitten 2017-04-24T14:22:17-04:00
Today's a little different. I'm at home with a sick kid, reviewing QC. I'm glad I have stuff I can do from home today.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-24T15:51:20-04:00
I was going to be sorry for abandoning you guys all day, but guess I didn't miss too much.
I don't know whether to be happy or sad for you, LZ. Working from home can be great, but taking care of a sick kid can be not quite as relaxing.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-24T17:08:01-04:00
@LZ, I'm glad to hear it, with everything else you have going on, the last thing you need is a brutal non-rewarding job. Hope the little one feels better soon!
Huzzah! Lonliness-B-Gone!
Also, Morgen.
How's the upright bass coming along, BaKhan?
@Zem, According to my wife and my teacher very well. According to me, still light years away from being as comfortable as the electric bass. The sound though! The sound! ;) My teacher asked me to show her one of my songs and she was able to show me some tricks to get it to sound better. You play things quite differently on the upright from the electric. She even put a sticker beside the sound board, so I would know where my "second postion" read as third fret was to make it easier for me. So I'm practicing everything that she's taught me, both finger picking and with a bow. Honestly, I'm so glad I decided to do this! Huzzah for learning! ;)
That sounds awesome BaKhan! Keep it up! And just remember, every musician is their own biggest critic. ;)
I'd imagine that, as different as it tries to be from the electric bass, all your experience with that was sort of a huge shortcut to learning upright, so you probably are actually doing quite well even though you just started learning. I'd bet the hardest part for you would be just getting the muscle memory for where the notes are, and after that, you'll be first chair in the Philharmonic in no time! Glad to hear you're having so much fun with it, though!
My dad recently decided to add violin and piano to the long, long list of instruments he can play (basically most all brass, any instrument in rock music ever, and a few others) but was also considering learning the upright considering how much he's played bass. Though to be honest, he's spent plenty of money on new instruments recently!
@Zem, thanks for your support! ;) I doubt I'll ever be anything other than "acceptable" with a bow, but it is starting to feel natural to hold it. Even picking it up, I don't have to rearrange my hand, I just grab it in the right position. Back in junior high I played almost all of the different brass and woodwind instruments. Brass instruments have almost exactly the same finger positions, so as long as you have good embouchure, you're in! ;) Violin and piano are two that I would also like to learn. I've been teaching myself piano very slowly, but I can make chords and hack around, so for what I do, its good enough for now... ;) Violin, is almost as expensive as bass to get into, and hard to learn.... Tell your dad good luck!
Sorry for the extended absence, but I'm sure you all understand.
BaKhan, it's super cool that you're learning to play new instruments! I really need to get back into that and actually learn the banjo.
Couple of things: it appears from my company's website that I'm hiring a tech to work at another location. It's really interesting because I didn't think I was hiring anyone, and I'm pretty sure the location in question doesn't have a lab...
Also, my FitBit is falling apart again. I've decided FitBit doesn't make very good quality products, so I want to get a smart watch to replace it. I need something affordable that has a silent alarm. Recommendations?
@LZ: I've heard nothing but negative regarding Fitbit, good thing I haven't actually bought one. As for one to replace it, I can't really say. I have two watches on the way from a KS project, but they aren't smart watches. Just regular analog watches. So I have no recommendations on that end.
As for the company hiring at a location that most likely doesn't have a lab...maybe they want someone there to make sure everything is in order before sending it to the lab for testing? Or looking to put a lab in there?
Yeah, I wouldn't have gotten the FitBit to begin with if I didn't get a huge discount through my employer. I got the Charge HR for about $45, and already had it replaced once for free because it was still under warranty. I don't think it's under warranty anymore.
I think what's actually going on is that the location filled out a job posting form for another job, and HR made a mistake when actually posting it.
@LZ, thanks brother! Hey, have you ever played the ukulele? If you have, its chords are layed out pretty much the same way as the banjo, you just have the octive string in the mix as well, like on a 12 string guitar. The biggest challange there is the thumb pick! I had some nerve damage on my right hand, making it impossible to hold a pick (for 2 months!) so I had to find an alternative. I tried to use a thumb pick and just sorta pinch it against my index finger. It worked ok, but every once in a while I would catch the string with it, and it would become a projectile! ;) Good luck with your banjo! Quick banjo joke for you. What do you throw to a drowning banjo player?
His banjo! ;P
I haven't played the ukelele. It could be worth a look. The plan my friend and I have is that he'll learn the guitar part and I'll learn the banjo part of Dueling Banjos and then go on a camping trip together...
What's the difference between a Harley and a banjo?
...you can tune a Harley!
lol! Have you ever listened to Hayseed Dixie? They do bluegrass covers of 70's rock (and newer stuff too) songs, they started as an AC/DC cover band... They are awesome at what they do, and so damn funny too! Anyways, the banjo player's grandfather wrote dueling banjo's! They do a version that is really good, and the guitar player has a hard time keeping up to the banjo! Check it out if you get the chance.
I'm making a note right now to check them out
Hey, LZ, glad to see you again!
As for smart watches, mine's a smart choice because it can set things on fire, but I have no experience in the smart watch field; I don't even have a smartphone!
Great, thanks BaKhan, now I'm going to have that song in my head all day, and I'm so conflicted I don't even know whether this is sarcastic or genuine!
@Zem, don't blame me, @LZ brought it up... ;) Heck, say what you will about it, you gotta respect the talent!
I think I'll get the Pebble Time. It has all the features I want, and it's only $57 on Amazon right now.
Morning kittens.
@LZ, I've never tried anything like that before, so I'm not much help, sorry bro!
Morning kittens.
@LZ: I'm not sure about the Pebble. I had backed the Pebble Time 2, but Pebble got sold to Fitbit, and stopped production of the Time2. Here is the update that they sent regarding it:
That's super lame! But, it helps to explain the low, low price...
Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that buyout! Yeah, I heard the quality went straight downhill right after it. A good, homegrown, local kickstarter company, sad to hear about that.
Oh well, but yeah, smart watches are still a bit of a small market, especially variety-wise. Hate to say it, but the best ones may honestly be apple watches, assuming you have an iPhone to go with it of course. If you don't, you'll have to get something that just has all the features you want and not worry if it's a bit cheaply made.
Unless of course you stumble upon that magical oasis of a small company with incredibly large pockets to fund high-quality merchandise without selling out and lowering production costs.
There is the Samsung one. I didn't look too closely at it, but from a quick peruse it seemed to be somewhat decent.
No, I don't have an iPhone. I'm kind of the opposite of an Apple fanboy.
hi kittens!
Hi Creeper!
@LZ: I only use an iPod, other than that, I don't like Apple products.
@Creeper: Hello.
Howdy, Creeper! How're things on your end recently? Not over-stressing yourself, I hope.
Saw the update, and I realized you always get a boost of donations when you update, so there's the key! Just update the gofundme every day or two and you'll be a millionaire in no time! ;)
Lol, all you anti Apple people... >.> ;)
@BaKhan: I only have an iPod because the Microsoft Zune, after the first generation of them, was no longer available in Canada due to some of our media related laws.
@GM, I only have Apple products as Microsoft doesn't cut it for me. I like that all my electronics talk well with each other. I also like having exactly zero issues with my stuff, vs. the almost endless hassle that I had with PC/Microsoft. ;) Honestly, pc doesn't even compare to mac when it comes to music recording/software/functionality. Made the change years ago, enjoyed it ever since, and will never look back.
@BaKhan: That's the main thing. Each is good for different things. Apple is better for music related things 99.9999~% of the time. And it also comes down to preference.
@GM, I agree. I also think that there is an anit-Apple sentiment out there, like its somehow cool to be different (like everyone else...) and not use Apple products, because they are Apple products... informed preference is fine, sheepledom, less so. After all these years, the only thing that I miss from PC is the delete button... ;)
@BaKhan: I just don't like the OS of the Apple products(even the iPod, but I just click the music icon and go to town with listening, that's it, that's all). I've tried using them, and always go back to PC because it's what I finf easier myself
...find, not finf
Hi Everyone!
I'm an apple girl. Wouldn't call myself a fangirl about it... but just what I use, and I don't like change! It took me forever to switch from PC - and I feel like I don't even still know how to use my laptop completely! but I guess I'm happy with it! and i like my phone to match with my computer. Just makes it easier, I think. I'm not a tech person by any means.
@zem -
I just don't want to over do it on the updates to where people may get annoyed. I wanted to check in becasue it had been awhile. But I think every week or every 10 days is decent - if i have something to report.
I agree that donations usually perk up when I post. But not so much this time around! I don't want to get to pleading with people! But I still can't get past the fact that all my very wealthy clients/friends have not contributed. They've always been big supporters of mine... i guess that's why their rich? But the whole purpose of me setting it up with a sort of passive way to ask my rich friends for money. None of them took the bait!! hahaha
LZ! Nice to see you again! Hope you're doing alright.
BaKhan, if it were cool to be different, on the internet it'd be cool to love apple. The thing is that it's sort of the McDonalds of tech, but it is good if you don't actually want to have to fiddle with your computer all the time, but rather that it runs smoothly consistently, has great support, and communicates really well with everything else you own (but only with other things from Apple. That's another thing; Apple only works with Apple). For those reasons, Apple is perfect for anyone who doesn't know a whole lot about computers, or doesn't want to worry about trying to get things to work manually and just have it all work as it comes.
Haha, Creeper, you'll have to rebait the hook and just pick their pocket when they're not looking. And yeah, I agree about 1-2 weeks per update, depending on how much is going on, is pretty good. But it can't be a coincidence that the one supporter in nearly 2 weeks came just when you updated. I wonder if that just gives it better visibility on the website somehow.
My whole issue is the price. For what I use computers for, it's not worth it to drop $1k on a computer that I could get for half the price or less with a PC. That being said, if I was into recording music or editing video, the extra money would be money well-spent. I tried recording with Windows; bought a $500 Focusrite Saffire and everything. The master recordings sounded great. The mp3 and wav files, on the other hand, sounded terrible. It was like listening through a wall.
Now I'm boring. I use computers for Excel, writing novels (very off-and-on), and playing the occasional game. I find the extra buttons on the PC mouse handy when gaming, though.
Plus, with PC, you can customize it for what you're going to need to use it for. Like I said, Apple is best for a large portion of the market, but PCs also provide benefits to those who want them. Obviously both are important, because both are huge markets. Apple for simplicity, support, and interconnecting devices, and PC for customization, price, and control.
Morning kittens!
Guten tag, you're it.
Ok, so full disclosure on computer gate... ;) I use a PC at work, so almost everything you see me post here, is actually done on a pc. So it does what I need it to do "real" work wise, excel, word, heatloss/looplayout programs, autocad, etc. But, for personal use, I want something that works every single time, without fail, and if it costs a bit more I'm good with it. My problem (lifelong, been working on it, still have a long way to go) is frustration. Once I give into frustration, my productivity drops to pretty much nil. If my computer didn't work the way that I need it to at home, for recording and such, I'd never get anything done, and that wouldn't be any good. So I get that they seem expensive, but for me, its well worth the extra dollars to not have the frustration and unneccessary down time.
@LZ, If you still have the masters of your recordings, I can take a look and see what I can do to improve your end product for you, at no cost. Just putting that out there, I'm a total music junky so remastering, is actually fun for me! I know, crazy right? But for whatever reason, I love minutia, spend 2 hours to clean up 10 seconds of audio? Sounds like a fun night! ;)
Thanks, but the hard drive for that computer failed about 8 years ago, and I was too dumb to get a backup.
Ooooh! The pain! Sorry to hear that, or not hear that, you know... ;)
I love when people blow things WAY out of proportion, when the logical thing to do was to remove the entire site from the regular pay run(there were multiple employees that the manager didn't agree with the hours that were on the payroll register, and didn't specify names/how many) and pay them on an off-cycle.
@GM, you should know by now that using logic isn't a manager's go to proceedure. Its more in their wheel house to blow things WAY (sometimes WAY WAY, and of course WAY WAY WAY) out of proportion. If there is an easy way for the company that takes them any (even one key stroke) more effort than the easy thing for them, its the easy thing for them, thats it. In my experience anyways... ;)
@BaKhan: Thing is, it's more work for me, about the same amount for my manager. Especially since she doesn't really check things as closely as I know she should...we've had a few issues with her not verifying I keyed something correctly.
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens.
@GM, hope you have a better day today!
So far so good...though every time I go to type good I am always starting food instead...and I'm not even hungry. Also, I might end up house sitting for a month for one of my mom's co-workers from May 4 to about June 6.
For a whole month? That's a long time to housesit; hope it's a really big, nice house with good wifi!
@Zem: My mom doesn't even know where the lady lives, she speculates it's one community in the NW(almost directly north of my work), and if it is, it could take up to an hour on the bus to get to work(and that's from the school at the farthest North part of that community).
Wow, that'd just be really annoying. And you're the only person who could do it?
"It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it!"
Yeah, I mean, I'm no expert, but I shudder to imagine what your days would be like if work was just as annoying and terrible, but you had to also wake up an hour earlier for a month!
@GM, which community?
@BaKhan: Hidden Valley(she thinks, I still need to get in touch with the lady to confirm where, so I can see if it's viable).
@Zem: I actually wouldn't need to get up any earlier, or leave any earlier. I would still arrive at work around the same time I normally do if I leave at 7am(which is actually 15min - approximately - later than I currently leave home).
@GM, yep, thats pretty far out there for sure! My sister lives even further north and west from there in Creek Side... I lived with them for awhile and even driving it took forever to get anywhere. I much prefer where I live now. Unless its rush hour I can get pretty much anywhere, except the deep south, in under a half hour.
The good news, if it is Hidden Valley where she lives, it's one bus, no transfers directly to and from work. The bad news, is it's one bus directly to and from work.
@GM, lol, damned if you do, damned if you don't... ;)
At least I would get a decent amount of reading in every day. When I need to transfer, there isn't much reading while waiting for the second vehicle to show up(and not always able to read on train anyway).
Well, so long as it's a super nice house, and especially if you get payed, that could make up for it. Perfect opportunity to throw a party! And if you're out of ideas, we could always hold KittenCon mk. II there! ;)
@Zem, they will be nice houses up there, its a upper middle class neighbourhood. 2000+ square feet.
Shorter commutes are always nice. I don't understand why not having any transfers is a bad thing, though.
@LZ: Mostly it depends on what type of other people are on the bus as well. There have been times where I've been stuck on a bus with people who didn't use deodorant(or reek of booze/mouthwash). So, depending on those it could be good not to if there is no one like that, or it could be VERY bad if there are.
That makes sense. I hadn't considered it from that angle because when I relied on public transit, it seemed like there was always at least one of those people on board.
There's normally at least one person like that on any form of public transit. And if not, they are the idiots who decide to stand in the middle of the street during rush hours blocking the path of the trains(there were two such idiots yesterday when I left work - and our trains are above ground which is stupid in our climate since they always break down due to the weather).
Yeah, I'd think that the great white north would be the place you'd most expect to find trains adapted to burrowing underground where the big bad ice can't get to them. Plus, then in transit, you can be in a much warmer area in the tunnels.
@Zem, yeah, you'd think so... ;) However logic and Calgary infrastructure haven't ever met... >.>
Morning kittens.
Just 2 exams and the last week of classes is done! Well... official week of classes; we're not supposed to learn anything during Dead Week, but that's never stopped a few professors in particular.
@Zem, best of luck! My wife would totally be jealous of "Dead Week"! ;)
Only ~8 more hours until the weekend.
7 hours 18 minutes, and 1 hour of that is my lunch. God I'm so tired! But, I can do this! We can do this kittens!
BaKhan, "Dead Week" is right with the quotes; I only have one class treating it as such even though the rules say to. I wish dead week were dead!
@Zem, you can do it man! You got this! Only one more week, think of it like a race, don't slow down, till you cross that finish line! (I'm just about out of positivity, so I hope that's enough...) ;)
@BaKhan: About an hour of my day is also my lunch...might try jumping out by 3:30, but not likely.
@GM, no bailing early for me. :( My boss is away, so I have to cover everything... oh well, not like its busy in the heating department at this time of year or anything... but, I will persevere!
My boss is here today, her car is in the shop right now, so she will probably be bailing a bit early(hopefully early enough for me to be able to bail early...).
@GM, lol, good luck!
Oh, I also found out it's not someone my mom works, or worked, with that I may be house sitting for. It's one of my old elementary school teachers.
@GM, so when's the house party? ;) jk
Not sure...she asked how much I charge, and wasn't sure what to say...but after talking to my dad, Phil, and looking on google, the average is anywhere from $25 a day to $50 a day. I'm probably going to say around $20 a day.
@GM, depends, how nice was she to you in school? ;) But seriously, don't undersell yourself, if you thing $20 a day is fair then thats fine, but to me, for the inconvinience additonal travel time, etc., I think it sound pretty light to me.
Oh yeah, alongside the 2 exams, a 4 page essay by midnight. Can't wait till today's over! Then it's smooth(er[ish]) sailing!
I decided on a Martian hybrid smartwatch. Also, today was one of those days that made me regret becoming a manager
Oooh... that doesn't sound like a good kinda day, LZ. I'm going to cut this comment short because I realized, having watched the Spongebob Movie again with my roommate a few days ago, it's harder than I would have thought to refrain from making a "Kidager" joke.
On a more positive note, all that work I mentioned earlier is done, huzzah. Now just finals to look forward to...
6 am? Oh, maybe time for sleep.
Woo, Creeper! 1/4 the way to the goal!
Just saw that and thought I should mini-celebrate.
Morning kittens.
@LZ, sorry to hear that man. Hopefully, there are days that make you glad as well. Hoping things get better for you!
Morning kittens.
I'm glad to be the manager on most days. Friday was just a bad day. Lots of problems and lots of bickering. I'm waiting on documentation of an incident so I can begin disciplinary action with an employee. That's never fun.
Today's a little different. I'm at home with a sick kid, reviewing QC. I'm glad I have stuff I can do from home today.
I was going to be sorry for abandoning you guys all day, but guess I didn't miss too much.
I don't know whether to be happy or sad for you, LZ. Working from home can be great, but taking care of a sick kid can be not quite as relaxing.
@LZ, I'm glad to hear it, with everything else you have going on, the last thing you need is a brutal non-rewarding job. Hope the little one feels better soon!
Morning kittens.