Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-25T12:55:20-04:00
Morning kittens.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-25T14:40:43-04:00
Heehee, it's even more regular today since there's a comment every 2 hours!
What's up with everyone who hasn't checked in recently? Maybe everyone has and I'm being paranoid or something, but it feels like we've been short a person or two.
Lord Zombitten 2017-04-25T15:46:59-04:00
I agree. It seems like Geist hasn't been here in a really long time.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-25T17:11:18-04:00
Last we've seen of Geist, she said that she had the worst week ever, and would get back to us when things got better. I hope she's doing ok. I'll probably email her, if we don't hear back sooner. Anybody have her on FB?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-25T22:27:32-04:00
Yes! Done with all my official homework of the semester! Now all that's left is a couple things this week and 3 impending dooms next week. (finals)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-25T22:54:42-04:00
No, I don't, but it does seem a bit quiet without her. Hope the worst week ever didn't carry over.
@BaKhan: Not sure, don't really have any plans for it at the moment.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-26T11:12:32-04:00
@GM, well if you don't have tickets already, I guess thats a nope. Its sold out. I'm going on Saturday, but my wife is in for all 4 days, mostly as an excuse to wear costumes... ;)
@BaKhan: I actually haven't been to one in a few years. Maybe next year I will go, not sure yet.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-26T12:31:37-04:00
I think I'd be more into it if they had more stuff on games. Comics are cool and all, but nothing that I collect. If they had game demos and sales going on, I'd be into it big time. Guess I'm lucky then? ;)
Apparently my WestJet confirmation number was selected to win a free 5-star resort stay....yet I haven't booked anything with WestJet...ever(someone else in the group has always handled that due to their points card/air miles/whatever). Love those automated phone calls, that I just hand up on.
...And now Telus has called me with the SAME offer, word for word. Different phone number.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-26T14:08:41-04:00
lol! Yeah, I used to get a lot of those. I joked to my wife once (didn't go over well), that I would have to quit my job and take up cruising full time, so she would have to keep working to support my new cruise lifestyle... ;)
@BaKhan: Yeah...I can't really see that type of thing going over well. Hell, when we had a family reunion during the Stampede in 2009, I went to the casino there with my mom's half-sister(we had met her that same year for the VERY first time), my grandma, and one of my uncles. Joked I lost $600 there, she started to flip out, until she saw my uncle laugh. I was actually up almost $600, off of 20.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-26T14:45:51-04:00
Wow, that would have been amazing to lose $600 from just $20!
BaKhan, I thought you were going to say you once joked that you were going to have to take up answering spam calls full-time!
If it's not a number I know, I just don't answer. I think it worked, too! I haven't gotten a spam call in... huh, I was just going to say weeks, but I just checked, and it's apparently been just 5 days. I guess leaving my phone in my dorm was a good idea! It auto-doesn't-answer for me now! ;)
@Zem: That's the thing, she didn't know how much money I went in there with. And with there being ATMs all over the place, it's 100% feasible to do so.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-26T16:36:42-04:00
Now i want to devise a way to lose more money than you entered with somehow. I don't know how it'd be possible, but I'm going to find a way, no matter the cost!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-26T16:37:02-04:00
Now i want to devise a way to lose more money than you entered with somehow. I don't know how it'd be possible, but I'm going to find a way, no matter the cost!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-26T16:38:39-04:00
Wh... okay, Kickstarter just acted weird, took forever to load, I stopped it from doing whatever it was trying to, and came back to a double post. Okay.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-26T16:40:29-04:00
@Zem, easy, win some, lose it all, that way you lost your winnings plus your initial money. Hence lost more than you brought in. Actually, I think that the majority of gambling goes that way. Oh look, I've won some money, time to double down! or not... ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-26T21:45:02-04:00
No, I mean negative net winnings, actually losing money somehow over the entire night. It's gotta be possible!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-27T09:10:37-04:00
Morning kittens.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-27T09:12:56-04:00
@Zem, ok, how about playing poker. You've got a really good hand, you go all in. The shady mobster type guy raises your all in. You have to borrow money to stay in the game from said shady mobster type guy. He extends you "credit" at a "reasonable" rate of interest, and beats your really good hand with a better hand. You've now lost everything you started with, plus the loan, plus the intrest. How now?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-27T10:41:35-04:00
You can't raise an all-in, and if you did, the other person by definition has gone all in. The only way you could ever do that is with shady mobster type guys who currently have a gun to your head, and in that case, they probably have someone watching your cards, and even if you win, they're going to beat you and take all your money anyways.
I just mean in a casino somehow having a net loss.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-27T16:22:17-04:00
Dangit, I keep forgetting it's thursday. It really feels like a friday!
Lord Zombitten 2017-04-27T19:49:02-04:00
Net loss at a casino is possible, as long as there's an ATM or they take your credit card information and let you keep getting chips/tokens, what have you.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-27T20:43:15-04:00
No, because an ATM counts as adding to your starting, since you're just taking out more of a base level of chips. Though maybe if someone lent you some chips and you lost all those, or you were playing for someone else and lost their money, then you could potentially be losing more money than you originally had, because you didn't take it out in the first place!
Also, Hey, LZ! What's up?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-28T01:02:21-04:00
So we solved it: you have to go in with a certain amount, lose most if not all of it, and also have a friend lend you some money, but lose all of that as well, making you not only broke, but also beholden, and thusly with a negative net winnings!
Of course, the friend might just say not to worry about it if you didn't lose too much, but before that, you're negative.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-28T09:08:40-04:00
Morning kittens.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-28T09:40:04-04:00
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-04-28T09:44:11-04:00
I don't why, but I read that with Mini Pearl's voice... ;)
So, I started playing a new game last night. And I must say...it's a freaking MASSIVE playing area. I haven't explored 1/4 of the province that you start in(it's set in Bolivia), and there are multiple(10+) provinces. I played for about 2hours last night...and flew a helicopter to get places faster.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-28T15:39:09-04:00
Wow, what game is this? Makes me think of a few open world games I like, but none are set in Bolivia. Unless you do mean Just Cause 3 or something, but that's "Medici".
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-04-28T17:42:51-04:00
Oh yeah, I've heard of it, but never played it. Never knew it was that big of a map!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-01T08:12:03-04:00
Morning, kittens.
I was going to sleep at like 9 or 10 to wake up at 5 for my final at 9am... but I couldn't sleep until like 2:30 and woke up at 6:30. This should be interesting.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-05-01T09:09:57-04:00
Morning kittens.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-05-01T09:10:22-04:00
@Zem, good luck! Not that you need it, you got this!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-01T13:32:37-04:00
Well that was... an experience. One down, 2 and a normal exam to go. Thankfully, that was by far the hardest one. Most fortunately, my last one, on wednesday, is the easiest, so I get to end the semester without trying too hard or worrying too much!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-01T13:34:24-04:00
So what's new with everyone here? Any news from the lost kittens? Should we send a search and rescue party? (keep in mind, no party is complete without cake and booze. The booze may also help lure Geist out of the hiding places in the walls)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-01T22:05:21-04:00
Well... must've been a busy day here.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-02T02:35:48-04:00
Great, I accidentally deleted the bookmark of where I was in Whose Line is it Anyway? and have no clue what episode I was on except that it was somewhere towards the middle! There's only one way to recover deleted bookmarks on Chrome, and it didn't work, and now I have to just hope I can remember what I have and haven't seen until I can triangulate that episode!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-05-02T09:14:02-04:00
Morning kittens.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-05-02T09:34:38-04:00
@Zem, not much to report here. Went to the Calgary Expo and Comicon on the weekend, got a couple of sweet prints, a butterfly knife style bottle opener, a copy of Jim Henson's the Labyrinth boardgame, and some sweet custome Jack and Sally (Nightmare Before Christmas) oven mits. Other than that just maintaining as best I can, and counting down the day (18) till I can get out of this place! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-02T16:36:26-04:00
Haha, I know that feeling, 3 days for me. Also, I have a butterfly bottle opener! It's super cool and I love it! Though the screws it hinges on come loose easily, and I think I've tightened them enough times that now they have a hard time staying right for any amount of time. Still works, though, and I love showing it off.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-05-02T16:44:32-04:00
@Zem, that was my thoughts, showing it off at halloween! ;) People are always asking for a bottle opener, and I'll just whip it out, all flashy and such. Hopefully freak some people out at the same time! ;) I used to have a knife vesion ages ago, but I gave it away, they are totally sick bird in Canada, same with switch blades.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-02T17:00:04-04:00
Between that one, the one that launches the cap when you open it (see link to see what I mean), and one that looks like a cat's paw, I have some good bottle openers for showing off!
@Zem, that one is cool for sure! lol! Just not at my house... ;) I've got one that looks like a skeletal hand and one that looks like a zombie hand that are pretty cool too.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-05-03T09:12:13-04:00
Morning kittens.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-03T14:55:48-04:00
Afternoon, BaKhan. Everyone else only earns their greeting if they check in today.*
*Limited time offer. Restrictions may apply. Cannot be used with other special offers. Many will enter; few will win.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-05-03T15:03:31-04:00
@Zem, kittens in thunderdome? One kitten enters, one kitten leaves... ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-03T15:59:21-04:00
Oh hey, did we pass 110,000 comments recently? Dang, we missed it!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-05-03T16:19:11-04:00
IIRC, I was that one that got it, no love though.... :( ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-03T17:15:36-04:00
Man, not even GM. He only poked in once this week, and he's the only one to have done so!
And holy cow, where's Geist been? I scrolled back to April 12 and didn't see her at all!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-05-04T09:12:34-04:00
Morning kittens.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-05-04T09:14:05-04:00
@Zem, such is life my friend. Times change, people move on, life happens. I hope that where ever the kittens have gone, they are happy, and doing well. Thats my wish anyways! Cheers kittens! Where ever you are!
I've been lurking lately. Still here...just dealing with work.
"Diamond Dan" Drake 2017-05-04T11:21:49-04:00
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-04T13:00:33-04:00
Hello kittens. Sorry I haven't been on. Been dealing with some major stuff. Will find out next week what is going on. If it's good, then I'll be on here a little more.
Geist de la Muerte Gatito 2017-05-04T13:00:45-04:00
Hello DDD. How's it been with you?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-05-04T14:37:33-04:00
@DDD, good to see you!
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-05-04T14:38:35-04:00
@Geist, hope you're doing okay! I get nervous when you're quiet for too long! If anything is up, that I can help with, but you don't want to say anything here... you've got my email! Miss you!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-04T16:11:26-04:00
Wow, today is eventful! I begin moving out, May the Forth be with you day, my mom's birthday, a BvB shipping update, and best of all...
Geist! Good to see you! We've missed you for like a full month! How've you been?
Hey, DDD! Long time no see! How're things?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-04T16:13:47-04:00
Man, all that and I just woke up at 2:30!!! Most eventful 40 minutes of the year for me so far!
(I woke up so late because of a pseudo-all-nighter, played skyrim for nearly 7 hours straight last night to 6 am, slept a little, slept some more, and finally, was yet too tired and topped it all off with another little bit of sleep.) ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-04T16:40:53-04:00
Oh, wow, while I was typing that! What a coincidence! Haha, just saw the update in my email and checked in on the campaign!
Haha, honestly, I'd be fine with either! Weird. Maybe my name, or just my name and nickname like my kickstarter title. Yeah, you know what, just section off the top 1/3 of the wall in the store area in the back, like above you behind the counter, and in gold plated words about 3-4 feet high, put "Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson!!!" Perfect! ;)
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-05T10:05:07-04:00
Hola. Well, time to get moved out. I say that as if I'm just starting, but I really didn't sleep, and have been back at it since 6:30.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-05-05T10:17:57-04:00
@Zem, you must be looking forward to getting home! Detasseling this year?
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-05T15:09:43-04:00
Back to the summer home. Formerly the ancestral home. Meaning 2 generations, mine and my parents, but that counts, right?
Yup, BaKhan, don't remind me! ;) The money from that is really good, though. But that's not till July.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-05T23:08:11-04:00
Hey, Idle donated on Creeper's Gofundme! Good to know she's still lurking.
Happy Weekend! I know no one is here right now...but had such a good day! Currently sitting in the backyard barbecuing... and yes.. still in new york. Took myself on a long walk to a different island, there was a festival going on. Music, performances, etc. Then found a little beach to sit on for awhile. Really great day!
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-08T15:02:08-04:00
I feel like we need a new greeting. This one doesn't leave much open in the way of conversation, and sometimes no conversation happens that day. Maybe instead we should say good morning by spilling our innermost philosophical thoughts.
On second thought, Afternoon kittens.
Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson 2017-05-08T23:37:34-04:00
See what I mean about the conversation?
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-05-09T09:06:02-04:00
Well hi howdy kittens! ;)
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-05-09T09:06:27-04:00
@Zem, I saw your message yesterday, but got busy with customers... go figure right? ;)
@Zem: I normally don't say anything unless I have something to add, which in this case refers to you saying that there is almost no conversation.
Rod "BaKhan" Mitchell 2017-05-09T11:03:11-04:00
@GM, has your status for you DS pledge changed? Mine switched to partially shipped yesterday! Fingers crossed for this weekend! (I know I probably shouldn't be but, hype!)
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens.
Heehee, it's even more regular today since there's a comment every 2 hours!
What's up with everyone who hasn't checked in recently? Maybe everyone has and I'm being paranoid or something, but it feels like we've been short a person or two.
I agree. It seems like Geist hasn't been here in a really long time.
Last we've seen of Geist, she said that she had the worst week ever, and would get back to us when things got better. I hope she's doing ok. I'll probably email her, if we don't hear back sooner. Anybody have her on FB?
Yes! Done with all my official homework of the semester! Now all that's left is a couple things this week and 3 impending dooms next week. (finals)
No, I don't, but it does seem a bit quiet without her. Hope the worst week ever didn't carry over.
Morning kittens.
@Zem, best of luck with your finals!
Morning kittens.
@GM, good morning sir! Are you going to Comicon this weekend?
@BaKhan: Not sure, don't really have any plans for it at the moment.
@GM, well if you don't have tickets already, I guess thats a nope. Its sold out. I'm going on Saturday, but my wife is in for all 4 days, mostly as an excuse to wear costumes... ;)
@BaKhan: Guess I'll be staying home and prepping what I can for my house sitting.
@GM, fair enough, I just thought that if you were going, and wanted to tag along with my group, you would have been more than welcome. ;)
@BaKhan: I actually haven't been to one in a few years. Maybe next year I will go, not sure yet.
I think I'd be more into it if they had more stuff on games. Comics are cool and all, but nothing that I collect. If they had game demos and sales going on, I'd be into it big time. Guess I'm lucky then? ;)
I usually go to see if there are any collectables that I want(and can afford), and to see what's new. Not to mention all the hand made costumes too.
Apparently my WestJet confirmation number was selected to win a free 5-star resort stay....yet I haven't booked anything with WestJet...ever(someone else in the group has always handled that due to their points card/air miles/whatever). Love those automated phone calls, that I just hand up on.
...And now Telus has called me with the SAME offer, word for word. Different phone number.
lol! Yeah, I used to get a lot of those. I joked to my wife once (didn't go over well), that I would have to quit my job and take up cruising full time, so she would have to keep working to support my new cruise lifestyle... ;)
@BaKhan: Yeah...I can't really see that type of thing going over well. Hell, when we had a family reunion during the Stampede in 2009, I went to the casino there with my mom's half-sister(we had met her that same year for the VERY first time), my grandma, and one of my uncles. Joked I lost $600 there, she started to flip out, until she saw my uncle laugh. I was actually up almost $600, off of 20.
Wow, that would have been amazing to lose $600 from just $20!
BaKhan, I thought you were going to say you once joked that you were going to have to take up answering spam calls full-time!
If it's not a number I know, I just don't answer. I think it worked, too! I haven't gotten a spam call in... huh, I was just going to say weeks, but I just checked, and it's apparently been just 5 days. I guess leaving my phone in my dorm was a good idea! It auto-doesn't-answer for me now! ;)
@Zem: That's the thing, she didn't know how much money I went in there with. And with there being ATMs all over the place, it's 100% feasible to do so.
Now i want to devise a way to lose more money than you entered with somehow. I don't know how it'd be possible, but I'm going to find a way, no matter the cost!
Now i want to devise a way to lose more money than you entered with somehow. I don't know how it'd be possible, but I'm going to find a way, no matter the cost!
Wh... okay, Kickstarter just acted weird, took forever to load, I stopped it from doing whatever it was trying to, and came back to a double post. Okay.
@Zem, easy, win some, lose it all, that way you lost your winnings plus your initial money. Hence lost more than you brought in. Actually, I think that the majority of gambling goes that way. Oh look, I've won some money, time to double down! or not... ;)
No, I mean negative net winnings, actually losing money somehow over the entire night. It's gotta be possible!
Morning kittens.
@Zem, ok, how about playing poker. You've got a really good hand, you go all in. The shady mobster type guy raises your all in. You have to borrow money to stay in the game from said shady mobster type guy. He extends you "credit" at a "reasonable" rate of interest, and beats your really good hand with a better hand. You've now lost everything you started with, plus the loan, plus the intrest. How now?
Morning kittens.
You can't raise an all-in, and if you did, the other person by definition has gone all in. The only way you could ever do that is with shady mobster type guys who currently have a gun to your head, and in that case, they probably have someone watching your cards, and even if you win, they're going to beat you and take all your money anyways.
I just mean in a casino somehow having a net loss.
Dangit, I keep forgetting it's thursday. It really feels like a friday!
Net loss at a casino is possible, as long as there's an ATM or they take your credit card information and let you keep getting chips/tokens, what have you.
No, because an ATM counts as adding to your starting, since you're just taking out more of a base level of chips. Though maybe if someone lent you some chips and you lost all those, or you were playing for someone else and lost their money, then you could potentially be losing more money than you originally had, because you didn't take it out in the first place!
Also, Hey, LZ! What's up?
So we solved it: you have to go in with a certain amount, lose most if not all of it, and also have a friend lend you some money, but lose all of that as well, making you not only broke, but also beholden, and thusly with a negative net winnings!
Of course, the friend might just say not to worry about it if you didn't lose too much, but before that, you're negative.
Morning kittens.
I don't why, but I read that with Mini Pearl's voice... ;)
Morning kittens.
So, I started playing a new game last night. And I must say...it's a freaking MASSIVE playing area. I haven't explored 1/4 of the province that you start in(it's set in Bolivia), and there are multiple(10+) provinces. I played for about 2hours last night...and flew a helicopter to get places faster.
Wow, what game is this? Makes me think of a few open world games I like, but none are set in Bolivia. Unless you do mean Just Cause 3 or something, but that's "Medici".
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands.
Oh yeah, I've heard of it, but never played it. Never knew it was that big of a map!
Morning, kittens.
I was going to sleep at like 9 or 10 to wake up at 5 for my final at 9am... but I couldn't sleep until like 2:30 and woke up at 6:30. This should be interesting.
Morning kittens.
@Zem, good luck! Not that you need it, you got this!
Morning kittens.
Well that was... an experience. One down, 2 and a normal exam to go. Thankfully, that was by far the hardest one. Most fortunately, my last one, on wednesday, is the easiest, so I get to end the semester without trying too hard or worrying too much!
So what's new with everyone here? Any news from the lost kittens? Should we send a search and rescue party? (keep in mind, no party is complete without cake and booze. The booze may also help lure Geist out of the hiding places in the walls)
Well... must've been a busy day here.
Great, I accidentally deleted the bookmark of where I was in Whose Line is it Anyway? and have no clue what episode I was on except that it was somewhere towards the middle! There's only one way to recover deleted bookmarks on Chrome, and it didn't work, and now I have to just hope I can remember what I have and haven't seen until I can triangulate that episode!
Morning kittens.
@Zem, not much to report here. Went to the Calgary Expo and Comicon on the weekend, got a couple of sweet prints, a butterfly knife style bottle opener, a copy of Jim Henson's the Labyrinth boardgame, and some sweet custome Jack and Sally (Nightmare Before Christmas) oven mits. Other than that just maintaining as best I can, and counting down the day (18) till I can get out of this place! ;)
Haha, I know that feeling, 3 days for me. Also, I have a butterfly bottle opener! It's super cool and I love it! Though the screws it hinges on come loose easily, and I think I've tightened them enough times that now they have a hard time staying right for any amount of time. Still works, though, and I love showing it off.
@Zem, that was my thoughts, showing it off at halloween! ;) People are always asking for a bottle opener, and I'll just whip it out, all flashy and such. Hopefully freak some people out at the same time! ;) I used to have a knife vesion ages ago, but I gave it away, they are totally sick bird in Canada, same with switch blades.
Between that one, the one that launches the cap when you open it (see link to see what I mean), and one that looks like a cat's paw, I have some good bottle openers for showing off!
@Zem, that one is cool for sure! lol! Just not at my house... ;) I've got one that looks like a skeletal hand and one that looks like a zombie hand that are pretty cool too.
Morning kittens.
Afternoon, BaKhan. Everyone else only earns their greeting if they check in today.*
*Limited time offer. Restrictions may apply. Cannot be used with other special offers. Many will enter; few will win.
@Zem, kittens in thunderdome? One kitten enters, one kitten leaves... ;)
Oh hey, did we pass 110,000 comments recently? Dang, we missed it!
IIRC, I was that one that got it, no love though.... :( ;)
Man, not even GM. He only poked in once this week, and he's the only one to have done so!
And holy cow, where's Geist been? I scrolled back to April 12 and didn't see her at all!
Morning kittens.
@Zem, such is life my friend. Times change, people move on, life happens. I hope that where ever the kittens have gone, they are happy, and doing well. Thats my wish anyways! Cheers kittens! Where ever you are!
Hi kittens.
I've been lurking lately. Still here...just dealing with work.
Hello kittens. Sorry I haven't been on. Been dealing with some major stuff. Will find out next week what is going on. If it's good, then I'll be on here a little more.
Hello DDD. How's it been with you?
@DDD, good to see you!
@Geist, hope you're doing okay! I get nervous when you're quiet for too long! If anything is up, that I can help with, but you don't want to say anything here... you've got my email! Miss you!
Wow, today is eventful! I begin moving out, May the Forth be with you day, my mom's birthday, a BvB shipping update, and best of all...
Geist! Good to see you! We've missed you for like a full month! How've you been?
Hey, DDD! Long time no see! How're things?
Man, all that and I just woke up at 2:30!!! Most eventful 40 minutes of the year for me so far!
(I woke up so late because of a pseudo-all-nighter, played skyrim for nearly 7 hours straight last night to 6 am, slept a little, slept some more, and finally, was yet too tired and topped it all off with another little bit of sleep.) ;)
A quick meow hello!
Zem!! Your name will be somewhere in my bakery!!! :) Do you prefer Zem the Mattress? or your birth name? hahaha
@DDD!!! If you're still around- HELLO!!!!!!
Oh, and a new update from Creeper's gofundme too. Man, that thing's been trending for well over a month now continuously!
And HI everyone else!!!
Oh, wow, while I was typing that! What a coincidence! Haha, just saw the update in my email and checked in on the campaign!
Haha, honestly, I'd be fine with either! Weird. Maybe my name, or just my name and nickname like my kickstarter title. Yeah, you know what, just section off the top 1/3 of the wall in the store area in the back, like above you behind the counter, and in gold plated words about 3-4 feet high, put "Micah "Zem the Mattress" Philson!!!" Perfect! ;)
.....you might need to donate more money for that.......
ok!! gotta go bake!
Man, I wish they could pin a comment so people wouldn't keep asking identical questions in the BvB comments.
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens
Hola. Well, time to get moved out. I say that as if I'm just starting, but I really didn't sleep, and have been back at it since 6:30.
@Zem, you must be looking forward to getting home! Detasseling this year?
Back to the summer home. Formerly the ancestral home. Meaning 2 generations, mine and my parents, but that counts, right?
Yup, BaKhan, don't remind me! ;) The money from that is really good, though. But that's not till July.
Hey, Idle donated on Creeper's Gofundme! Good to know she's still lurking.
Happy Weekend! I know no one is here right now...but had such a good day! Currently sitting in the backyard barbecuing... and yes.. still in new york. Took myself on a long walk to a different island, there was a festival going on. Music, performances, etc. Then found a little beach to sit on for awhile. Really great day!
@Zem - she's actually my friend on facebook now, so i think that's how she saw it! I mainly just look at all the pictures of her beautiful cat! :)
I'm still here, I'm always checking in here at least a couple times per day even on weekends if I'm around my computer. Sounds awesome, though!
Oh no, the gofundme stopped trending! Man, it was trending for what, like a month and a half?! Man, Creeper, you sure know how to run a campaign! ;)
Morning kittens.
Morning kittens
I feel like we need a new greeting. This one doesn't leave much open in the way of conversation, and sometimes no conversation happens that day. Maybe instead we should say good morning by spilling our innermost philosophical thoughts.
On second thought, Afternoon kittens.
See what I mean about the conversation?
Well hi howdy kittens! ;)
@Zem, I saw your message yesterday, but got busy with customers... go figure right? ;)
Morning kittens.
@Zem: I normally don't say anything unless I have something to add, which in this case refers to you saying that there is almost no conversation.
@GM, has your status for you DS pledge changed? Mine switched to partially shipped yesterday! Fingers crossed for this weekend! (I know I probably shouldn't be but, hype!)